Question of the Night

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Author's Note: Shout out to mazaevie I wouldn't want you to go through anymore withdraws, lol.


"I've got you love," I gently whisper to her as she lets it all out.

After a bit, while I hold Clary, she stops crying. "Jace, I....I'm sorry I cried all over your shirt. I...I probably messed it all up," Clary apologizes.

"Love, it's okay if I call you love, right?" I confirm. Clary nods while a smile lights up her face. "Love, it's okay. Do you feel better now?"

"I thinks so," Clary quietly replies.

"I know I have a lot of making up to do and I plan on doing just that," I begin. "So, if there's anything I can do to help you, just let me know."

"Well, it's," Clary looks at the clock by the bed. "9:30, so how about we go to bed early. Then, we can wake up early tomorrow and go Christmas shopping," Clary suggests.

"Isn't December 25th a little too late to go Christmas shopping?" I question nonchalantly.

"Do you have all of your gifts yet?" Clary asks.

"No, but I have most of them," I defend.

"Same, so it shouldn't take that long to get a few last minute gifts," Clary counters.

"Okay, I concede," I jokingly throw my hands in the air. Clary laughs at my silliness and I can't help but laugh with her. "I'll let you get changed first."

"And what exactly would I be changing into?" Clary asks curiously. I love it when we play like this, she's comes out of her shell.

"I had Izzy make you up a bag while we were talking about.....Chloe," I wince saying her name. "But I figured you'd like my pajamas better as pajamas."

Clary blushes. "They're just so comfy," Clary quietly defends.

I grab her cheek gently. "It's okay love, I don't mind. In fact, I think you look..." irresistible, delicious, sexy.....No! Don't scare her. You know she isn't good with those things. Ugh! Don't scare her! "....good in my clothes," I decide.

"Jace, I can't possibly look good in your clothes. They're all baggy and cover up my almost non-existent curves," Clary comments.

"What can I say, you make it work," I reply with a hint of teasing.

Clary blushes a deep red. "Shoo," Clary teases. "Let me get changed."

I go to the door and turn around to see Clary looking for them. "There in my bag," I smile as she looks like a mouse that just got caught.

"T....thanks," Clary stutters.

15 minutes later, both of us are changed. I pull the covers back and lay down. Clary hesitantly looks at me. "I promise, it's just like we're at my house," I try to comfort her. "We're just going to sleep, it's okay."

"Y.....yeah," Clary manages. She slowly lays down next to me and I turn to face her, so we're both on our sides.

"Don't be nervous," I try to reassure her.

"I'm not, it's just........." Clary trails off.

Am I really making her this uncomfortable? Was this a bad idea? Am I hurting her? I swiftly sit up in the bed. "Clary, what's wrong?" I ask concerned.

"D..." Clary looks away. "D....did you sleep with Chloe?" Clary questions nervously. What? I was messed up, but I wasn't THAT messed up. Jeeze! Ugh! It's not her fault for asking. You weren't exactly the Jace she knows the past couple of days. "'s okay," Clary suddenly comments. She took my silence as a yes! Crap!

"Love, I did not have sex with Chloe. We fall asleep fully clothed together. We kissed twice, but both times she kissed me. I would never that. I know I was......messed up, but I still had my dignity."

"I know, but she's so pretty a...and you love her......." Clary trails off.

"I loved her, past tense Clary. I don't love her anymore. So what, she's pretty, you're breathtaking. The way you are so sweet and composed. I'm dripping with self-restraint while you just sit there and bite your lip innocently. Your kindness and how you always put others first," I explain.

"You and your self-restraint," Clary smiles at me.

"What about it?" I ask jokingly.

"How about we give it some leniency......." Clary meets my eyes.

My eyes gaze into hers and I try to focus. She doesn't mean what you wish she did. She doesn't, so stop getting excited. My jaw locks. "Okay," I grit my teeth.

She lays her head on my chest and lays be back. I stiffly lay back and try not to react. "Loosen up," Clary mumbles to me.

I swallow hard and try to take a breath. "Love, it's g.....getting late," I try.

"What's wrong Chilli pepper?" Clary questions innocently.

"N......nothing," I lie.

"Did you forget who you're talking to? I can tell when you're upset AND when you're lying. I'm not mad, just spill," Clary says.

"I'm trying to be a good guy," I explain.

"By lying and holding in your emotions?" Clary questions slightly entertained.

"Love, I know I messed up a lot. You probably don't trust me. I....I don't want you to be nervous around me. I...I'd never hurt you," I explain. "Which is why I think we should just go to bed."

"Do I get a say in this?" Clary asks visibly irritated.

"Of course," I confirm.

"Well then I say that you need to stop treating me like I'm a fragile China doll." Clary looks at her hands. "If I didn't want to......spend time with you, I wouldn't be here."

"I know, but I don't want to rush you into doing something you're not ready for," I try. "I...I don't mean sex, I just know that it's been a while since we were.....intimate. I just want to make sure you're going to be 100% comfortable with whatever it is that we do."

"Jace, I am comfortable and ready," Clary quietly mumbles as her head continues to rest on my chest.

"Let's just take it slow," I suggest.

"O......okay," Clary agrees.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I'm done and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 5/26/18

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