15. Heartstrings

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Love u loadsssssssss 😘😘😘😘😘

(So many 's', I think I've officially become a snake 🐍 ) 😆

Anyways, Onwards!!!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 15 - Heartstrings

#Next day#

"Kriti! Kriti wait! Kritiii!" Kriti turned around to find Bulbul running towards her, with Pragya following behind.

"Hey Bulbul. What's up?" Kriti greeted her with a smile once Bulbul reached her.

"I'm fine. But what is wrong with you?" Bulbul asked.

"Me? I'm fine! What would be wrong with me?"

"Kriti, don't you see how much you've changed? You're someone who likes to have fun more than anything! You skip classes, run away if anyone says homework and one who never stresses over things. But now, ever since you started to work with Karan, you've become a total science geek!"

"Eh? That's not true Bulbul. I still skip classes and have fun." she said playfully.

"Really now? Tell me the last time you hung out with us." spoke Pragya as she reached them.

"Well it was...um.." Kriti didn't excatly remember. She was so busy stressing over the entire issue with Shabbir and his father. Not to mention the fact that she, Vivek and Karan were also hiding the truth from Abhi. She wasn't worried about what would happen to her once Abhi found out. What worried her was the scenario that would break out if Abhi found out about Karan lying. He was Abhi's best friend and was hiding the truth for Abhi's sake. But if Abhi misunderstands him, they might lose their friendship-cum-brotherhood forever.

"It was a week ago Kriti, a week! I thought you were my best friend. But now you don't even spend time with me. I don't even see you in the college. All day, you're busy in the computer lab." Bulbul spoke with a disappointed face. She really missed Kriti's company. However, Kriti seemed to have no time for her.

"Its not that Bulbul. Its just that..."

"Just what?" Pragya asked with curiosity.

Kriti hesitated to tell the truth. If she tells Bulbul the truth, she feared that Pragya would come to know of it too. She would question her why she had been spying on them and maybe eventually tell Shabbir. As a result, any progress she and Karan had made in finding more about Shabbir would be a waste. And maybe Shabbir might go and accuse Abhi of being behind everything, which would expose Karan to Abhi.

"Its just the fact that Karan is really serious about winning this project and I'm fully dedicating myself to help him achieve it." spoke Kriti.

"Now he is more important to you than your best friend?" Bulbul pouted. 😣

"Awww...no way Bulbul. you'll always come first. Besides, you yourself are so busy running after Purab now-a-days, I feel ignored." Kriti spoke in irritation. 😒

"I guess I need to say sorry to you about that. I shouldn't have done that either." Bulbul admitted.

"Its okay Bulbul. I guess we just got so busy with our own work that we forgot to catch up with each other."

"Kriti, are you sure there isn't anything else that has you stressed?" aksed Pragya in concern.

"Yes di. I'm fine." Kriti lied.

Kriti hated lying to Bulbul and Pragya, but she could not betray Karan. If the same had happened before she got to work with Karan, she might have spilled out everything. However, Karan had become a good friend and like a brother to her now. She would never betray him. 'Besides, even if I don't tell Bulbul and Pragya di the truth, it won't cause any harm to them. So I guess it isn't a big deal.'

"Then lets go to the canteen and make up for the lost time. Shall we?" asked Bulbul, hopefully.

Kriti thought about it. It was true that she needed to help Karan, but she couldn't deny the fact that she indeed missed her best friend's company dearly. She decided to go with Bulbul. Karan could handle the work by himself for sometime.

"Awesome idea Bulbul!" Kriti lightly punched her in the arm.

"Ow! You'll never change will you?" 😑

"Do you want me to change?" 😮

"Never Kriti. I'm happy with how you are, no matter how much my arm has to suffer from your hits." joked Bulbul.

Pragya smiled at their friendship. She looked at the time "Oh shit! You both go. I need to get to the auditorium. Else, Shabbir would have my head. Bye!"


Pragya ran as fast as she could to the auditorium. She turned the corner and found an unlikely sight. Abhi was leaning against the entrance to the auditorium. 'Eh? What's he doing here?'

Abhi saw Pragya approach him. He pushed himself away from the door and straightened up. "Good morning Pragya."

"Good morning. Not to sound rude, but what are you doing here? You usually don't come here since this is kind of Shabbir's 'territory'." joked Pragya.

"True. But you see, I've developed a liking for music in these few days." Abhi lied smoothly. He couldn't tell her that he was there to keep an eye on her, and so he decided to make up that excuse.

"Oh. That's great! What made you change your view about music?"

Abhi shrugged "I don't know. Maybe it's just a phase. Or maybe..maybe someone sang so beautifully that I couldn't help but fall in love with her voice and music itself." he spoke, smiling at Pragya, while she flushed from his praise.

