Chapter 1

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All was peaceful in the jungle. There were a few noises here and there, coming from the various creatures who called this island home. They could be found everywhere on the island, protected from the outside world by a huge storm system.

This was Skull Island.

The night sky began to brighten up. The sun was rising. A new day was dawning upon the land. The creatures of Skull Island began to stir from their nightly slumbers. As sunlight streamed through the leafy canopy of the jungle, something big could be heard walking through the undergrowth. Any nearby animals would look up, and then they would bow in respect when they saw who it was.

This was King Kong, the Ruler of Skull Island.

The big cat treaded through the jungle on huge white paws. His stiff black fur glistened in the sunlight. The white fur on his face shimmered like starlight. As he walked he held his head high with dignity and confidence. Nobody would dare mess with him. He was king.

Stopping at the river, King Kong bowed his head down and took a drink of water. He sighed in relief as he felt the cold liquid flow through his throat. Rising up, he surveyed the area with kind eyes. All was well. He looked over his shoulder and gave a soft grunt. A moment later, a cub stumbled out.

This was Little Kong, the son of King Kong.

"Good morning son," King Kong rasped. Running up to the king, Little Kong brushed up against the adult Kaiju cat as he purred happily, "Good morning father. All is well I presume?" Nodding his head, King Kong gazed up at the surrounding landscape as he rumbled, "Yes son, all is well."

Little Kong didn't respond right away. He was getting a drink of the cold river water. Finished getting his drink then, he looked up at the Ruler of Skull Island. Wagging his little stub of a tail, he squeaked, "What shall we do today father?"

"Let us enjoy the day my son," King Kong replied. With that comment, he tapped his child on the shoulder. Then he bounded off into the jungle. Laughing, Little Kong sprang into action and raced after his father. The two Kongs raced through the jungle, playing their game of tag. They were having so much fun.

After a while, it was time for a break. King Kong hated to admit it but he was not as young as he used to be. His age was beginning to show with shaggy white eyebrows and wrinkles under the eyes. His joints ached and his skin itched. He was old. Laying down on the grass, he glanced over at his son. He realized sadly that he might not have much time left with his only child. He had to make sure every moment counted.

"Father, are you okay?" Little Kong spoke, snapping King Kong out of his thoughts. Smiling softly, the aging ruler responded in a soft voice, "Yes son, I am alright. I was just thinking." Sitting down next to his dad, Little Kong asked, "What were you thinking about father?"

"Nothing for you to worry about right now my son," King Kong reassured. Pulling his child closer to his chest, he gazed out across the vast land. With them being on the edge of a tall cliff, they could see everything on Skull Island. The king smiled softly as he felt a gentle breeze blowing by. He closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh air. There was no better place to be than right here. He could stay here forever.

A strange siren sounded.

"What was that father?" Little Kong asked, his white fur standing on end. Rising to his tired feet, King Kong looked around. He had never heard that sound before on Skull Island. It was foreign to him. When his eyes turned to the rocky coast in the east, he at last saw what must be the source. A weird looking object was docked at the shore, near the only human village on the island.

"Son, go home. I have to investigate this," King Kong ordered firmly. His eyes round with fright, Little Kong placed his paws on his dad's shoulder as he whimpered, "You'll come back, right father?" Pressing his nose against his son's forehead, the king rasped, "Of course. I will be back before sundown."

"I love you father," Little Kong mewed. A soft smile on his face, King Kong replied, "I love you too, my son." With that, he headed off to investigate the weird object at the coast. His child meanwhile went the other way and headed home to wait for his father to return, just like he had been told.

Little did either of them know that that would be the last time they would see each other.

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