High School: Where I Can Be Myself

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By noridog


So, I'm noridog and I wrote a story in the first milestones book. It's called "why can't I be me?" So you should probably read that one first before you read this.

I started high school three weeks ago and I've already had a bunch of crushes? Like what's wrong with me? I have some classes with my friends but I only have one class with Sophie. And then there's this guy who I will call Jay and we are friends and I kind of have a crush on him, maybe. But I don't have any classes with him.

There is also a girl who I will just call A, and I have a lot of classes with her and she's really cute and funny.

Then there is a guy who I will call Brandon. So he's really hilarious and I'm just falling in love. That sounds really stupid, I know. Sasha thinks he's annoying but Sasha has a crush on someone too and I think he's annoying.

Let's go back to the start.

It was the first day of school and a group of third year students walked up to Sophie and I and asked us if we had any preferred pronouns. And I just said "nah I'm just what I am" and they're like okay. On the first day of school we were only setting up our Chromebooks so there were no classes.

Second day of school. First period is PE and there are a lot of new faces since it includes first and second year students. That's where I saw Brandon messing around with some other guys. Then, two days later, we had an activity where someone throws the ball and the other person wears a blindfold. The person has to guide the blindfolded person to the ball by telling them where to go. And my partner was Brandon.

I said I would wear the blindfold first. And when he put it on me I got butterflies. It was weird.

At first he wasn't telling me to do anything. Then he's like "let's wait until everyone else already has theirs so you don't run into anyone." And I'm just like okay... So eventually I went and it was easy.

Then I told him what to do but he was going way off to the side so I'm just like "aaaand stop!" And then he pretty much tripped over the ball. Then for some reason he sat down. Eventually he got it and the whole thing was just funny.... That's when I started to like him.

Brandon and I have all our classes together. Just today in history class the teacher was giving an interactive lecture and I just... happened to look at Brandon and he was looking at me and it actually scared me because his eyes are REALLY blue.

Then there's A. We have a lot of classes together, but not all. She's just really cute and funny and I kind of get butterflies when she talks to me.

Maybe you're wondering how this is even a milestone but I think going to high school is a milestone. I mean it's a school with a lot of LGBT students and my math teacher even complimented me on my Pride shirt. He runs an adoption booth at our local pride parade which is awesome!

I don't really know if I will keep adding to this story, you'll just have to see. Maybe if something important happens!

Well, this is my story so far. I hope it's relatable and/or entertaining.

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