ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ-ʙᴏʏᴛᴏʙᴇʀ - ᴡᴇᴇᴋ 1 (ᴏ1/1ᴏ - ᴏ7/1ᴏ)

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dood gay children!

guess what? this year, is the first year, where I will do my very best to participate in a daily drawing challenge in october. usually i fail after like... 3 days... but since i'm from the future, i can spoiler, that i've made it to day 17!

as the title already says, i'm gonna follow the prompt-list for pretty-boytober... it originally started as a meme last year, when an artist i really like was ranting about drawing challenges on stream and then... well... this happened:


and then said drawing challenge was created! last year I managed to draw 3 pictures, but i didn't really like any of them.... but since this years prompts looked so promising, i decided to just go ahead and try my best :)

so for the month of october, you mainly will be seeing these chapters, where i sum up the pictures i made for each week of the challenge!

as you can see in the prompt list above, the first prompt was "diamond"

originally I had no clue what to do with that... my first instinct was a miner, but the sketching didn't go well, similar to a dude with a fancy crown, so I ended up drawing some sort of diamond-elf with horns!

yeah... not that interesting, and I'm not too happy with the result either, but the hairstyle was hella fun to create and I love the general idea behind it, so maybe i'll revisit the lad and fix him up a bit >w<

the day after was "moon"

and since the first boii ended up being somewhat of a personification of diamonds, i wanted to draw the moon as a human.

this one was a lot easier than the first one, ngl, simply because i had more ideas to work off of for this topic. basically i went with a pale dude, yellow light, burn/pox scars to resemble the craters. irises are the moon and his hair and jewellery is black, but hella reflective, which makes it look as though it were glowing :D

after drawing him, i kinda developed the character a bit more, and i did indeed end up calling this the half-moon version and making full- and new-moon portraits later on for other prompts.

as I said, i drew moon-boy several times, and when i saw that the next prompt was "night" i just had to draw him a bit more dramatic, with some backlighting, really leaning into the whole new-moon theme.

i wanted to create an atmosphere of golden beauty, that makes him look dark and kinda creepy, yet beautiful in a way, as the stars on his skin start to glow and the eyes and hair turn mostly black.

dang... really was on a moon-dude roll and was kinda sad, when i figured that i couldn't really incorporate him into the prompt "play"

so i just took a step back and thought for a while about the meaning. you see... on the one hand we have the theatre context, the cheating context, the romantic context and lastly the game context.

argh... you have no clue just how close i was to draw a literal playboy.

but then i changed my mind. initially i wanted to draw an actor. a trickster, with masks, cape and bright colours. but then... well... i ended up with a crazy idea for his hairstyle. and after i finally managed to get it on the canvas like i wanted to, i didn't want to hide it under a mask, you know?

so i left the mask away, which slipped me more and more into the game-context, me somehow creating the personification of playing cards in the end.
this piece was a whole roller-coaster of ideas and concepts, and even though i didn't plan for one second to end up with this result, i am extremely happy with it... idk... sometimes it is nice to just end up with sth completely different than you had in mind, where you can just marvel at the beauty of the process ^-^

day 5


ngl.. those who know me, probably knew how excited i was for this one.

i mean... plenty of my characters are experiments in some way... just gotta look at penion, 001, 017, 208, ruindir,  ronadan, dagron, F.E.34.2, alice, alan, and so on...

so i went ahead and just went with whatever felt right, ending up with a new OC:

thiliǫ̶̢̞͙͍͔̱̘̇̈̕ņ̶̩̖̬̘̭̘̥͓͙͆̏͛̒ p̴̛̝̯̝͈͔̖͉̤̥͛́́́͘͝ȗ̸̬̘̫̟͎̱̲͇̟͙̌͛̋͛̎͠i̶̱̭̔ǵ̴̨̢̺̜̙͓̜̖͑̎́͛̀͑͝n̴̡̆͐̇̔̌͠ͅi̶̛̬͖͉̤̻̥̇̎͠ȑ̴̟͇̼̼͉͆̃͂̈́̕̕͠ ̶̨̧̛͙̟̭̹͕̏͐̒̇͋̉̆͝b̵̖̌͗͋͗͂̀̂͝l̵̪̙̬̓͂́̌̒̏ö̸̢̙͕͎̻͓̘̳̓́͊̈͝o̵̱̲̾̅͌d̵̨͙͖̱̝̞̃̒͛͌͝͝h̷̡̛͍̣͐̌̈̓̕ọ̴̩͔̦̱̙̅̍̆̓͑̕̕̚u̸̪̲͓͍̓͗̒̀̉́̾̾̕͝n̸̢̹̥̜̘͚̯͂͘ḑ̸͉̱̤̻̲͔͕̈͒̒̎̆̿̀̀̕̚  - experiment 056

basically he's just an orphan from the streets of the bloodhound clan, who got kidnapped by the same people that bronadan got kidnapped by. but instead of trying to find out how to fake glowing tattoos, or stealing organs to sell on the black market... well... as thilion wasn't a drug addict, who ruined his entire body through years of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, malnutrition, dehydration and frequent beatings (sry bron QwQ), he was intact enough to get random prosthetics inserted into his body, just to see what would happen!

long story short, here's the drawing, with the wrong date on the signature, since i copied the layers from the day before over, to make the backgrounds all cohesive sdgvkuf :

and then...

then finally came the chance to draw moon-boy again

initially i wanted to draw the full-moon on the "dream" day, but since "pure" also fit hella good and i didn't have a better idea, i went ahead and drew full-moon boy!

since the half-moon was a neutral toned light and the new-moon was a warm toned light, i wanted to differentiate the three, by making the full-moon with a cold light source. Goal was to make him seem energized and glowy and more or less the opposite of the new-moon version of him.

dang.. i rlly love this design... mark my words, he'll be a permanent OC from now on..

next up was "dream"!

and... well... since i already blew my plans for drawing full-moon boy, i was kinda clueless, so i asked my roommate. and they just said: "well... since you didn't follow my advice to draw a shota-boii for night, play or pure, how about now?"

so i went ahead and wanted to do just that. a dreamy, pure, prepubescent lad...

except that i forgot that i'm not the best at drawing that sorta stuff...

and even though i tried, my artstyle really didn't want this to happen, ending up with me just having fun and creating something like a sibling to moon-boy! who knows, maybe this is the personification of stars, the sandman, or sth...

either way, i do indeed like this piece a lot! idk, even though the whole shota-vibe isn't there, he still looks dreamy, soft and friendly, which essentially was my main goal :)

(yeah i know what yall are thinking.... but i didn't fancy drawing sth nightmare-ish that day. but don't you worry, i'm still always there for creepy stuffs ^-^)

and that's all i got for week 1!!

what one do you like the most so far? i personally got a tie between new-moon-boy, experiment-dude and the playboy... yeah... it's interesting to see what ideas i come up with for these prompts...

ngl this is why i love these challenges, and why i find it sad that i usually can't participate. it's nice to step out of your comfort zone and create things you never would've created, whilst also being able to get into a nice little flow of new ideas, constantly showing up for different prompts.

and that's all for now! hope you liked the drawings you've seen so far and are looking forward to the ones still to come ^-^

>>cuddles, pats, wraps in blanket and gives some cookies and hot chocolate<<

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