Beautiful Loser

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You exited the building, still shaking your head at the entire "Gournal" conversation you just read. Just when you think you're starting to get used to their bizarre shenanigans, they strike up an even weirder conversation, piling onto the reasons you like each of them so much.

Jungkooks enormous flip flops smacked against your heels as you stumbled about, trying desperately not to trip over the long sweatpants. the overflowing shirt was tied in a lose knot at your waist. You couldn't help but feel ridiculous as you made your way down the stairs at the front entrance, fully aware of the judgmental and curious stares of other students and faculty passing.

You squeaked in distress as you lost your footing on the last step, closing your eyes as you prepared for the collision with the ground. But instead you were met by two steady arms catching you.

"I knew you were falling for me, but I'd say this is taking it a little far." You looked up to see Jungkook, a goofy grin plastered to his dopey face.

"ha ha, very funny," you grumbled, embarrassment sinking in as you caught the attention of even more people.

Jungkook started pouting, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Why the sour face?"

"It's nothing," you shrugged, an uneasy feeling growing in the pit of your stomach.

Jungkook just raised an eyebrow, giving you an insistent look.

"I look like a loser- everyone's staring."

"Let em stare," he said wrapping his arm around you like he was showing you off. "You're a beautiful loser."

you gave him an offended look, drawing away in fake disbelief.

"You're my beautiful loser." once again his goofy grin was plastered all over his face, as he pulled you into his embrace, smothering you with his armpit. the butterflies in your stomach started doing somersaults as his words sunk in.

His? your heart fluttered at the thought. Jungkook must've noticed what he said, because he tensed up and held his breath. you drew back slightly, seeing the increasing worry in his eyes.

"yours?" you trailed, noticing him gulp and start to fidget slightly. "I like the sound of that."

A sigh of relief swept over him as he relaxed again. Now it was your turn to smile like an idiot as you took his hand and started to walk away from the building.

"So where are we going?" you asked after a moment of comfortable silence.

"It's a surprise," he said with a mischievous smirk.

"Can I at least go change first?" you gestured to his oversized clothes draping over your tiny form like a bed sheet. "I feel like I'm wearing a curtain."

He laughed at the comparison. "well in that case you look good in a curtain."

"jungkook I'm being serious. I look like I just crawled out of a corny fan fiction." he laughed again, still walking away from the apartment building we share. "At least let me change out of the shoes."

"Okay, okay. I'm just buggin ya." he teased, swooping you up into his arms and carrying you in the other direction.

"Jungkook! Put me down!" You giggled out, swatting at his arms playfully.

He did as you asked, but hugged you from behind. Your breath stopped as he nipped gently at your neck right below your ear, his hands slipping just below the band of your newly claimed sweatpants and resting on the wide band of the boxers you shamelessly wore. "Though I do love that you're wearing my clothes."

Then as quickly as it happened, he was back to giggling like a child and dragging you hand in hand towards the apartment building.

This man is going to be the death of me. you thought as you tried to calm the raging blush on you face, staring at Jungkook as he continued to guide you towards your destination.


What's this? An actual update? Wowza!

College sucks. I get a minimum of 40 hours worth of homework every week, and that's when I only have a couple assignments due at the end of the week. rn I have at least 1 assignment due in each class by the end of next weekend(I have 7 classes this semester), a novel which I have very little interest in to read for my crime fiction class then write a report on and do a presentation on in 2 weeks, and an entire animation to finish in less than a month.

Anyways. I missed writing so rn I'm saying "frizzle-frazzle it" to everything I'm supposed to be doing rn and working on updating Kakaokook and The Bet.

Thank you Everyone who has read, commented, and voted on this story so far! I cannot believe this has over 56,000 reads and over 2000 votes! Like I am honestly so grateful and surprised that everyone seems to be enjoying it. I feel like I've been letting you guys down lately, especially since I've only posted 4 updates in the past year and the views have more than quadrupled. I WILL work on updating as often as I can. You guys deserve so much and I am not delivering lately. I am truly sorry.

I love you all. thank you so much for your support. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

swaeg long and prosper🖖😎

Kook-Book out~

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