Versus The Unorthodox Woman Of Mirrors, Glace (Part Two)

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Leyland Adventures Chapter Thirteen: Part Twenty-Six

In the skies above the sea of Kanpoi's Edge, replicas of Glace pursed Fayemi. Some fairies captured the action on video; some even ignored their jobs just to spectate.

Building up frigid air inside her lungs, Fayemi shrouded the skies with snow mist. One by one, she took care of the copies with ease. Through the mist, she spotted a single silhouette ahead.

"Gotcha." She whispered to herself as she chucked a ball of ice at her.

She couldn't clarify whether Glace was affected by the attack. Preparing another projectile, her wings solidified as a chill ran up her back. The wind shouted in her ears; the inevitable edged closed. Knowing this, she collected a decent amount of air in her cheeks.

The shouting in her ears stopped, now replaced by the bubbles passing by. The temperature felt more arctic, and that meant one thing. The ice was defrosting. She stayed underneath the water until her wings could flutter freely.

Once she returned to the surface, Glace came into view.

"Do you now see the power of mirrors? Don't you agree that they are beautiful tools of utility?"

She cupped some water and froze it, creating a hard ball of ice.

"Nope, not yet." She replied, hurling the ball with all her might.

The ball was sent through a mirror. Fayemi threw her hand down in frustration. Glace sighed as she elevated. Soon, mirrors filled the sky. Thankfully, she kept the mirrors in range of the sea so the town wouldn't be affected.

With a single snap of her finger, a shower of ice fell from the sky. Fayemi's eyes widened at the dreadful sight, taking herself back into the water. She saw the ice sink and gradually thaw out in the water. Each with a trail of bubbles following behind them.

Perhaps she had underestimated Glace's abilities. She was stronger, had an answer for just about anything, and could change the battlefield at will. And yet, this wouldn't deter her from finishing the fight. For once, there was a reason to use her true power.

Just then, the sky became calm. The water was still and silent. She came up to replenish the air in her lungs. The area was empty, something clearly wasn't right. Glace was gone, no clones or anything.

"Hey Glace, where'd you go?!" There was no answer.

She left the water, twisting her hair with both hands. She learned her lesson from the earlier in the battle, never get comfortable with Glace's absence. Her breaths were quiet. Her focus undisturbed.

Without warning, a mirror showed up before her. She could see snowflakes on the other side, it was clear where Glace was taking her. She could feel the bone-chilling air spout from the mirror. There truly was no escape; she had to go wherever Glace took her. Therefore, she flew into the mirror with a still breath.

⊱⋅ ────── ⋆★⋆────── ⋅⊰

Just as expected, bitter winds blew across her hair. Few noises could be heard, only the sound of the snow crunching was picked up by her ears. Thankfully, she could see perfectly through the concealed area. After some walking, she found Glace with her back turned.

"I must admit, Fayemi, you're the only one who has lasted this long against me. Congratulations." Her delighted tone was unprofessional, but that's to be expected from her.

"Ah, what can I say? I'm just naturally gifted." She smiled, placing her arms behind her head.

"I'm with you on that. It's not everyday someone will fearlessly face the goddess of mirrors. Whether that's simply confidence or stupidity, we'll never know."

"Umm... I'm just gonna take that as a compliment." She sensed an insult, but decided to ignore it.

" you now agree that mirrors are beautiful tools of utility? Can you see the untapped potential they have?"

"Man, you're really obsessed with mirrors. Still, my answer remains the same."

Glace allowed some silence to come between them. Fayemi was about to approach her, but stopped when she spoke again.

"You know, they say Mirror-Types aren't very intimidating. Our power has often been mocked by others. You know, many considered fighting a Mirror-Type easy back then. But now, I have proved to be a difficult opponent to take down." Her tone shifted, replaced with a cold voice.

"W- wow. That's something to take in, is this because I haven't agreed with you yet?"

"Fayemi, would you believe that I'm going easy on you? Do you believe there's anything stopping me from trapping you in a mirror? Do you believe I have that ability?"

Fayemi had no words. She just let Glace continue with her speech.

"If I turned you into my trophy, would Mirror-Types receive their overdue respect?" She mused, putting a finger on her lips.

Somehow, her body temperature dropped harshly. She could feel her heartbeat echo into her ears. Her calm, yet disturbing voice carried grave amounts of hostility. In this very moment, Fayemi took her seriously.

"It would make sense, yes? This power is rare in our Ability Tree. Just imagine, you and the other two. I didn't quite catch their names, do you mind telling me?"

"Like hell I would!" She barked, her still palms quickly became shaking fists.

"Please calm yourself. Why get angry at the inevitable?" She finally turned her body, completely unfazed by Fayemi's clenched teeth and curved mouth.

As unrestrainable fury dominated her, her breaths became rapid and heavy. A tingling sensation ran through her nerves; she could feel her cheeks burning. All other noises were canceled out by her rapid, beating heart.

"How's this for inevitable?!" Her blaring voice echoed as she unleashed an attack.

A spiked piece of ice shot up from the ground before Glace could spot it. Though she was impaled, no blood ran down from the ice. Fayemi's breath stabilized as the adrenaline subdued. The sounds of nature were picked up by her ears again.

To her surprise, it was a clone keeping her occupied. Another breath was pushed out her mouth. Abruptly, a voice came in between the peace. She quickly faced the direction of the voice and was met with a sudden fist to the face.

Glace snatched her fallen body. Extending her view, an enormous mountain with a head of snow captured her attention. A brutal idea unfortunately popped into her head. She forcefully shoved Fayemi's face into the snow and sped towards the mountain.

She closed her eyes for a moment, letting the cool breeze hit her face. Though she silenced herself, Fayemi's attempts to breathe disrupted her peace.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to have a moment to myself here." She politely asked, expecting her to comply.

In response, she made a very inappropriate gesture with her hand.

"You're the first to ever flip me off. Now I'll have something to remember you by." She said as if it had never happened.

Her speed increased as she picked Fayemi up. Her hand tightened around Fayemi's neck, ramming her into the mountain. She coughed up some blood, staining her white shirt. Powerful vibrations ran up the structure, and as a result, the snow came rushing down. She released her, backing away to watch the snow bury her. The mountain was now bald.

This time, she wasn't getting up. Her mouth produced no sounds. Even Glace expected her to continue fighting, but she was wrong. Her limit was finally reached.

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