24.Only for You......

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Next Morning: The Day of Avni and Niel's Meet

Niel's POV

I woke up with a surge of excitement, having barely slept a wink. The thought of meeting Avni as a friend, and not as Zain, had kept me awake all night. Today felt special, and the anticipation had me practically buzzing.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyy!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, causing Kamla Aunty and Ramu Kaka to rush into my room. They stared at me with a mix of concern and bewilderment, especially as they found me standing on my bed with my arms raised like I'd just conquered the world.

I gave them a sheepish grin, trying to assure them that everything was fine. They probably thought I was mad—well, maybe I am, but only when it comes to Avni.

There was just one hitch: she thinks I'm a bad boy. Sad pout I'm not that bad, but I'll let it slide for now. Today, she's planning something, and I'm eager to see what it is.

I hurried into the bathroom, more like jumped, and freshened up. After several outfit changes, I finally settled on a white tee, paired with a denim jacket and black ripped jeans. I examined myself in the mirror—oh gosh, I looked like a lovesick teenager with my cheeks flushed at the mere thought of Avni.

With my hair gelled and sunglasses on, I dashed downstairs. I almost forgot my phone, but quickly grabbed it before heading out with a grin that wouldn't fade.


Niel pulled up at Café Coffee Day and was about to step out of the car when his phone buzzed. He paused, still in the car with one leg out, to check the notification. It read: "Message from Avii."

A smile spread across his face as he opened the message:

"Hii Niel, it's Avni. Is it possible for you to come to this place pleaseeeeeee?"

I grinned at her enthusiastic "please" and noticed the new location she sent. Below, she had added, "Sorry for changing the place at the last minute."

I thought, Aww, my baby, there's no problem where you are. I'd happily follow you anywhere. The idea made my cheeks flush even more. Why was I acting like a love-struck teenager?

I started the car and followed the new location Siri provided. When I arrived at an ice cream parlour, I chuckled. Of course, it had to be ice cream—her favorite.

Author: "You don't understand, do you? The bond between ice cream and Avni is something else. She loves it more than anything."

Niel: "Please, no more of your side comments. I'm running late. And by the way, happy birthday, Seem. May you always be as cheerful as you are. Just stay out of my way with Avni."

Author: pouting "How could you forget my birthday? You're the worst. I'm going to give you a punishment for this."

Niel: "Sorry. But I need to get going."

I entered the parlour, scanning the room for Avni. When I didn't see her, a waiter approached.

"May I help you, sir?"

I asked if there was a reservation under the names Avni Pareikh or Niel Khanna. The waiter, barely containing his giggles, replied, "There's no reservation under those names, but there is one under the name 'Panda.'"

I shot him a stern look—no one laughs at Avni's cuteness. He led me to a table near the window. I sat down, glanced at my watch, and still no sign of Avni.

Just as I began to feel nervous, I felt a familiar, soothing presence. I turned around and saw Avni standing there, looking as adorable as ever. Her hair fell softly around her face, and she had a genuine smile that made my heart skip a beat.

Before I could say anything, she pinched me, pulling me out of my daze.

"Ow! Why did you pinch me?" I asked, rubbing the spot where she'd pinched.

"I was trying to wake you up. You were lost in thought. And don't complain about the pinch—it wasn't that hard," she said, shrugging.

As she sat down, I couldn't help but smile at her constant chatter. She quickly informed me that she had already ordered, so there was no need for the menu. Then, with a playful command, she told me not to eat the ice cream until she got back from the washroom.

While she was gone, a tray of ice cream arrived. I was about to dig in when I heard Avni shout, "Stop!"

I turned to see her, puzzled by her sudden outburst. It seemed she was concerned I might eat the ice cream too soon. She looked at the assortment of flavors and chose her favorite, while I couldn't help but wonder why she was being so sweet—something felt off.

I began digging into the Icecream, as I tasted the first spoonful I knew what was off...smilingly I ate it silently ready to bear the punishment for my lie. 

After I was halfway done with the container I felt her arm stopping me mid way.

She took a spoonful. Her eyes widened in shock, and I could see she was struggling. When she choked, I quickly moved to her side, rubbing her back and offering water.

"Avni, are you alright?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

She managed to calm down after a few moments and, through her coughs, asked, "How can you eat that ice cream? It had salt, black pepper, soy sauce, mint, and chili!"

I smiled softly, touched by her effort to prank me. "I ate it just for you."

Her eyes widened, and for a moment, I could see the depth of her feelings mirrored in her gaze. It made my heart race.

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