4: Gunfire

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The girl was really pretty, except, she seemed strict. "And speaking of Chosen..." Lance said. "I'm Topas, and this is my Legend, Palkia." The boy said. "And, do you have a problem with me following you?" He continued. "Maybe." Lance said. "You've never told me about the others, Victini." Leo said. "Well, there are way more legends than you'd think!" She said, laughing. "I believe that there are 53 of us in total, but we may not be able to meet all of them." Darkrai said. "True. Some are on the other side of the world!" Victini said. "...!" Dark raid eyes went to slits again. "GET DOWN!" He shouted and pushed me down. "Why...?-", "THERE THEY ARE! FIRE!" We heard someone shout, and there was an army of bullets headed straight for us! "Tch... Bastards!" He said. "Ah!" I said. "Shh! Wait here." Darkrai said, becoming a shadow. "I'm going to see what cult they are, and on my cue, you guys take them out with me. Got it?" He said, and went towards the enemies.

Darkrai's POV:

'I'm just hoping Haruka doesn't get hurt.' I thought to myself. "Infernal cult, eh?" I said to myself. "FWEE!" I whistled. "CHARGE!" I heard Haruka shout. "Searing Shot!" I heard Victini shout. "Spacial Rend." Palkia said. "Hyperspace Hole." Hoopa said. "Phantom Force!" Giratina shouted. "Heh..." I said, behind them. "Dark Void." I said, popping out of the ground. "Dream Eater!" I said as some fell asleep. "AGH!" I was shot twice, once on the shoulder, and once on my right leg. "DARKRAI!" I heard Haruka shout. "Don't worry about me! Get behind the others!" I said. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SO STUBBORN! I'm going down there!" She shouted. "DONT!" Palkia commanded. "Ah!- Yes ma'am!" She said. I could tell she was really worried, but I'll be fine. I always am.

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