Chapter 20: Flashbacks

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        A large metal door opened up, letting a single stream of light fade into a dark room. Someone snickered, as the lights suddenly came on. Jevil stood there, smiling his yellow teeth out like a serial killer. Asgore laid on a white mattress, that was stained with red from Asgore's leg. He grunted as he forced his eyes to open to see who it was. When he looked he saw Jevil standing there.

       "What do you want? You already shot me. Locked me here. What else do you want?" Asgore asked, rubbing his eyes getting used to the light. "Kill me?"

      "I might be a made-to-be ruler. But I still have a soul! I'm not a tyrant like they say I am."

      "What a shocker..." Asgore whispered, he tried to get up but Jevil put his hand out in protest.

      "Listen, I know what I did was 'unjustified'. I'm sorry about that, I really am!" Jevil said in a soothing voice. He walked over to Asgore, standing up and crossed his arms.

       "You're lying aren't you..."

       "Oh, I'm not lying! I swear!" Jevil questioned, raising an eyebrow and giving a smirk. "Anyway, I thought you were all about second chances? The whole 'incident'."

       No one brought up that accident next to Asgore...he felt like the worst person in the world if anyone did. He thought he was forgiven, but everyone who found out, always commented about it. He didn't even know how Jevil found out about it, but he wouldn't let him hear the last of it.

      "Well, anyway. I was just here to give you some food. One of the students suggested that I give their rations to you," Jevil explained. He took out a sandwich covered in plastic wrap, ketchup smudged on the sides. It was slightly soggy, and it certainly didn't look the most appetizing, but it was edible. Jevil unwrapped it for him, setting it down on the bed.

     "Thanks?" He reached for the sandwich, but Jevil had something else in mind. He quickly swiped his hand right at it, sending the sandwich into the air and then on the floor.  Both pieces of bread were separate from each other by a few inches. Exposing some soggy ingredients, like lettuce, and a sliver of tomato. 

     "Eat up."

     Jevil walked out, shutting off the lights and closing the door. Now, he couldn't even see it anymore. He would have to get up, and he didn't even have the energy for that. Those two slices of bread teasing him in his mind, just out of reach. Asgore tried moving his leg, but he couldn't, it just hurt too much. The pain overrode his determination, and he just gave up and laid back on the bed. 

     Asgore reflected back, to everything. He drifted off, back to the world he had been in before Jevil interrupted him. He wished things had been different. He wished his son wasn't dead now. He wished that the apocalypse never started. He wished that he'd form close bonds with Kris. He wished he could have helped him with his mental state. 

    But the thing he wished most. He wished they'd never been divorced. That was the cause of everything, all the pain with Kris, all the overload of work on Toriel, all the heartache on him.

   Oh, he wished to change history.



   Asgore looked down at his son, in his 7-year old glory. Asgore was dressed in a large Hawaiian shirt and wore navy blue pants. Kris grasped onto Asgore's hand, not letting go of his seemingly huge fingers. Asgore leaned down and looked at Kris.

  "Yes, Kris?"

 "Will you stay with me forever, daddy?"

  "Of course, Kris! I'd never leave you for the world!"

  "Mommy says that you and mommy are going through things...I don't want you two to be mad."

  "We aren't mad! We're just...working things out, is all! We'll be alright!"

  "So you'll always be here?"

  "I promise with my entire soul!"

  "You really really promise that's the truth?" Kris asked, sticking out his pinkie. "Pinkie promise?"

  "Pinkie promise!"

   Asgore latched his pinkie around Kris's, Asgore smiled at Kris. Kris looked up, and smiled back, his hair resting over his eyes like they usually did.


  "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Toriel screamed. Tears in her eyes, that rolled down her cheek. Asgore was now in a short, white, shirt. Baggy grey trousers accompanying the bags under his eyes. 

  "I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to drop him!"


  "I said I didn't mean to! Kris is alright now, that's all that matters!"


  "I'm taking responsibility here, Toriel!"


  Kris sat perched on the top step of the stairs, listening to the conversation. The stairs went down, then to the left, with a white wall that went down all the way to the bottom of the stairs. He listened as the echoes of their screaming voices hit the wall and bounced up the stairs and right to Kris.

  "Toriel, please! Give me one more chance!"


   Kris felt a tap on his shoulder, turning around he saw Asriel. He was taller, much taller, than him and was wearing star-infested pajamas. He noticed out of the corner of his eye Toriel leaving through the front door, right in the view of Kris.

