14. Reason

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Hlo darlings

This update is for my BABU ANNIE😢😢😢😣😣😣😣 I'm missing you yaar😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙😙

How are you all ? HOPEFULLY FINE💖



Shivaay was lost in his thoughts while making soup for Anika. He was restless thinking about the person who wanted to kill Anika. Daksh was in jail, then who could that person be ? Om entered into the kitchen to see him standing still, lost somewhere.

Om : Shivaay

Shivaay ( realising Om's presence ) : Y..yes Om

Om : Where are you lost ?

Rudra came and asked the same question. By then Gauri, Bhavya, Dadi, Janvi and Mallika too gathered in the kitchen.

Dadi : Billu is anika fine ?

Gauri : Bade bhaiya, Is Bhaujayi conscious now ?

Bhavya : Does she need anything ?

Mallika : Is she in pain ?

Janvi : I want to meet my fairy. I haven't met her since ( Counting on fingers )... ummm... so long. I want to meet her.

Om : Is she fine now ? Is she conscious now ?

Shivaay was baffled as well as irritated by their questioning session as noone let him speak at the first place. So he shouted.

Shivaay : Shutup all of you.

Dadi : Shutup !  That's how you talk to your dadi, Khota ( Donkey ).

Shivaay : Not to you dadi, I asked these all to shut up. And yes, Anika is concsious now that's why I was making soup for Anika as she hasn't eaten anything.

Om : we shouldn't be here then, I'm going to meet her, you carry on.

Janvi too ran away to meet Her fairy.

Dadi : I'm also going to meet my Bahu ( DIL ).

Rudra : Me too

Gauri : Me three.

Bhavya : Me four.

Mallika : me five.

Shivaay was standing there with an O shaped mouth, holding ladle with one hand and the pan with the other. "Crazy. I'm here, making soup for Anika and they all didn't even help me. They just left to meet Anika, as if I don't want to talk to her. I also should be there with Her, infact Only I should be there with her. Hughhh..." Murmured an annoyed Shivaay to himself. ( I'M GETTING THE SMELL OF POSSESSIVENESS FROM SOMEWHERE, I THINK IT'S COMING FROM SHIVAAY'S SIDE. DEAR SHIVAAY, YOU ARE FEELING POSSESSIVE EVEN WHEN YOUR DARLING WIFE IS WITH YOUR FAMILY, WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF SOMEONE ELSE MAKES HIS ENTRY😉😉)

In Shivika's room

The whole family barged in Shivika's room to know about Anika's how abouts.

Dadi : Are you Ok now, Anika ?

Anika just nodded at that as she was ashamed for lying to Dadi about all the pregnant stuff and all.

Anika : I'm sorry for lying to you Dadi. I...

Dadi : You are not at fault, infact I'm grateful to you for what you've done for us. God bless you Puttar.

Mallika : yes bhabhi, thank you so much for helping me and for coming into our lives.

Rudra : Now, if you are done with your thank you thank you session, So can I say something ?

Om : No you can't.

Rudra : Ok so I wanna say...I love you bhabhi. I missed you sooo much. Now please don't go anywhere because this Long haired creature and your Khadoos ( Rude) Husband trouble me a lot, and only you can save me.

Shivaay ( while coming inside with food tray ) : So I'm Khadoos right ?

Rudra's eyes literally came out listening to his voice and he jumped in the bed to Hug Anika to save himself.

Shivaay : What happened now, Bhabhi's chamcha ( Spoon ). And move away, you may hurt her.

Rudra : why ? Are you jealous because I'm hugging bhabhi.

Shivaay : Rudy, I'll...

Dadi : Shutup you both, Come on everyone, move out. Let Anika rest. ( To Anika ) take care puttar.

Anika smiled to her and then everyone left from there.

Shivaay ( Holding the spoon infront of her mouth ) : Open your mouth and have this soup.

Anika : But..

Shivaay : No Ifs and Buts, eat it.

