[yoosung kim] no need for potions, yoosung ♡

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yoosung kim x reader oneshot i made for my babeh Steampowered_Dragon some time back... I think this was back in september o.O this is soooo last year --- //slapped

welps, anyway, here goes. make sure you leave feedback if you like it, any kind of feedback is very welcome ^^

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

No need for potions, Yoosung. ♡

If you only liked chemistry classes in high school, you had now found a reason to love it after coming to college.

Leaving aside the fact that you had an outgoing and fun teacher for the subject, you had found yourself developing a teensy crush on the boy who you were assigned to as lab partners.

Yoosung Kim was a precious little ball of sunshine that you wanted to protect at all costs, and you can't even remember when you started crushing on him.

Having the 'baby-face' meant that he got mocked and bullied a lot by some older looking classmates, and he would frown and bury his face in his hands for the rest of the class, feeling depressed.

Well, you'd punch those losers if you weren't a chicken yourself.

"Don't worry, Yoosung. They're just jerks." You have nothing else to say, and he would lift his head a little, a bright violet eye glittering under the ceiling lights.

"Haha. I know. Thanks, [Name]. I think I'm less lonely these days because of you." He'd say with a smile.

And he would have no clue just how happy words like that means to you.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

'Look, I dripped coffee!'

You see a text notification before Biology class and smile at the picture Yoosung had sent you.

'That looks so good!' You reply and receive another notification within seconds.

'Then, I'll make one for you! I'll show you how to drip it, it's really fun!'

There is an excited emoji attached to the end of his text, which makes your smile grow wider.

Gosh, why was he being so adorable? Your heart could barely take it.

The fact that he was so keen on sending you updates about classes made you feel a little giddy on the inside, and you slowly put your phone in your bag before heading to class.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Zen, Seven, this is my special friend, [Name]!" Yoosung announces, and you give a little wave to his two RFA friends.

Yoosung had invited you as his guest for the party, and you had spent sleepless nights, wondering what you should wear for the party.

In the end, he called you 'cute' the second he saw you, and you tried to hide the smile creeping on your face when he took your hand and dragged you to meet his close friends.

"Special friend? Is that what youngsters refer to their girlfriend as?" Zen wants to know.

Seven gasps dramatically, raising a hand to emphasize his gesture.

"Aw, Yoosung asked [Name] out. Lololol."

"I didn't!" Yoosung cries, his cheeks flushing pink. You feel your heart drop but Yoosung has more to say,

Not exactly more, but...


Zen, Seven, and you stare at the blond in shock as he runs off to the drink counter. The two exchange glances and gives you a smirk before they wish you all the best and leaves.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask... What did you mean, at the party? When you said you hadn't asked me out... Yet?" You poke your friend, and he swats you away, too busy to reply. You roll your eyes at the game LOLOL that he was playing, and the volume is so loud that you can hear it even though he was wearing headphones.

"Damn, I lost!" He whines after a few minutes, and you take the headphones off from him.

"Yoosung, now tell me."

"What were you saying, [Name]?" He asks, giving you his full attention and leaning closer.


"What, you've been bugging me about something but now you can't talk? Are you embarrassed? You're funny, [Name]!" He teases, and you can feel your blush growing deeper.

Good thing he didn't hear you earlier, you couldn't even imagine what would happen to you if he did.

So much for being a brave girl starting from college.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"I can't believe you asked to come over, only to bring me this." You cry, when Yoosung opens the lunch box he brought.

There was an omelet rice dish with sauce over it, and if you had one word to describe it, you would call it a disaster.

"Hey, it's the thought that counts! I made it for you, while thinking of you, so it must taste alright." He whines.

Gulping, you both sit at the table and eat the rice.

And Yoosung was right, although it looked terrible, it tasted really, really good.

"So, are you going to be the housewifey type of guy, Yoosung?"

"That sounds fun." He laughs, stabbing an innocent piece of omelet that remained on his almost-empty plate. "But I was thinking it would be better if we both shared the work. You know?"

And before you can digest what he said, he stands up and goes to the kitchen to clear the plates.

"Hey, don't walk off after saying things like that!" You yell, and you can hear the boy laughing to himself.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Well, it looks like [Name] took over for the most part of the experiment, eh?" Your professor asks, examining the small conical flask in Yoosung's hand.

"That's mean! I did half the work too, right, [Name]?" The blond pouts, making your teacher chuckle in reply.

"Alright then. Fill out these worksheets while the others finish their experiments. You can use the leftover chemicals to repeat the experiment if you like, just don't overdo anything. And I mean you, Yoosung."

"He's so mean!" Yoosung puffs his cheeks, and you laugh, unable to take in how cute the boy looked. He watches you fill out the blanks in the worksheet in ease, and adjusts the hairpins in his hair.

