Chapter 16: Love Me

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Hello everyone, I just want to thank God and all of you for all the love you have given to my story so far :). It is unbelievable that this story has reached over 22K reads :). I never imagined this would have been possible and it wouldn't have been possible if it wasn't for God and all you readers who read this story and spread the word about it. I want to thank God and all of you from the bottom of my heart :).

I have written two new chapters, so please do read this chapter, which is Chapter 16, and Chapter 17. I am emphasizing Chapter 17 because the last scene may bring a dramatic twist in the story, so please do not miss it :). These two chapters will answer some questions from past secrets.

I am so sorry for the delay in the update and thank you everyone for waiting patiently for this update. I have been very busy with graduate school applications and I am very nervous right now what the results will be so, please do pray for me that I get into a school soon :). I purely wrote this update while I was going through a lot of stress and anxiety regarding a particular school I applied to and its potential future results, so I apologize if this update has errors or you may not get a feel or like this update because I was quite emotional when writing this update since I had nerves from applying to grad school and I am not sure if I did justice to the story and characters.

Um...this update is bringing a major twist in the story and I am very nervous how all readers will react, but I have a plot in mind and each and every scene has a meaning. These two chapters will answer a lot of your questions which I hope will be answered. Moreover, the last scene in Chapter 17 may be hated or loved...I am definitely nervous about your reactions. So, I am hoping for the best right now :)

Please feel free to give positive and negative feedback as I feel this update of two chapters will bring in a wide range of opinions. I apologize in advance if I may have screwed up the plot line.

Also, please do read the first chapter of my new Shivika story: The Bond of Love and Hate. I really want to know if I should continue this new Shivika story. Thank you :)

URL Link for my new Shivika story:

If you wish, please do follow me on Twitter as my username is JasmineDarcie

Thank you for reading and if you wish please do upvote and give feedback :) Also, please let me know if you have liked the songs I chose so far in this update because I am not sure if you like the songs or not. I have worked really hard to find the right songs, but please do tell me if you like them and feel free to give suggestions :). The songs add more emotions and feelings to the scenes, so if possible and if you wish, please do listen to the songs while reading the scenes :).


I have written two chapters, so please do read this chapter and the next chapter which is Chapter 17


"Tell me you love me..." I whispered lightly against his ears as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. His hands laying lightly against my waist as I felt his cheek brushing against the side of my face.

"You are my everything should know that...that is a testament to my love for you..."He spoke softly as his lips lingered against the tips of my ear.

My cheeks slowly began to burn up as a rush of heat went to them. A faint smile appearing on my lips as my hand traced the edges of his black shirt as I placed it against his chest. My eyes latching on to his gray-blue eyes as he looked down at me.

Shivaay smiled as his hands deepened their hold against the light, black cotton blouse I wore. His gaze dropping the drapes of shame as he looked at me with pure reflected in the streams of ice and coldness he attempted to project, but were burnt by the love he had for me.

"This is the love I have always been on the search for in my life Shivaay...and thank you...thank you for fulfilling that love. Your love gives me life and without it...perhaps...there wouldn't be an Anika, but only a body that is lifeless and merely walks the Earth searching for her love..." I stopped as my voice began to break with tears choking my voice and daring to spill.

I felt his hand lifting and laying down against my cheek as he looked at me. His face showing an unusual expression as he pursed his lips together and shook his head. His eyes showing a small tinge of pain as he closed his eyes and opened them. An unusual expression of utter pain flashing across his face as he tried to smile.

"Don't let your soul depend on me's not fair to you...Your soul should not be dependent on anyone else...not even me-"

"Well your love has given me life...breaths and beats that I never had..." I stopped as he pulled me into a large embrace with his arms holding me tightly against his chest. It was unusual considering he was never this affectionate, but some how I ignored that thought as I tucked my face into his chest filling my senses with his cologne as I felt the pulse of his chest lightly beating against my cheek.

"I love you Anika...I love you so much..." His words halting as his hand drifted to the black bead and threads of my mangalsutra and held it lightly against his fingers.

"I hope to love you forever Anika..." He said smiling as I smiled and rested my head against his chest.

"I know...and I hope to love you for eternity Shivaay..."

Flashback Ends:
I took a deep breath as the screetches of my car's tires woke me up. Throwing my head up in the air, I slammed it against the car seat as I felt strands of hair taping themselves against my wet cheeks.

I hope to love you forever Anika. His words repeating in a loop as I attempted to escape from them. Why have those words come out of the blue? They shouldn't considering what Shivaay did tonight. Not only tonight, but what he has always done to me.

What has fate written for me? I just cannot understand...what you have written for me...I sighed as I looked out at the dark blue ocean in front of me as waves slowly rushed up to shore. My vision slightly blurring with tears as I laid my head in silence against the back of the seat looking mindlessly at the sea.