Anika : but... but... yes, I..I want to brush, I can't eat like that.

Anika made a disgusting face.

Shivaay : Ok. Come I'll help you.

Anika ( Shouting ) : Nooo.. I'll go. Don't worry.

Shivaay : Shutup. You won't do anything on your own, you can't even sit properly and here you are trying to walk. Come I'll help You and that's final.

Anika ( closing her eyes tightly ) : Ac..Actually I wanna go to washroom.

Shivaay : Ok I'll tak...

Shivaay realised what he was going to say and became embarrassed. He recovered from his embarassment and asked her to wait and he will call Gauri to help her.

After Anika came back from washroom with Gauri's help, Gauri left and shivaay asked Anika to have her soup. She tried to do it on her own but Shivaay stopped her and forwarded the spoon towards her. As soon as Anika tasted the first spoon, She made an eww type face as the soup was tasteless.

Anika : Chheee what's this ? I won't have this soup, it's tasteless.

Shivaay : So what ? You are not well so it's good for your health. Now don't show tantrums and have it.

Anika ( Pouting ) : Please Shivaay...

Shivaay ( Strictly ) : Don't even try that ok. I won't change your diet until you are completely fine. Now have it quitely.

Anika ( To herself ) : Khadoos..

Shivaay : I heard that ok.

Anika had to give in to his demand and she had the soup silently. After that he gave her medicines, ofcourse Madam threw tantrums in having medicines too but Shivaay didn't listen to her.

Anika : Shivaay its 10 in the morning and usually you leave for office by 9:30. You are late.

Shivaay : I'm not going to office today.

Anika : Why ?

Shivaay : I'm not going to leave you alone like this and now no more questions and arguments because I know you, you will ask me not to compromise with my work, but it's final that I'm not going anywhere.

Anika was so happy to hear that he care about her but showed to him as if she's angry on him for making her eat tasteless soup and medicines. Shivaay chuckled on her antics but his expressions changed listening to someone. 

Person : Shivuu ! ( WHO MISSED NAGINI ? 😂)

Calling his name, Ragini entered in their room. Shivaay was fuming in anger seeing her there but he was tensed too as Anika was here and she would have remembered what he did during the reception. Ragini came and directly hugged Shivaay and smirked looking towards Anika who was looking anywhere but them. Shivaay saw tears brimming in her eyes and he literally pushed Nagini away from himself.

Ragini : What happened Shivu ?

Shivaay : Ragini just go from here.

Ragini : But shivu baby...

Shivaay ( yelling at her ) : I said just leave.

Ragini stomped her foot and left from there. Shivaay went towards Anika with a guilty face and tried to speak, but Anika interrupted him.

Anika ( strictly ) : Now you will say sorry, right ?

Shivaay tried to justify himself but again Anika interrupted him. She cupped shivaay's face in her palms and wiped a tear off his cheek.

Anika : Look at me Shivaay.

Shivaay didn't look up because he was guilty for doing bad with Anika even if he was HELPLESS.

Anika ( Said softly as if talking to a little child ) : Shivaay look at me please.

Shivaay looked up to meet her eyes, those eyes that always make him forget each and everything.

Anika : You don't need to be sorry, because I KNOW EVERYTHING.

Shivaay looked at her shocked. He was trying to process in jis mind what she just said.

Shivaay : You..know wh..what ?

Anika : EVERYTHING, the reason why you did all of that on the Reception party.

Shivaay : H..how ?

Anika : The next day after the reception, you forgot your phone in the room. It was ringing continously so I picked it up. Before I could say something MRS. KAPOOR started speaking.


Phobe conversation

Mrs. Kapoor : Shivaay, You announced Ragini as your wife, but Anika is still there. I think you don't love your brother Omkara, right ? I think you forgot about that VIDEO. Then let me resend it, so that you can remember what you have to do.

Conversation ends

After that Anika saw the video in which Dai ma ( nany ) of ShivOmRu was confessing that Om is illegitimate.