Abhi wanted to make the best of the time he would spend with Pragya. He accepted that he indeed liked her. But he wanted to know if she liked him back. Till now, she didn't give any sign of liking him, but she also didn't seem to be offended by his flirting.

'Abhishek Mehra isn't a quitter and I'm sure I can win her heart.' thought Abhi with determination.

"Um..I'm still not clear about why you are here Abhi."

"I came to hear you sing again. I can't forget that beautiful voice of yours. Would it be alright if I stay and watch you practice? If its not too much of a bother that is. I totally understand if you find it distracting." he tried to sound as depressing as possible, hoping that she would allow him to stay after seeing his miserable state.

"Its alright Abhi. I don't mind. But you see, the thing is... I'm practicing with
Shabbir. I don't think you both will be able to be civil to each other while we practice in the same room."

"You don't worry about that Pragya. I'm here to listen to you. I don't care if he's near or not. I'm sure I can pretend that he doesn't exist."

"Okay, I guess." 😅

With that, they both entered the auditorium.

Shabbir was checking the chords of his guitar when he heard the sound of footsteps. Without looking up, he spoke "Pragya, right on time. I hope you remember the ly-" he looked up and froze.

Hid face turned into one of anger when he saw Abhi there. "What's he doing here?!"

"He's here to listen to us practice." 😅

"Correction. Not 'us' Pragya, only you. I don't want to listen to his coarse voice." Abhi taunted.

"Get out. Get out now." Shabbir spoke in anger. Although Shabbir was being rough, he was a bit glad that his brother was taking a liking to music again. Abhi used to love listening to him or Aliyah sing, but that was before everything happened. 'But that doesn't mean I'll bear his insults to my singing.' 😣

"No. I'm here to listen to Pragya and I'll stay here whether you like it or not." he spoke with a smile, knowing it would piss off Shabbir.

Shabbir was about to speak, but Pragya interrupted "Shabbir, it's okay. He won't bother you. He will just sit and listen. I'm sure he won't ruin our practice. Right Abhi?"

Abhi nodded and sat down near Pragya.

"I still don't like him being here, but since we need to practice, I'm allowing him to stay. We don't have any time to waste."

Soon they began singing.

Abhi watched them practice with a smile. It was indeed beautiful to hear them sing in sync. It reminded him of when Aliyah and Shabbir used to sing together. He had always admired both of his siblings' singing skills and always looked forward to their performances. But Shabbir had ruined everything. 'I wish everything was like before. We could all be so happy then, won't we Shabbir? I wish you would just explain why you destroyed everything.'

Abhi shook his head of these thoughts and looked towards Pragya. She had her eyes closed and was singing with deepest concentration. 'I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching her sing. Her voice is like nectar. Anyone would fall in love with that voice.'

He closed his eyes and listened to them sing with utmost concentration.

If he would have opened them, he would have been able to see Pragya slowly open her eyes while singing, and look towards Shabbir. He would have seen Shabbir turn towards Pragya and smile at her. He would seen them continue singing without breaking eye-contact, gazing into each other's eyes with longing.

Slowly the song ended and Abhi clapped, looking at Pragya. At once, Shabbir broke his stare and looked down at his guitar.

"You were amazing Pragya. I think I fell in love with your voice again."

"Hahaha... You're overdoing it Abhi."

"No way Pragya. I'm only saying what I feel. Such a melodious voice of such a beauty deserves to be praised."

Pragya smiled, but inside, she was confused 'Is it me, or is he really being a bit weird?'

Shabbir was looking at Abhi with his eyes narrowed to slits. 'Is it me, or is Abhi openly flirting with Pragya? I bet he is doing it just to make her lose concentration so that she can't perform well, and thus ruin our performance. My performance!'

"What do think Abhi? Will we be able to impress your father and all the other judges?"

"I'm sure you'll do great Pragya. Although I don't know about that partner of yours."

"Are you saying that I can't sing well?" asked Shabbir in irritation. 'Brother or not, no one can insult my singing skills. I won't tolerate it!'

Shabbir looked pointedly at Abhi "Quit being jealous of me, computer geek. It's not my fault I ended up being the one with better genes."

"Me? Jealous of your trash singing? In your dreams Shabbir."

"Singing isn't as easy as your bookish computer gibberish."

Abhi looked at Shabbir open-mouthed 'How dare he say that?! Does he even know how much effort I have to put into each and every program that I make?! No one insults my skills.'

"You are the one who has it easy. The only thing you have to do is use your voice, and not your brain. I even doubt if you have one in the first place!"

"Chill Abhi, I don't blame you for being jealous. After all, its not your fault the only way you would be able to sing is like a frog." teased Shabbir.

"I guess its mostly because I'm inspired by you. I just love you're croaking voice." Abhi snarked back, determined not to lose the verbal fight.

