Chapter 26: Rage Attack

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(Black Adam and Soldier :76 were about to take Cassie away, But Denki and Zuko come in and attack the duo with all rage.)

Denki: Leave her alone!!

(Zuko pins Soldier: 76 and starts angrily beating him as his mask breaks.)


(Then Jacqui comes in)

Jacqui: Hey, what are you doing?

Zuko: Back off!!

Jacqui: Hey, what's wrong?

(Jacqui notices Zuko's distorted voice. Then Zuko initially sees Jacqui, but the vision is replaced by Azula.)

Zuko: Sister?

Jacqui: Who, Azula?

Denki: So Aang couldn't stop you, huh?

Jacqui: What are you talking about?

(From the duo's point-of-view, although it's Jacqui's voice they hear, they still see Azula and evidently put more trust on what they see than what they hear.)

Zuko: You won't get away with this!

(Then the duo starts attacking. Knowing they wouldn't listen to her, Jacqui holds her own against the duo. They combine fire with lightning, overwhelming Jacqui. As they approach her, Jacqui uses her bionic arms and punch their bellies before slamming them down. As the melee ends, Raiden appears in a flash of lightning.]

Raiden: Enough! Explain yourselves.

Jacqui: I dunno what happened. They just attacked me.

(Cassie gets up as the rage seems to have been quelled. The same goes to Denki and Zuko.)

Cassie: They must have seen you as an enemy... a threat...

Denki: Hard to explain, huh?

Zuko: My apologies, Jacqui.

Jacqui: It's alright. You guys seem to have snapped out of it.

Raiden: They were most likely influenced by the same forces that have affected Tarantula.

(Tarantula now steps into view.)

Cassie: (hugs him) Izuku, my love! I'm so glad to see you're okay!

Denki: What happened to you, man?

Tarantula: I was captured by the invaders. Fortunately, Raiden rescued me.

Raiden: He was being held aboard that vessel.

[Raiden points to the night sky. The UN Space Station is visible, like a bright star.]

Cassie: I came here to find you, Raiden. I was attacked by two warriors. They retreated to that space station.

Raiden: I do not know from where these invaders come or who leads them, but it is clear that Earthrealm faces a grave new challenge. Our world is merging with another. I can feel it...

Izuku: But Shao Kahn was destroyed! We stopped him from merging Earthrealm with Outworld!

Raiden: The Emperor may still live, and these new warriors may be his reinforcements.

Jacqui: Then let's do something about it! Cassie, let's get back to the base. We can mount a counter-attack from there.

(The Special Forces base. The young members are walking through it towards the techno-portal.)

Jacqui: When I got to the graveyard, you and Zuko were already gone. I did find some guy with a sword and a shield though. I had him med-evaced to the infirmary, then I followed your signal to Raiden's temple. You gotta stop running off like that, Cassie; we're a team.

Takeda: Jacqui is right. You can't take on the bad guys alone.

Cassie: I know...I'll work on it.

Jacqui: Takeda, get Cassie patched up. Meantime, I'll prep the portal for a jump to that space station. We'll take 'em by surprise.

Cassie: Sounds like a plan, but I have to warn you - the portal has been less than cooperative lately.

Jacqui: Nothing I can't handle.

(Cassie and Takeda walk off, leaving Jacqui alone at the portal controls. He begins working at them.)

Jacqui: She's right. Logs show the portal was having a hard time focusing. Probably a side-effect of the two universes merging. The ethereal matrix seems to be more stable now. Just a few adjustments and we should be back in business.

(Jacqui finishes typing at the console.)

Jacqui: There. That's more like it.

(A figure dressed in a white suit approaches Jacqui from behind.)

Ironwood: Impressive.

Jacqui: What the hell--

(Ironwood extends a hand in introduction.)

Ironwood: Allow me to introduce myself - James Ironwood. Perhaps you've heard of me, or a military I run in a city called Atlas.

Jacqui: This area requires top clearance, and I don't remember inviting you to the party.

(Ironwood walks past Jacqui and towards the techno-portal in admiration.)

Ironwood: My Ace Operatives at Atlas picked up a massive signal enminating from this space, indicating highly advanced technology. I'm the hands-on managerial type, so I came to see for myself. And I must say I am impressed. A teleportation device...maybe you and I should do business.

Jacqui: It's a portal...and as for doing business...

(The rage begins to effect Jacqui.)

Jacqui: ...Maybe it's time I gave you a demonstration of MY impressive technology!

(The rage also appears in Ironwood's eyes.)

Ironwood: I'd prefer a handshake, but if you insist...

(They fight. Jacqui's mechanical arms and her pound and ground fighting style manage to overwhelm Ironwood and the general of Atlas is soon knocked unconscious. The rage stops quickly, just as Takeda comes rushing into the fray.)

