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"We'll be landing soon, Jungkook. Try to stay calm." It was proving to be rather difficult for Seokjin to keep Jungkook from losing control of himself. It was like trying to contain a wild, starving animal from lunging at a feast of fresh meat."Hoseok's trying to find a hidden spot to land. Then, we'll have to sneak our way to the emperor's dome. Can you do that?"

Jungkook's hands were at his sides, clenched into tight fists."Yoongi." Finding and saving Yoongi occupied his mind. Destroying anyone who got in his way was a thought that overrode his rational thinking process.

"You'll find Yoongi-hyung and get him back, Jungkook. I know you will." Jimin wanted to help, but he closed his mouth when Seokjin put up a hand in his direction to signal for him to be quiet.

"Listen to me, Jungkook. Focus." Seokjin snapped his fingers at his own eye level to get Jungkook to look at his face."Focus, warrior." He had to use a better choice of words, ones that had been drilled into their heads since childhood, the early days of training."The objective of this mission is to recover your mate and annihilate the emperor. Follow orders given to us by Captain Hoseok, or we may fail. Do you understand?"

Though he couldn't really form many coherent words while in a fueler-induced high, Jungkook understood and nodded. Orders coming from his best friend were the most effective. No one else would be able to get him under control because they lacked that connection to him.

Knowing better than to touch Jungkook while he was in this state of fueled rage, Seokjin let out a small huff."Alright. Stand in form until we land. That's an order, warrior." Turning to the side, Seokjin looked directly at Jimin and Taehyung, who had both found him and Jungkook while trying to ask about their location in space."You two, come with me to the control room. You can't stay here with Jungkook. That would be too dangerous."

"Too dangerous?" Taehyung stepped over to Seokjin while holding Jimin's hand, the two humans following the incubus out of the room they'd all been occupying."Jungkook's our friend. Would he really hurt us? I know you said the fueler is like intoxication, but he knows deep down that we're his friends, doesn't he?"

"Yes, he knows that. Deep down, as you said." Seokjin closed the door once they all exited the room and sighed."But he can't control himself. He hurt Hoseok quite a bit while they trained earlier. Knowing that Hoseok is our friend caused him to hold back his strength a little, but even that would still be enough to kill the two of you. He won't be able to stop himself from killing you if he gets any reason to see you as a threat or hinderance. And seeing as you two can't really do anything to help him fight, you'll be seen as a hinderance. He will allow nothing to get in the way of rescuing his mate."

Clearing his throat quietly, Jimin tried to speak up a little."Seokjin, are you sure there's nothing we can do to help? We want to help. I want to help. Please give us some way to be useful." He was well-aware that Seokjin was mad at him for being on this ship, and he wanted to make it better. How else would be better than to be useful to the mission?

"You two know where the control room is, right? When we get in there, find a spot to sit and don't touch anything." Seokin completely ignored Jimin's words. He was still fighting with himself over how he felt about Jimin being on the ship and in harm's way.

That didn't set well with Jimin though."Seokjin." Pulling his hand away from Taehyung's, Jimin reached over and assertively grabbed Seokjin's hand instead."Stop ignoring me. You're being mean."

This seemed to push Seokjin's buttons in a rather wrong way. Jerking his hand away from Jimin's, Seokjin narrowed his eyes at the shorter human."You should have stayed home, Jimin." he spoke with a harsh tone."You were told to stay home. You would have been safe there. Instead, you came here and put yourself and Taehyung at risk. You could die. Do you not understand that? So don't tell me that I'm being mean. You're being stupid."

"I know that, Seokjin!" Jimin's raised voice caused Taehyung to back up, not wanting to get involved in the quarrel."I know it's dangerous! I know I could die! But I couldn't just sit around and do nothing! I've already told you that! Yoongi-hyung is my best friend, and I'm in love with you, you stupid fuckhead! I know how dangerous this is! But if anything can go wrong, I want to spend every minute with you that I possibly can! If I stayed home safely and something happened to you, I would never be able to forgive myself! I wouldn't be able to live with that! I'd rather die by your side than live without you! So yes, I'm being stupid, but no one ever said that love is smart! Love is fucking stupid!" Overcome with emotion, Jimin moved both hands up to his face, trying his best to contain tears and sobs that wanted to escape."I love you so fucking much, Seokjin, but you won't ackowledge that."

"I know you love me, Jimin, but that's why I wanted you to stay home. Can't you see that?" Seokjin reached out to touch Jimin's shoulder, only for his hand to be smacked away."Jimin, you want to be here because you love me, but I want you to be safe for that same reason."

Shaking his head, Jimin sniffled and used the sleeve of his suit to wipe his nose."If you love me, why won't you ever say it back?" He didn't even wait for an answer. He stormed away in the direction of the control room. He remembered how to get there, not needing to be escorted by an incubus who wouldn't return his words of affection.

"Give him a chance to cool down." Taehyung spoke softly, not wanting to use a tone that might stir up negative feelings.

"I do, you know." Seokjin said with his gaze lowered."Love him, I mean."

"Then why won't you tell him?" That made no sense to Taehyung.

It was too difficult for Seokjin to put his feelings into words like that."I told all of my previous mates that I loved them." he said sadly."Right before I killed them."

And that was exactly what hit Taehyung harder than any meteor ever could hit a planet.

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