It started with free headphones

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I'm a good noodle so I'll admit that this is very much inspired by the Batman and Robin comics where Mad Hatter gave away headphones to certain people BUT I've changed a few things around and the story isn't the exact same so it's okay

Enjoy the other side of the bi Dick that I never know how to write even though it's pretty cute

Robin gathered the team in the front room and began running through their mission. He couldn't help but experience a surge of excitement at the thought of a mission like the old days. It wasn't like he didn't enjoy mission with the Titans. Of course, he did, they were a great team to lead - most of the time - but this was going back to his roots. Undercover work. What made it even better was Batman wasn't there to hustle and lecture him on the dangers. This time he was the expert and there wasn't someone looming their knowledge over him the whole time. He couldn't wait to get into it. "There's been a trend in teens going missing right after they pick up headphones from this stall," he announced, putting a picture of an old street vendor on screen. There was a large 'FREE' sign beside them. "Police haven't been able to link the two but something similar happened back in Gotham. Considering the teens going missing are of a specific look, I'm guessing the situation is more similar than officials care to admit," he continued.

"What's the plan then? We can't just rock up to his stall and accuse him of kidnapping," Beast Boy replied. 

"Exactly. We have to go about this in a more subtle manner and, due to recent events, that'll be much easier." They raised an eyebrow at him, gesturing for him to continue. "The teens taken fit the description of Dick Grayson pretty well." He put a few examples up on the screen. "Black hair, mid-teens, short build, and blue eyes."

"You're suggesting undercover work?" Cyborg questioned. Robin nodded, doing his best to hide a giddy smile. 

"I know it's not our usual gig but I trust you guys and, hopefully, you trust me just as much. What do you think?" 

The Titans shared a glance, silently debating over the topic, before turning back to their leader. "If you think we can pull it off, then it's worth a shot," Cyborg confirmed. 

"Great!" Robin exclaimed. He coughed and composed himself again. "I mean great," he corrected. He'd earned a chuckle from the group. Perhaps he was a little too excited about doing something he hadn't done in years. "Here's the plan, I'll go to the stall with a tracker on my person and hopefully the vendor will take the bait. If he does, I'll pick up the headphones, put them on and, if what I think is going to happen does, I'll be relying on you for the rest of the plan." They nodded, showing they understood so far. "You'll have to wait until I'm stationary for at least half an hour since that's when I'd most likely be at the secondary location the rest went to. When that happens, Raven will open a portal at the location and all you'll have to do is come find me. That should be enough evidence to connect the headphones with the disappearances."

"What if those teenagers are?" Starfire hesitated to further that thought. Half an hour was plenty of time for something bad to happen. Something irreversibly bad. 

"They aren't. Police would've found some sort of remains like clothing or... you know." He didn't fancy scaring the team out of the plan. 

"Portals will take time. Not only that but we won't have your exact location if you go inside a building with multiple floors and multiple rooms," Raven pointed out. 

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. The stakes have been much higher before."

"The last time the stakes were high we lost you for way too long. You might not die but you could be trafficked. You're playing with fire," Cyborg cautioned.

"And I'll only be burnt if all of you plan to back out." He was determined, they could see that. Normally his determination reassured them but if Cyborg was out, the rest could follow suit. "I used to do these things all the time as a kid with half the backup. Everything will be fine."

After a few moments of consideration, they agreed although it was begrudgingly. Robin went through the plan in some more detail then dismissed them. As he walked to his room, Starfire caught up with him. "Something wrong?" he inquired. They were standing alone in the hallway but something told him she wasn't wishing him a good night's rest. 

"I am worried about this plan of yours," she responded. He took her hands into his, rubbing circles on the back of them with his thumbs. 

"Star everything's going to be fine. I've done this a million times over when I was just a kid. Logic says it'll be fine," he assured her. Starfire's frowned remained. 

"I do not want to chase you again," she admitted. She removed her hand from his grasp and cupped his cheek with it. A blush covered his cheeks in an instant. 

"You're not going to. Trust me on this, I'll be home and we'll be back to training before you know it." He kissed her on the cheek to ease her nerves. It worked. A little. 

"Which type of training?" she questioned. He couldn't help but marvel at how well she flirted. She'd picked it up faster than he did. 

"Any type to make it up to you," he responded, getting a giggle out of her.

"Then you had better get some sleep." The blush deepened, gaining another giggle. "You are quite fun to, how you say, mess with."

