12. Heart breaking💔💔

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Hlo  darlings

Hope you all are good.

This update is for @UdaraP and @Navyanoni 😙😙😙

Enjoy reading💖💖💖💖


Anika regained her consciousness and tried to look at her surroundings. Her body was wounded badly. She had not even the energy to lift her hands up. She was startled when she felt herself drenched in icy cold water.

She saw the lusty animal standing infront of her and smirking. First time in her life, she felt herself getting scared to this extent. She tried to move back but she had no energy.

Daksh : Welcome to hell, sweet heart. Now you will see your own destruction. You will have to pay for what you have done. You were trying to be great, right ? Now I will show you your place. A girl like you is meant to be f****d and thrown away. Your Shivaay won't be able to do anything.

Anika's eyes widened listening to his nasty words. She couldn't let this happen at any cost. She gathered herself up and with all the energy left in her body, she hit him with a stick. She tried to run away but he caught the dori ( Thread ) of her kurti, causing it to open. Anika was scared to death with this. Daksh grabbed her from her shoulders and tore her sleeves, making her skin bleed when scratched by his nails. She tried to cover herself but he threw her on the floor and pinned her hands on the either sides of her head. She was so fragile that she couldn't even shout. She tried to scream but what came out were sobs.

Daksh started biting her neck mercilessly. Anika tried to come out of his dirty hold but he was stronger than her. She fainted after not being able to struggle more. He was about to tore her dress when A hand stopped him from touching her. Daksh looked up and found the Angry beast infront of him, with red eyes and clenched jaws.

Daksh didn't even get the time to register the happenings in his mind when he was pulled harshly by SHIVAAY. Shivaay looked towards Anika's almost lifeless and fragile figure. Her face had bruises and her pale yellow dress had turned red due to blood. Then he looked at that filthy animal, who made his ever so chirpy Anika like this.

Daksh was scared to look towards Shivaay. He had been with him since childhood, But he had never seen him so angry. Before he could think anything else, he received punches after punches on his face. In a few seconds his face was red with blood oozing out of his nose, mouth and cheeks.

All the tortures he did on HIS WIFE were playing in his mind repeatedly. He threw Daksh towards the big Glass pieces and kicked him in his stomach continously. He pulled him up again and twisted his hands almost breaking his bones.

OmRu and Sid came in and saw Daksh's condition. But there attention went to Anika's figure that brought tears in their eyes. Sid Quickly went towards Anika and covered her with his blazer. Om tried to stop Shivaay but it seemed as if he is not in his senses.

Shivaayooked towards the old Wooden chairs and threw Daksh on them. Daksh couldn't even see what was happening with him.He was almost dead but Shivaay wasn't satisfied. He took a wooden chair and hit daksh with so much force that it broke into small pieces.

Om ( Trying to stop Shivaay ) : Shivaay Leave him, he would die. Lea..

Shivaay was so angry that he didn't even realise that He has pushed Om and he fell down. Shivaay grabbed Daksh's collar and than he held onto his neck and kicked him in his back that might have broken Daksh's backbone.

Om knew that now only Anika could stop him.

Om : Shivaay, Bhabhi is in very bad condition, we will have to take her to the hospital.

And as Om had assumed, it worked. Shivaay stopped the minute he listened Anika's name. He left Daksh there itself and rushed towards Anika. He brought her head near his heart and hugged her. He never thought that he would have to see her like this. His eyes that were spitting fire a minute ago, were now brimming with tears.

Rudra : Bhaiya, we need to take her to the hospital.

Shivaay picked her up in his arms. They drove towards the hospital. During the way to the hospital, Shivaay kept kissing Anika's hairs and hugging her close. Sid called the police and handled Daksh's matter.

The doctors took Anika in the OT to examine her. Shivaay didn't want to leave her but the doctors didn't allow him in. After about 3 hours, doctor came out.

Shivaay : Do..Doctor, how's Anika ? Is she ok ? Can I meet her ? Can we take her home ?

Doctor  ( with a serious face ) : Who are you to her ?

Shivaay : I'M HER HUSBAND, Now tell me damn it Is she fine. ( He shouted his lungs out )

Doctor  ( Confused ) : But your wife was Ragi...

Shivaay : JUST SHUTUP and tell me how is my wife ?

Doctor : She's Fine now but...

Shivaay  ( Getting impatient and angry ) : But ? Why can't you just speak fast. HOW. IS. MY. WIFE ?

