Data On The Ground-Shaking Creature, Malodan

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Thirteen: Part Two

"'re facing Malodan next?" Susana questioned as her charming eyes stalked him.

"Yeah, I was hope you could answer a few questions for me. I don't want to face that creature unprepared." He answered, placing a piece of syrup-soaked pancakes in his mouth.

"Sure, I'd love to help you in any way I can!" She gave off a proud smile brighter than the sun.

"Perfect, thank you very much. So first question, is Malodan aggressive?"

"Malodan is usually a serene creature who tries not to cause any harm to anyone. As a matter of fact, he often avoids fighting. The only time Malodan will be aggressive is when he is challenged for the shard or directly attacked."

"I see. What elemental type is he?"

"Water/Nature. Malodan can shoot gigantic water sprouts from his mouth. It's best to avoid those as they can rip through metal. He can also emit a toxic gas from the flowers surrounding his shell. Malodan houses many special abilities with various flowers on its durable shell. Unfortunately, since Malodan sightings are rare, no one has ever been able to list down every attack he possesses. Luckily, if you're still hungry for information, there's a library you can visit here."

"Heh, I know, but thanks."

"If you do end up going to the library, can I come with you? It'd be so nice to research Malodan with you."

He stared at her with eyes of concern. "Don't you have to work?"

An innocent giggle was produced in her vocal cords. "Don't worry about me; I'm the cutest one in here. According to my forewoman, I pull in the most customers because of my child-like personality and upbeat attitude. She could never fire me; I'm too cute!" She smiled.

"I- I see. Well, if you're cool with it, I suppose you can come."

Susana shot her arms in the warm air with a perfect smile; unable to bottle her childish excitement. "Tysashi, I just want to thank you for coming here. It's incredibly sweet how you came here to see me, despite the Kula Outlet having a wide range of breakfast shops. I just...can't thank you enough."

Susana placed her spongy, slightly frigid hands on his tepid palm. "You're the best, Tysashi."

He let out a light chuckle, thanking her for the compliments. His blood rushed to his cheeks, all while she promptly took sight of this.

"Awww Tysashi, is my beauty and words getting to your heart? Don't be ashamed, I have that effect on all the boys."

He simply kept silent while his heartbeat raced. He could feel invisible trails of sweat roll down his face. "I...actually don't know how to respond." He stated, still eating.

"I'm just kidding. So, how's the princess?"

"She's doing fine. Everything isn't too bad at the moment. Are you ok?"

She nodded, thanking him for asking. After finally finishing his meal, he paid her, ready to head for the library.

"You ready, Susana?" He asked, opening the door for her.

"Of course I'm ready!" She cheered, hurrying out the door. "Bye, my fellow coworkers, I'll be back!" She happily waved her hands while the others only sighed.

"Bye, Susana." They replied with a dead tone.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Arriving at Orchtune, the two were stared at by multiple fairies. Women stood to sigh dreamily at his attractive appearance while men smiled at him.

"Hey Tysashi, you sure do get plenty of looks from other people. Ever since you beat Golden God, everyone's been bowing down to you as if you were a king."

"Heh, well it's better than being treated like an invasive species. This sort of popularity is extraordinarily common for me. Of course in Lenovo, I'm much more recognizable."

"Well, just wait until the other region leaders hear about you! They'll love you and so will their people!"

He could feel his body automatically halt although he kept walking. In the current state he's in, more popularity would equate to more enemies. He told her he wasn't hunting for popularity, his personality just drew in the crowd. The cheerful waitress detected a distracting change in his facial expression, questioning if anything was wrong. He denied any sort of problem she picked up, smiling to ensure she had nothing to worry about. She returned that same grin, her smile competing with his.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

The two finally arrived at the beautiful, towering library. The rectangular, solid exterior helped to give the library its legendary appearance. The colors of walnut-brown and white covered the outside of the pristine building. Two quartets of spotless, shining windows rested on both sides of the library. The four snow-white pillars stood in front of the entrance right before the wooden doors.

Entering the building, a tsunami of elegance attacked him. The pristine marble floors were decorated with a checkboard pattern. Endless shelves of books populated the area. The gorgeous roof was designed to resemble Peoria herself in a stained glass window style. Few fairies filled in the distant tables as the scent of pine trees flowed around.

"Wow. This place is...incredible. Everything is just, perfect." He expressed, still taking in the magical location.