Shivaay ruined tonight for me. I finally had thought I was making a small step towards moving forward with someone else which was...Armaan. However, somehow, Shivaay had to come between us and ruin everything...that is one thing he is good at it. He loves to create destruction and walk proudly amongst it.

Why is it that your source of pleasure is only destruction? Why? Most of all...why do you only find pleasure in destroying me and the small amounts of happiness I gather? Why? I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as I began slamming my hand hard against it seeing his reflection in it.

"Why? Why? Why?!" I repeated as I began slamming my hand hard against the horn of the car with its sound muffling my thoughts and helping me escape his words of love that still haunted me.

"How can I be so stupid? How?" I whispered softly as I placed my hand against my mouth in frustration as I wiped the lipstick off of my lips.

"I didn't fight for myself, but my fate will fight with you and I know you will repent one day...I just know it..." I spoke as I felt revenge and anger tightening hold on to memories of love I had for him.

Shivaay's Point of View

My feet stood lifeless as they dipped into the wet sand. Ocean waves running quickly towards my ankles as I reached out for the peace they offered, but I couldn't. All I could think of was her.

The way her brown eyes begged for love that I failed to give. The way her lips never got tired of saying my name or confessing love. The kindness of her heart that gave her innocence and encouraged her to help others. Her kindness that failed to melt me and realize my love for her until now...Now when I know she is slipping away from me...forgetting me....and slowly removing me away from her heart...I realize that I love her. I love Anika. The thought of it setting fire to my heartbeat as I feel it pound against my chest. My love for her deepening and choking on to the cold ego and selfishness my heart had fostered for years.

Did I always love her? I flashbacked to the memories we shared and when I look back...all I could remember was the fight I was having with myself and my feelings that I held for that time I had been fighting my love with ego and selfishness I had as I had set upon a path of revenge.

Oh what have I done...Fate had laid everything in my lap...everything I perhaps had always searched for all my life, but I failed to much love and care fate had given me in the form of Anika....

A drop of tear made its way down my cheek as I stared at my reflection in the waves of the deep blue sea as it removed itself away from me and went back into the unknown.

"What have you done Shivaay?" I sighed as I looked back towards Om who stood right beside me. His eyes showing concern as I could tell he was disappointed in me.

All my life, I had done everything to project myself as the perfect son and the perfect brother all behind a mask I held where I did my dirty deeds...I failed to be the man that I wanted my brother and sister to idolize. I failed at the most important thing which life requires one to be which was to be kind, considerate, and loving...I failed to foster such traits.

"I know I have done wrong...And it's just not that I am wrong in the sense I hid a secret marriage from you and everyone else, but I have done worse Om..." I paused as I attempted to gather and remember the deeds I had done to ruin her. Destroy her and break her into pieces.

Om's eyes shot up as they widened as he heard my words. Raising his eyebrow curiously, he crossed his arms tightly as he looked at me.

"What do you mean?" He questioned as I took a deep breath and looked out towards the empty sea in front of me.

"I hurt her Om. Anika....she loved me a lot....I cannot even describe to you how much she loved me...cared for me...I never experienced this feeling in my life Om. You know how Ma and Papa...failed to love us and care for us. All my life all I was taught was to be selfish. To fight for power, money, and pride. I was taught to destroy anyone who questioned me,came in my path, or aimed to destroy my pride. I practiced this teaching with her...and you know what I destroyed her...because that gave me pleasure. Guess what?...I was supposed to be happy and proud of this, but that didn't happen....I was looking for many years, for this pleasure and happiness that I should've gotten from this action, but I never found it...because...the day I met her again after five years I could not see her broken. It hurt me. It felt as if someone was piercing a thorn in every single beat of my heart. So yes...I am a monster...and yes I know I don't deserve her, but...I love her. I love her a lot ok?" My voice began to shake as I felt my lip quivering. A sign of weakness I had never dared to portray in my life before. What is happening to me? I removed my gaze away from his face as I felt tears making their way down my cheeks.

What is happening? I shouldn't be crying then why am I? Do I love her this much? I stared at my hands that stood stone cold as I attempted to envision my power to love in them. Do I even deserve her? I shouldn't considering what I did to her. But, then I know... I know that I have always loved her and now I cannot stop lying to myself and say I do not love her. I love Anika. And I know this love will not die because she is the first and only one who has lit this fire of love inside of me and this fire has never died for so many years which means it can never die. I know I can never stop loving her.

"Shivaay why did you make such a big mistake? Huh? And now you are regretting all of it..." Om spoke softly as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know...I just got caught up in my web of pride and ego...I forgot to see and appreciate the love I had in front of me...I love Anika..." I stopped as I wiped away a tear from my cheek and looked up at the dark sky above me.

"You divorced her..."