Takeda: What happened?

Jacqui: They found our base. Somehow he breached our defenses.

Takeda: Who's he?

Jacqui: Called himself James Ironwood. He runs some military. Acts like he's gonna take over the world.

Takeda: Looks like you put a stop to that.

Jacqui: Only one way to be sure - let's take out that space station.

(The UN Space Station. Jax teleports out of the techno-portal but finds Takeda isn't with him. He opens up communications on his forearm.)

Jacqui: Takeda. Takeda, do you copy?

Takeda: We've apparently been sent to different locations on the station. I think the portal still needs some work.

Jacqui: We'll need to regroup. Stay where you are. I'll try to--

(Something off-screen catches Jacqui's attention)

Jacqui: Hold on. Someone's coming. (Jax takes cover behind some boxes and observes a regime soldier escorting Nora Valkyrie)

Regime Soldier:  We've set up a temporary holding facility as requested, Wonder Woman. It should hold the insurgent. We'll prepare a trap for the others.

Wonder Woman: My thanks. I'll be joining you shortly with our newest guest.

(Jacqui pumps herself up and runs out from her cover)

Regime Soldier: Affirmative. Are there any special security measures that...

(Jacqui clocks the regime soldier in the face with a gigantic haymaker. The heavily-armoured soldier is hurled across the room from the impact and instantly knocked unconscious. Then Black Adam comes in as Jacqui throws a left-cross at him, causing him to flinch.  The rage soon shows in hiss eyes and he growls menacingly.)

Jacqui: Well now, this just got a whole lot more interesting.

(They fight. Through the sheer strength of her technology and weapons, Jacqui overwhelms Black Adam and beats him unconscious. Then she approaches Nora, who wakes up.)

Nora: Ugh...

Jacqui: Are you okay?

Nora: I swear, when I find the next Regimer, I'll break his leg!

(Jacqui sighs in relief, knowing that Nora is a hero from the other world. Then she contacts Takeda.)

Jacqui: Takeda. Area's secure. What's your situation?

Takeda: I'm fine. We need to locate the main command centre to cripple this station's capabilities.

Jacqui: Right. Stay where you are. I'll follow your signal and come to you with a reinforcement.

Wonder Woman: You're not going anywhere.

(Jacqui turns around at the voice and instinctively fires her arm cannons. Wonder Woman barely deflects all shoots with her bracelets. The handcuffed Sub-Zero approaches behind her.)

Jacqui: Sub-Zero?!

Wonder Woman: I take it you two know each other.

Sub-Zero: She is Jacqui - a formidable warrior, as you will soon discover.

(The ninja steps aside, noticing Wonder Woman's a bit pissed off at being shot at. The rage appearing in her eyes adds to that.)

Wonder Woman: Well "warrior", I don't know what your universe is doing to mine, or why you oppose the Regime, but true warriors don't use toys!

(Jacqui prepares to fight)

Wonder Woman: And if it's a fight you want, you'll soon be joining your friend and that criminal in the graveyard!

(They fight. Jacqui proves to be more than a match for Wonder Woman. She eventually knocks her unconscious next to Black Adam and radios in.]

Jacqui: Takeda, you'll never guess who I bumped into - Sub-Zero.

Takeda: Thank goodness. (sees Nora) Who's the girl?

Nora: My name is Nora Valkyrie. I am part of a group of superheroes known as the Insurgency.

Sub-Zero: So we're allies, huh?

Jacqui: Appearances can be deceiving.

Nora: True, but I can help you guys to save our universe. And after that, we eat pancakes!

Jacqui: Can we really trust you?

Takeda: I rather trust Sub-Zero to help us. Becaus that's what Master Hasashi would do.

Cassie: (radios in) You know what they say, better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Takeda: Here, let me help you.

(Takeda shatters Sub-Zero's handcuffs with a downward slash.)

Jacqui: Well... Nora, tell us more about this Insurgency.

Nora: We fight against a dictatorial group known as the Regime. (points at Wonder Woman and Black Adam) And these two are part of the dictatorship.

Takeda: I see... Who leads them?

Nora: Superman. And I bet he is leading this invasion!

Sub-Zero: No wonder these warriors are unlike anything I've encountered.

Jacqui: I wonder if Shinnok is still alive...

Sub-Zero: If so, maybe HE is behind the invasion!

Nora: Who is Shinnok.

Jacqui: This is... confidential!

Sub-Zero: Either Shinnok or Superman is planning to finish what he started...

Takeda: We need to find someone who can help us... even if it's an enemy.

Jacqui: I don't like the sound of this.

Sub-Zero: Like it or not, we need them. when there is threat of invasion, they usually know something about it.

(There are heroes and villains from other universes. And it looks like our heroes may need help from our villains. What will happen next?)

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