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"You will not, under any circumstances, leave this ship. Do you understand?"

"Jimin and I will stay here until you get back, Hoseokie-hyung. I promise." Taehyung was really worried about this. He was sure that he and Jimin would be safe as long as they stayed on the ship, but Hoseok and the others were going to be in major danger."But please promise me that you'll come back in one piece. Don't do anything reckless."

At those words, Hoseok pulled Taehyung into his arms and pressed a firm kiss to his forehead."I promise that I won't do anything unnecessarily dangerous. I'll find Namjoon and Yoongi-hyung and bring them back. I'll do the sneaking and leave any possible fighting to Jungkook and Seokjin."

That was something that concerned Jimin though."I've never seen Seokjin fight before. I've never even seen him get aggressive. He's a big teddy bear. Do you really think he'll be okay in a fight?"

"He may be gentle, but Seokjin has gone through the same warrior training as Jungkook and any other incubus. Besides, he'll have Jungkook with him. I've seen them fight side-by-side before. Jungkook is very protective of Seokjin, even under the influence of the fueler." Hoseok knew he didn't have to worry about his incubus friends. They were a lot stronger than he was."We have to go now. Yoongi-hyung and Namjoon have been taken to the emperor's dome already; I have no doubt. That would be their first destination. We have to get there as quickly as possible to save them from whatever decision the emperor makes."

"Be safe." Taehyung gulped back his emotions, not wanting to give Hoseok a reason to be distracted from this important mission. However, he could see that it wasn't that easy for Jimin.

Being full of emotion, Jimin glanced at Seokjin then turned away, tears in his eyes. Their last exchange of words had not been positive, but he loved the incubus dearly. He was so scared that something was going to happen to Seokjin, and he would never hear any precious words of love be returned to him. Clenching his hands into fists by his sides, Jimin couldn't stop his shoulders from shaking.

Seokjin approached Jimin from behind and lightly touched one of the human's fists. Leaning in close to his ear, the incubus kissed it before whispering softly."I will return to you. No matter what, you have my word."

On the other hand, Jungkook was sick of waiting."Yoongi." he spoke to remind his companions of their mission, urging them to get moving. His brow was knitted together in a narrow gaze, a glare full of anger at the abduction of his beloved mate.

"Jungkook's right. Let's get going." Hoseok gave Taehyung's forehead one more kiss before stepping over to Jungkook with Seokjin."We'll return as soon as we can." With those words as parting, he was ready to begin the stealth part of their mission.

Knowing he needed to keep Jungkook in check until his strength was required, Seokjin touched Jungkook's shoulder as a sort of gentle guide, making sure the intoxicated incubus stayed right beside him.


Yoongi couldn't help but stare at the tall creature with whom he was sharing this cell. The creature seemed to be staring back, as far as he could tell with its lack of eyes. As he stared at the creepy creature, he kept thinking about Chaerin's words. What did she mean by 'thirty minutes?' Did he have thirty minutes until the warriors would be here to rape him? That wasn't much time. However, he didn't really have much time to think about it because the creature startled him out of his thoughts.

The tall humanoid creature made a very deep humming sound, probably its form of communication, considering its lack of a mouth opening. It outstretched one of its large hands toward the human, slowly reaching out to him. Maybe the creature was trying to avoid scaring Yoongi any further, halting when it saw him flinch in fear. It made another deep hum then resumed reaching toward him.

"D-don't hurt me." Yoongi whimpered out in fear as he moved closer to the bars of the cell. Moving closer to the bars wasn't a wise decision because the bars he'd found himself against were the bars that separated this cell from the next, one occupied by another terrifying creature. A snarl was soon heard right by Yoongi's ear, immediately followed by a sort of heavy huff. Spinning around, Yoongi was basically face-to-face with a creature close to his own height.

This creature was ridiculously muscular and covered in black fur. It had no arms but six legs with cloven hooves. Its face was much like a bull with dark eyes staring Yoongi down like a predator about to rip apart its next meal.

A long arm reached past Yoongi, a seven-fingered hand slipping between the bars. Yoongi's cellmate simply flicked the other creature's nose then wagged a finger at it as if to say 'shame on you.'

Yoongi felt frozen as he watched the furry creature in the next cell back off and sit on the floor. The large hands of his cellmate felt around his wrists where they were bound. He bit his bottom lip to hold back a whine of discomfort as the binding was tugged. As soon as the binding was broken, Yoongi moved his hands in front of himself and rubbed his sore wrists. It was a relief to no longer be bound. Turning around, he peered at the tall creature with uncertainty."Thank you." Was this creature his ally? Maybe it wasn't so scary after all. Or maybe he wasn't so scary. Yoongi remembered that Chaerin had referred to this creature with he/him pronouns.

With another deep hum, the tall humanoid creature stepped over to the cell door and reached through the bars. Grabbing something small on the outside of the door and turning it, he was pleased to hear a click. He opened the cell door, which was now unlocked, the key still in the lock.

"Chaerin forgot the key in the lock..?" That seemed very odd to Yoongi."Wait a minute." Something fell into place in his brain."She didn't forget. She left the key in the lock. Thirty minutes...Thirty minutes to escape." He rushed out of the cell then paused, looking back at the tall creature."Come on." He motioned with his hand for the creature to follow.

With long strides, the creature stepped out of the cell as well. As quickly and quietly as possible, the two of them made their way to the dungeon entrance. They left the dungeon together, but neither of them seemed to know where they should go. The dome was too big for them to know which way led to an exit.


Minhyuk peered down at Namjoon with disappointment."I was hoping you'd put up more of a fight than this." he scoffed, spitting at the incubus on the floor."Are you at that much of a disadvantage without your hands?"

As Minhyuk spat at him, Namjoon knew there was nothing he could do. With his hands bound behind his back, he couldn't easily defend himself."You know you can't beat me in a fair fight, so you have to resort to beating me while I'm bound. You're pathetic."

"Pathetic?!" Minhyuk kicked Namjoon hard in the stomach."In case it's unclear to you, traitor, you're the one on the floor with a death sentence!"

"I have a death sentence, but you're weak. Even as a traitor, I'm more valuable than you." Namjoon chuckled with a cough mixed into it as Minhyuk squatted down and grabbed a fistful of his hair."I had something you'll never have. Freedom."

Minhyuk slammed Namjoon's head against the floor."Freedom is a lie, and you know that! Look at where you are now! Did your freedom save you from Emperor Minseok?! From me?! No!" Standing upright, he stepped away from Namjoon and grabbed something that had been hanging on the wall, a weapon."Understand in your final moments that you will never see your mate again. He will be mated with a hundred warriors, and his world will be conquered, like all the rest. He will be kept in the dungeon for the rest of his days, maybe even used as a plaything by the emperor or other prisoners. He'll beg for death. But you..." Minhyuk smirked."Your death is my pleasure to give."

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