23.Iski toh!!!!

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Avni's POV

Niel bid us farewell with his warm smile, and I must admit, he's not as bad as I initially thought. I mean, which businessman is so humble and nice? Maybe he's just acting? Haan, Avni, that's it. He's probably just putting on a show. After all, rich people are often so aloof. Remember how you first met him? Miss Stupid... Ugh, forget it. It's not like he'll be around every day. It's just the usual hellos and goodbyes.

I snapped out of my thoughts when my mom tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up to see her folding her arms and raising an eyebrow. What now?

"What?" I asked, puzzled.

"So, you know him, but you don't?" she asked, her tone dripping with curiosity.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I don't understand."

"Don't play dumb, dear."

I gave her an indifferent look. "Okay, fine. You know I went to Niel's party, so I must have met him. And now he shows up here with a different name, and you're questioning it?"

"Why did he come here suddenly?" Mom's question echoed my own confusion. "I don't know. But that's why I called him Zain," I explained, recounting everything from the beginning: our argument at first meeting, calling him a servant in his own house, his unexpected entry into my college as a dance teacher, the dance competition, Ali's plan, and everything else. I had nothing to hide from Mom. After all, I hadn't done anything wrong, right?

As soon as I finished, I noticed Mom's straight face. I was perplexed at her silence after my dramatic story. I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to speak.

Suddenly, she burst into laughter, which lasted for a solid 20 minutes. The room was filled with her laughter, and my attempts to look upset only made her laugh harder. "Avni, a servant? And that whole thing... oh my God, Miss Avni is Miss Stupid. Unbelievable, no one could ever call you stupid... Haina, Miss Stupid?" she said, laughing so hard she had to hold her stomach.

Well, this was my payback for her laughter at me. I am Avni Pareikh, and I don't take things lying down. Now I need to figure out how to deal with Mr. Niel Khanna and Ali.

Mom and I had dinner together, filled with irritating moments for me but laughter for Mom. Afterward, I went to my room, took out my cherished "Princess Diary" (you might remember it from "What The Chocolates!!!"), and caressed my sketch. An idea popped into my head, and I wrote a poem in my "Poemary" (a blend of poem and diary).

Noticing that my phone was on silent, I saw a missed call from an unknown number. After checking Truecaller, I discovered it was Mr. Niel. I felt a surge of anger but managed to stay calm and called him back.

"Hello, Avni. How are you? Did I disturb you?" he asked nervously.

"Yes, you did, Mr. Khanna," I replied, my voice dripping with sweetness that might give him a sugar rush.

"I actually... I..." he stammered.

"Spit it out, Niel."

"I wanted to invite you to Café Coffee Day tomorrow morning at 9, if possible."

Why would I go? And why does he want to meet? Wait, this could be a good opportunity.

"Okay, Niel. I don't have a problem with that, but could you tell me why?"

"It's a treat to celebrate the beginning of our friendship," he explained.

"Alright, I'll be there. Good night." I ended the call and started chatting with my panda.

Niel's POV

As Avni said goodnight and was about to hang up, I heard her voice again.

"Panda, this Mr. Khadoos, I'm going to prank him tomorrow. Just wait and watch, Mr. Idiot. I won't leave Ali after this; I'll deal with him properly."

So, that's the reason for her overly sweet tone. I was confused earlier, but now that I know her true intentions, I'm ready. Let's see what she has in store.

I heard her continue, "Well, anyway, I've written a poem. Listen to this."

Aww, my baby can write poetry too. Let's see what she's come up with.

Miss Author: Hey, it's not your baby—it's me, Miss Seem, the author.

Whatever. I don't care about that; I just want to see what my Avu baby has written.

Miss Author: Okay, just wait. Avu's going to give you a tough time tomorrow. I promise it'll be quite an experience.

Ha ha, I'll look forward to it. Don't disturb me.

Miss Author: Good. Now, focus on her poem.

So, here's the poem titled "My Dear Ice Cream":

In Reverie of Ice Cream

In twilight's hush, where shadows fall,
A whisper soft, a sweet recall—
To childhood's treat, both pure and grand,
Ice cream, I trace with longing hand.

Beneath the chill of porcelain sheen,
Your essence lingers, serene,
In myriad forms, your flavors dance,
Each taste a fleeting, fleeting trance.

Velvet vanilla, rich and smooth,
On summer nights, your grace soothes.
Strawberry swirls, a tender kiss,
Remind me of forgotten bliss.

In your delicate embrace I find,
A balm for worries, peace of mind.
The sweetness of each fleeting bite,
Transforms the darkened depths to light.

Oh, ice cream, in your timeless art,
You cradle both the soul and heart.
In moments fleeting, so divine,
Your echoes linger, ever mine.

So let us savor, slow and deep,
The memories you softly keep.
For in your guise, both rich and rare,
A simple joy beyond compare.


I remained stunned, Wow! She can write, woah! 

Miss Author: Thank you, thank you.

I didn't say that.

Miss Author: But I wrote it, didn't I? sad pout

Even so, Avu is the best.

Miss Author: Mom (fake crying), no one appreciates me here. Oh God, where is the world headed?


Hey guys! That's it for today's update.

How did you find the chapter? And the poem?

Do let me know because if you don't, how will I know about my writing, right?

So, goodbye for now.

Love you all!

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