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I turned to hear footsteps approaching me, "Nerina, he's awake and wants to see you," Jack said racing to me.  I nodded. I took one stop but I had to pause as a wave of dizziness washed over me. "Are you coming or not?" he asked. I nodded and walked into the cabin, as soon as I walked through the door Vanes eyes were trained on me. I rushed to him hugging him gently. 

"Thank you," he said and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"I couldn't bear the thought of you being caught," I said.

"We did try to stop her..." Jack began. 

"Shut up Jack," Vane said. He nodded, Anne and Jack left us, I sat down next to the bed. He gently tugged on the bloodied cloth on my shirt. "Are you going to let someone see to that?" I shook my head.  He rested a hand on my cheek and huffed a laugh, "always were stubborn."  I leant into his touch, "where's the cache?" 

"Safe, Flint has put it in the ground," I replied. I rested my arms on the bed and leant my head on them, Vane fell asleep with me. However, sleep didn't last long for me as Jack placed a hand on my shoulder.  

"Hm?" I turned my head to face him.  

"We need to go to the village, Mr. Scott is on his way to departing us and they all want us present, Charles will be okay," Jack said. I gave a silent nod and together we left. I had to walk slower than usual. "And you wonder why we worry about you," Jack threw an arm around his shoulder and helped me walk to the others, Anne took me from Jack and placed me down next to her. 

"How much longer?" I asked. 

"We don't know, but I don't suppose it'll be much longer," Silver replied overhearing our conversation. A few moments later, and a horn was blown. We all exchanged glances and our heads bowed, Jack, Anne and I all gripped each other hands softly. Weeping could be heard all around the village. Slowly one by one we left. Flint's crew were the last to leave when we returned to Vanes side he was still asleep, Anne and I kept watch while Jack and Vane slept. 

"I remember those nights on the ships when we'd lay on the deck looking up at the stars," I said. She rested her head against the door frame sharpening and cleaning her sword just as I did the same.  There was a fire pit not far from where we sat, I got up and rested my knife deep in the belly of its flames and when the blade glowed brightly I lifted my shirt and placed the blade against it, the blood bubbled and hissed. I lifted my head to the stars hissing, Anne watched me. 

"I knew you were lying," she said walking closer to me and steadying me, "let me have a look," she growled. 

"Fine," I sighed. 

"I am surprised you haven't collapsed yet, you've only made it worse. Go switch with Jack and rest," she said sternly. I nodded.  I woke Jack up and he took my place, I slept uncomfortably, and the voices of Anne and Jack kept me up. 

"You were right," Anne said. 

"I knew she was hurt, she was too quiet," Jack replied, it wasn't long till their voice lulled me to sleep.  

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