Chapter 38 Part 2 of 2: Anika The Ghost

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Hi everyone :) I just want to begin by thanking God and all of you amazing readers who continue to read and thank you so much for doing such :)

Warning: Mature content and mild and crude language is used in this chapter for entertainment purposes only. This language is appropriate for 18 years and above.

The wedding chapters are finally on! I will be releasing wedding special chapters throughout late this weekend and hopefully in the next two weeks :) I am done being lazy and I really hope I can now begin to write these special chapters and I am hoping to update as the chapters get ready without hopefully any further delays :)

Thank you for your patience and I finally have mapped out the entire story and I am so excited to share the wedding chapters with you all :)

Thank you for reading and if you liked these chapter then please do not forget to vote, share, and comment :)

I will be replying to comments for Chapter 38 Part 1 and 2 together :)

Author's Note on Wedding Chapters and Anika and Chaaya's Reunion:

Anika will see Chaaya in Chapter 39 Part 1.

P.S. I know everyone really wants Anika and Chaaya to reunite and I completely understand everyone, but please please do read the wedding chapters for Shivika because they have been separated for so long and they deserve a proper wedding full of haldi, Punjabi bhangra, wedding, reception, wedding night, and mooh dikhai because they deserve justice and their love deserves justice :) Yes, I will continue to write mature content and it is coming in the Haldi and wedding night :)

I am so scared that maybe readers are anticipating Anika and Chaaya's reunion and maybe the wedding chapters will not do well, so if possible please please read the wedding chapters. Anika will see Chaaya in Chapter 39 Part 1 and I promise Anika and Chaaya are reuniting at the end of Chapter 39/ start of Chapter 40, but please read these wedding chapters because I am now putting my everything into these chapters to make them lighter, entertaining, but still full of drama and romance :) I have to get Shivika married first for Chaaya's good future as she will have both of her parents together :)

Please read these lighter wedding chapters as Shivika are finally out of their dark phase and the story may shift again although they will still be together, so enjoy these small moments and romantic moments they will share :)


List of vocabulary: So I am Punjabi and I speak Punjabi fluently along with Hindi, but honestly in this chapter I used a mix of Punjabi and Hindi dialect. Here are the translations if you need them :)

Bhootni (Punjabi Language): Female Ghost

Bhalu: Bear

Billa: Cat

Rakshasa: demon

Pagal Bandari: means crazy monkey

Ghada: donkey

Saand: buffalo

Ullu: Owl

Chitta Kukkad: white rooster

Bhootni (Punjabi language): female ghost

Pendu (Punjabi language): meaning someone from the village (My family comes from a village in Punjab and I honestly encounter this remark sometimes from people and so I added this term here in which Anika takes to offense and shows to the Oberois that being pendu is not wrong, but something to embrace as being from a village is something to have pride in :) )

If you want me to remove any of these words then let me know by commenting below or messaging me and I will remove them :)

Again, I used these words for entertainment purposes only and never to offend anyone, but if you do not like the word choice then please let me know and I will eliminate the words :)

Thank you :)


A shy smile touching my lips feeling his fingers glaze against my wrist before letting the fragile glass slide down it. His lips brushing softly against my cheek making my smile widen as he buried himself into my neck.

Sweet chai and bitter coffee making a perfect mix as they filled both of our senses while we continued to build our love. His hands gliding down my glass bangles while he continued to tease me in his subtle ways.

Stuffing my palms into the potatoes, I mixed them while Shivaay continued his own work. "Shivaay..."

"Hmm..." He mumbled continuing to delicate kisses on the nape of my neck finding himself lost in the fruits it had to offer.

A giggle touching my lips while I continued to smash the potatoes together. "Let me go now please...I have to make breakfast and here you are doing your drama," I remarked trying to hold a tone of annoyance, although, I was enjoying the simple romance that we both were indulging in at the moment.

His hands wrapping around my waist pulling me firmly against his chest and shaking his head back and forth like the little child he is himself. Trailing his fingers slowly up my back, he introduced their heat to the cool flesh making me shiver before he slid my hair to the side.

"My poor, naïve this is not drama, but romance. You have so much more to learn..." He spoke in a husky voice as he dragged my hair up before wrapping it around his palm gently.

My heart trembling feeling the touch of his lips brush against my waves as he raised them up and down tightening their grip before wrapping it into a loose bun just the way he liked to see me at times. Holding a weak smile, I allowed his lips to begin to scatter simple, yet passion filled heated kisses down the edges of my shoulder teasing the fabric of my saree's blouse before dragging his hands down my waist to rub it gently.

Turning a shade of red, I bit my lips trying to continue to focus on my work, but failing utterly at it with my hands lazingly hitting the flour in the bowl.

"Shivaay, please let me make we have to leave for the mandhir and go to my home. My parents must be worried where I am."

Shivaay sighing against the back of my neck which he continuing to play with his lips that laid fluttering, brushful kisses on it before lacing it with his teeth. "I already solved that problem. I bribed your thayya ji again and lied to him that you left early morning with me..."

My eyes shooting up looking at his reflection in the microwave finding that wicked smirk. A tinge of anger hitting me realizing how simply he had bribed thayya ji once again.

"What is wrong with you? How can you just value relationships with money Shivaay? You shouldn't be bribing my family like this," I scolded as I began to kneed the dough punching it roughly to execute my anger on it.

"I am sorry...I won't do it the next time. But, I really want to spend time with you...each and every moment. I am only returning you back to your home, so I could bring you back forever to our home. If I had it in my hands, I would not even allow you to go back..." His lines making my anger collapse realizing how much he is in love with me and wants me to be a part of his life.

"Shivaay relationships should never be valued monetarily. We cannot buy our way through relationships and...I hope you do not do this the next time," I spoke trying to maintain a level of seriousness so he could truly practice upon my words.

Letting out a small laugh, he traced his rugged hands calmly down my shoulders before plunging to my hands grabbing a strong hold of them. Wrapping his hands into mine he helped me push and dig the dough into the bowl. The heat of our bodies taking hold of one another making me quiver on feeling his lips pacing against my shoulder.

"As you wish. From now on, only your command will be heeded to in our home." My smile widening hearing his words realizing a sense of dominance that now he was empowering me with allowing me for once to rule the workings of our home.

"And work?...What about that?" I questioned slyly wanting to hear his answer trying to play with his mind in my innocence.

His hands immediately digging my fingers into the dough before pressing me against the counter as he began to lean over releasing the heat of his mouth upon my neck.

His lips taking a gradual hold of my cheek to impress his kiss while he began to force my hands into the dough indulging in a fetish romance part of his fantasy.

"At work...I will be the cruel...wicked boss and you will be the naïve.. innocent employee..." His words emphasizing our traits while he began to push our hands together letting them dip and play with one another in the hard, softening dough.

My breaths dipping their pace with my heartbeats quickening now feeling his lips moving up and down from my cheek to my shoulder teasing me while continuing to lead me into a fetish. Our hands rummaging into the dough appearing to convince each other how we should make love once again.

"So you will command at work...not once listening to me?" I chirped trying to pretend to be angry to toy with him. My hands taking a grasp of his as I began to rub them and mold the dough into his hands.

Shivaay letting out a chuckle as he dragged the dough up my are arms lacing his heat on them trying to turn my senses up. A gasp escaping from me feeling his warm mouth take a hold of my neck.

" it's called role play. Of course, I will not be actually cruel, but pretend...I will tease you...badger you...and then I will scold you and I will invite you to my office...where we will..." He paused finding himself amused with the red that was changing its complexion upon my cheeks moment by moment.

Biting my lip, I found myself entering that fantasy imagining myself in it. The fantasy appearing enticing finding my hands unraveling from the dough and now being wrapped into his.

"We will what?" I whispered feeling his hands leading mine into my waist where he began to rub the sticky dough gently smothering over it. My waist clenching itself in feeling his warm hands continuing to rub my flesh making it heat up and finding a gentle liquid warmth drop down into a flower.

"We will...fight like insane. You will leave...your innocence at the door of my office and will order me...push me...shove me with madness and then I will take hold of you suddenly..." He continued to whisper, but with a toxic dose of seduction that was pondering and enticing my heart knowing how much I enjoyed these fantasies.

His hands tightly wrapping around my navel where now pleasure was beginning to build itself up finding it erupt into a river from hearing the mere fantasy. Suddenly, he lifted my feet off the ground making me shriek with sudden surprise.

"W-What are you doing?!" I exclaimed with a sudden giggle escaping from me with excitement over what he was doing.

Our feet fumbling back and stumbling against the marble floor of the kitchen as he lifted me up one more time before pushing me back against the marble counter and placing me on top of it. His hands taking a firm hold of my thighs making them tremble realizing that he was now crawling his touch upon my pleasure spots that lead into the flower between my legs.

"Showing you what we will be like as boss and employee..." He hissed as he began to lean in closer finding himself now tempted by my trembling lips that still were swollen from last night's romance.

Letting my bangles slide against his kurta, I pulled him closer before letting them plunge up his neck wanting to now close the distance between us. Chewing on to my smile, I moved closer wanting that fantasy to come to life.

Shivaay's wicked smile widening realizing I was interested in this crazy fantasy of his knowing that we were on an equal platform regarding how we tied the knots of lovemaking...indulging in roleplay as a way to fulfill our hungry desires.

"Then you will yell at me like crazy in my will pull me closer like this...and then I will listen with patience...sometimes yelling back, but liking the tension...the frustration we both will be building as boss and employee. We will ignite my office with fire continuing to burn it with not only our anger, but that have each other...Then suddenly everything will pause...just like it always has been before when we were together...Just like before our screams will suddenly drop to silence...and then I will take a strong hold of you..." His seductive lines stopping as his palms took a strong grasp of my thighs taking a step closer.

"Then..." I whispered finding my eyes becoming captured by his that were now holding me steady luring me into that cave of sin we both loved to commit.

"Let me show you..." He whispered and before I knew it his lips came crashing into mine.

A laugh escaping from me before I wrapped my hands into his waves pulling him closer and beginning to collide and merge our lips into each other Our hands dragging the sticky dough against eachother's skin finding ourselves intrigued by the unusual way we were both indulging in a fantasy. A wild spark hitting us with our lips continuing to trick and tease one another with his lips slipping away while I immediately took a hold of them only to let go. His tongue squishing into the taste of dough on the corner of my lips before taking hold of mine allowing him to speed up the pace we both were hitting each other.

