13: A Lead?

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???'s POV:

"I will find her." He said. "Find who?" I replied, a little confused. "Someone very important to me..." He finished. "Oh, you mean her!" I said, smiling.

Haruka's POV:

"Daaaaarkaaaaai...!!" Cresselia said in a sing song voice. I notice that she was on his back, expecting a piggy back ride. Darkrai rolled his eyes, then looked at me and mouthed the words 'help me'. I mouthed the word 'fine' and I walked over. "Hm?" Cresselia said, looking at me. "Could you get off of him, please?" I asked politely. "No!" She pouted. "You don't tell me what to do." She said, sticking her tongue out. "Sigh..." I heaved a sigh. "HAHAHA!" Giratina was laughing at Darkrai. "Shut it." He said. "Noooope!" He said back. "Cresselia, please get off of Darkrai." Palkia said. "Yes ma'am!" She said, getting off of him. "I owe you one." Darkrai said. "There is no need." Palkia replied. "Aaannyways... How are you feeling, Luna? And, how did you pass out?" I asked. "Well, I remember bits and pieces of what happened... But the rest is blank." She said. "Can you tell us what you know?" Leo asked. "Yes. I vaguely remember what the two people looked like..." She said. "One was a Legend, I think... with lavender hair..." She said. "...!" Mew's eyes widened. "It could be Mewtwo!--", "Yeah, but he wouldn't do something like that." Giratina said. "And the other guy had dark purple hair... I think..." She continued. "When did it happen?" Mew asked. "Early yesterday morning..." She said. "I'll... be back in a bit!" Mew said, running out the door. "Mew! Be careful! Sigh... Can someone go with her?" Palkia asked. "I'll go. I am her Chosen after all..." Lily said, running after her. "Sigh..." I sighed. "Now there isn't anyone to tell me to not bother my beloved Darkrai!!!" Cresselia said, hugging him again. "...well shit." Darkrai said.

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