Pragya looked on as the brothers kept fighting with each other verbally. She sighed in defeat. 'Wow. They are poles apart in attitude. Yet, when someone insults their talents, they are both the same. Now I can clearly see why they are twins. *sigh* 😥 I should have known it was a bad idea to bring Abhi here. Better try to do some damage control.'

"Hey, hey! Stop this. Both of you! You're acting like little children. Why mus-" however, she stopped speaking when both brothers glared at her.

"Don't interrupt Pragya. Can't you see we're busy?" spoke Shabbir.

"Tell me whatever you want later Pragya. I'm busy dealing with this baboon right now." Abhi spoke, turning to glare at Shabbir again.

"Whom did you call a baboon, you maggot?!" 😡

"Didn't you hear me? Old age is finally catching up to you big brother." 😏

"The fact that you're calling my singing trash, proves that its you who is in need of hearing-aids, little bro."

'Anddddd so they start again' Pragya's eye twitched in irritation looking at them. 'Fine! Keep arguing. I'm leaving!' thinking that, Pragya stormed out of there.

It was only sometime later that Abhi noticed her gone.

"I always have been better than you in everything. Pragya knows it, right Pragya?" He looked towards her seat, only to find her gone. 'Oh no! I wasn't supposed to leave her alone. Damn!'

Shabbir watched as his brother ran out of their abruptly. 'What the heck? I wasn't done arguing!' "Oi! Come back here! Only I can have the last word."

Suddenly his phone buzzed. "Hello, Maa. What is it?" he asked curiously.

#With Pragya#

Pragya walked towards the courtyard in anger. She heard Abhi call her from behind. "Pragya! Pragya wait!"

"Why should I? Go keep fighting with your brother!" she shouted back. She kept moving forward in anger.

Abhi caught up to her and held her wrist. "Hey, I'm sorry. Shabbir just gets on my nerves too easily. He knows which buttons to push to make me lose my cool."

"Whatever! What do you want?" Pragya asked, still sounding unforgiving. 😒

"Aww... you look really cute when you're angry." he joked.

"You want me to break your face?" 😑

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. Forgive me now?" 😅

Pragya kept glaring at him, but relented "Fine, fine. I'm forgiving you, since you're my good friend." 😔

Abhi smiled gratefully at her, although he wished she would start thinking of him as more than a friend.

He still had her wrist in his grip. Pragya was about to tell him to let go, when she saw Shabbir approach them.

"Pragya, we need to leave...now!" He held her wrist and tried to pull her, only to find that Abhi wouldn't let go of her other hand.

"Where are you taking her?" asked Abhi.

"None of your business. Now let go."

"She isn't going anywhere, right Pragya?" Abhi turned to her to look for confirmation. He looked hopeful that she won't leave.

"I said we need to go!" Shabbir looked at her irritated.

Pragya looked from one brother to another. She didn't know what to do. On one hand, there was Abhi, who has been her good friend since she came to the college. He has been nothing but only good to her and done so much for her. She didn't want to upset him.

On the other hand, there was Shabbir. The person she once hated through and through, but now was someone for whom she cared and didn't want to disappoint, even if she didn't exactly know why.

"I said she isn't going anywhere Shabbir. Now let go of her. Besides, she's only your duet partner. What other purpose do you have to take her from here?"

Shabbir tried to think of a way to convey the reason to Pragya without Abhi finding out. "Its because of ship." answered Shabbir.

Abhi and Pragya looked at him confused. 😕

"Ship? What do you mean ship?" Abhi asked him with irritation. However, Shabbir was busy looking at Pragya, as if asking her to understand the hidden meaning behind it.

'Ship? What does he mean ship? Am I to make him a ship or so-' suddenly, a thought struck Pragya. 'Ship? Does he actually mean 'chip'? But is lying so that Abhi doesn't find out. If its about the chip, then it must be something important.'

"Oh yes. Now I remember. Abhi please let go. I need to leave with him."

Abhi looked at her shocked, and Pragya could also see the hurt in those eyes 'I'm sorry Abhi, I hope you won't hate me for leaving with him. But I need to go. Maybe someday I can explain everything to you.'

Abhi nodded and let go. He watched as she went away with Shabbir.

As Shabbir reached his bike, Pragya began speaking "What about the chip? Tell me the truth."

"Maa called me a few minutes ago. She got some information that those men after the chip are heading for the college to look for me, Purab and you."

"Me and Purab? But it's you who has the chip."

"I know. But they saw you both with me and think you both were involved in hiding it. I've already texted Purab."

"Are you sure we would be able to come back on time for our performances? We have to perform before your father and the rest of the judges, remember?" spoke Purab, as he came near them in his bike.

"I don't know Purab. Maa called father, and he knows. I'm sure he will be able to cook up some excuse to tell the rest of the judges. Right now, our lives are more important then the performances. Lets go!" saying that, he started his bike, with Pragya riding behind. Purab followed close behind in his own bike.