Pushing me gently back on to the counter, he sent his hands a sudden hit up from my hips to my waist making a wave of petals jump up my navel with now a sudden pleasure hitting it.

My back sliding back against the counter anticipating his move realizing we both at this moment were now desperate to indulge in our obsession for lust right here in this kitchen where we can cook our love slowly...gently...gradually and then passionately.

My heart beginning to beat loudly realizing where we were going. He stood above me letting his eyes trail the layers of the saree I wore finding them linger on the small flash of flesh he could find through the shade of red I wore. Blushing, I lowered my gaze finding myself overpowered by the reverence he was showing to my flaws. He began to lean down while I laid still on top of the cool, marble counter finding myself heating up by the mere brushing of his chest that stood an inch above mine.

"I love you Anika...and I will never get tired of saying it," He whispered gently against my heated ear making me turn a shade of red hearing his simple lines.

My bangles tracing against his red neck pulling him into a small embrace. A giggle escaping from lips before meeting his blue hues that for once were holding a i peculiar happiness that I had seen many years ago when he was mine. His eyes continuing to trace my features appearing to hold admiration for them.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" I questioned feeling a blush touch me while Shivaay sighed wrapping his arms tightly around my waist.

A weak smile touching his lips before he laid a tender kiss against my cheek. "Because you are my wife. I have a right to admire you...adore you...and..." He paused revealing a teasing smile with his eyes wandering down to my lips.

"And?" I whispered leaning in closer letting the heat of our mouths ripple against one another while they trembled gently wanting a taste of the other once again.

His palm grasping on to my cheek while he continued to cherish my presence. "And I have a right to love make love to you...and to shower my love upon you. You rule this heart of mine and always will now...It was my dream to see you like my bride...wearing this exact same saree from years ago that you wore when you vowed yourself to me...I wanted to see you like this before anyone else could," He whispered against my lips as my smile brightened before I pulled him into a hug not being able to bear the affection he was showing me.

Last time he was this affectionate was when we were married...when life was perfect or appeared to last in that illusion of perfection. Life had a calm to it...a solace that we both seemingly found in each other's arms...a life in which we both somehow were beginning to fill in each other's flaws...I held his temper and turned it into love while he held my tears and made me feel loved. We were building dreams...

"And you know today my dream is going to be fulfilled. We are going to reunite Anika...we are now going to begin our new journey with our children. I have dreamt of this moment for many years thinking it will only be a dream not knowing it will come to life soon..." He whispered finding himself speechless not knowing what right words could describe his joy.

My chest beginning to deepen feeling that tension now building between us offset by the smoke of the tea kettle that suddenly went up in the air letting its steam drift its way over us igniting lust.

He continued to admire my flaws before placing his palm against my navel feeling it beats...That warm liquid tensing and tightening in my navel finding a hit of desire now trembling upon it with his hand tracing up my midriff making me tremble realizing where he was taking himself and how soon he would embrace an insane moment.

His hands stopping as he began to lean down to only press his lips gently against mine.

Our lips running a soft tune as he dipped me down pulling me into his heart while he continued to run his tongue against mine. A giggle escaping from me while I pressed back firmly knowing that I am falling for him again.

His hand entwining into mine continuing to zest on the fortunes I had to offer to him. A sweet, soothing harmony running between our lips that paced against one another wanting this calming moment to run for eternity.

And suddenly it hit me.

Damn it. The challenge! The seduction challenge! My conscious began to scream loudly dancing on my beating heart wanting to jump common sense into me.

Oh damn it Anika...he is seducing you because of that challenge. He wants to win round one and then likely move on to round two...No. no. I will establish dominance in our marriage. Yes only me.

My hand dragging against the counter looking for something knowing it was there and suddenly I grabbed it poking it fiercely against his chest. His lips letting go of mine in an instant as he screamed in pain.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" He exclaimed immediately jumping back completely shocked by the sudden change in the moment.

A loud laugh erupting from me as I immediately arched my back up and hit him gently with the spatula once again on his shoulder.

Widely smirking, I hit the spatula up and down on my palm throwing a glare at him while his eyes widened finding a tinge of fear with how I was beating the spatula on my palm as if it was him.

"Hmmm....very smart aren't you? You were trying to seduce me and win round one of our challenge! Were you not?!" I exclaimed trying to appear angry, but a sense of thrill rushing through me finding Shivaay weaving threads of fear seeing the spatula in my hand.

"W-what? Why would I do that?" He appeared to stutter clearly caught with the lie as his eyes wandered returning back to the bowl of dough that began to kneed trying to be innocent.

My mouth gaping open as I lifted myself up sitting right next to the bowl in which he continued to kneed the dough. His eyes holding a sense of playfulness revealing the truth.

"So all this time you were seducing me for that stupid challenge and I was falling for it like an idiot!" My hand slamming the spatula hard against the counter feeling furious on what he had done.

"Idiot? Well, I would call you a pagal bandari, but idiot works fine as well," He remarked giving me a serious expression. My jaw dropping hearing the insult from his mouth with my spatula immediately hitting his arm again.

"Pagal bandari?! Meaning a female crazy monkey?! How dare you?! You idiotic moron!" My temper hitting a peak as I began to snatch the dough from the bowl.

Shivaay's eyes widening trying to snatch the dough away from me while I began to pull it away with clear intentions of slamming it on his face. My hormones clearly reaching a peak as I began to feel my body turning different colors of red.

"You are a billa raakshas!" I exclaimed with sudden confusion setting within me while Shivaay equally looked at me bewildered from the unusual name that had touched me.

"Billa raakshas? What kind of name is that? Even a chooha has a bigger brain than. Anika...let's face it you suck at giving insults to people!" Shivaay erupting in laughter as I sat still fuming in anger with my fists clenching tightly while I began to chew on my lip not bearing the insult.

"You are a...a..." My mind going blank just like the idiot I am. My spatula continuing to spin in the air in front of his face while I attempted to snatch the dough from him.

A smirk touching Shivaay's lips as he let out a chuckle. "A...what? Pagal bandari ka bheja be fry hogaya? cutie bandari!" He cooed pulling my cheeks further tempering me as I furrowed my eyebrows boiling in my rage.

"Acha ji? So now you will insult me?! Huh!" And suddenly I grabbed the towel behind me hitting him in in the chest with it as his head shot up caught off guard from the sudden change in my character.

"Bhalu! Saand! Ullu!...and ghada!" I spat jumping off the counter and grabbing the bag of flour knowing what I was going to do now.

Shivaay's body going still as he stood with eyes wide open seeing a completely different Anika...not the timid, quiet one that I have typically been since he has met me again.

Sticking my tongue out, I threw a smirk. "You are a haathi who continues to lust even though you are such a savage in a bed! we are doing the deed...this one thought runs in my mind like...I think were you born in the wild?! is possible your parents picked you up from a family of haathis!" I exclaimed letting out a giddy laugh allowing a little demon to take full command of me.

My laugh continuing to rumble as I crawled my hands into the damp, soft powdery flour in the bag only to blow it gently on his face.

A loud gasp erupting from him completely flabbergasted. His hand taking a grasp of another bag of flour and suddenly powder erupted in the air coming towards me as I ducked hiding behind the counter.

"What the hell?!" My feet stumbling back as he began to lunge towards me throwing more flour.

Shivaay holding a furious, crooked smile following my steps while I continued to move back feeling a sense of fear with my eyes wandering to that bag of flour he held.

His mouth curving and changing as he scrunched his nose up appearing to mimic.

"What are you?! Look at you! You have the world's most poorest vocabulary! Like...Like...look at I am I was born in the valley of Cal-i-fornia...and like.... like I know I am the most kind-est person born...and I am so so bo-ring...dull person ever born!...The only I get excited is in I am the most slow-est person ever except in isn't that a miracle?! Also, fun fact, I like to use the word like a lot!"

My throat suddenly choking hearing that sick insult not able to bear the fact it came from him. Clasping my hand against my chest I looked at him feeling astounded by the level of truth he had spoken.

Yes truth considering he is quite on point about my flaws.

Slamming my foot loudly on the ground, I took a step closer meeting him in the eyes trying to keep a firm look to ensure an equal footing of dominance.

"Awww...little baby got sad? Awww...look at those cute little blue eyes that look so sad and innocent...not!... You are an ullu! Look at those scary looking eyes...damn it when I try to think of romance and I am in bed with you and I look in those eyes it kills it for me...Like my arousal just snaps and dies off because my body tells me...Anika...are you serious girl? Like...I think you can do so much better than sleep with a rip off of Chucky from that horror movie! Like it feels as if I am sleeping with a man who is undergoing an the idiotic sounds you make and then those weird little eyes of yours'! Ewww..." I pretended to shiver while sticking my tongue out trying to appear nauseous.

Shivaay's jaw clenching tightly as his face began to turn a dark, eerie shade with his beady, blue eyes taking the insult to heart. My palm grasping the flour as I slapped it against his cheek dragging the white powder slowly down his cheek and neck letting my fingers linger and create a toxic temptation within him.

Dragging my hand down his chest, I looked at the hair peeking out of his kurta finding it admirable, but losing the thought and replacing it with my lie.

"You are a bhalu who seriously needs to shave! Like yuck! You have so much hair on your body that it ruins the mood for me! Like so! I mean come do you expect me to get something out of sex if you are so hairy! And then...then you are a saand who needs to get his head out of his ass! Well speaking of an are a ghada who needs to check if you were actually born with a bheja! I at least have one, but you I certainly get doubts sometimes about you..." I sung the last insult bravely without any fear from the backlash I likely was about to get.

Shivaay reaching a shock as he stood wide eyed not able to comprehend the flying insults he was just slapped with. Anger not seen...rage not appearing...not even fear.

My eyes falling into the open bag of flour as I giggled grabbing a fistful before I threw it on his face once again shading him lightly with white flour that barely etched him. My heart skipping beats with anticipation and excitement expecting a temper tantrum, but being proven wrong as I saw a wide smirk appearing across his lips.

"Bhalu?" He repeated making his steps towards me while I took a step back slowly trying to decode him as he continued to idiotically smirk leading me against the counter.

His hand picking up the flour as I looked at it feeling a little worried about my fate. He appeared to lick his lips before looking at me up and down finding lust somewhere within me while I looked at him in confusion not expecting this reaction.