"Yet...that bond never got broken Om. Yet, I still love her..." I faintly smiled as I envisioned her smiling face in front of my eyes. The mere vision of her giving me an unusual peace I never experienced before.

"Aren't you scared someone will find out about you you even know what territory you are walking in right now?" Om reminded as he tried to awaken the logical and practical side of me which did not dare to wake up.

"No...because all I know is that I love her. That's all that matters to me..." I replied looking directly into his eyes as Om bit his lip shaking his head.

"You can go ahead and tell everyone. It doesn't matter..." I whispered as Om shook his head and grabbed me into a hug.

"No matter what differences we have Shivaay. You are my older brother and I will always support you no matter what. I promise that I will never reveal this secret. Ok? Your secret is safe with me," Om noted as I smiled and let go of him. Never would I have thought Om would support me in such manner. Growing up, we always had differences about every single thing, yet, somehow this moment brought us together. I would have never thought of sharing such important secret with him.

"How did you find out?" I asked curiously as Om rolled his eyes.

"I heard your conversation with her in the glass maze at the carnival. I heard the fight...why didn't you ever tell us? Why did you keep this marriage a secret?" Om asked curiously as I sighed as ran my hand through my hair.

"It's a long story..." I replied as Om smiled and looked at me.

"I have all night..." He replied.

I smiled as I reflected back on memories of the past and how it all started.

Anika's Point of View

I dragged my feet against the soft white sand as my shadow fell upon it. Running my hand through my hair as I looked up at the moon above me. Closing my eyes, I attempted to soak in the light the moon projected above me as I attempted to find peace, but couldn't.

If only I could go back in time and erase everything just as the waves of this ocean come in and erase the pieces of memories found on the sand. I wish this ocean could take away my memories that have been chained to my heart for years. If only I could turn back time.


I ran my hands through the pile of papers I had collected as part of my research project. I took a large sigh as I ran my pencil against my lips, looking down at recent data on hospitalizations of low income children in the area and whether those illnesses could have been prevented by a normal doctor's visit which they didn't have access due to their lack of insurance status.

It had been a long day today. There was dim silence in the hallways and lecture halls of the medical school since many had left for their winter break. I could have also escaped with my peers and off to sunny California, but I decided to stay back with a heavy heart and pursue research. I hadn't seen my parents in months and I was hopelessly missing them, but they convinced me to stay back and work on this research considering it was my dream project. Thus, here I was. Spending Christmas Eve, in a dimly lit office where I had locked myself up for 12 hours.

I twisted the curls of the small ponytail on the back of my head as I rubbed my eyes and attempted to focus on the data in front of me. My eyes slowly wandering to the brown pastel walls fixating and out to the window where snow lightly piled on the yard in front.

I redirected my eyes back towards my paper only to find them falling towards a small photograph in front of me. The familiar set of gray blue eyes staring back at me as a large smile remained fixed on the etched and detailed jawline. That smile slowly charming me as I felt my heart flutter. A faint smile appearing on my lips as I played with a pencil against them. The same fingertips, holding the tip of the pencil, that had been kissed by his touch in the coffee shop. It had been a few days since our first official meeting on the research project and I remember how he had grabbed my hand and kissed it without any shame. Ever since that day, we haven't talked about it and I could tell he does small things to pull me towards him, but I don't budge at all because I know I cannot.

Does he really have an attraction for me or is it mere fantasy?...Shivaay...whenever I look in his eyes, I could somewhere find a hint of attraction, but somehow I always avoid the thought because I know that I cannot cross the boundary of rules that existed between our professional relationship. As the college advocates, him and I cannot have any relationship of sorts since he is a professor and I am a student. But, if the rules didn't exist...would I allow him to pursue me? Perhaps...I would...

I hit pause on the thought as I heard the door opening behind me. Quickly looking back, I realized it was him...Shivaay...or Professor Oberoi to be exact, but somehow these days my mind just calls him by his first name...

" is the research going so far since I had gone on out to get coffee?" He asked as he took off a large gray colored woolen coat, revealing a white collared shirt he wore that aimed to perfectly etch the details of his muscles. I broke the thought as I looked back at my paper.

"Kind of far. I am at the last set of data, so I guess we can call this day a success," I noted smiling as I turned around towards him as I noticed he was awfully close. He appeared to be an inch closer to me.

I took a step away as I gathered my paper together. My senses filling with the strong perfume he wore which attempted to lure me. I cleared my throat nervously as I ran my hand through my hair.

"I brought you hot chocolate since you are not a fan of coffee," He noted as he held out a small cup of hot chocolate in front of me.

I smiled as I looked at the hot chocolate with white cream and marshmellows toppling over it and making it more attempting to drink. Hot favorite drink of the holiday season and somehow he knew.

"Um...thank you Professor," I replied as I grabbed the cup and took a small sip from it.

"I should thank you instead," He said as a small smirk appeared on his lips. Raising my eyebrow, I looked at him curiously trying to decode his statement.