"I guessed that," he replied. "Goodnight, my guiding Star," he added in a mocking tone. She laughed.

"Goodnight, pixie boots."

"I regret telling you that."

"I don't."


The Titans stared at the fluctuating red dot on the screen as it moved. Beside it, a program that jumped from street camera to street camera to keep all eyes on Robin. They had to play the waiting game. "I hate this!" Starfire exclaimed in exasperation. She detested waiting. They were just sitting on pins for something to happen, unable to do anything for the time being. Robin had been rather strict on them following the plan so they couldn't call him up to check everything was fine. "Ditto, I don't know how Batman did this," Beast Boy replied from the couch. He was sat upside down, hoping that the blood rushing to his head would pass the time. 

"He did it because he's an emotionless blob," Cyborg responded.

"That's untrue, he has one emotion. Angry." Robin had told them little about his childhood in Batman's care and mentioned that very few could make The Dark Knight smile. They couldn't even imagine a smile on that grumpy face. Part of them thought it was an urban myth. "I doubt his conduct as Batman is unaffected by Bruce when it comes down to it," Raven spoke up. 

"I respectfully disagree," Beast Boy argued.

"As do I."

"Hold up, the dot's not moved for a while," Cyborg interrupted. He gained their attention in a second as they rushed up to get a better look of the screen. 

"How long?" Raven asked. She didn't want to be too quick to jump the gun on this one. 

"Twenty minutes maybe. The cameras haven't moved from the storage unit. He went inside but, from the looks of it, he's not come out." Robin said to wait half an hour but if he'd gone into a building then there was no point waiting the extra ten minutes. They could be wasting time and he could be putting himself in unnecessary danger. "I'll take responsibility if he shouts at us for coming too soon. There are way too many places he could be in a storage unit. Rae, open a portal." She nodded, opening a portal.

The storage unit was big. Too big. There had to be one hundred or more units at least. Finding Robin would be like finding a needle in a haystack. "Our best bet is to split up. Stay online and update when you can," Cyborg ordered. They nodded and took four different routes into the building. Starfire went through the front, running past a makeshift meeting room. She overheard a conversation and reluctantly waited to hear it out. Perhaps it could shed some light on where Robin was. "Boss wants the kids by midnight," one man began.

"But we haven't reached the minimum order yet!"

"We'll just have to get the kids we do have out. Hopefully, another branch can get the other five. At least we got one today." She stifled a gasp. This was a human trafficking scheme which meant they had limited time to find the kids before someone else did. Footsteps from inside the room came her way so she quickly flew up to the ceiling, hiding in the shadows of the roof. If Robin, who wore bright red and green, could hide in the dark then she could. A man around her height but double her muscles walked out the room. She supposed he was going to the boys. "They're supposed to be shipping those teens off tonight," she informed the others, following the man cautiously. 

"Then we need to find them ASAP. Once they're out the country, Robin's tracker will lose signal and he'll be near impossible to trace," Cyborg responded. She nodded to herself. 

"I am following someone who might lead me there, I will try to give directions when I can."

After a few minutes, the man stopped outside a unit. She quickly got the number and told the others. Once done, she remained in the rafters, watching the man until she knew this was the right unit. If this wasn't the right unit and she knocked him out, they'd be back at square one. The corrugated door flung up, revealing a small room with fifteen teenage boys in. They were clearly cramped yet their faces didn't portray discomfort. They were blank in fact. Starfire suspected that the headphones on their heads caused that. She floated down and knocked the man out with a green beam of light. "Robin?" she called out. It was a shot in the dark considering no one reacted to the light. The other's rounded the corner and ran up to her. 

"Good work Star, I'll contact the police to pick them up. BB, you and I will take them outside. You two get Robin out of here." They nodded in confirmation. Beast Boy helped the teens up and lead them out carefully whilst the girls searched through them to find Robin.

In the back, they found him with the same blank expression as the boys. Raven took off his headphones, hoping that was all they needed to do. He blinked a few times before smiling at them. "Found me then?" Starfire snatched him up into a hug and planted around fifty quick kisses all over his face. 

"Get a room," Raven complained, covering her eyes. He blushed deeply and wriggled his way out of her grip. 

"Nice to see you too. We're still in the country right?" They nodded in confusion. "Cool because I wasn't sure if this would actually work-"

"You didn't know this would work!"

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