His hands taking a grasp of my waist making me scream as I felt his fingers drag and smother me with the flour.

"Let go! Let go bhalu! Yuck your hair is so stringy!" I exclaimed as he began to rub the edge of his bearded cheek against mine trying to lure me back into the sheets of seduction.

The heat of his cheek tempting me while I bit my lip as he continued to hold me against his chest and layer my cheek with brushful, soft kisses. His hands digging into my waist coloring it with flour inciting pleasure down my navel.

"Uff...Shivaay more time! I need this one more time!" He exclaimed in a high-pitched voice making a sudden cough erupt from me realizing he was copying the exact voice I make when we make love to each other.

"You know how we conceived again and ended up with these two?! Because damn it Anika! You kept saying one more time! One more time the whole damned night at the beach! We all know how lustful you are! It's not me! But surprisingly the quiet, timid, innocent Anika who is not that inn-o-cent!You are a pagal bandari who needs this bhalu!"

My body going still remembering that is the voice I make and damn it I am desperate when it comes to making love. Damn it...why does he have to spill he truth? Clenching my teeth, I dug my nails into his hands while he continued to laugh.

"Oh you are you going to get it from me! You billa rakshasa!" I exclaimed before shoving my elbow roughly into his chest. Shivaay exclaiming loudly as I began to laugh.

"Awww...look at this week, poor bhalu! Bhalu! Bhalu!" I began to repeat with joy pushing him out of the kitchen and into the living area.

He stumbled letting out an explosive laugh before continuing to trail his eyes all over me.

"Bandari! Bandari! Bandari! Little pagal bandari...did you take your meds today?!" He chirped with my jaw dropping open as I drew in my breath of patience sharply to only lose it with my temper now soaring, raging, and bloating into pure insanity.

"Oh that is it! You ghada! Come here right now!" I exclaimed grabbing my spatula and flour as I lunged after him while he skittered across the living area.

My hands taking fistfuls of the flour as I began to throw it in the air letting the powder jump and fall upon him while he ducked and covered behind the sofas before laughing and popping out like a gopher. His hand holding on to his own flour bag tightly which he s began to throw back me trying to make me surrender, but having my stubborn tail I did not give up.

His body skittering across the floor while I huffed and puffed like a fox on the hunt as he continued to run and laugh only to look back at me.

Powder and laughs continuing to erupt as we continued to run up and down the large hallway with him running ahead while I continued to run after him and let powder rain itself within the living area allowing it to scatter and smudge across the floor.

"Awww...billa rakshasa is getting scared of his wife? Isn't that cute?!" I cooed while puckering my lips at him trying to hit his nerve, but failing as he continued to laugh jumping through the sofa while I climbed upon them trying to run after him.

"Awww...and look at my patola pagal bandari!" He yelled back hitting my heart and letting the insult sink. Flour flying over my face as I found myself slipping on to the sofa attempting to balance.

"Haha! Look...the pagal pandari is learning how to dance for the circus!" He exclaimed loudly beginning to steer his way towards me carefully while I sat in silence on the sofa continuing to glare at him, but failing at do such with a sense of playfulness now running itself within me realizing the pity fight we had indulged in not even remembering the origin of it to be honest.

A small smile crossing my lips as I looked at him finding him making his way towards me and suddenly I lunged the bag of flour on his kurta letting it scatter all over it. Shivaay stopping appearing surprised, but only to reveal a teasing smile.

"Let me show you what this pagal bandari can do..." I whispered biting my lip and letting my pallu slip down my shoulder exposing the cleavage of my blouse knowing how he lusts over it.

His eyes enlarging as they began to lower and fall over my bosom finding allure in it. My hand immediately grabbing the edge of his kurta as I pulled him down with all my force. His feet stumbling as he collapsed next to me appearing out to breath from the running that I made him do.

Kicking my feet up on to the sofa, I pulled him gently as he looked at me feeling quite confused by my intentions. Keeping a seductive smile, I began to lead him towards me allowing my back to touch the sofa. Trailing my hands up to his collar, I pulled him closer letting the heat of our bodies to brush past each other and create temptation.

His eyes lowering finding himself captured by his fetish of licking flour off of me.

"Anika...I...I..." His voice faltering with eyes now wandering all over me realizing that in this moment he was losing his urges and while he attempted to hold on to patience, he was getting seduced by the layers of exposed skin that was reaching clarity with my pallu continuing to slip down.

"My billa rakshasa..." I whispered letting my fingers run down his trembling lips that were begging a taste of me.

Our legs entwining with one another as I pulled him closer finding him leaning in towards me with his eyes aimed at my lips that he now wanted to engorge upon. Holding a tease, I kept it knowing that I was going to win the challenge very soon.

His lips brushing lightly against mine before I pulled them away only to kiss the corner of his tenderly letting my tongue to lick the flour off of him.

"One more time more time..." I sung the tune gently against his cheeks letting my warm tongue slide and cross his rugged beard before tasting the flour off of him.

My hand wrapping into his hair feeling his lips now trying to take a taste of my neck as I pulled g away trying to play with him knowing that I was reigning him.

"Come more time right?...Pagal bandari wants her billa..." I hissed while he whined trying to brush his lips against my neck as I arched myself away.

His fingers tracing up my midriff trying to crawl into my blouse while I dipped myself down into the sofa trying to pull away. My lips drifting down his neck where I began to smolter him with delicate, tender kisses.

"Anika...I...I am sorry baby. I was just playing...I shouldn't have started it," He whispered pulling me into a warm embrace as a smile touched my lips.

The pitiful argument we just indulged in reminds me of our marriage and how we typically fought like this or sometimes worse perhaps...but somehow our play and romance always ran around our arguments from the pitiful ones to the large ones. We always argued, always insulted each other, and then always made up in an instant just like now.

"It's been so long since I have had this much fun Shivaay...I cannot even remember the last time I have felt like I am actually living...that actually I am human and I am able to laugh and feel happy...It sounds cliché yet it is true..." I noted before kissing his cheek expressing a thank you to him.

"Thank you for making me feel like this after a long time Shivaay..." I spoke lifting my head away and encountering his eyes which appeared to hold admiration for me. His hand clasping against my cheek before he laid an affection kiss on my forehead.

"Anika please don't say thank you. I want to see you like this...that old quirky, childish Anika and this is the least I can do compared to how much I have to heal you and make you the Anika you once were." His lips lovingly pressing against my cheek.

My smile widening hearing his lines knowing they held truth to them as I feel that truth in this moment in how he is holding me carefully ensuring I am at comfort and I feel at peace.

It is wrong to find peace in the very man that has hurt you, but then what else can you do if you cannot let go of that man? Most importantly, how can I not give him a chance considering he is changing...and now he truly does want to love me?

"I am sorry for what I said..." I whispered feeling bad how I had spewed meaningless words at him that were demeaning of him.

Shivaay letting out a small chuckle against my cheek before cozying up next to me while we laid still wrapped up in layers of flour that was upon us with sticky dough spread across our skins letting both of us to attach to one another.

"Hmm...bhalu? Ullu? Really? Is it that bad? Am I that repulsive in bed?" He questioned with concern as my cheeks turned a shade of red hearing his words while I attempted to supress a laugh.

Knotting his hair into my hands I pulled him closer looking at into his blue hues finding them divine.

"Believe me...if I had issues with you then I wouldn't have made love to you five times last night and then three times the night on the beach...So, I think you have my answer," I spoke softly feeling mortified by my admission and realizing he has some truth that I am kind of...crazy.

Shivaay's smile widening on hearing my answer appearing to relax knowing my answer.

"Lustful Anika? Really?" I questioned looking at him curiously while Shivaay let out a chuckle collapsing his lips into my shoulder.

"I am crazy..." I mumbled feeling embarrassed over my habits realizing that somewhere the idea of lovemaking does make me lose my senses and only with Shivaay it seems. It is so embarrassing to admit that a shy person like me lusts this heavily.

"No baby...I think we both are crazy. We both are equal in terms of that hunger we have..." His voice low and husky with his hand dragging up my bosom finding himself tempted.

"Thank God," I muttered finding relief that I am not the only crazy one in our relationship...if two crazies make a relationship then that is fine with me. I smiled looking up finding him leaning down towards my lips while I tilted my head looking away.

He appeared to whine trying to trail the heat of his lips towards me while mine trembled trying to convince me to give in, but I didn't want to knowing I had to win this challenge of seduction.

His hands dragging to my waist trying to rub it gently and persuade me to give in while I smirked laying still not saying a word.

"Anika...kiss me damn it!" He exclaimed with frustration while I giggled shaking my head and looking out the French doors facing the backyard.

"Nope! See this is a challenge of seduction and I cannot give in!" I exclaimed slapping his cheek gently away while Shivaay sighed loudly with tension now building within him that I was provoking.

Lifting himself up, his eyes wandered to my quivering swollen lips. The heat of our lips gently winding upon the other as I wrapped my hand around his neck beginning to rub it and lead him back towards me. A knotted tension sparking between us as I felt my waist clenching finding itself equally tempted to give into this moment and once again allow him to make love to me.

He began to lower his lips towards me while I held my smile realizing that I was going to win round one since he was beginning to surrender to the moment and give into temptation that now was building up within him. Our lips beginning to close the distance that held a flamed heat now bubbling between us...His lips folding gently against mine letting them rub, but not allowing them to entwine wanting to tease me.

Holding my patience, I laid still knowing to not give in as I would lose our challenge, but my heart telling a different story.

And then our moment crashed.

Three shadows suddenly falling upon us breaking my attention as I lifted my gaze to find three familiar figures standing outside the French doors appearing to peer into our home. My hand lifting the spatula up as I whined placing it on my lips feeling fearful.

The spatula pressing back firmly against my lips as Shivaay moaned appearing to kiss the spatula. His eyes bolting up looking at the spatula with which he was beginning to make out with.

"Ew! What the hell Anika?!" He exclaimed as I slapped the spatula against his lips.

My body shooting up in an instant with such a force that he fell over the sofa slamming himself on to the ground like a deflated ball.

"Hey! What is that for?!" He called me out loudly as I growled back at him showing him my teeth in annoyance.

"Crap! Your family is here you dimwit! Now shut up!" I ordered jumping off the sofa and seeing the three peering through the curtains trying to decode who was inside.

"W-what?!" Surprise catching hold of Shivaay as he stumbled on to my arm while I shook it off feeling irritated by how he is the reason why we are in this trouble.