"Professor said we can play with these chemicals. I'm going to make a special potion!"

"You're going to create another disaster." You reply bluntly, but the grin on Yoosung's face does not waver.

"Hey, ask me what kind of potion I'm going to make!"

"I don't wanna know."

"[Name], pleeeeease." He begs, and you sigh, looking up from your almost-completed worksheet.

"What kind of a potion are you making, Yoosung?"

Yoosung puts on a smirk before he responds.

"A love potion."

"A what."

"A love potion." He repeats as if he thought you were deaf.

"I CAN hear. But what."

Yoosung adds some more of the liquids in the test tubes, a big grin plastered on his face.

"And after I'm done with this love potion, I'm going to give it to you and stand in front of you so that you will fall in love with me."

You almost drop your stationary to the floor, but the boy is too busy stirring the contents with a glass rod.

"Yoosung, you need to quit saying stuff like that, you know."

"Only being honest."

You don't have time to respond to that, because your professor pulls Yoosung away from his station for doing unnecessary activities, and makes him stand in front of the class.

Well then.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Am I late?" Yoosung asks, catching his breath.

You shake your head and watch the boy groan.

"Zen told me to show up five minutes before you so that I can look cool and say 'Nah, I just got here', when you show up after me and worry if you kept me waiting." He blurts out, making you burst out laughing.

"And you ask yourself why you'd never get a girlfriend." You tease, and the boy scrunches his eyes at you.

"But I have you, so that's all I need."

"I swear if you say something like that again, I am le-" Your sentence is interrupted when he grabs your hand, pulling you into the movie theater.

Yoosung always got the say.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Aw man, that's the third date we've been on, and I can't believe none of those movies made you scared enough to want to hug me." Yoosung cries out, and you sigh. You were slowly starting to get used to his occasional flirts with you, but it was times like this when you wanted a proper confirmation from him.

"This isn't a date." You say, and he shakes his head.

"Is too. Wait, I can hug you even if it isn't about a movie, right?"

"You can't. We have to be dating for that." You advise, the two of you nearing your dorm room.

"But we aaaaaaare." He whines, tugging at your shirt like a little kid.

"You've never asked me out, did you? I don't even know what you feel about me, and you don't know if I like you back."

Yoosung immediately lets go of your shirt and takes a step back.

"I... I never thought that you wouldn't..." He gulps and takes another step back.

"Hey, if you want a proper confession, wait for a while, okay? I'll think of something cool and manly!" He pumps his fist in the air and walks out, mumbling something to himself as he does.

At the end of the day, he'd always leave you too flustered to speak.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

"Zen didn't even help me with this!" Yoosung cries out three days later.

"Yoosung, I'm really sleepy, why are you waking me up at 3 am for nothing?" You rub your eyes in frustration.

The blonde sighs and takes your hand, pulling you outside the dorm room with a single pull.

"Aw, you're wearing bunny prints. So cute haha." He laughs, pointing at your pajamas.

Your cheeks tint red and you wriggle your hand away and try to get back inside.

He was making you too embarrassed now, and it was not even fair.

"Yo, [Name], go out with me." He says in a gruff voice, and you stare at him with wide eyes.


"I tried to sound like Zen. Okay, that sounded dumb." He says, and it doesn't take two seconds for him to burst into laughter.

"Oh gosh, it's just... I really want to do something really cool and make you happy, but I have no idea. I asked the others and they suggested cringeworthy things so I don't know what to do. But I just want you to know something, and I think you already know. But anyway, here you go."

He wraps both his hands around your shoulders and pulls you into a tight hug.

"I love you, [Name]. A lot. A little more than LOLOL."

"That's probably the coolest thing coming from you." You comment, smiling to yourself. "I love you too, Yoosung."

As soon as you say that, he pulls away, bright purple eyes wider than you had ever seen the before.

"That... Say that again."

"No, you're being cringey now."

"I can't help it!" He puts his hands on his cheeks and closes his eyes.

"Hearing you say that really made me happy. No wonder everyone says that to each other all the time!"

You can't help but smile while patting his hair. He opens his eyes and wraps his arms around you once again.

"I love you. Let me cuddle you more, [Name]. Let me-"

The two of you hear the door opening from somewhere, and you break away, stepping inside your room a soon as you could.

"Oh gosh, if someone sees me, that would make me look like a pervert!" He cries from the door you had cracked slightly open.

"I'm going to run to my room, and I want to talk to you all night. Keep your messenger on, okay?" He whispers before he runs off.

You don't even need to ask, Yoosung.

✨🎶✨ 🎶 ✨

a/n; i am lowkey cringing as i read this bc this is so lame omg een wyd

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