"For making this a memorable Christmas Eve. I got to spend it with you. Despite the immense amount of paperwork we had...I...enjoyed it because your presence made it enjoyable..." He stopped as his gaze remained fixed upon my eyes. My breath stopping for a second as my cheeks flushed with his small compliment.

Playing with the back of my ponytails, I bit my lip shyly as he clearly had caught me off guard. He quickly fumbled in his pocket as I looked at him a bit curiously. My eyes widening as a small blue box popped out of his pocket. With a large smile on his face, he looked up at me as I shook my head kind of confused.

Opening the box, he projected a beautiful silver chain with a small diamond pendant. My mouth slightly widening as I looked at the impressive gift and up at him. Without a second thought, he grabbed my arm and turned me around.

His touch initiating a set of goosebumps on my bare arm as I felt my breaths getting deeper. I ran my hand against the silky pink pastel dress I wore as I attempted to calm my nerves, but couldn't. His breath lightly touching the nape of my neck as I felt his hand lightly touch the beginning of my spine. Without saying a word, he pulled me closer towards his chest as I felt his soft hands running through the side of my neck. Biting my lip, I clasped my hands together nervously as I felt the necklace slipping onto my neck. His fingers lightly running through the back of neck where I wished for them to linger longer.

I heard the clasp of the necklace click together, but his hands still lingering against the side of my neck. My cheeks began to burn at his unfamiliar touch which I somewhere wanted to become more familiar.

"Say something..." He whispered against my ear as I pulled my ear away from his lips. I bit my lip lightly and looked at him catching his eyes as they stood still upon me. I want to say so much Shivaay...but why is it I can't?

"I don't know what to say...Thank you...This means a lot to me and I want to say so much....but, the rules and boundaries that stand between us...we can never breach them," I whispered as I felt the soft touch of hand grabbing hold on to mines'. A small shiver going down my spine at his cold, hard touch.

"I need you Anika...I should be feeling lonely tonight because I am not spending Christmas Eve with my family, but I don't...just your presence fills those gaps of loneliness...Am I wrong to feel this way?...I don't even know that because I haven't ever felt this way for anyone else..." He stopped as I noticed his voice was beginning to break.

His words seemingly filling in an unknown empty spot found in my heart. His daring attitude of pursuing me somehow attracting me towards him. That feeling of being wanted had been unfamiliar for my life. It was new to be felt wanted by someone. And I loved it. I would be lying to myself if I said I didn't like his fact I loved them. Each and every day that I have encountered him in his office where I pursue my research, I thrive on his small compliments. I love each and every one of them. Is it wrong to be selfish for once and feel the need to be adored? Is it wrong to be wanted to be appreciated and loved that somehow I never got in my life. All my life, my parents have been busy making ends meet while never listening to me and only pressuring me to pursue a good career and a good education. I never once heard them appreciate me or once they were proud of me...thus, when for the first time I have heard someone compliment and appreciate me, I have been completely charmed and have developed an unusual attraction for the handsome man who spoke such words for me...

A faint smile appeared on my face as I tightened my grip on his hand. My eyes falling on our hands as I witnessed my tiny hand being completely captured by his hand. Slowly looking up, I found his eyes meeting mine as I found his face nearing mines'. I stood still as I let my guards come down. At this moment I felt the need to only have him and feel wanted.

He held my hand tightly as I felt his other hand slowly slipping around my waist with him pulling me right against his chest. Not once my eyes left his face, I felt his unknown touch stringing the tunes of my heart. Letting go of my hand, he slipped his hand on to the back of my head as he kneeled his head down towards me. My eyes wandering down towards the rose colored lips in front of me.

And in a second, my eyes closed as I felt the touch of his lips against mine. Never had they been touched before until now...A small spark igniting between us as I felt the softness of his lips molding against mines'. Running his hand through the back of my head as he pulled me closer towards him.

My heart beginning to beat faster as I felt my hands beginning to shake with the sudden rush of adrenaline. I felt the edge of my nails running through the soft white fabric of his shirt. His lips patiently tasting the remnants of the faded rose colored lipstick as I found him leading down an unknown road I had never been to before. His lips barely letting go of mines' as I took a small breath before grabbing on to the back of collar and pulling him towards me as I slammed myself against the back of his wooden desk leaning back. Lightly, chuckling against my lips, he wrapped his arm around the curvy edges of my waist as he unraveled the locks of my hair from my ponytail, slipping the rubber band off.

"I like you so much Anika..."He whispered lightly against my lips as he slipped for another passionate kiss. A small smile appearing against my lips as I let go and ran by hand lightly against his cheek noticing I caught him off guard. His eyes following mines as I brought my face closer towards him.

"I like you too...Shivaay..." I spoke as his lips broke into a smile before pulling me into a tight embrace.