Our hearts equally beating at a fast pace with a sense of fear now swirling within us realizing how much of a deep trouble we will be in if they see the both of us together.

Our eyes peering closely finding the three grisly stooges standing together ready to wreck havoc. Daadi, Pinky aunty, and of course now Priyanka as well. They all are on my case and now I am gone. This Anika will probably be chained by them and taken to the gallows considering how much they already hate me.

Hitting my hand gently against his chest I lifted my anger upon him. "This is all your fault! You shouldn't have brought me here last night!"

"Oh really? Well weren't you the one who kind of started the whole scene? Who was it that took off her dress in front of me?! How did you expect I would not do anything if you are standing in front of me like that, with those damned curves?! You seduced me last night and you better admit it!" He argued back slowly walking towards the French doors seeing them still lingering there and trying to peer in.

A smile lifting at the corner of my lips as I immediately jumped behind him grabbing his arm and forcing him to look towards me. A sense of joy now erupting within me hearing his admission.

"Ha! So I did seduce you! You told me that you can only be seduced if you want to be, but nooo...billa rakshasa cannot control his urges..." I cooed before slapping a rough kiss on his cheek with a small smile touching Shivaay's lips appearing to forget the moment's seriousness.

His hand wrapping around mine before showing me a wicked smile and pecking my nose with a kiss. "But the challenge is still on baby and now can we forget about this conversation on focus on these three nutjobs that have showed up unannounced?!" He raged just like a growling bhalu as a giggle escaped from me seeing his eyes darkening with that subtle demonic anger making its iconic return.

" bhalu is so cute when he is angry," I cooed trying to calm his nerves as I placed my chin on his shoulder. His eyes shooting back feeling quite taken aback while I giggled and poked his cheeks.

"Anika what is wrong with you? We are in trouble right now!" He attempted to bring his logical and reasoning side back to the surface while I rolled my eyes.

"So, I know you are here and why should I worry then? My bhalu is here with me," I gushed as I placed my head on his shoulder letting out more giggles while Shivaay gave out a smalllaugh.

"These twins are going to leave you crazy I feel like. Their effect is showing on you now and you are only two months into this..." He grumbled angrily not liking the fantasy driven Anika I was at the moment.

"Hehehe...very funny! I have always been like this! I am the fantasizer and you are reasoner remember?!" I argued while Shivaay shook his head giving up on our argument.

"Okay now be quiet alright?! We have to figure how to get out of this! These three are not going to go away easily and I know go and hide behind those sofas and listen to me while I am talking...Listen carefully alright?" He commanded while I looked at him confused not being able to catch on to his idea as Shivaay sighed handing me a bag of flour and my spatula.

"What are you doing?!"

"Oh Anika for the sake of it just take these two and hide behind the sofa!" He ordered pushing me gently while I looked at him confused before dipping myself behind the couch and hiding underneath the table.

"Listen to everything I say!" He called out as I sighed and rolled my eyes while squirming and attempting to fit underneath the small table, but failing with my feet sticking out of it.

The doors opening revealing their wide reflections on the wooden floor as a sudden darkness fell in the room with the lights turning off completely. Confusion hitting me while I peered out the sofa seeing the three stooges draped in different shades of yellow.

"What are you three doing here?!" Shivaay exclaimed trying to put on his mask of anger and command while he looked at them back and forth.

A giggle escaping from me with my hand slapping against my lips realizing how just moments ago he was running around like a skittering mouse in fear and right now he is pretending to be a Punjabi sher.

Only Anika can reign this Shivaay and even he knows it. Feeling a sense of pride, I slammed my hand against the ground making the table tumble.

"What's that sound?" Priyanka questioned with curiosity looking immediately towards my direction. My eyes widening as I instantly hid behind the sofa biting my lip knowing I screwed up as usual.

"That is why I am asking what all of you three are doing here? There is a reason why I asking because I have to protect you three!" Shivaay spoke loudly emphasizing the lines as if he was saying them to me.

Raising my eyebrow, I attempted to unravel the meaning of his words, but failing to do such at the moment. Pulling my feet to my chest, I attempt to hide myself though the bulging baby bump was not helping at the moment.

"Well your haldi is today and we have to prepare for it Shivaay beta, but what's wrong? Why should we be protected?" Daadi spoke appearing mightly confused.

Shivaay sighing as he began to pace the room back and forth while I looked into the mirror in front of me seeing him pretending to look worried while hiding a smile on his lips.

"Daadi! You do not know, but unusual things have been happening since I came last night! Someone screams and wails upstairs...while there are skittering and loud feet jumping and running in this very hallway! There is a woman...a married woman walking in a red saree who continues to cry and call for her lover...Daadi this house is cursed!"

My eyes widening hearing his words with goosebumps now lifting themselves across my flesh finding fear in his lines.

"Cursed?! What the?!" I whispered loudly with my body beginning to tremble while I began to pray holding my spatula close to my chest as a feeble weapon. Oh God don't do this to me, please save me...Please. I promise to not steal ladoos anymore at the mandhir admitting my sin.

"W-what?!" Pinky aunty stumbling back as Priyanka took hold of her.

"Ma there is no such things as curses! Shivaay bhai probably drank too much last night as usual and is imagining things!" Priyanka argued just like the sensible and practical soul she is.

Shivaay throwing his head up in the air before slamming his feet loudly on the ground in a dramatic fashion.

"Yes! This house is cursed and believe me odd things have been happening since last night! So, I decided to call the pandit ji for a puja and was waiting for him, but then you three came! Now go before she get's you!" He spoke loudly walking towards the end of the sofa wanting me to hear.

My eyes shooting up as my jaw dropped open realizing the lie that was being spoken at the moment. Lifting my head up, I caught his gaze as he leaned over looking at me and giving me a wink. Anger suddenly hitting me and beginning to boil within me not able to bear the insult.

"I-I am the curse?! Oh I am going to get you!" I spat at him pointing my spatula at him and ready to hit him while he let out a chuckle.

"What's that sound?! Hai bhagvan! A bhootni is here! A bhootni!" Pinky aunty going into full panic mode as she began to jump up and down while Priyanka appeared nervous taking a step back towards the back entrance of the home.

"Bhootni?! Pinky stop! You are the bhootni and believe me any other bhootni would run away seeing you like this! Look at the tacky make up you are wearing today- perfect for a bhootni competition!" Daadi scolded her as a sudden laugh escaped from me hearing Daadi.

"Be the bhootni the bhootni..." Shivaay hissed making my heart suddenly jump hearing his lines realizing what he was instructing me to do.

A mix of fear and confusion now boiling and simmering within me as I looked at the flour in my hand and the spatula I held now being able to understand why Shivaay had given me these two things. "N-no!" I exclaimed while Shivaay jumped up and threw me a glare trying to command me.

"Do it!" He ordered while I moaned in frustration and stomped my feet on the ground, making the table shake above me, not wanting to do such and scare the three knowing they are now my in-laws and if they find out then God knows what they are going to do considering I top their list of enemies.

"Did you hear that?! That is the sound of feet! Shivaay get away from the sofa! Get away!" Pinky aunty ordered running towards him and pulling him away suddenly.

"Who is there?! Tell us!" Daadi yelled making her way slowly towards me while my body went still and my heart began to pound loudly against my chest realizing that she soon will find me.

Remembering how they had cursed the twins and thrown their filth, I felt fear realizing that perhaps they might just do that again seeing me like in Shivaay's home...they will figure I have been here all night and once again not only go on to slaughter my own character, but also question the twins' honor.

Sighing, I took a deep breath before throwing the flour on my face and throwing my hair in front of my face. Grabbing the saree's pallu, I pulled it down my head covering my face and immediately jumping out in front of them.

"Mwahaha!!!" A loud scream mixed with a demonic laugh erupting from me as Daadi shrieked loudly.

Screams suddenly erupting in the dark dimly lit room while the three stooges began to run around as I began to laugh in joy seeing Shivaay surpressing a laugh before he stumbled against the pillar trying to appear scared.

Grabbing my flour, I began to make it fly in the air upon them as they began to run criss crossing the area while I lunged after them. Skidding and slipping, I began to follow them as I screamed wildly holding the spatula up in the air which appeared as a weapon to them.

Fondling my tongue back and forth against my lips I began to make a weird sound. "Oh la la la la la!!!"

My feet skidding hitting the spatula against Priyanka's arm while she yelped loudly. "Ai Ai Ai Aiiii!!!" The high pitch scream erupting from me while Priyanka began to jump up and down like a wild goose which matched perfectly with the yellow long draped saree she wore.

"Olalaala! Halalala!" I began to scream baby sounds haunting her as I began to walk towards her like a zombie ready to take her blood.

"I want your blood! I want your blood!" I repeated with a dull low voice as Priyanka screamed with her eyes popping open and jumping up the wall like a bat who only sucked blood, but didn't give it...just like how she fed on my friendship, but never fulfilled it.

A creepy laugh erupting from me as Pinky aunty and Daadi continued to run wildly jumping up and down on the sofas before collapsing behind walls.

Shivaay running after me realizing I had gone into my childish antic in an instant while I giggled grabbing my spatula and making it appear as a knife as I began to run after Daadi who stumbled and tumbled upon the sofas.

"P-please d-don't h-hurt m-me..." She pleaded folding her hands making my heart soften in an instant feeling grim how I was scaring the poor, elderly woman.

Suddenly, her hands grabbing hold of my pallu as my mouth widened surprised by the strength in her frail hands while I attempted to pull back. Shivaay trying to intervene, but failing with Pinky aunty and Priyanka jumping in between and grabbing hold of me trying to make me reveal my face.

"Bhootni?! Aye! Now we will get the bhootni out of you!" Pinky aunty yelled holding a broom in her hand and ready to go after me.

Screams erupting from me as they began to pull on my pallu like lemurs trying to drag it off while Shivaay went still blanking out on what he is supposed to do.

"Let me see what khaas multani mithi bhootni this is! You came to the wrong home!" Priyanka yelled grabbing my pallu and dragging it off of my head only to see layers of my hair falling flat upon my face.

The white flour scattered across me while my hair flew up only to fall back down. The three shrieking and falling on the sofa with their eyes wide open as they began to heave loudly and tremble violently.

"Oh mere raaba!" Shivaay exclaimed with his hand collapsing on to his chest freaking out by how his bride may just be a bridezilla in disguise.