 "Hey dude, come on. We gotta go to sleep!"


 "Yeah, bud?"

 "Why does everyone want to leave me?"


  "Based on what you've told me, I think it's been relatively hard to find out what happened to Kris," said a doctor. Asgore and Toriel sat in two seats in a small, neat, room with Kris, now at 10, sitting on a large-ish bed that took up the whole right side of the room. "I do have a diagnosis, though."

  "Please say it's not Bipolar, I can't handle anymore 'Your son has Bipolar' talks. I've had it. I've honestly had it. Nothing has helped our son ever since we've been told that! No help! No medication! Nothing!"

  "Well, Mrs. Toriel. It's not Bipolar that I think is affecting your son. It's more of a different personality disorder, and it's one that often gets misdiagnosed with others," the doctor explained. He looked at Kris with a smile and walked to him, and noticed beads of sweat on his forehead. 

  "Oh, what is it then?"

  "Well, based on the symptoms you're listing to me. I think that I might have a different suggestion on medication and treatment for your son," the doctor continued. "I think your son has--"


   Asgore was inside his flower shop, looking over to where he used to live. The whole breakup was the cause of Kris's symptoms. Toriel made a mistake divorcing him, not by his behalf, but by Asriel's and Kris's. Especially after the new diagnosis.

   It wasn't all that bad, though, Kris could still see him whenever he wanted to. It was just that...Toriel didn't really want him to see her anymore.

   At least Kris was alright, he was getting help, he was happier, he was taking his medication. Best of all, he didn't try to commit suicide! That's good, right? 

   Asgore continued to trim the shrubs and cut off unwanted parts, and continued to show his happy façade to everyone.


   Asgore sat in his basement, on a velvet couch in front of his cable tv, trying to find something to watch. Asgore sipped a cup of tea, as he flipped through the channels to look for something interesting. He somehow stumbled across a news channel, and then sat and watched it, resting his tea on a little table next to him.

   "Officers say that the attacker has been arrested by officials, the family is grieving heavily for their poor so--"

   "I'm sorry, Jeremy. I'm going to have to cut you off here. Breaking News, zombies are on the streets. We've been just informed that slow-moving zombies are walking around the streets attacking anything they can find!" the news anchor explained. They flipped through their papers in panic, as the sound of people running could be heard behind the camera. "Live footage from Martin."

   The tv switched to footage of a guy standing in a highway. He, as well as everyone there, was in panic mode. 

  "Yes, Charlotte. As you can see here, zombies are walking around the streets!" The camera panned to a small number of zombies slowly moving down the highway towards them. "Officials warn those to who aren't zombies, to hide in their houses and carry weapons. Get to your nearest safety shelters, which should be listed right under me! Wherever you live, look down below here to see where you can go to so you can be safe!"

  The screen split to both the anchor and the reporter.

  "Martin, do you know where these zombies are heading? North, South, East, West?"

  "These zombies are everywhere, Charlotte, and are heading in every direction. We've been told they're not just here in California, but everywhere in the U.S.A. New York has been hit hard, Florida, Texas, Michigan, Arizona, and so many other states. We have not been told what has happened, however, we will try to give announcements in due time. For now, just stay indoors and make sure to have a weapon in hand!"

   There was something running behind Martin, it looked like someone was running right at him from behind. There was a loud scream, and suddenly the camera dropped.

  "Martin? Martin are you there? Martin can you hear us?"


  Martin fell face first onto the cement, right in front of the camera. There was a loud screech, and before she even had time to react, blood was trickling down the side of his face as he continued to scream in agony. Charlotte got up and screamed as well, running offset and supposedly running away. Finally, Martin lay dead there, with blood pouring over his head. With that, the tv channel shut off and all that was left was a glitched rainbow screen.

  Asgore dropped his remote onto the ground, and the tv shut off with it. His eyes widened in shock, his entire body shaking. He got up from his couch and ran up the stairs to the top of his flower shop. He grabbed a shovel and burst through the front doors, to come to the horrible sight of chaos. People were running, screaming, dying, and someone was even trying to kill other zombies. The streets were chaos, utter chaos.

 And Asgore was in the midst of it.


 Asgore sighed, he had gone through so much. He didn't deserve any of this. All he wanted to do is to find Kris, Asriel, and Toriel. That's all he wanted.

 But he really had no hope anymore.


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