"But...the rules..." I whispered as his finger went against my lips.

"I don't care about rules...All I know is that I find peace in you Anika...peace that I had bene searching for a long time..." He said as I smiled and hid my face into his chest.

His arms giving me comfort I had never experienced before. His words charming me and tying me up. His touch making me want to have more of him. The beat of his heart telling me that those beats were only mines' and belonged to me.

And that's how it all began....

Flashback Ends:

I stopped the memory as a rush of ocean waves made their way towards me as I took a step back from them. Rummaging my hand through my hair, I embraced myself tightly with a black shawl I had. Embracing the loneliness that I always had.

If I look back at that night...things would have been different if only I hadn't put my guards down. But I did...I somehow let him come towards me, touch me, and steal me away from the loneliness I had befriended for years. I had allowed him to come close to me and make me feel wanted.

Was it wrong to step towards a man who was the first one in my life to appreciate me, compliment me, and notice me. All my life, I had been an outlier in each and every public arena. In school, I barely had friends. In fact, all I remember school was as being bullied and struggling to make it through school as I watched utter poverty sweep my life. At home, my parents barely listened to me as they were busy earning money and trying to bring us out of poverty. If I cried, my parents thought I was throwing a tantrum and, thus, they continued to curse me and get mad at me further. I never got one compliment from them...even on the day I graduated from college...they did not once say they were proud of me. So...when one day...a stranger, who had everything including a good education, job, and wealth, walked into my life and began to adore me and my traits...then wouldn't it be justifiable for me to be lured towards him? Beyond the tangible wealth he had...Shivaay projected a good heart towards me and that attracted me because I had never been treated so well by anyone.He touched my weak points and used them to attract me and I did...I failed to realize he was playing with my mind and indeed that is the reason why I have become more broken than I was before I met him...

Shivaay's Point of View

"Why did you lure her?" Om questioned as I paused in my story at the moment I told him how I had "confessed" my feelings to Anika on Christmas Eve.

I gulped nervously as I tried to wetten by dried lips. I took a deep breath as Om's question looped in my brain and acted as a dagger on my heart. All I could think about was how stupid and idiotic I had been. How idiotic I had been to take revenge over such a small pity thing...yet I did. I was brought up by my parents to be selfish and always fight for pride and ego over the small things, thus, I reacted in this same exact manner over the insult that Anika had given to me.

I closed my eyes as I remember the devious plan I had come up with and how I had made a bet with my friends over it. The plan that brought revenge and brought Anika down...I sighed as I rubbed the back of my hand against my lips.

" will be so ashamed once you hear the entire will be ashamed to call me your brother..." I softly spoke as I felt Om's hand on my shoulder trying to support me. I avoided eye contact as I couldn't make any...I was a liar, a cheat, a fraud, and a monster...I don't even have the guts to look back at the deeds I had committed and how I had hurt Anika.

"I know you have done wrong, but I am proud that you are admitting your mistake," Om noted as I shook my head back and forth and moved away towards him and down towards the ocean.

"Well...the next part of my story will make you hate me...It all began after, as I told you, the fight Anika and I had at the café over the insurance claim due to the car accident we had gotten in on the first day of classes at the medical school..."

Anika's Point of View:

If only I hadn't gotten into a car accident with him and if only I dared to not fight for my right, but given in to his power then I wouldn't have gone through two years of a toxic relationship that ended in destroying my life and my heart.

Recap of flashback seen in chapter 4

I stared at the binder paper in front of me in shock as the insurance agent provided me an estimate of how high my insurance bill would increase if Professor Shivaay Singh Oberoi wins the claim after that car accident. I had been on the phone with the insurance company for an hour as I had argued my case of how the accident was not my fault, but Professor Oberoi's, but somehow my insurance agent was more convinced that the accident was my fault. I was surprised because only yesterday he was agreeing with me and fighting for my case. I sighed as I realized I had to handle this myself and talk to Professor Oberoi.

I quickly placed the paper in my bag and rushed into the medical building as I realized it was Professor Oberoi's office hours now and it would be a perfect time to request him to admit his mistake. I quickly hurried up to his office and realized nobody was inside. I noticed a note on the door which said he had a meeting to attend downstairs at the café and would be back soon. Maybe I should go to the café and just meet him and question him after he's done with his meeting. Yes, that would be right. I thought as I walked down to the café. The cafe was crowded with sleep-deprived students, coffee-addicted professors and staff running around and serving customers. I looked around for Professor Oberoi and noticed him sitting in the corner with a group of men as they were discussing something privately and intensely. I quickly grabbed a seat nearby and sat down. I stared at my watch as I waited for an hour until finally about two men left from the group as they shook hands with Professor Oberoi and left. I took a breath of relief from all the wait and quickly went up to him.

"Professor Oberoi," I called as he looked back at me from gathering his stuff.