Jumping up in front of them I incited another scream from them. Suddenly a growl erupting from me as I pulled my teeth out and ran horns on my head making an unusual hooting sound towards them.

"Olalalala! Balalala!" Weird unusual sounds erupting form my throat from the after effects of morning hormones that now were beginning to rage through me making excitement and thrill hit a peak.

"Who are you?! Get away from us you bhootni! Stay away from her Shivaay!" Pinky aunty yelled trying to pull Shivaay back from me as I began to pace towards them finding myself giddy with joy that I was scaring them off...The twins within me bubbling with glee knowing their mother was taking a small little revenge for their taunts.

"Mwahaha! Says the woman who calls her bahu a hex!" I yelled in a lowered, demonic voice trying to hit a low tone and scare them.

Waving my spatula in the air, I began to point it towards her like a weapon making her scream as she hid behind Shivaay's arm while he appeared to have become dazed upon seeing me become a bhootni.

His mouth gaping open quite surprised by the sudden change in me.

"Get away! Stay away from my mother!" Shivaay yelled with a smile lingering on his lips enjoying the tease as I began to take a step towards him while he kept a tease in his eyes finding himself becoming attracted to Anika the bhootni.

Pinky aunty screaming as she scrambled behind the pillows while Daadi and Priyanka began to chant loud prayers.

"No I won't! I won't stay away!" I screamed grabbing a hold of his kurta pulling him closer as he stumbled towards me before I blew him a kiss in the air as Shivaay's licked his lips finding himself bewitched.

"You have to stay away! Now go! Stay away from...from me..." His hand grabbing on to mine pulling me closely towards him with his eyes lingering on my cleavage on the verge of losing his patience.

My spatula immediately coming in between poking him with my force and making him collapse on the sofa as I slammed my foot on it and lunged over him finding a giggle erupt from me seeing him stunned by my bold move.

Tracing the edges of the spatula from his forehead and down to his lips, I incited a fetish in him as he found himself trembling with thirst wanting me in this instant. Lowering myself, I looked at him as my smile widened seeing his eyes oogling my flesh wanting to end this havoc and take me in his arms.

" are now mine...You are under my spell now..." I whispered with seduction dragging the spatula down his chest placing it on his heart while he gave me that demonic smile of his enjoying this moment.

"Stay away from my Shivaay beta!" Pinky aunty jumping up towards me as I threw the spatula up in the air pointing it towards her making her gasp as she collapsed back onto the sofa next to Shivaay.

"Oh ho! Now you will give me instructions! You! Little, Pinky daayan!" I screamed giving out a high pitched laugh enough to shred their ears as the three screamed with their hands on their ears while I continued to laugh dancing in front of them and waving the spatula at their faces.

My hair drowning my eyesight as they all seemed a blur to me, but I could sense that uncanny, dark, silent fear that now echoed in the pitch black room. They appeared to be more like a bhootni with their hair raising up and flying in the air before collapsing while their shade of yellow just made them look like daayans to be honest.

My hands grabbing the bag of flour as I continued to make it fly before throwing it on them while they screamed not able to realize I was throwing flour.

"Go away from us! Leave us! W-what do you w-want? Huh!" Priyanka howling as I slammed the spatula loudly on the coffee table before jumping up on it letting my hair wave up.

Distorting my waist, I prowled my hands like a cougar looking towards them pointing my weapon at them before one by one tapping their knees gently while they shivered jumping back.

Shivaay clasping his hand against his mouth ready to lose himself to series of laughs, but trying to remain serious not able to see me switch from the sweet, innocent Anika to a hungry chudail that I was becoming at the moment.

"Who is the new bahu?! Tell me!" I commanded slamming my hand loudly on the glass table as I kneeled down trying to distort my head and appear possessed.

A sense of glee erupting within me finding an unusual justice in how I was fighting for myself for once. For once I was standing up to them for the sake of my children realizing that these three needed to be taught a lesson from me considering how they maligned me.

"H-hain?! Bahu?!" Pinky aunty looking confused as I slapped the spatula on the ground barely brushing her feet while she jumped grabbing on to Daadi and hiding behind her shoulder.

"What are you doing Pinky? W-why are you scared? Look, that bhootni i-is s-still b-better l-looking than you! C-chalo achi b-bahu b-bano a-aur baat k-karo apni behen se!" Daadi ordered finding herself stuttering with her hand touching her heart while she began to chant.

Pinky appearing astonished by her insult on hands of Daadi while a bare giggle escaped from me looking at Pinky aunty and then observing the dark shades of make-up she was indeed wearing making me realize that she might be a bhootni...okay I shouldn't say that. She is Shivaay's mother.

"A-Anika! H-her n-name is Anika!" Priyanka yelled out with my smile widening before immediately turning towards her as she began to take deep breaths wanting to peer and see who was under the hair, but failing.

"Why do you want to know about my wife?" Shivaay questioned with a sly smile leaning forward finding himself weaving an ugly fantasy of making love to a bhootni.

Shaking my head, I rolled my head in a circle beginning to make a howling sound.

"Ohhhh....hooo...laaaaa...." The sound pitching a note and reeking their ears while they began to scream and Shivaay let out a small laugh finding himself amused by my limited acting skills.

"You three are her criminals! You three wronged her!" A creepy, illicit laugh ringing out of me while I began to hoot and jump up and down on to the ground mimicking an elephant dance.

"W-we d-did nothing to her! She is our ladli bahu!" Daadi yelling back inciting a laugh from me from the lie she had spoken.

My hand snatching the broom from the ground as I began to wave it in front of them throwing flour in the air while they continued to yelp and shriek like little lemurs.

"Ladli bahu?! Oh ho! Acha? Ladli bhau hai Anika?! Kab se?! You all did injustice to her and maligned her! And now Anika is a ladli bahu?! I spit on you three dayans!" I yelled jumping up towards them finding a sense of anger touching me remembering how they went after the twins and how Priyanka abandoned me in an instant.

"W-woh...toh ladli hai! Anika is ladli, b-but w-we j-just..." Pinky aunty hitting dead silence finding herself lost not knowing how to cover.

"S-she is a be-trayer! She is a liar and a gold digger...look at her character! Chi! Anika is a neech ladki! She is a low class girl who spends nights with- " Priyanka spat turning red shades seen in the dimmed room with her bright makeup glistening and matching Pinky aunty's.

"Priyanka! How dare you?!" Shivaay's voice rumbling loudly as his feet hit the ground ready to let his hand loose on Priyanka before I grabbed his waist pulling him back knowing it was wrong of him to do such.

Shivaay's back flexing upon my touch with his anger reaching the palm of my hand as his arm collapsed back down. Pulling him back, I pushed him gently away from Priyanka wanting to distance him at the moment knowing he was slipping into his rage.

A sense of furiousness clasping on to me upon reminder of how my friendship with Priyanka was and how much I gave myself to her by always trying to protect her and guide her to the right path...and this is how she chose to repay me.

Latching on to the broom, I lunged it towards her. "Oh ho! Makeup da stall, tu toh na chup re! Warna yeh Punjabi bhootni tujhe theek karegi.... Acha phir na bandari ban ke rona nahi aur barking mat karna doggy ki tara!" I spat in a lowered, bewitching tone while Priyanka gasped hearing her insult not able to bear the subtle truth I had spoken.

"Make up da stall?! Dogg?y! Bandari?! What kind of pendu language is this?!" Priyanka jumping and looking at me appearing to get suspicious grasping on to my mixed Punjabi and Hindi dialect realizing it might be me.

Distorting my neck, I let out a pitched laugh before snapping up and grabbing her arm while Pinky aunty and Daadi began to scream wildly like cats fearing for Priyanka. Shivaay still finding himself enjoying the moment and the lesson I was teaching them.

I will teach these discriminatory dayans. Aren't pendu people human and so what my family comes from a village? We also are human.

"Pendu?! Acha? Kyun pendu insaan nahi? Tum hi ho insaan aur tumhara yeh mahaan kandaan daayans ka! Hum toh bas pendu hain! Koi na, ab yeh pendu bhootni tujhe theek karegi!"

Snapping my lines shut, I grabbed the broom raising it above my hand to only run after her while she began to scream throwing pillows at me. Giggles erupting from me as I scrambled across the wooden floor continuing to chase her wanting to scare her to the core knowing it was essential for her to get a reality check.

The dark room erupting in haunting sounds which I began to make towards her and continued to hoot. "Oh ho ho ho! Ha la la la la" My brain making senseless baby sounds, but enough to freak the hibbie jibbies out of her.

"Stop! Help! Save me!" Priyanka beginning to repeat while I giggled beginning to throw pillows at her while she threw them back at me.

"Leave my daughter alone! You bhootni!" Pinky aunty screaming running after Priyanka trying to save her while I giggled and began to run in circles finding myself reaching a peak level of play realizing it might be the twins inciting this childishness inside of me.

Shivaay collapsing on the sofa holding his head and shaking it realizing I was now completely in my fantasy and had snapped out from the actual plan of chasing them away.

Keeping my long hair in front of my face, I kept my mask on and began to tumble over the layers of pillows before grabbing Priyanka's arm and throwing her on the ground. My hand grabbing the spatula from the table as I pointed it at her neck while Priyanka began to scream.

"P-please leave my granddaughter alone!" Daadi pleaded bringing me back to reality with realization that now I was truly inciting fear in them.

The three continuing to shake with their lips quivering finding themselves scared and fearing the worst while in the dark room now able to detect my features, but grasp on the fact that I am a ghost perhaps.

End it Anika. Come on just end this and send them out. No more fun. My brain told me while I felt a cramp in my womb feeling as if the twins were screaming that they wanted more fun and wanted their mother to teach them a lesson.

Sighing, I took a deep breath looking at the three through the strands of hair on my face. "Chalo let's have fun then you three can go okay?" I noted looking at them while the three looked at me confused not able to understand me.

"Aye! Bhalu you sit there and do not move alright?" I ordered looking at Shivaay who's smile appeared to widen as he rolled his eyes realizing that he is just going to let me reign this moment and not intervene.

"Now you two Pinky and Priyanka daayan become a chicken for me! Come on!" I ordered while Pinky aunty and Priyanka looked at me shocked.