Flashback ends

Anika : Shivaay, there's a file in the cupboard in the right drawer, go and read it.

Shivaay read the file and was confused on seeing the DNA reports of Janvi and Om. The reports stated that Om is son of Mrs. Janvi singh Oberoi.

Shivaay : What's this, Anika ?

Anika : After the phone call, I decided to do a DNA test of Badi ma and Om, because I already know that Om is Tej singh Oberoi's son. Dadi told me once that Om had an accident in his childhood and Bade papa saved him by giving his blood. So it's obvious that Bade papa was Om's father. So, we had to know if Badi ma is the mother of Om.

Shivaay : Does Om know ?

Anika : No, Only I and Gauri know about it. I asked Gauri to take Om's hair fir the DNA test.

Shivaay was angry as hell because Mrs. Kapoor and ragini blackmailed him to give HIS WIFE's place to Ragini with a fake video. He was about to go somewhere but Anika stopped him.

Anika : Where are you going, Shivaay ?

Shivaay : I won't leave them, how could they blackmail me by that fake video.  I'm going to make everything fine. I'm going to tell everyone that Ragini is not my wife.

Anika : You won't do that.

Shivaay : Do you even know what you're saying ? I'm going to tell everyone that Ragini isn't my wife, but you are, my wife, MY EVERYTHING ( Awwwww😍😍😍😍)

Anika looked at him baffled. She was confused that whatever she heard was reality or she was just hallucinating. But when she looked in shivaay's eyes, She could see the honesty, the care and affection for her. ( STUPID GIRL, HOW CAN YOU DOUBT THAT YOU ARE JUST AN ORDINARY PERSON ? YOU ARE HIS EVERYTHING GIRL😄)

Anika recovered from her Shocked state and asked him to be cool.

Anika : Shivaay, Don't you think Mrs. Kapoor have a big motive behind all of this ?

Shivaay : Anika, I always considered Ragini as a friend ( NOT BEST FRIEND😝😝) but Ragini used to say that She..she loves me. Mrs. Kapoor wanted me to d...di..vorce you and... I'm sorry Anika, you have to tolerate all of this.

Anika : No, Shivaay you don't need to feel guilty. And shivaay, I think we should not tell Mrs. Kapoor that we already know everything. I think she have some other motive behind all this. Shivaay, no matter how much a mother loves her daughter, but she would never allow her daughter to walk on a path the way Mrs. Kapoor is doing with Ragini. Don't you think so ?

Shivaay : may be you're right, but I just can't let the world think that, That Ragini is... I don't want people to give her the place that is only yours, MY WIFE's. I just don't want that.

Anika : But we'll have to do this, to save our family. Promise me that we will solve this together.

Shivaay : But..

Anika : Promise shivaay

Shivaay : Ok. Promise

Anika : No...Pinky promise

Shivaay  ( chuckling ) : You are mad, pinky promise.

They joined their pinky fingers together. Anika smiled widely as she made The Shivaay Singh Oberoi do all this crazy stuff. But shivaay was just lost in her magical Smile. He just couldn't take his eyes off her beautiful face, something that he can't do ever. He would never be able to see anything if she is infront of him.

Anika noticed his piercing gaze on her and her smile turned into shyness, her cheeks showing the pinkish glow. He cupped her face in his palms and kissed her forhead😙😙. She looked in his eyes and he smiled looking at his Wife, looking as Red as Apple, his Sweet and beautiful Apple. He just couldn't stop himself from taking her in his embrace, cocooning her to his chest.


Hope you liked the chapter and Shivika moments😙

Target : 150 + votes and 40 comments ( easy right ? )

Thanks a lot to those who always motivate me to right more and update soon😄

Sorry for not replying to your comments as I was busy in college admission and other stuff. Finally today it's done, And I'm hell tired😢😢😢 And now, College admission is on top in my hate list 😂😂

Please keep voting and giving your feedback. If you don't like anything in the story, you can tell me.

Love you darlings😙😙😙😙


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