"Yes,"He asked sternly. He kept a stone expression and I knew why. Ever since he saw me in his class, he truly has been treating me like dirt as he often called me out on questions, never answered my own questions and graded me more harshly than any of my classmates. I knew he was out to get me since he mentally blamed me for the car accident. We had been going back and forth at each other regarding the accident since a week through our insurance agents since both of us were arguing it was not our mistake, but the other's.

"I need to talk to you alone," I said as I eyed the men besides him as he looked back at them and then me.

"No, you can say what you want here," He said as I sighed and took out the piece of paper on which I had written down the estimated cost of my car insurance per month if the claim went ahead and supported Professor Oberoi.

"Look, I want to apologize regarding how I behaved that day after the accident, but I also want to note that it is not my fault Professor Oberoi. Honestly, I just got an estimate of what my bill may be if the claim goes forward and supports you and this is a massive cost. If possible, please do reconsider your argument regarding the fact that the accident was my fault," I said. I noticed his eyebrows furrowing as he crossed his arms and looked at me.

"It was not my fault! You know it as well that it was your fault, so stop blaming me. Also, regarding this bill. Well, I am not shocked. Look at you. The way you walk, you talk, what you all shows what class you are from," He said as my mouth gaped open as I felt my heart pounding as I turned my hands into fists. How dare he say that? Who gave him the right to say that? Moreover, as a professor how can he say such a thing?

"Mind you, Professor Oberoi, but you yourself are not following the boundaries of your profession as you cannot disrespect your student in such a manner," I replied as he glared at me.

"Oh really? Well, it's not class time and our discussion does not involve our professional status, so I can do and say whatever I want," He replied as I crossed my arms.

"Well, I don't think it suits you. Considering your professional background and your status as a businessman it doesn't suit you," I replied.

"Now, you will teach me how to talk and behave? Look at yourself and look at your class. The moment I saw you I knew what type of girl you were. In fact, that cheap car showed me what kind of class you belong to. I know you are doing all of this fighting and nonsense because you want to win big money from my insurance since you are probably a gold digger!" Professor Oberoi exclaimed. I suddenly felt the café quiet down and realized eyes were on us. I heard murmers and a group of my classmates snickering as they looked at me. My body was pumping with adrenaline, my eyes were blurring with tears as I felt my throat constrict as I felt no voice coming out of it. I gathered all the courage I had as I looked up at him.

"How dare you raise your finger at my character and my class?! I know how you rich people are. You always think you own everything, own everyone and everything should go your way and I am not surprised by your behavior, but let me tell you that you have to learn how to own up to your mistakes. You're not a kid anymore. In fact, actually, I think you may be considering your tantrums and nonsense," I replied and suddenly I stopped. Where did that come from? When did I start talking back to the professor? I never behave this way, but why is it that I am acting like this now?

I heard the men behind Professor Oberoi snickering as they looked at him as he threw them a glare.

"Professor Oberoi, we didn't expect this from you," I heard a voice say as I turned around and looked at the two men who had left after their meeting with Professor Oberoi. Professor Oberoi's eyes widened as he looked at them.

"Look, it's not like what you think it is," He said as he walked up to them.

"Of course it is Professor! We had decided to provide you this grant on researching social determinants of health for underserved communities in Central California considering that you truly believed in this cause and had manners and true respect for working class communities and the underserved. However, the way you have behaved with this young lady is unacceptable and we will not have any of it," The man said in a decisive voice.

Professor Oberoi went up to him to convince him before he raised his hand and walked away. That moment I knew I had terribly outdone it as I knew I was Professor Oberoi's target. I noticed him turn on his feet as he looked at me and threw me a glare. He took a frustrated sigh and walked out.

"Yes,"He asked sternly. He kept a stone expression and I knew why. Ever since he saw me in his class, he truly has been treating me like dirt as he often called me out on questions, never answered my own questions and graded me more harshly than any of my classmates. I knew he was out to get me since he mentally blamed me for the car accident. We had been going back and forth at each other regarding the accident since a week through our insurance agents since both of us were arguing it was not our mistake, but the other's.

"I need to talk to you alone," I said as I eyed the men besides him as he looked back at them and then me.

"No, you can say what you want here," He said as I sighed and took out the piece of paper on which I had written down the estimated cost of my car insurance per month if the claim went ahead and supported Professor Oberoi.

"Look, I want to apologize regarding how I behaved that day after the accident, but I also want to note that it is not my fault Professor Oberoi. Honestly, I just got an estimate of what my bill may be if the claim goes forward and supports you and this is a massive cost. If possible, please do reconsider your argument regarding the fact that the accident was my fault," I said. I noticed his eyebrows furrowing as he crossed his arms and looked at me.