"Yup, that's the beauty of Orchtune, now for the best part about this library. Come on." Susana reached for his hand and directed him to the youthful librarian.

"Hey, Ruina! It's been a while since I've seen you!" She shouted with immeasurable glee.

Ruina's beaming purple eyes blandly stared at her figure before replying. "It's good to see you again, Susana. Is there anything I can do for you two?" She asked with a dead tone.

"We need a book that features Malodan. Any kind of help will be appreciated."

"I actually have such a book right here. Hammer Hawk dropped it off not too long ago." Ruina handed the book to Susana without any sense of emotion.

Tysashi retreated to his inner thoughts, zoning out to consider a pivotal question.

"What would Hammer Hawk want with the book? Is he hunting for the gemstones as well? If so, he'll be going for Malodan before I can. I'll have to hunt for the creature today. I wonder what he'll wish for."

Breaking him out his thoughts, Susana took his hand and lead him to a vacant, wooded table. She searched through the table of contents to find Malodan on page sixty-nine.

"Alright, let's get started. Tysashi, this will be quite a long list of information. I'll be reading all available information on Malodan, so this may take a while, are you ok with that?"

He nodded, prepared to listen to everything she had to say. With his approval, the reading commenced.

"Alright then, let's get started."

"Malodan is one of the legendary creatures that have been alive since the very beginning of Leyland. These vertebrates are capable of performing an Advanced Evolution. This gigantic turtle evolves from Wimpdon, but thanks to one hundred years underground while absorbing nutrients after a large meal, Wimpdon evolves into Malodan. This extraordinary organism is most noticeable for its towering size and durable shell that is the size of an island. Malodans can carry entire ecosystems on their shells, suitable for other organisms to find shelter. To keep their ecosystems healthy, these animals sink below the surface to gain nutrients from the ground. Malodans typically migrate from land to sea, though this process happens occasionally. Depending on what type of plants grow on the shell, they will have a variety of abilities to defend themselves. Though these peaceful creatures attempt to escape encounters, they have been proven to be very dangerous. Their unpredictable nature causes a sense of chaos when battling one; it's best to avoid engaging with them. Their diet predominantly consists of leaves, other aquatic animals, and fruit. Their mating occurs in the spring, summer, and fall in water, preferably sunken underneath the water.

Their life span can stretch from 100-1000 years. Though majestic, only five Malodans exist in the Kula Region. They are incredibly scarce and extremely powerful. The most popular spot for Kula Region Malodans is Swealie Sea and Kiyoshi Woods. One typical trait of a Malodan is the five trees organized in a circle on the center of their shells. These trees are especially visible when they aren't poking up from the surface. However, with such power comes with a downside. Since they are Water/Nature type animals, fire attacks are devastatingly effective against them. Their impossible size makes it challenging for them to keep up with their opponents. Their vulnerable spot is their soft and squishy stomach which is guarded by vines. Nevertheless, this shelled beast has been worthy of being appointed as the guardian for the shard of the Aqua Gemstone. This region has a special Malodan equipped with said shard which is the oldest one to date with a recorded age of 871 years old! If you ever plan to encounter one of these great behemoths, it is advised to lure them with Tropical Miku Berries, their favorite fruit."

"Phew, that was a lengthy text, but I'm more than positive you've gained enough information about Malodan. If you need me to repeat anything, I'd be more than happy to. By the way, Advanced Evolutions is like the ultimate form of a creature. These special evolutions can turn tiny creatures into forces of mass destruction. Advanced Evolutions typically involve a specific time frame to occur and certain requirements. Only selective creatures can tap into their Advanced forms." She stated with locking eyes.

"Yeah, I got everything, thank you." He rose from his seat for a quick stretch before she followed his actions.

"Well, if you're ready, we can head to Palm Tree Beach to get those berries!" She exclaimed with infectious glee.

"Before we go, I'm need to rent a few books here, including that one. Do you mind waiting?"

"You need a library card to rent books, just tell me what you want and I'll get it for you."

He thanked her, directing her to the books he required.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

"If these books ever get damaged or lost, you will be paying full price for all of them." Runia said, handing him the books in a carrying bag.

"I understand, have a nice day." Waving goodbye, the pair left the library. Now the current goal is to purchase Tropical Miku Berries, a simple job. Without hesitation, the journey to the sand-covered land commenced.

A/N: So sorry this chapter took forever to get posted. School has really been holding me to a chain and I'm desperately trying to release myself. I'll try to make the next installment not take as long. Much love to all!

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