#Auditorium, 2 hours later#

Everyone was gathered at the auditorium for the various performances. They all looked excited about it, except for Bulbul. Kriti stood beside her, trying to calm her down.

The judges had already finished checking all the science projects. Kriti was worried that she and Karan would have nothing to present. But Karan presented a mini A.I before the judges. He told them it was just a prototype, but was enough to impress them. When she asked him who helped him make it, he just relaxed in his chair and said -

"My better half helped me make it".

He meant his fiance. 'An expert himself and also has a fiance who is another genius. Should have expected that.'

Kriti was broken out of her thoughts by Bulbul. "Kriti, what now? We need to give our level best! But the two best performers are missing! Not to mention Purab is missing too!"

"Bulbul relax. Pragya Di, Shabbir and Purab will come. I'm sure they will get here on time."

"But what if they don't? What if they aren't here on time? What then?!"

Kriti thought for a moment "I'm pretty sure you're being paranoid. But if they fail to arrive, then it's all upto you and Aliyah." Bulbul looked at her wide eyed "I know it sounds like a great deal, but you and Aliyah are the only ones who are almost as good as Pragya and Shabbir in singing. If they aren't here, then you and she must give your best and prove to the judges that we are capable of bringing victory to our college."

Bulbul nodded "You're right. But I'm not singing together with Aliyah. We will sing solo on our own. No way am I singing with that hag!" 😣

Kriti chuckled "Fine fine. Should have expected that." 😁

Elsewhere, on the other side of the auditorium, Aliyah was in deep thought. She couldn't figure out why Shabbir, Purab and Pragya didn't show up yet.

"Hello Aliyah."

Aliyah didn't have to turn to know who it was was. Only one person had the power to piss her off with just their voice. "What do you want Tanu?"

Tanu looked at her pointedly "Don't give me that attitude Aliyah. I don't like talking to you either. But the situation is making me talk to you."

"Oh really? Do tell me what such a situation may be. Is the sky falling off or are fishes flying?" Aliyah asked, turning to Tanu with a sarcastic smile.

"I'm here to strike a deal with you. Something which would benefit us both. I know how badly you want her gone." Tanu stated, signaling towards Bulbul with her eyes. "I need her out of the way for my personal reasons. If you help me, I can do that. It will also keep her away from Purab." Tanu put forward her hand for Aliyah to shake.

This proposal caught the attention of Aliyah. 'Should I really trust her? But if she is really telling the truth and wants to keep away Bulbul, then maybe it would benefit me if I help. If it keeps Bulbul away from Purab, then I'm willing to help.'

Aliyah smirked and shook Tanu's hand "Enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"I'm glad. She won't trouble us anymore." spoke Tanu, with an evil smile and went away towards Nikhil.

For some reason, Aliyah didn't like that smile of hers. It unsettled her. 'She said she would keep Bulbul away. But that smile looks dangerous. She wouldn't do something drastic, would she? Sure I want Bulbul to stay away, but that doesn't mean I want to cause her serious harm.'

Aliyah quickly dismissed such thoughts 'Nah, its just Tanu being her dramatic self. Tanu wouldn't go to extreme lengths to harm Bulbul. After all, there is no way Bulbul could have pissed her off that much. She's probably planning to get her in some scam or something.'

"Good luck!" she heard someone say, breaking her from her thoughts.

"Oh. Its you again." she gave Sumit an irritated look.

"Yep. It's me again." He took out a chocolate and handed it to her. "For you. So that you sing more sweetly."

Aliyah tried to be angry at him, but she found his antics too innocent and cute. She rolled her eyes at him, but took the chocolate with a smile "Are you trying to impress me or something?"

"Depends. Is it working?" he asked with a wink.

Before she could answer, she saw his brother approach them. "We are here to watch Bulbul and Pragya. What the heck are you doing here? Lets go."

"Eh? You know them?" she asked curiously.

Sumit nodded "Yes. They are our cousins, almost sisters you could say. But that doesn't mean I don't want you to win. I want you to win as much as them. In fact-ow!" He exclaimed as Samay held him by the ear.

"Samay let go. Bhai! you're embarrassing me in front of a girl. Bhaiiiii!" Aliyah watched in amusement as his brother took him away by pulling his ear.

'So they are the relatives of the Arora sisters.' A thought struck her 'If Sumit finds out that I'm planning against Bulbul, would he stop talking to me and hate me?'

She didn't want that to happen. He irritated her to no end, but she actually had come to like his nagging. She shook her head to rid herself of these thoughts. 'Why am I worried about him hating me for it? Its not like he is someone important to me. It doesn't matter if he hates me or not. I don't care.'

But no matter what she tried to tell her heart, she knew she did care about it...deeply.

To be continued...

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