"It was not my fault! You know it as well that it was your fault, so stop blaming me. Also, regarding this bill. Well, I am not shocked. Look at you. The way you walk, you talk, what you all shows what class you are from," He said as my mouth gaped open as I felt my heart pounding as I turned my hands into fists. How dare he say that? Who gave him the right to say that? Moreover, as a professor how can he say such a thing?

"Mind you, Professor Oberoi, but you yourself are not following the boundaries of your profession as you cannot disrespect your student in such a manner," I replied as he glared at me.

"Oh really? Well, it's not class time and our discussion does not involve our professional status, so I can do and say whatever I want," He replied as I crossed my arms.

"Well, I don't think it suits you. Considering your professional background and your status as a businessman it doesn't suit you," I replied.

"Now, you will teach me how to talk and behave? Look at yourself and look at your class. The moment I saw you I knew what type of girl you were. In fact, that cheap car showed me what kind of class you belong to. I know you are doing all of this fighting and nonsense because you want to win big money from my insurance since you are probably a gold digger!" Professor Oberoi exclaimed. I suddenly felt the café quiet down and realized eyes were on us. I heard murmers and a group of my classmates snickering as they looked at me. My body was pumping with adrenaline, my eyes were blurring with tears as I felt my throat constrict as I felt no voice coming out of it. I gathered all the courage I had as I looked up at him.

"How dare you raise your finger at my character and my class?! I know how you rich people are. You always think you own everything, own everyone and everything should go your way and I am not surprised by your behavior, but let me tell you that you have to learn how to own up to your mistakes. You're not a kid anymore. In fact, actually, I think you may be considering your tantrums and nonsense," I replied and suddenly I stopped. Where did that come from? When did I start talking back to the professor? I never behave this way, but why is it that I am acting like this now?

I heard the men behind Professor Oberoi snickering as they looked at him as he threw them a glare.

"Professor Oberoi, we didn't expect this from you," I heard a voice say as I turned around and looked at the two men who had left after their meeting with Professor Oberoi. Professor Oberoi's eyes widened as he looked at them.

"Look, it's not like what you think it is," He said as he walked up to them.

"Of course it is Professor! We had decided to provide you this grant on researching social determinants of health for underserved communities in Central California considering that you truly believed in this cause and had manners and true respect for working class communities and the underserved. However, the way you have behaved with this young lady is unacceptable and we will not have any of it," The man said in a decisive voice.

Professor Oberoi went up to him to convince him before he raised his hand and walked away. That moment I knew I had terribly outdone it as I knew I was Professor Oberoi's target. I noticed him turn on his feet as he looked at me and threw me a glare. He took a frustrated sigh and walked out.

End of Recap

I knelt down and took a piece of sand that slid out through the gaps between the fingers of my hand. Just like this sand slipping away...that day initiated my fall. That was the day that likely everything began. Of course, it did...Shivaay likely decided to bring me down that day. The revenge plot he formed to destroy me for a mere insult and loss of a project. He lost that project that day due to his own actions, but somehow he blamed me and found the faults. If only, I hadn't approached him and decided to deal with the large insurance bill then, perhaps, none of it would have started. But, no one can stop fate from happening...nothing can stop fate and that is what happened in my case...

Shivaay's Point of View

"It started the day she insulted me in front of clients from whom I was trying to bag funding for my research...Her insult and initiation of a fight led to loss of a project, at least that is what I thought, but when I look back it was the rude behavior and the insult I had thrown upon Anika that led to loss of funding. However, I failed to realize this at the moment, so I decided to take revenge from her..." I paused as I looked back at Om who stood quite shocked at my statement. Clearly, he would become more shocked as I would begin to unravel the details...


"I cannot believe how she had the audacity to insult you in front of everyone. That mere low class girl just insulted you in front of everyone at the café!" Atul exclaimed as he slammed a glass of alcohol against the bar counter.

I sighed as I sat still running my finger in circles around the edges of my wine glass. The image of my insults and eventual loss of funding for my research project repeating on a consistent loop in front of my eyes. Most importantly, the image of that girl...Anika...who does she think she is? How dare she insult me? Most importantly, due to that girl, I lost my project.

Till this day, no one has dared to challenge or insult Shivaay Singh Oberoi and this girl had the guts to insult me. Does she even know who I am? Even if she doesn't, I don't care because she has done a big mistake to insult me.

"Most importantly, because of her picking a fight with Shivaay...he lost such important funding for his research. Do you even know what that means?...It means he cannot pursue his dream research nor further propagate the Oberoi hospitals' agenda of spreading their hospitals into the Central Valley since loss of a project on underserved communities in the region means Oberois' don't have a personal motivation to go there. If the research was done then investors would be more attracted to make the hospitals there. Do you know how disappointed Mr. Oberoi will be-" Ayush stopped as I grabbed the edge of his collar.

"Shut up! Shut up you idiot!" I yelled as I slammed my wine glass loudly against the bar counter.