Slamming my broom loudly on the ground I looked at them. "Do it or else?! Once bhootni pagal hogi phir bas raab nu yaad karna!" I pointed up towards the divine while both shivered and immediately dropped down forming a chicken's position.

A giggle erupting from me as I began to hum a tune and jump up and down on the sofa before falling back to the ground. Shivaay shaking his head not saying a word knowing it would be useless as I was in my phase.

"Now...Your name is Pinky right?" I questioned lowering my tone ensuring she would not pick up that I am her daughter-in-law.

Pinky aunty shaking her head immediately while I giggled looking at her.

"Okay so you and your daughter called me pendu right? Now pendu bhootni wants you two to dance on a nice Punjabi folk song! Pinky come now sing the song of that color that is opposite of yours' that kashni folk song okay?!" I commanded while Pinky aunty looked at me confused completely irked by my unusual lines that I had spoken in excitement.

"W-what song?! We don't know any pendu songs!" Pinky aunty exclaimed while I slapped my spatula loudly on the ground before pulling Priyanka up as she screamed.

"Pendu bhootni wants you to dance! Now dance at that kashni song now! And aap Daadi sing that song okay?" I ordered Daadi who looked confused not able to comprehend what was happening.

Daadi is their leader and I know it. Gauri herself told me how Daadi has been leading this conservative movement in their home and how she was the one who was forcing Gauri to do a puja to have a son. Daadi is discriminatory and she deserves to be taught a lesson from me.

"Um...uh...y-yes...I remember that song..." Daadi mumbled while I smiled proudly before looking at Pinky aunty and Priyanka.

"Chalo do gidda and dance to the song! Then you go!" I ordered while Priyanka and Pinky aunty immediately shook their heads.

"Chitta kukar banaray te...Chitta kukar banarey te... Kashni dupattay waliyey munda sadqey tere te..." Daadi began to sing while Priyanka and Pinky aunty slowly began to clap their hands barely moving to the beat finding themselves almost in tears while I supressed a laugh grabbing Shivaay's hand and pulling him up from the sofa enjoying the song since it is my favorite.

Shivaay taking a deep breath realizing that I was now fully enjoying myself and was not going to willingly let them go. My hand sliding against his knowing no one could see it since it was too dark to even see each other's features in the room.

"Gidda!" I howled loudly slapping my broom on the ground while Pinky aunty and Priyanka screamed immediately slipping their feet back and forth on the ground and clapping loudly.

Waving my pallu, I threw it back on Shivaay's face as he grumbled grabbing a hold of it and pulling me closely towards him leaning his lips against my hair while I giggled finding myself amused with the unusual way we were beginning our wedding festivities.

"Heera lakh sawa lakh da hai...Heera lakh sawa lakh da hai...Teeyan waliya diyan...Rab iztan rak tha hai...Rab iztan rak tha hai. Chitta kukkar banayray te...Chitta kukar baanyray te...Kasni dupattay waliye, munda sadqey tere te..."

Pinky aunty and Priyanka continuing to rotate and dance while they clapped as I stomped the broom on the ground loudly so they could continue to dance.

Raising the broom up, I began to dance bhangra consumed with pure foolish craziness due to the song.

Clapping, I joined them and began to dance before waving my pallu in the air and placing it across my eyes and winking at them back and forth while they shivered seeing my silliness.

Grabbing Shivaay's hand, I twirled underneath his arm while he chuckled before I wrapped my arms around his waist moving back and forth before beginning to do bhangra once again while he stood still hitting his forehead regretting this plan.

"Kasni dupattay waliye, munda sadqey tere te...Kasni dupattay waliye, munda sadqey tere te!" Daadi ending the song while Priyanka and Pinky aunty appeared breathless finding themselves winded by the gidda.

Throwing my pallu up in the air, my hand flew and hit itself against Shivaay's neck who howled loudly with the hard hit.

A loud creepy laugh erupting from me while I stomped the broom loudly on the ground.

"P-please l-let u-us go! P-please!" Pinky aunty pleading now while Priyanka agreed as well finding themselves at the edge of death as if they thought I would suck their souls in a minute.

Bending my waist, I leaned closer towards them while they took a step back beginning to tremble once again while Daadi began to chant her prayers.

" your ladli bahu right?" I whispered looking at the three as they immediately nodded.

"But y-you three w-wronged her right? Right Shivaay?!" I exclaimed looking at him as Shivaay immediately jumped back feeling a little freaked out from my face with the layers of hair that covered it.

"Yes...they did wrong Anika," Shivaay's voice loud and clear standing right by my side before looking at the three that appeared shocked upon how he had sided the so-called "bhootni".

"W-we...m-made a-a m-mistake..." Daadi's voice shaking as I weakly smiled looking towards her and then Pinky aunty.

Indeed, these women are the typical ones found in society. The ones who root filth and characterize and demean other women while continuing to fully live their fantasy filled worlds. These women in deem themselves as good and continue to foster a dream of unicorns and happiness. They continue to demean other women while living and fostering their own crude norms...They play themselves off to be feminists while behind the doors they are not...

"Tell it not wrong to demean a pregnant woman who is bearing your family's heir?" I questioned holding a low tone to ensure they would not recognize the Anika they broke three weeks ago.

Pinky aunty and Daadi's gazes lowering finding themselves reaching a reality check while I stood in silence looking at them both.

" are the worst Priyanka. You are her friend right? Anika was with you through all your best and worst moments. Yet you left her when she needed you the most..." My voice shaking as I felt tears touch my eyes now coming into terms with why I had suddenly indulged in this crazy act...I was spinning my anger out from how I had been defamed by them....I know I made a mistake and I sinned, but it does not mean that I too am not human or on an equal level as them.

Priyanka hitting a silent note while she kept quiet knowing I had spoken the truth. Slamming the foot loudly on the ground, I hit my rage while they shook finding me as a dark, demonic presence.

The mother in me now feverishly rising from the graves of my soul to only possess me and dominate its presence upon me.

"Now! I will let you three go and leave this home if you three promise to not demean or question her children! Anika will bear your taunts and consume your filth, but if you three dare to say a word against her children then you three will see my worst! If you three question her children and question their existence then I swear I will bring havoc in your lives! Promise me now that you will give respect, honor, and love to her children! Promise me!" My voice roaring and echoing as the three shivered finding themselves blank not able to grasp on to my order.

My eyes wandering to Shivaay who held a simple smile finding himself admiring my words. Looking back, I found the three hesitant as I grabbed the spatula ready to raise it upon them though with no intentions of hurting them with it.

"No!" They screamed in unison seeing the spatula finding it as a weapon that could wound them.

"W-we promise! We promise to not say a word against Anika's children!" Daadi spoke while Pinky aunty's mouth gaped open in shock with Daadi's promise.


"Pinky! Stop! Make the promise now!" Daadi ordered to Pinky aunty.

Pinky aunty shaking her head while Priyanka chewed on her lips looking at me up and down appearing to get suspicious.

"F-fine...I promise to n-not s-say a-anything against her children and treat them equally as my other grandchildren," Pinky aunty spoke softly while I felt a small smile touching me before looking down at my small bump where the two littles ones were.

"Now go! Go now before the worst comes!" I ordered pointing the broom in direction of the main door while they continued to shake.

"S-Shivaay c-come...." Pinky aunty whispered as I grabbed Shivaay's arm.

"No! You three go now! Now!" Grabbing my broom, I raised it above my head before they began to run and scramble out of the living room.

Holding the broom, I began to chase them while they screamed like little pigs and continued to run and dance their way out of the house praying to be saved. Laughing, I led them out the door before it closed shut on me.

Slamming my back against the wall, I began to take deep breaths, but failing as my laugh continued to rail loudly through the empty hallway. Flipping my hair up, I shook my head while continuing to laugh realizing how I suddenly had transformed into a lunatic Anika that I once was years ago....I remember how I used to be so childish and misbehave like this with Shivaay many times when he would annoy the hell out of me.

God it's been so long since I have felt this level of excitement and thrill in teaching someone a lesson through such unique methods.

A sudden heated touch wrapping itself around my waist making me shiver as I looked up catching his blue hues shining in the dim sunlight that now was falling through the window.

"Baby what you did...this mischevious, dark side of yours'....damn it I missed it and I love it...I love it baby..." He whispered before crashing his lips onto mine pulling me into a deep kiss letting our tongues to collide and tug upon one another while I smiled wrapping my arms around him.

Taking a firm hold of my waist, he lifted me up from the ground while we continued to build a harmony with our lips that opened and closed allowing us to taste the dull flour mixed with sweetness and bitterness. His feet stumbling back hitting the couch as he pulled me down on to his lap.

Dragging his lips to the corner of my jawline, he began to relish on it while I smiled shyly finding that goulish Anika now leaving my body and replacing it with my old, timid, demure self that I am.

"I...I shouldn't have misbehaved's wrong..." I whispered feeling a little ashamed of how I treated the three knowing these are not my values.

Shivaay grumbling appearing to disagree with my statement. Letting the heat of our bodies merge into one, he slipped his hands across my bare waist pulling me against his chest while I leaned my head on his heart finding myself at comfort in his lap.

He grabbed my cheek forcing me to look into his eyes. "You did nothing wrong. In fact, I am proud of you today. I did not have to stand up for you, but you stood up for yourself. Honestly, our job was to chase them away, but the way you used this opportunity to teach them a lesson and force them to give respect to our children is commendable Anika. Only you are capable of such and it's been years since I have seen you like this and God, I am so grateful that perhaps that old Anika still lives within you and she will return forever very soon..." His words removing any sense of shame and replacing it with strength that lifted me up in an instant.

"You did right by fighting against them as a mother and this is the utmost important duty you have Anika. More than being a daughter-in-law or a wife, your most important duty is to be a mother and always prioritize that above anything else, but never to a point that you forget to live. Be a role model for our children, by living for yourself, building your dreams, and just being happy...believe me that is enough to be a good mother...and how you stood up for these two makes me so happy knowing they are in safe hands," He spoke softly instilling an unusual will within me that somewhere I did not have.

Smiling, I grabbed his neck and kissed his forehead tenderly admiring his lines. "My God Shivaay, you have changed...and thank you for changing. I love this change...and I hope you always continue to be this way..."

Shivaay shaking his head before kissing my nose while I began to blush realizing how I was gracing his lap. His palms wiping the flour away from my cheeks as he grabbed a blanket from the sofa and began to clean my face delicately ensuring I still looked somewhat like a bride.

