20: Force

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Haruka's POV:

"Listen up." Palkia said, as we all sat at the kitchen table. "Our next target is the Reflection Cult." She said. "That's the one that worships this dumbass, right?" Darkrai pointed to Giratina. "OI!" He yelled. "Yes." Palkia said, nodding. "SERIOUSLY?!" Giratina shouted. "Chill out." Lance said. "Hmph..." Giratina growled. "Anyways... Their base is located in a different dimension." She continued. "What do you mean?" Darkrai asked. "Wait... You can't be serious." Giratina said. "I am. Their base is, in fact, in the distortion world." Palkia said. "Luckily, Dumbass knows the distortion worlds layout like the back of his hand." Palkia looked like she was gonna laugh. "..." Giratina stayed silent. "Is that true?" Yuna asked. "Yeah." Giratina nodded. "Well, we'd better get prepared." He continued. "That place is pretty weird." He said. "Trust me, I've been trapped there by her." Giratina pointed to Palkia. "..." She glared daggers at him. "Yeah, because you disobeyed orders." Cresselia said, squeezing the life out of Darkrai. "Help..." He said. "Um... Excuse me?" I asked. "..." Cresselia glared at me. "Need something?" She asked. "Have you ever heard of personal space?" I asked. "Yeah." Cresselia said. "Me and Darkrai share a space bubble!" She snapped. "Since when?!" Darkrai said. "Sigh... Whatever. I'm still not gonna let him go--", "LET HIM GO. OR ELSE ILL TRAP YOU IN THE DISTORTION WORLD!" Palkia boomed. "Y-Yes ma'am!" She let go. "Thank you." Darkrai mouthed. Lance glared at Darkrai when I sat down next to him. Darkrai glared back. "Anyways. Like I said, get your shit ready." Giratina said. "It's pretty damn weird there, so you're gonna need some water or something." He said. "How weird?" I asked. "Gravity in particular. Physics are weird too." He said. "Like, going to another platform, and you're suddenly wall walking." He finished. "Those are only two of the strange aspects, though."

Holy crap!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in aaaages!

I've been really busy playing Overwatch. Really busy.

And plus, I had three finals to get over with.

I also have math, science, and English regents coming up.


Heheh... Anyways...

Question time!:

What was your first Pokemon game that you've ever played?

My answer: Pokemon Platinum. Wake is an asshole.

Mainly because at the time I was around 6-7 years old, and I just powered my way through every gym with infernape. XD

I don't do that anymore lol.

Bye bye! Have a wonderful day!~

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