The story of my crush

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By Ellie - vintagedjh


Hey I'm back again, anyway this is kind of an anecdote/story/what do I do help me sorta thing.

It all started with a girl who'll well call Skylar for now.

So Skylar is a very good friend of mine, best friend in fact. And over the few years of knowing her I've developed a huge crush on her.

But I've been receiving mixed messages from her lately. She has a boyfriend but we cuddle, give cheek, forehead and neck kisses and we share a single bed every time we stay at my house. I've been so confused and I don't know what to think, my head isn't thinking straight.

I think I've fallen for Skylar, hard, but I don't know if she's even attracted to girls in the slightest. But why would she do that with me if she had a boyfriend she adored, I just don't understand.

But she has the prettiest eyes and her hair is so soft, her smile is contagious and her personality is more beautiful than all her looks.

*cough cough* Anywayyy before I start rambling for hours I'm going to stop my self.

But if you've also experienced this...experience, please PM me so we can get through this horrible mess together, and if not.. well I'll just go through it alone and realise how weird I actually am.

Until next time my LGBT+ gang

(you're all a gang now okay)

(my gang)

(but seriously what do I do this girl is driving me crazy?!?)

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