His palm gently touching the small bump realizing it indeed has grown. "Today it is proven you two, your mumma is a pagal bandari," He remarked hitting my nerve as I slapped his chest while he began to chuckle.

"What about you bhalu? Bhalu got scared seeing his wife like this! Hehehe...I saw your face! My God, it was hilarious!" I exclaimed before widening my eyes and clasping my hands on my cheeks trying to mimic him.

"It looked like you were having an exorcism!" I called out throwing my head back against his shoulder beginning to laugh while Shivaay began to shoot daggers at me not liking my joke.

"My billa rakshasa is sooo cute," I cooed grabbing his cheeks and pulling them up and down while he chuckled and rolled his eyes breaking out of his temper.

"It's supposed to be rakshasa billa!" He remarked while I shook my head in a big "no".

"No! I like saying billa rakshasa and bhalu! I like both of the names!" Grabbing his jaw, I pressed my lips gently against his wanting to convince him to allow me to say such nicknames I have creatively formed.

"Acha ji? Then I also like saying pagal bandari! Look pagal bandari today was jumping and dancing as if her tail caught fire!"

Gasping, I grabbed a pillow hitting him with it not liking his joke while he erupted in laughter. Tugging on his collar, I attempted to bite his neck to teach him a lesson while his hands took an immediate grasp of my waist pulling me up to the ground.

"You bhalu! I am going to teach you a good lesson!" I yelled grabbing the spatula waving it towards him.

My feet stumbling back and hitting the curtains behind me while Shivaay slammed me against the doors. We began to tug and pull on the spatula while our feet stumbled and trumbeld with the curtains now wrapping around the both of us. The drapes continuing to wrap us while we indulged in our own pity fight.

"Bhalu! Let go! This will not help you shave your stringy hair off!" I spat tugging it back while he glared at me pulling it forcefully towards him.

"Pagal bandari this isn't a stick for you to play your drum!" He yelled as I heaved in shock immediately nudging my elbow hard into his stomach making him yowl loudly.

His hand clasping on his stomach hitting the window appearing to be in pain. My hand immediately grabbing his as I began to rub it.

"Oh my God! I am so sorry it hurting a lot?" I questioned before I lifted his kurta up and blew air upon it regretting my childish antic that had hurt it. Rubbing my palm gently against his stomach, I attempted to heal his pain.

"Y-yeah Anika it is can kiss it and it will be better." My eyes shooting up encountering a playful smile.

"R-really? I should kiss it?" I asked naively as I tilted my head to the side trying to play with his mind.

Shivaay nodding innocently as I lowered my head only to sink my teeth. "Okay as you wish..." I whispered before biting his skin as he yelped loudly while I giggled giving a rough lovebite to him.

"Bhalu is so adorable! My bhalu!" I began to sing while I grabbed his neck pulling him towards me. His hands wrapping around my waist barely holding me through the curtains that now wrapped around us tightly.

"I swear you have gone mad Anika! What did you just do today?!" His lips burying into my neck as he began to badger it with light, soft kisses while I laughed pulling him closer.

"What did I do? I did nothing...nothing..." I spoke in a baby voice before pulling him into an embrace.

His lips continuing to play peek a boo as they ran up and down my shoulder laying tender kisses upon it. "The way you scared them I loved it! I have wanted to do this for so long and you did so suavely! My God and then you made them dance to a folk song! Do you know how high maintenance they are?" He exclaimed beginning to laugh while I giggled before kissing his neck expressing my joy.

"But, Bhalu you already scare all of them!" I noted remembering the amount of rage he has displayed towards them in the past and how moments ago he was about to raise his hand on Priyanka.

"Shivaay, you shouldn't have raised your hand on Priyanka...It was not right and thank God you stopped," I noted seriously while Shivaay sighed shaking his head against my cheek.

"I know it was wrong and that is why I stopped, but I cannot tolerate a word against you and I will stand by you no matter what," He replied as I smiled before brushing my lips against his cheek.

"The way you reigned Daadi and Ma was smart! My genius, beautiful, mischevious wife..." He began to admire me with sweet nothing slowly capturing each and every fold of my neck and pecking and biting gently into it while I buried myself into his shoulder feeling shy.

"My demonic, ravishing, sexy wife..." He continued to mutter as he slipped my pallu off of my shoulder before beginning to kiss my flesh while I sighed pulling him close realizing how much I wanted him in the moment.

His hands taking hold of my neck making me look into his eyes that appeared to be charmed.

"Damn it, I wanted to make love to you in an instant the way you were raging in front of them...Your shyness captures me, but your raging temper... damn is so sexy...I love it..." He whispered pulling me closer wrapping his fingers into my blouse's dori wanting to untie it.

His lips now beginning to devour the corners of my flesh with his hand slipping my blouse off. His tongue gliding down my cleavage beginning to vigorously thrust kisses upon it making heat rush up to my cheeks with my heart now begging me to give into him despite knowing he was seducing me for that challenge.

"Just fuck me..." I snapped in a low tone letting the demon speak within me in a savage, blunt way that I never spoke before. Surprise catching me as my heart skipped a beat not able to bear the dancing lustful phantom I held.

A smirk catching him as his fingers took a hold of my lips pulling me closer. "Oh damn it Anika...don't talk like this or I will undress you right here...I really do want to...fuck you..." He whispered the last sinful curse as I shivered feeling cringy from hearing the word.

"Please don't say that's cringe worthy...I cannot believe I said it." I shivered while Shivaay chuckled slamming me gently against the window before grabbing my head knowing how I liked to be led in moments like these.

"Baby...fuck is a blunt, but the sexiest word a woman can say..." He whispered leaning closer letting our lips tremble finding them enticed by the other and wanting us to give in. The heat of our skins creating that unusual racy atmosphere that has always forced us to shamelessly indulge in adventures.

His hands dragging themselves down my saree pulling on its fabric while I crawled my hands against the glass finding myself going on that high slowly...that high of ecstasy where pleasure would once again be fulfilled.

Without any notice, my feet began to slip against the ground as he pushed himself gently against me beginning to ravage his lips on my cheeks.

My feet ticking against the drapes that wrapped us and I began to fall only to have his arms wrapping immediately around my waist. My hands grabbing hold of his neck as I looked up into his eyes that now held a hunger for me dashed with love. Our eyes diving into one another finding each other attractive with the deep hidden mysteries we both still held. Tracing his fingers into my waist he began to lean down towards my lips that appeared an attractive choice.

"Hain! It was Anika!" My heart skipping sudden beats as my head shot up to see Priyanka in standing in front of us. My feet kicking off immediately as I pushed Shivaay away barely balancing myself.

Priyanka shaking her head as she looked at me up and down while I barely pulled my pallu up placing it on my shoulder feeling mortified while Shivaay scoffed and fixed the creases of his kurta.

"How dare you do such to us Anika?! Do you know how scared Daadi and Ma are outside?!" She began to yell while Shivaay pushed me back taking a step front of me.

"Hey! She's your bhabi now, so speak in a lowered tone alright and call her bhabi!" Shivaay snapped his finger towards her while Priyanka began to shake her head back and forth as if she was possessed.

"Acha? What big good deed did she do that she deserves such respect? It is seven in the morning right now and she is in your home! Do you know what this implies?" Her eyes holding filth appearing to throw it on me making my gaze lower in an instant realizing what she meant...the same taunt she and her mother gives which is that I am the woman who spends nights with many men.

"What? What does it mean?! Speak!" Shivaay's voice now roaring loudly as Priyanka trembled knowing that she had crossed her line.

Silence touching the both of us while we stood still. My hand wrapping the pallu around my shoulder feeling a sense of shame as I felt Shivaay's eyes dart back to me before his hand slipped into mine pulling me up by his side.

"What kind of sick friend did you nurture Anika? I didn't know your standard could drop this low..." He muttered while I bit my lip trying to hold my tears knowing he did have truth to his word though they were blunt.

"Bhai! How can you say this about your own sister?" She questioned feeling astonished as she took a step towards us.

Shivaay lifting his palm making her stop in her tracks. His eyes holding that bloodshot darkness they always tended to have towards others with layers of his devious apparitions coming back to life.

"Enough! If you point your finger at my wife's character then you will bear the brunt of my words...She is no longer just Anika Malhotra do you understand? She is Shivaay Singh Oberoi's wife and she is the eldest daughter-in-law of the Oberoi family...our family! Talk with respect to the eldest daughter-in-law of our to respect to my wife understood? I don't give a damn what went wrong between you both because I already know that you likely abandoned her considering you are this sick just like Ma. But, you will talk with respect and politeness to her because she is your bhabi now."

Tears escaping from me as I smiled faintly not able to come into terms with how Shivaay for the first time is claiming me as his wife without any shame unlike years ago. My hand taking a firm hold of his as he looked back to me before wiping my tears away.

Priyanka clapping loudly grabbing our attention. "Wah! I cannot believe Anika Bhabhi how you have trapped my bhai. Never would I have ever thought you would do such! Behind this innocent, naïve face of yours' is a cunning woman who thirsted upon my bhai's money!"

"Priyanka! Don't you dare!" I screamed taking a step towards her ready to show her place. With Shivaay immediately pushing me back and walking up with force towards Priyanka.

"Okay! Now I will talk to you in your language then. If I begin to deliberate over how you gorged so much money for that damned wedding of yours' then you will come to shame. Aren't your in-laws gold diggers considering the amount of nonsensical dowry they took? Doesn't your Akash have a playboy, characterless image? Didn't he cheat on you with Amoli?!"

My mouth slightly opening hearing Shivaay's words appearing stunned that he knows already about Akash's past with Amoli. Priyanka's eyes moving towards me swiftly.

"Y-you told bhai! Anika bhabi, you told bhai about this!" Priyanka yelling as I immediately shook my head.

"No! Never I would do this to you!" I argued while Shivaay sighed pushing back Priyanka.

"I already knew from my sources Priyanka. Anika didn't say a word to be honest because that is the friend she is. But, wow look at you! Do you want me to tell everyone about Akash's past? Also, do you want to keep your residency at the hospital or not?" He held a threat with his voice turning a darker shade that I hadn't seen for a while.

"What do you mean?" Priyanka appearing confused while Shivaay shrugged his shoulders.