The cheers and laughters in the bar dying down as I noticed eyes turning towards us. My eyes burning as I felt my heart pounding hard against my chest. I clenched my jaw as I felt the champagne bottle of anger finally popping.

"Look...I-I am sorry...." Ayush stuttered as I clenched my fist as I wrapped my arm around him and dragged him out to the deck of the bar as Atul followed us.

The thunder rumbled loudly as I pushed Ayush away in anger, slamming my hand against the brick wall as that Anika appeared in front of my eyes. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration as I felt the alcohol slowly catching up to me and my nerves. My hands slightly shaking as my anger continued to peak.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frustrate you, but seriously that girl totally insulted you today," Ayush noted as Atul shook his head in agreement and looked back at me.

"If you both know me well then you know that no one can just walk away after challenging my pride and attempting to destroy it. No one can spit at the Oberoi name and walk away. She not only destroyed my pride, but her action led to loss of major funding for my research project which was my dream project...It's my dream to increase access of Oberoi hospitals in underserved communities and if I did this research it would have been wonderful in helping build trust in clients in such areas and improving the image of Oberoi hospitals...Oh she will not walk away clean..." A small smirk began to play on my lips as I felt an eerie calmness approach me.

I placed my hand against my lips as I thought of her and the pure ego and attitude she had dared to display in front of me today. I felt my heartbeat calming down as I felt a daring plan beginning to wind up in my head and gain momentum.

"What are you going to do?" Atul questioned curiously as I threw my head up in the air and looked at the dark sky above me.

"Revenge...She will regret every single word and statement that came out of her mouth today due to what I will do to her...Uff...I can imagine the pain on her face. The joy it might bring to me..." I let out a small laugh as Atul's eyes widened as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"What are you going to do?" Ayush questioned as I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

"Trap her. Cage her. And then break that pride and ego of hers." I stopped the sentence as I placed my hands in my pockets casually as I looked at both of them.

"Uff...she's not like other girls Shivaay. She looks pretty smart to me. You really think you can trap her and hurt that ego of hers?" Ayush asked as I rolled my eyes and reminded myself of those innocent eyes. That tinge of innocence was prevalent across her face and that was the innocence I was going to play with.

"She has that innocence...not like other girls, so...that is what I will target and trap her..." I smirked as I looked at him.

"Fine, bet with us for a 1,000 dollars that you will trap her within six months and break that ego of hers..." Atul said smirking as my eyes widened as I was quite impressed by his daringness.

"Fine, let's place the bet and don't worry...I will win as usual," I said smiling as Atul and Ayush began laughing as I bit my lip. will regret the day you encountered me and decided to insult me. No one can insult an Oberoi and just walk away. I hope I can hurt your pride Anika and destroy it, so you will remember to never dare an Oberoi again. I am confident I will break that pride and ego of yours' Anika. Uff...welcome to the game Anika. I will find such joy and pleasure in destroying you my love...

Flashback Ends:

"What?! How the hell can you just play with her and destroy her pride over such a petty issue?!" Om exclaimed as he grabbed my shoulders looking into my eyes as I avoided his gaze looking out in the distance at the sea in front of me.

Petty. That is still a big word considering this issue wasn't too big the way I blew it up to be. For so called "pride" and "family name", I set out to get revenge from a girl I had barely known. I still don't know what I was thinking when I decided to make a plan to play with her feelings and break her apart.

Now when I think of it, I deserved that insult she had given to me at the café that day. She was right. I was one of those rich people who were stuck up in the air amongst luxuries, fake pride, and ego without a care about the world and others. I was also one of them who never admitted their mistakes, but instead found ways to project faults on opposing parties.

I took a deep breath as I tried to breath in the fresh ocean air, but failed to do so as I felt myself suffocate in realization of the potential monster I had become in a point in my life. A monster who was hungry to self satisfy his ego, pride, and power by hurting an innocent hurting her heart, her soul, and her love...everything she had given to me to be my soulmate...

" married her for this stupid bet?" Om questioned as my eyes widened.

I clasped my hands together tightly as I placed them against my lips. I pressed my toes hard against the wet sand as I closed my eyes shut. I tried to calm my heartbeat that was beating uncontrollably upon the realization of guilt and shame that had begun to slowly creep up in my soul. I took a deep breath as I slightly opened my eyes and looked back at Om.

"No...I didn't marry her over revenge over this small insult...There was a bigger reason about why I married her...I married her with an intention to divorce her, but...not because of this petty insult...It was for a bigger reason and a bigger insult I had taken from her..." I paused as I felt the remnants of the reason creeping up in my mind as I tried to hold them back.

"What was it?" Om questioned as I shook my head and avoided his eyes.

"I think...this much information is enough for tonight..." I whispered as I decided to put a pause on a story that I did not want to be reminded of.

There is more...Please do read the next chapter, Chapter 17

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