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POV:John Listen to the song while reading, it's really beautiful.

That night Levi told me something that made me almost cry.

He told me that tomorrow night, a bomb was going to set off in the warehouse and everyone is going to die.

But, turns out, he was just trying to SCARE ME.

The 5 men were screaming and yelling at Levi, they were hitting him.

Meanwhile when I was in our room.

OUR room. Now, heard how the whole slave thing works. Whoever rapes the client, the client is their slave. I'm Levi's slave, and Alex is John's, and we sleep with them.

It's awkward, because every night Levi scratches his nails on my waist and it makes me yelp.

But tonight, was different. It was quiet. Levi didn't touch me. He didn't even look at me. He acted like he was scared of me, for no exact reason at all.

But I was glad he wasn't bugging me, like he has for the past 2 weeks I've been here. By now he doesn't even scare me anymore.


I've been trying to be at least a little bit nice to John, but he doesn't try to talk to me. I've been hoping he'd ask me what's wrong, but nothing's working!

I'm sad to say this, but I'm gonna have to force him on a date with me.

"Pack your shit, put some decent clothes on." I ordered John.

He looked confused, but then glaring at me.

"For what? A princess tea party?" He joked, but still glaring at me

"No, I'm just taking you out to eat." I replied, opening the door ready to go.

He sighed as he walked up to our bedroom and put on a dark purple polo and black jeans, had a tie on.

I blushed, and then he walked out the door.

"Damn. I haven't been out of this ratchet ass warehouse in almost 3 weeks." John scoffed, glaring at me from the side.

"Oh, shut it." I said, not in the mood.

When we arrived there, John sighed as he got up and out of the car.

I opened the door for him, and he walked in.

We found a table to sit at, and we were completely silent until we ordered.

We ordered, and we were off being silent again.

I broke the silence with an apology.

"Listen, I'm sorry. I just want to have a relationship with you, or a friendship at least!" I said, a sad look on my face.

John snorted, and got really close to me.

"You think I'd ever want to bond with someone who RAPED ME?!" He whisper-screamed.

I slumped down in my seat, and suddenly a news report came on, and my eyes widened when I saw johns face on the tv.

"It has been reported that a John Laurens and a Alexander Hamilton have been kidnapped and raped. They live in the Los Angeles area, and live in a warehouse. It is not certain where they live, but it is close to the park across McDonald's. The suspects are Levi Weeks, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Seabury, John Adams, John Jay, and Aaron Burr. If you see any of these men, please contact the police IMMEDIATELY." The tv beamed.

Soon, everyone was looking at me.

I grabbed John, and tried to leave, but several people from the restaurant tried to stop us.

I may or may have not punched an old lady in the face so I could get out.

I picked up John bridal style, and sprinted out of the restaurant, and in to the car. The employees from the restaurant were walking toward the car, but I sped away until they couldn't be seen anymore.

Soon, the radio started buzzing.

"The rape victim and the suspect have been seen at the 'King Kitchen' (rip a place in King, North Carolina where I live. Just pretend it's in New York.), and the suspect has drove off. Police are tracking down the car, and will hopefully catch them."

My heart raced as I tried to make my way to the warehouse as fast as I could.

I couldn't be caught now, I can't!

Soon, we came a across a red light.

Lucky for us, there just HAD TO BE A POLICE CAR RIGHT BESIDE US.

They weren't chasing us, but we're waiting.

They looked across at me, and eyes widened when they noticed who I am.

The policeman got his intercom and yelled: "GET OUT OF THE CAR, YOU'RE UNDER ARREST."

As soon as the red light turned to a green light, I zoomed past him.

Great, now I have a police officer on my ass.

And I can't go to the warehouse cause then they'll know where we live. So, I had to throw him off.

Soon, I pulled in to a ally way and parked behind a big dumpster.

I stopped, and calm down for a second to catch my breath.

"Jesus, one hell of a a ride!" I joked, looking at John but stopping as soon as he looked up at me.

"Just so you know, I didn't call the cops. But that was my only chance I had to get away from YOU. You think I want to live in HELL for the rest of my life!? NO!" He beamed.

"Listen, after the case is clear, we're going back home." I said to him, putting the car in drive.

I pulled up out of the dumpster, and sped home.

As we got there, I grabbed John and ran inside.

When we got inside, I slammed the door shut and locked it.

"Damn! We're on the news and everything!" Thomas beamed.

"Lock all the windows, put curtains over them, get a huge certain for the balcony window, lock all the doors, and make sure it's not possible to see the inside." I ordered, and everybody sprinted off to do their job, except for John.

"You're insane." John said, looking me in the eye.

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