||#5: You Were Mine*

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Reviewer: @loveeboat
Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary/ Excerpt:
Ava Lynn isn't your average seventeen year old,she lost her memory at the age of thirteen,she woke up in a hospital,non of her parents agreed to tell her anything

Ava's mother died two years ago of kidney failure which practically broke the lonely little girl,she loved her mother and only knew her for two years,Ava fell into the wrong crowd and did something's she wasn't proud of,but that was all in the past

Seth Mason is the bad boy of Orison high,his brown eyes deep enough to swallow your soul,his temper and silence makes him feared all around the school,but everyone has a past and a present.His past comes to light when he is paired up with Ava,some parts even involving her...

This is a book that's going to take you through twists and turns as the two try to survive the secrets revealed,the broken hearts,the threats from a jealous Ex,a restraining order...

Your cover is a bit blurry. I need to look hard in order to read the words under the image. I liked the design of the character who I'm guessing is Ariana Grande by the looks of it. And the little touch that you put in the top with your author name was great! 7/10

Your description is really good! It's interesting to read and I liked how you merged everything together to make one cohesive summary. The only thing that I would comment on however are the grammatical mistakes. If I was a reader scanning through your description, I most likely wouldn't read it once I saw all those grammar errors. There are commas where there should be periods and uppercase when there should be lower case. Just go back and review those stuff and you'll have a rocking summary! 7/10

Your first paragraph was a bit expected. Usually morning scenes are like that. 'The girl wakes up, looks at the clock, groans about life, then gets dress into this whole supermodel.' I found that a bit much, but it's okay for the view on how you want your story to go. You did explain a bit about her and her mothers illness which I appreciated. There were many "I" and less description on her surroundings. Maybe add a bit more detail. Her dad seems okay. There were also a lot of grammatical errors as I said for the description. The commas aren't supposed to be in the place of the periods. Capitalize names of people and places. 6.5/10

Next Step: Definitely proofread and gather up information for other chapters

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