Shattered minds

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

"Adrien, I'm sorry." Chloe said, walking over the corner of the street, her eyes flashing before Marinette's grave as she found Adrien wet with tears, but a look of confusion in his face. She leaned in to find Adrien picking up a pink, magical creature that had passed out. Her heart stopped. Ladybug's kwami. "Adrien, what is that? Why do you have it?"

He spun around to face her with such indescribable madness. His eyes would lit up as she locked eyes with him. He tugged Tikki into his pocket and looked at the grave. "Nothing. Nothing that you should care about."

"Oh, I should care." She replied, trying not to be hurt by the bitterness of his voice, threatening to destroy her. "I know what this is, you don't. Do you even know what she is?"

Adrien fixed his gaze that would shatter glass, no, more like minds onto her. "It's a joke, a toy. How much suffering do you need to see me pass through? Seriously, play a sickening prank saying somebody's hurt, help, please, and then the toy dies? Have you fallen that low, Chloe?"

She backed away, hurt. "It's not a toy." She took a step forward. "It's the opposite of a joke. I need to know her exact words, in fact, I need her. I know someone who's been looking for her for a long time."

Adrien leaned back, perplexed. "You're making this up. You're doing this to still break me-still, after everything I've been through."

"Adrien, give me the kwami!" Chloe yelled, taking another step forward.

"Kwami? Is this something Korean or Japanese prank toy?" He asked, his eyes flashing towards Tikki who still laid soundly asleep on his palm. "Chloe, knock it off."

"I'm sorry," She apologized before grabbing her purse and knocking him down. People around started to gasp and scream but Chloe said it was all part of the play they were practicing for and Adrien would wake up any minute now. She grabbed his shoulders and with all the strength she could, she managed to drag him into a cemetery near by. She hope he would wake up thinking Marinette's grave was nearby, forgetting completely about Tikki and her.

Queen flew from her purse as Chloe settled Adrien nicely on a grave. "You didn't have to knock him out."

Chloe stared at her kwami. "It was the only way my brain could process getting hands on Tikki. Besides, I didn't do anything to him."

"He's not conscious." replied sarcastically her kwami. When Chloe shot her another dark look, Queen laughed. "That's not what we need to discuss right now. You have to get Tikki to Master Fu, he'll heal her. She would give us information on Ladybug. What if she's still alive?"

Chloe tried the words out loud, "What if Marinette is alive?"

She would rescue her. She would rescue Marinette, heal her and bring her to Adrien so everything could be fixed. Chloe looked around and a shivered past her back realizing the place she was in. She shared a knowing look with Queen and she nodded in approval. Queen flew back into Chloe's purse as she started walking deeper into the graveyard.

Chloe could remember the exact day. September 14. She could remember what she was wearing. A bumblebee skirt with black shoes and a white, clean shirt with fancy sleeves. She remembered her age. Seven. She remembered who was at her side. Her father and Adrien. She remembered who she had lost. Her mother.

Standing in front of her grave eight years later was astonishing. Chloe hugged her stomach at watching some dead flowers accumulating besides her mother's grave. Tears coming to the surface of her eyelids, she knelt in front of the grave and neatly passed her hand over the rocky surface. As a child, she would do the exact same thing, believing her mother would come back from a really long vacation, that was what people around her used to say so she wasn't depressed.    

"Hi, mom." She started, her voice quivering. Queen flew out of her purse and sat in Chloe's shoulder, warming her in a way she couldn't even explain. "A lot has changed since I last talked you. When was it? Nine? Ten years? When I stopped believing you could come back? For example, Isabella disappeared and now she's back. The one who disappeared is Gabriel. No idea where he is and I should be looking for him. Adrien got into an accident and he was in comma with permanent amnesia, he still remembers me though. I have the chance to redeem myself and I haven't taken it. I have the chance to become some else, someone who is not a monster like me and help people."

"Remember when we would sit down, criss-cross applesauce and we would talk on how to make friends? You used to say I should always be kind and help those who needed help. Well, obviously I'm doing something wrong. As Chloe, I can feel everybody hate me. Adrien doesn't hate me-didn't hate me, until I did something wrong I can't tell you. Even you would hate me above from all the mistakes I've done. A girl named Marinette...she has changed my life in ways I can't even imagine. We thought she died, falling from a great height just like Adrien did, but I haven't realized how much I owe her when she slipped away. I pretended to be Adrien's girlfriend, Mom, what a silly thing to do. He had some flashbacks of him and Marinette, the girl he truly loved and left me. I've never felt so sad in my life."

