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Yoongi wished he could cling to Namjoon as the two of them were led out of the ship. The world being introduced to his eyes and senses was not pleasant at all. Everything was dull, no bright colors to give anything a softer feeling. This world immediately felt cold, not temperature-wise. The temperature was the opposite, hot and humid. It felt like Yoongi was in a desert after heavy rainfall, but as the ground seemed to really be wet from possible rain, it was also hard and grey, like stone. The smell was the worst part, smelling putrid and damp.

The small human didn't look around for too long at a time, taking moments to turn his gaze back to Namjoon in search of comfort. He wanted to grab Namjoon's hand. He wanted to cling onto his arm. However, Yoongi and Namjoon both had their wrists bound behind their backs to keep them from misbehaving on the way to the emperor's dome. Minhyuk was in front of them, leading the way. Jihoon and Junhong were behind them, making sure they followed the captain.

"Do we always have to take this route?" Junhong seemed to complain quietly to Jihoon, not wanting to be heard by Minhyuk."You know I hate passing by the birth house. Minhyuk knows that too. That jerk."

Yoongi leaned a little closer to Namjoon."What's the birth house?"

"It's exactly what it sounds like." Namjoon answered simply."It's where succubi go to give birth."

"I know you hate it, but it's the fastest route to the dome. Minhyuk is all about efficiency." Jihoon reached over discreetly to brush his fingers against the back of Junhong's hand. He wanted to give him some comfort but couldn't be caught doing so.

As they were passing by the house in question, Yoongi was startled by the sound of a woman screaming in pain."I-is she okay..?" he asked with hesitance, not knowing if such screams were normal in this world.

"She's just giving birth." Namjoon, and other Szarvounians, were used to hearing the screams from the birth house."There are no medicines in this world for birthing pain, as there are in your world. Unfortunately, that also means that there is a high chance that the succubus will die during the birth."

"That's so sad. The babies won't have mothers." Yoongi felt his heart twist at the sound of more screams from the birth house.

"It's a succubus' purpose to give birth. As long as the child survives, it doesn't matter." Namjoon didn't particularly like that either, but he also couldn't bring himself to care much about the death of a succubus.

"It doesn't matter? Namjoon, of course it matters. That's the loss of a life." Yoongi said in protest.

Namjoon was about to respond but was caught a little off guard when Yoongi suddenly hid his face against the incubus' arm."You okay?" Then, he realized what had bothered Yoongi. Off to the side, there was a couple having very open sex against the wall of a building. This was rather normal in Szarvoun, but Namjoon knew Yoongi wasn't accustomed to it. The only thing that disgusted Namjoon was the way the succubus of that couple stared at them as her incubus mate had her up against the wall, pounding into her. He hated succubi.

Junhong also seemed to notice Yoongi's discomfort and decided to ask about it."What is making him so uncomfortable, Namjoon?" He didn't know what would bother Yoongi, being used to everything that was happening around them.

"That is what's bothering him." Namjoon said as he looked toward the mating couple."He's not used to seeing such open sex. It's taboo in his world."

Yoongi knew he was probably being a little uptight about it, but he was uncomfortable. Sure, he knew about the ways of Szarvoun that the incubi had told to him, and he knew about the ways of sex work and sexual liberation on Earth. He respected sex workers and those who sought to do as they pleased with their own bodies. He was simply not used to seeing it up close like this. It wasn't the same as just watching porn.

"Oh, how bizarre. There is no open sex in his world? All behind closed doors?" That baffled Junhong.

Jihoon, on the other hand, gave a small hum."Interesting." Part of him wished he could ask Yoongi questions about his world, but he couldn't understand the little male. He couldn't simply ask Namjoon either because he couldn't risk being overheard by Minhyuk, who would certainly punish him for that curiosity.

It was hard for Yoongi to walk straight as he tried to bury his face against Namjoon's arm more. He wished he could cover his ears, feeling dirty as he could hear the moans and sounds of sex. That couple wasn't the only sight of open sex they passed, and Yoongi was highly uncomfortable. He could practically feel eyes on him as well, unwanted gazes peering at him like a fresh piece of meat. It made him remember what Junhong had said before. The Szarvounians would think a smaller male like him was cute and want to claim him as their own. Thankfully, he had Namjoon with him to pretend to be his mate, but he didn't know how much longer that would keep him safe.

Now it was Namjoon's turn to be disgusted as they passed a couple of succubi, both exposed in their nude glory. This was also a normal occurrence that Namjoon had grown accustomed to seeing, but it was one that attributed to his hatred for succubi. These two succubi were exposing themselves fully to the passing incubus warriors, trying to seduce them into neglecting their duties. Why? Because succubi enjoyed getting incubi into trouble and watching them be punished."Sadistic bitches..." Namjoon grumbled under his breath.

Yoongi turned his head to look at the succubi out of curiosity and immediately regretted it. Sure, they were physically attractive, but he wasn't interested in women and definitely wasn't interested in seeing them naked.

"Captain Minhyuk!" a woman's voice called from ahead.

They all halted as Minhyuk gave a small bow."Lady Chaerin, Emperor Minseok has received my message, I presume."

Approaching the captain, the succubus gave off such an aura of authority, dressed in a suit like the incubi, hers being slick black and very complementing to her curves."Yes, show him to me." She kept her back perfectly straight, standing in such an upright posture as Minhyuk stepped aside for her to have access to the small male behind him.

Yoongi tried to take a step back when the woman approached him, but he felt Jihoon's hands grab his biceps, holding him in place. Something about this woman scared him. He could tell that she was important in this world.

Chaerin grabbed Yoongi's chin a bit forcefully and turned his head from one side to the other, examining him."Are you sure this little one is a world leader? He's so small and pathetic." Without hesitation, she reached down and fully grabbed Yoongi's crotch, smirking as the human tried to pull away but couldn't because of Jihoon holding him still."He certainly isn't packing a full load, but his face is pretty. I'm sure Emperor Minseok will find a use for him."

As soon as Chaerin moved away from him, Yoongi looked up at Namjoon, wondering why he wasn't assisted just now. Was there nothing Namjoon could do or say to keep that woman from groping him like that? He wanted to ask, but he saw Namjoon shake his head before he could voice the question.

"Take him to the dome." After saying that, Chaerin turned her gaze to Namjoon for only a second before giving her gaze back to Minhyuk."I will inform the emperor of your arrival." That said, she walked away.

Once she left their presence, they all resumed walking. At that moment, Namjoon spoke lowly to Yoongi."That was Lady Chaerin. She's one of the emperor's mates. Speaking back to her or acting against her results in severe punishments and even death."

"She grabbed my balls, man." Yoongi was definitely not happy about that.

"Yeah, she's been known to do that." Namjoon sighed softly."She's done it to me before too. And Seokjin."

"Why?" It left Yoongi at a loss to think that a succubus would just grab men's privates like that.

Namjoon shrugged his shoulders, though he knew why it was done."The size of your dick matters here, Yoongi. It determines your use a lot of the time. She's probably on her way now to tell the emperor about your size."

"So what you're saying is that she's gonna go to the emperor to gossip about my dick." When Namjoon nodded, Yoongi groaned quietly.

"Be quiet." Minhyuk commanded."Your babbling is annoying."

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