Doctor : Mr. Oberoi you know very well that she has been tortured and molested, that's a different thing that you saved her on time. Her whole body is injured badly due to glass pieces. She has lost lots of blood due to which she's very weak. But, these are only physical wounds, these will heal easily. But the wounds she will be having mentally, they need lots of time and care to heal. This is the worst thing and a girl would never want to come across this. May be she would feel inferior, She would try to stay away from everyone, and the worst, Suicide.

Shivaay panicked listening to the last word but the doctor gestured him to listen to her.

Doctor : She needs Care and Affection to get out of that phase and nobody is closer to a girl tgan her Husband. So you have to be there for her, to support her and to help her forgetting all this. Hope you understand.

Shivaay nodded his head and the doctor left from there. Sidharth and the other family members  came there. Gauri stayed back with Janvi who was asking about her Fairy time and again. Sidharth had already told about Anika's condition to them. Dadi, and bhavya were miserable too, but the most vulnerable was Mallika because she held herself responsible for all of this. She went towards Shivaay and hugged him and cried. Shivaay consoled her and asjed her not to cry because he was the one who was responsible for Anika's condition. Dadi, Om, Rudra and Bhavya were confused by his statement whereas, Sid and Mallika knew why he was saying that.

Om : Shivaay, How come you are responsible for all this ?

Shivaay : I should have trusted her.

Rudra : What are you saying bhaiya ?

Shivaay closed his eyes and a drop of tear fell from his eyes. His hands turned into fists and he broke the glass window by punching it. Om stopped him from hurting himself and tell them the matter.

Shivaay : I.. I didn't trust her Om, I didn't trust this girl ( Looking towards Anika from the window ) Who put her own image at stake for saving my and my sister's reputation. I blamed her for... betraying me and.. for bearing someone else's child.

Everyone except for Sid and Mallika were shocked by this revelation.

Rudra : Oh ! That's why you.. you announced That Nagini as your wife, right ?

Shivaay remained silent nit because he had no answer, but because HE DIDN'T WANT TO ANSWER. ( Point to be noted😊 )

Dadi and Om looked at him with accusing gaze and Shivaay felt like killing himself for doubting His Anika. He so wished to delete all this from his life but it can't happen.

Dadi : why you couldn't understand her ? In this short span of time, She did so much for this family, She loved your family like you do, probably more than you. What you did, distrusted her.

Shivaay : Dadi I know I'm at fault, but please give me one chance to make everything fine. Give me one chance to give her, HER RIGHT, WHAT SHE DESERVES ( Point to be noted, again 😊). I know I can't erase the pain I gave her, but I will give her so much happiness that She will forget her sorrows.

Dadi : Billu, I didn't ask you to marry anika just because I wanted to fulfil Avantika's wish but I asked you to marry her because I found your happiness in her. The minute I saw her for the first time, I saw a perfect HUMSAFAR for you in her, don't let me down. I don't want to regret my decision.

OmRu : You better don't hurt our Bhabhi again, we won't leave you.

Sid : Not only your bhabhi, But mine too. ( To shivaay ) She is my bhabhi, not what you thought bhai😯

Shivaay apologised to sid and thanked him for whatever he had done.

Sid ( Looking at Mallika ) : I did it for my BEST FRIEND.

The doctors asked the family members to go as only one person could stay with the patient.

Bhavya : I'll stay.

Shivaay : No, I'll stay here with Anika. I'm not gonna leave her alone.

Bhavya : Bhaiya but you should go home and change and have some food. You can come after that.

Shivaay : No way, I'm not going anywhere.

Since it was useless to argue with Shivaay, everyone left for Oberoi Mansion and Sid left for his house.


Precap : Scared Anika, Guilty Shivaay + First Hug😍😍😍

Target : 176 + votes and 35 comments ( Six votes were still left in last chapter so I added them here)

It was raining heavily the last night. I was wide awake at 2:30😂😂😂 and was Staring outside. My sister was scared from the thundering but I was in my own land after seeing the rain. Guess what were my thoughts ? Well, All about The upcoming tracks in this story especially LOTS AND LOTS OF SHIVIKA ROMANCE. So, from now on finish the targets sooner and I'll give you lots of SHIVIKA 😙😙😙😙


Now finish the target soon😙

Love you lots darlings who always vote and give their time to comment😙😙😙


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