"How can you move on without the people that were with you in the first place? Even now, when I'm surrounded with such fortune and love from Daddy...I still think I'm more alone as ever. You need to come back and teach me how to make friends. Really, I need them. I have one, her name is Sabrina, but we've gotten in a couple of fights almost every week which threatens my idea of being alone more and more. Just because I'm mean...people always have a reason to be mean. It may be hidden, but it's there. God, know I have a living clue that could tell us if Marinette is alive or not and I'm going to take it. My duty as Queen Bee is to do so."

"Oh, I became a super hero while you were gone. Yes, I fight crime like in the movies thanks to Queen, a little magical creature named kwami that allows me to transform. Yes, it's complicated at first but I'll come back to specifically talk about that." Chloe was sobbing now, her words fading away and coming back between sobs. "Anyway, I want Marinette back, never thought I would say that. She gives people happiness, something I'm never going to be able to give. She makes every person around her happy by only staying positive. When was the last time I was positive? Around the time you were alive for sure. I want to bring her back. I always believed she wasn't dead. I'm sure of it."

"To be honest, I'm not saving her just for Adrien, someone that I need to fix things desperately, but I'm doing it for myself, because even I feel like I'm not entirely that bad when she's around. She always manages to smooth things over and I don't know, if I get her back, I can say the things I feel when I'm with her. That I want to be her friend, that I want to change. I don't think there's anything to say besides that. I'm going to make things right, I know I can because being's the worst thing one can do to ourselves. I love you."

Chloe sat up, the cool breeze around the graveyard making her shiver as Queen nuzzled her cheek. "That was...intense, Chloe. I never thought you felt that way. You and I should talk more."

"Yes, but we've got work to do." Chloe reminded her kwami who nodded. Chloe's fingers touched her hairpin carefully, emitting a bright yellow light that would blind. "Queen, FLY AWAY!"

"You found him with Tikki?" Volpina asked, perplexed as Queen Bee ranted on her story for seven times now. Green Shell seemed as confused as Volpina did, the three of them waiting outside for Master Fu who had received Tikki and was now aiding her. "With Tikki?"

"I know it's a lot to take in." Queen Bee replied, observing the depths of Paris through more than her own eyes. "I was confused too, but whatever Tikki's got to might lead us to a way to find Ladybug."

"If she's still alive." Green Shell assumed. "If Tikki is here, Ladybug fell as Marinette, not the other way around. Marinette was literally 0 chances of coming alive."

Volpina nudged his ribs. "Be careful with who you're talking to about who."

Queen Bee nodded as Master Fu opened the door, her heart leaping too. He nodded inside and the three super heroes obeyed immediately. The room was soundless and filled with a drastic tension that threatened to crush them with little Tikki's words. 

In Master Fu's hands, Tikki blinked. She observed what was around her and relaxed. "Master Fu, I'm sorry. I-I was weak, I couldn't change her back."

Queen Bee leaned in. "Is she alive?"

Tikki nodded. "She's alive, but not in the way we want her."

Volpina frowned. "What do you mean?"

Tikki shivered. "You know, how kwami's have healing powers? I was able to slow Marinette's internal bleeding, but only for a few days. Marinette ripped her shirt off and made a tourniquet around her stomach, the poor girl couldn't breathe. I was trying to fix her insides as best as possible but I felt her energy flicker and was close to dying. One day, in the last four months we were trapped, I fell asleep next to Marinette who told me sleeping would regenerate my energy so she could change into Ladybug quickly, but some kind of magic was placed on the mace. Marinette couldn't change into Ladybug."

Green Shell moved nervously. "I don't like where this is going."

"We were stuck there until Marinette died." Tikki explained. "So, I fell asleep and when I woke up...when I woke up..."

Queen Bee looked hopelessly at Volpina who returned the look immediate. The three super heroes had formed a chain in holding each other's hands, squeezing each other to share the pain, the worry, the horrible and murderous thoughts that were their shattered minds with the idea of losing Ladybug, losing Marinette. No, Queen Bee was so sure she could save Marinette, for Adrien. For herself.  

"When you woke up....Marinette was already dead?" Volpina asked, the tension suffocating Queen Bee.

"When I woke up," Tikki said. "Marinette was gone."

The tension killing Queen Bee.

So! Semi-hiatus coming on, so don't get too worried. I don't think I'll be able to publish a chapter until next week 'cause those exams are coming big and I have some classes that I'm literally in need of good grades. Anyway, Americans (I'm Britannic) rate MLB five stars on Netflix! You are gifted with something other fans around the world aren't, you do good!

Stay miraculous!



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