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"Holy shit, that place is huge." Yoongi spoke with near-disbelief. Despite how much he'd been told in the past and all that he had already seen on this unwanted journey, he was still stricken with amazement at each new thing.

"The emperor's dome." Namjoon stated flatly. This wasn't looking good. The tides were not on their side at all. If Hoseok and the others didn't get to them soon, it might be too late."Be as brave as you can, Yoongi. It is in your best interest to remain quiet and calm, no matter what."

The dome before them was enormous, probably divided into multiple sects for different uses under the emperor's command. As Minhyuk led them inside with Jihoon and Junhong still following close behind, the air grew staler, if even possible. The inside of the dome was stuffy and dim, musty and filled with a rotten stench.

Yoongi recoiled at the smell, almost tripping on his own feet."Namjoon..." he mumbled under his breath.

Pulling at his binds just a little, Namjoon touched Yoongi's arm with his elbow."Be strong."

"Little one." Junhong whispered from behind, leaning close to Yoongi's ear as they walked along a corridor."Keep your eyes ahead, and do not look into any rooms. You will not like what you see." Junhong could judge by Yoongi's reactions to everything around them that the small male would not like to see the things in the rooms they would be passing.

Jihoon grabbed Junhong's wrist and pulled him back away from Yoongi, shaking his head. He knew how his friend felt about everything that was happening, but he refused to let those feelings get him in trouble.

As they continued down the long, winding corridor, Yoongi fought the curious urge to peek into rooms as they passed. The sounds he heard from within them made him sick. Gurgles, burning hisses, the scrape of metal on metal, all haunted the human's ears. Yoongi wished he could grab Namjoon's hand for even a small amount of comfort, but their binds made that impossible.

Voices that were barely audible seeped through the cracks of a large door Minhyuk approached. With a closed fist, the captain pounded twice on the door before pushing it open. The metal door scraped the stone floor, causing a few sparks. Entering the circular room, Minhyuk held his head up proudly."Magnificent Emperor Minseok, I present to you the traitor Namjoon and his mate, the leader of a world not yet belonging to us."

In the center of the room was a hanging platform, suspended by four thick chains from the ceiling. On that square platform was a black throne, occupied by the emperor. Standing by the emperor was Chaerin, her gaze seeming bored."Captain Minhyuk, you have pleased me well with this." spoke the emperor.

"Emperor Minseok, I ask that you grant me the privilege to dispose of the traitor myself. It would be an honor to punish him on your behalf." This was something Minhyuk had always wanted. He had to try very hard to hold back the smirk that threatened to overtake his lips when the emperor gave a nod of approval.

Namjoon clenched his jaw, knowing their situation was quickly growing much worse. He wished there was something he could do in this moment, but any word spoken against the emperor would only bring forth his and Yoongi's deaths. He had to behave and keep them both alive for as long as possible.

"What shall be done with the small leader?" Junhong asked, admittedly out of turn.

However, the question was met with a small hum from the emperor, instead of reprimand."Since he is from a world we have not yet conquered, he is useful. Take him to the dungeon. Captain Minhyuk, you will gather warriors and take them to the dungeon. They will each mate with this small one in preparation to invade his world."

Minhyuk spun around to smirk at Yoongi."Be prepared for a hundred matings, small leader." he sneered with sadistic joy."Jihoon, take him to the dungeon. Junhong, start gathering the warriors from the dorms. I will dispose of the traitor then join you." With the emperor's nod of approval, they left the circular room.

Yoongi could barely walk, wobbly and full of fear. Was Jungkook going to save him in time? Or was he doomed to be raped by a hundred warriors? He would rather die. Back in the corridor, he was led to the left by Jihoon, the others going to the right. He was now separated from Namjoon.

"I am sorry, little one." Jihoon spoke lowly."I would release you if I could, but there is nowhere for you to hide here. Releasing you would only sentence us both to death."

"Halt, warrior." a woman's voice commanded.

Stopping in his tracks, Jihoon looked back to see Chaerin, who had left the emperor's side yet again."Yes, Ma'am?"

Chaerin pushed some of her long hair back behind her ear before stepping closer."I will take him to the dungeon. You are dismissed."

"Ma'am?" Jihoon didn't understand why Yoongi was being taken by the emperor's mate, but he couldn't argue."Understood." Giving one last glance to the human, Jihoon walked away.

"Have no fear, little one. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be to handle." She started walking in the direction of the dungeon, pleased to hear Yoongi's footsteps following her.

Yoongi kept his gaze forward, eyes locked on to Chaerin as he kept Junhong's words in mind from before. He mustn't look into any rooms they passed. The further they walked down this corridor and another, the sounds in the rooms became less grotesque and more fearsome. Growls and snarls filled Yoongi with dread. Once they reached what could easily be recognized as a dungeon, the human male saw many cells with unknown creatures in them. Were they prisoners from other worlds? He had thought that the inhabitants from other worlds were completely extinct after the Szarnounians would conquer, but it seemed there was one of each creature kept in the dungeon. At least, Yoongi assumed so from what he was seeing. Was he going to end up like them, locked in here for the rest of his days as a sort of horrible collection?

"All of our cells appear to be occupied, so you have to share. Let's see..." Chaerin glanced around at the prisoners, deciding where she should put the human."Ah. Perfect." Leading Yoongi along, she approached a cell that contained a tall, slender prisoner. The captive within the cell must have been at least eight feet tall. It was in the form of a man but had no face, just two gaping holes where eyes should be."He has no mouth, so I don't have to worry about you getting eaten."

Yoongi was definitely not feeling comforted by those words. The tall creature frightened him. It was the color of ivory flesh and lanky. The ends of its legs were just nubs, no feet, but it did have hands with very long fingers, seven of them on each hand. Yoongi's heart pounded as Chaerin pulled out a key and unlocked the cell, opening the door.

"Don't be afraid." Chaerin told Yoongi, her voice now lowered for some reason."Not everything is what it seems." She gave the human a small nudge to get him to enter the cell before closing the door behind him."Thirty minutes." she told him, as if she expected him to understand what it meant.

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