||#15: The Prince's Preference*

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Reviewer: @loveeboat
Genre: Romance

Summary/ Excerpt:

Twenty-year-old Prince Destan is a caring, loving, and sweet boy.

Because of this, his people absolutely love him.

Though, there is one thing his people do not know about him that could change their view of him forever.

He's gay.

And the only people he has told is his closest friend and helper, twenty-year-old Ivan, and his father, King Alexander, but he's not accepting of it whatsoever.

He believes his son is cursed and, in order to cure him of this "curse," he puts him in an arranged marriage.

He is to marry the most hateful and rude person he has ever met; nineteen-year-old Princess Azura.

When she finally comes to visit her soon-to-be husband and his father, she brings along a servant, twenty-one-year-old Jexier.

The boy, despite being abused by his master, is a charming and positive person.

Someone Prince Destan can easily fall in love with.

If his father and "fiancée" don't get in the way, that is.

Cover: I like the font that you used for your cover. However, I think it has nothing to do with the plot of your story. A random blue flower can only do so much, and readers aren't going to read your story if your cover isn't nice. I suggest using a different image that relates to your story. Maybe a image of a prince? A castle? Wedding gone wrong? Two men in love? You could work on this a bit. 5/10

Description: Your description was nice. I think it got the point across. Your story plot seems interesting, and if I was a regular reader I would definitely give it a read. Nothing to critique here! 9/10

Content: Before I get into your actual story, I want to talk about your authors notes. I know sometimes we think that those are what's best for our stories and they are wonderful ways to interact with readers. Your author notes don't do this however. Every chapter I read, I just saw you doubting yourself. If you doubt yourself, then readers will doubt your work. Now, it was okay the first chapter and I still believe it should be taken out, but after that with you constantly saying how this chapter is boring or this chapter is bad won't motivate readers to want to dive into your story. For me actually it got quite annoying, and you o it have 4 chapters. Please don't do this for the rest of them. I suggest editing your authors notes. These are the things people first read so you should definitely give it a more positive vibe. Also, you shouldn't spoil what's going to happen next in your authors notes. Saying "the next chapter is going to be more exciting," or "the next chapter you'll see (character) and (character) interact more," just defeats the purpose of us reading. I just think you should change that as soon as possible. Okay now for the content. I loved your grammar and the description that you used to explain certain events. Although I think the first chapter could use a bit of tweaking and chapter 3, all is well. In the first chapter, I think you jump into the situation too quickly. There should have been some background chapter or a chapter before that showed the Prince's interaction with the Princess and how he developed his negative feelings towards her. You kind of just jump around the major events and I think those are necessary for your story. Also in chapter 3, (I think) he goes to dinner with his father and comes out kind of upset. I would have loved to have read their confrontation and what they said to one another. I feel as if you include the unnecessary information more then you include the necessary. Do we really need the majority of the chapter to be about him in a garden? You could have used that time to talk about the struggles of being a prince with a father that is single minded or something of that sort. Also, you could include more detail or a chapter dedicated to the prince's childhood with Ivan. You state that they did things together, but I think that should be included more for the character development. There were no grammatical errors which was great to see! Overall, your story was readable. There are just a few things you have to fix. 6.5/10

Next Steps: Fix those author notes and add a few scenes about the prince and his interactions with those around hm.

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