Love is a Strange Thing

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By Wolfie_-


I always thought love was a strange thing, and it could only be between a boy and a girl, since that's how it always was.

When I was young, I never really had an eye for any of it, expect maybe a cute boy from time to time. But that's how it always was.

Then, I discovered that love has a whole different variety of ways it is expresses. I found out that guys can be with guys and girls can be with girls.

But then again, at the time, I didn't think it was a big deal and if I saw it, I would have said 'eew' or something like that.

Well, in the past two years, I discovered something about myself.

I had a thing, I guess you could say, for girls. I always thought they were pretty and confident, and especially this one sweet and funny girl, that I only realized I had crush on after she went away.

But they always got me. And now I have crushes on a few girls heh..

Now, you're probably thinking that I might be completely gay? Nope. I still have a thing for guys, because I'm a BIG tomboy and I can relate to them more I guess? I don't know.

But this year was different. I discovered 'pansexual' very early in the year and it stuck out at me. And me, being the very accepting person I am, discovered a little of who I was. Pansexual, since I can accept and be in love with anyone of any gender.

Then, 'sex' wasn't something I was attracted to. I just don't like the thought of it really. So, I found out about 'romanticism.' Then, 'Panromantic!' I figured that was who I was and am. And for now, I'm sticking with asexual, since I haven't found anyone that would change my mind.

I still don't know a lot about myself, but I am trying to figure it all out. I'm learning new things, taking new risks, all that. And I still think love is a strange thing.

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