"Go outside and distract Ma and Daadi while I will take Anika through the back and leave. Don't you dare tell them it was Anika trying to scare them off. If you don't then good luck with your residency and good luck with getting a job considering your eye is on the board of directors despite how much you deny not wanting it. Now be a good girl and go do this job and from now on show respect to Anika alright?" Shivaay's confidence hitting a peak while I looked at him feeling a little impressed in how easily he took control of the situation.

Nausea hitting me now appearing to crawl back up my throat with a cramp now sucking into my womb.

Suddenly my food began to come through as I gagged jumping towards Priyanka who shrieked realizing I was about to spray her designer suit.

"What are you doing? Have you gone mad?!" Priyanka shouted while I gagged again realizing the twins were in a mood to have fun again in the morning like they have been having for the past two weeks.

"Ewww! Don't start vomiting now like a fountain!" Priyanka repeated while I began to gag wanting to vomit, but failing as my food began to crawl up and down my throat not knowing which direction to go.

"Anika...please don't vomit now. Take deep breaths ok,"Shivaay spoke softly while I raised my head trying to breathe, but failing as I growled in annoyance.

"Priyanka you just go now and distract them!" Priyanka shook her head forcing herself to walk out towards the entrance while Shivaay wrapped his arm around me quickly pulling me towards the back entrance.

Our feet stumbling out the backyard as he paced me towards the driveway while I attempted to breathe feeling irritated by the twins at the moment who decided to be mischevious. Slapping my hand hard against Shivaay's arm, I incited another howl from him.

"This is all your fault! These two are turning out to be exactly like you! Not letting me be in peace for a moment! I swear they are boys and I know it!"

Shivaay stopping in an instant before looking at me. "Heck no! They are girls alright?! They must be girls and don't talk so badly!" He scolded me while I gagged once more not wanting to walk while Shivaay continued to force me to.

His hand wrapping into mine forcing me to run down the large lawn while I felt a little nauseous, however, a sense of thrill suddenly taking over me with my hormones changing once again.

Giggles erupting from me while Shivaay began to laugh finding excitement in hiding and escaping from others.

His feet stopping against the corner of our home as he wrapped me into his arms before peeking out and seeing Daadi in the driveway screaming loudly on the phone while Pinky aunty sat on the footsteps continuing to pray.

"We have to be brave and go inside. Believe me bhai and the bhootni are gone. We should go and check where they went," Priyanka attempting to convince them while Pinky aunty shook her head not appearing convinced.

"Bhootni probably has possessed you Priyanka that's why you are trying to convince us to go inside. But, hai bhagvan, I am so worried about Shivaay," Pinky aunty continuing to wail dramatically while I giggled looking at Priyanka who did look like a bhootni with the dark shades of makeup she wore.

"Bhootni is with her billa..." I whispered against his ear making his skin heat up as he looked back towards me before pulling me against his chest.

"Don't worry, billa will teach a good lesson to his bhootni tonight..." He replied teasingly making my cheeks turn a shade of red knowing he was talking about our wedding night.

"Shivaay! Is that you?!" Daadi shouting towards us as my eyes widened. Shivaay immediately pushing me down against the bushes while I snarled not wanting to sit on the ground.

"I-I don't want to sit here!" I complained while Shivaay pushed his hand against my mouth trying to muffle my voice.

"Thank God, you are fine beta, but what are you doing here? Did you see the bhootni? I called the pandit ji and he will be here to do the puja, but where is she?" Daadi questioning worriedly as I heard footsteps appearing to be Pinky aunty's.

"Um...the bhootni ran out of the home and towards the other side of the lawn! I think you should all go and see where she went! I mean what if she comes back inside or something?" Shivaay scratching his neck barely able to think of a lie and scattering his words around that made no sense.

"N-no! We are going to wait here..." Pinky aunty mumbling with fear not wanting to return back.

"No! Billu is right that we have to go back. The panditji gave me a chant and we will go and try to find her in the lawn. Don't worry, we three have to go and billu you stay here because you don't know, but bhootnis always go after grooms! You stay okay..." Daadi commanded while Pinky aunty shrieked not wanting to go as Daadi began to drag her towards the lawn. A laugh slipping from me that indeed I the bhootni is going after my groom.

Grabbing my pallu, I placed it on my face trying my best to hide behind the bushes, but barely able to while I scrambled grabbing on to Shivaay's hand while continuing to slump in the mucky dirt.

"Priyanka stay here and keep watch. We're going now alright," Shivaay spoke and he grabbed my hand trying to pull me up while I moaned stomping my feet.

A sense of fatigue overcoming me as I felt tired from the mini exercise I had indulged in as a bhootni. My hand wrapping around my womb feeling nauseous likely due to the pregnancy.

"Anika, what's wrong? Come on let's go before they come back." Shivaay pulling on my hand while I shook my head and slapped my hand against the dirt adamantly not wanting to move.

"Anika is tired! Anika wants to sit!" I complained while puckering my lips and shaking my head in a no. Digging my feet into the mud, I struggled with the thought of moving as I felt tired now.

Shivaay sighing as he threw his head up in the air. "Seven more months can do it. Just seven more months of her acting like a child. You can handle this. You have handled many things and handling her will be alright," He began to repeat trying to control his anger that was building up. A laugh escaping from me seeing him trying to struggle in his new job as a husband.

Shivaay immediately pulling me up and liftinh me up on to his shoulder making me shriek in excitement. Priyanka appearing stunned by Shivaay's act not able to believe it is her brother considering how stone faced he is in front of them.

Shivaay chuckling as he began to run down the driveway with me upon his shoulder while my fit of giggles began as I hit his back playfully.

"Bhalu! Let me go!" I screamed as we both erupted into laughter finding ourselves completely losing our senses and giving into our craziness that we both cooked together today.

His feet rummaging down the driveway towards a red mustang while I wavered my feet up in the air as he held me up. "We have to go now and no more silliness! This is enough for the day!" He ordered while I whined like a child.

"Fine! But I am driving the mustang!" I ordered as Shivaay sighed slamming open the driver's side door and pushing me inside while I smiled with achievement knowing how much he adored his mustang and today was allowing me to drive it.

"Just drive fast damn it and don't look back! We have to leave before they show up" He threw the keys at me as I turned on the ignition immediately while he jumped in besides me.

Grabbing his sunglasses from the dashboard, I placed them on liking the California touch.

"What are you doing?" He questioned while I opened the rooftop letting it set down and allowing the morning sun to shine upon us.

"I am an actress. Now just shut up and let me enjoy the moment... as a mean girl!" Flipping my hair I let the wind hit it letting my waves fly back.

"Yay! Old Anika is back!" I yelled cheerfully and clapping my hands loudly. Hitting the gas pedal turning, I turned the steering wheel suddenly making the car spin and do a small doughnut in the driveway.

"Anika! Don't you dare harm my mustang!" Shivaay threatened while I slapped his thigh hard.

"Nooo! This is my mustang now hubby!" I claimed and then I hit the gas letting the mustang rumble.

Spinning the steering wheel, I hit the gas hard and we began to speed. Shivaay screaming while I cheered loudly amping up loud music to my favorite "Capital Letters" as I began to sing the lyrics loudly.

Shivaay placing his hand against his temple regretting that he may have just helped the old Anika return a little too fast. Shrugging my shoulder, I threw him a wink before I threw my head up and smiled with cheer.

"You hate speeding and you are speeding!" Shivaay screamed while the wind continued to hit as we winded down the long driveway going down the hill.

"No baby! I just hate speeding when you are driving, but I like it when I do it!" I yelled back as I rubbed his arm gently with the wind rushing through and muffling our voices.

"Relax! Anika has it under control!" I yelled back letting the fresh ocean breeze fly through us. The California sun shining its way upon us while we began to roll down the hill. Hitting a speed of 60 mph we sped down the hill with the car bumping and hoppling down the long driveway.

"I love you Anika and I don't even know why I am saying it right now! We are crazy Anika! Do you realize that?!" He screamed before he began to laugh loudly appearing to enjoy the moment while I giggled throwing my head back up encountering his guards at the gate of our home who looked at us worriedly.

"Ciao everyone! Ciao!" I waved buzzing past them while claiming my own freedom as I threw my hand up in the air and began to hit the speed of life with my one and only crazy husband.


Sneak Peek of Chapter 39 Part 3 ( Anika see's Chaaya. Anika reunites with Chaaya after wedding after mooh dikhai in end of Chapter 39/start of Chapter 40):

Opening my eyes from the prayer, I saw Shivaay continuing to pray in front of Shivji. Holding a soft smile, I turned around to see a young child standing behind appearing to pray. Her palms reaching out while she appeared to mumble.

"Shivji...please give me ladoo...I want one, but there is none...I came to the mandhir for the ladoo..." She mumbled innocently making me giggle as I looked at her realizing indeed I had selfishly stolen all the ladoo for the twins.

Holding a wide smile, I slowly walked towards her....

Update for Chapter 39 Part 1 hopefully will come soon :)


Author's Note on Writing Comedy and Dialects:

Okay I tried to write comedy everyone and this is my first time writing it and I have realized I am not that great at it, but I tried everyone and I am so sorry if this chapter was not that satisfying, but I tried to work on this skill, however, I think I am only capable to writing tragedies :(

Chitta Kukkad is a common Punjabi folk song and I do not own the lyrics.

If you want me to remove any of the words I used in this chapter then let me know by commenting below or messaging me and I will remove them :)


Thank you for reading and continuing to be amazing. Please do vote, like, and comment, and share if you liked this chapter :)

I want to know if readers liked this lighter chapter or if I just plain sucked at writing comedy. Please let me know if I did ok or completely failed in writing this chapter and I will then try to see what I can do....

I promise to reply to comments for Chapter 38 Parts 1 and 2 all together since they are connected :)

Chapter 39 Part 1 will be updated hopefully soon :) The update depends on reader response to this update of Part 2 :)


Wedding Chapters Outline:

Chapter 39: All wedding with multiple parts.

Chapter 39:

Shivika go to Anika's home where Anika get's ready for her haldi and then has her official bidaai as Shivaay takes her back to their new home where they will have their haldi and wedding :)

Anika see's Chaaya at the mandhir.

Haldi is full of family drama and romance (mature content) and seduction challenge will happen.

Wedding and wedding party (Armaan comes back and more family drama along with romantic moments)

Wedding night (seduction challenge)

Mooh dikhai (big family drama, seduction challenge)

End of Mooh dikhai (Chaaya and Anika reunite)

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