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Sneaking around Szarvoun was easier than Hoseok thought it would be. Perhaps he had forgotten during his years on Earth how sex-consumed this world was. He knew it was a society entirely thriving on sex and violence, but he hadn't seen much of the street life previously. When he'd lived in this world, he'd spent most of his days training, working in the emperor's dome, or out on missions that took him away from this world.

The hardest thing about sneaking around Szarvoun was keeping Jungkook quiet and contained. That was Seokjin's job at the moment. He was the only one who could keep Jungkook calm in his fueler-induced state. Weaving their way through the streets and hiding behind anything that could give them cover, Seokjin kept a hold on Jungkook's hand the entire time.

As they were nearing the dome, Jungkook was finding it to be harder and harder for him to listen to Seokjin. His mate was in the dome. He needed to get to Yoongi. Anyone who got in his way would be destroyed. That was a certainty. His state of alert grew higher as he heard the screams from the birthing house, the laughter of succubi luring incubi into erotic traps, the moans of pleasure of bonded Szarvounians mating in the open.

For Seokjin, the sounds around them made it hard for him to breathe. He had dreaded returning here a few years ago when they'd been out on their mission to find a new world to conquer. He had known what awaited him. Public humiliation and execution were supposed to be his punishments for the disorder he suffered. Here he was, sneaking around the streets occupied by those who would kill him for being seen as useless in the emperor's eyes, knowing full well that he would be killed if caught. Was he scared? Yes, he was. However, he wouldn't let that fear stop him from fighting for his friends.

"This way." Hoseok whispered to Seokjin. It didn't go unnoticed though that Seokjin was having some troubling thoughts. Ducking down behind a large heap of junk metal, Hoseok motioned for Seokjin to come close."You can do this, Seokjin. I know it's terrifying to be in this situation, but we'll protect each other. Jungkook and I have your back."

Extending his free hand, Seokjin placed it onto Hoseok's shoulder."Thank you. Let's all do our best. Yoongi and Namjoon are counting on us."

"Taehyung and Jimin are counting on us too." Seeing Seokjin's expression sadden slightly, Hoseok remained strong."Jimin loves you. Stay alive and return to him."

Not having the patience for the whispers happening beside him, Jungkook pulled on Seokjin's hand."Yoongi." he spoke in definitely-not-a-whisper.

"Silence, warrior." Seokjin reminded Jungkook."Let's get into the dome. Lead the way, Hoseok."

Giving a small nod, Hoseok carefully led his friends toward the side of the large dome. Of course they weren't going to use the main entrance. That would be like announcing their arrival and asking to be caught."We'll enter through the dead tunnel." he told Seokjin.

Everyone knew what the dead tunnel was and where it was located, but no one would expect someone to enter the dome through it. The dead tunnel was used for disposing the mutilated corpses of executed prisoners and traitors, hence the name. It was not used as an actual entrance or exit by anyone. It was simply too inconvenient and dangerous.

When they reached the dead tunnel, Seokjin peeked inside and gulped. He would have to follow Hoseok's lead and make sure Jungkook didn't mess this up."You know how to get through here without setting anything off?"

"Yes. I've done this before. It's been a long time, but I still remember." Hoseok was not intimidated by the blood-stained saw blades that protruded from the floor and walls."Just step where I step. Any misstep could accidentally set off the saws. It's a design flaw Emperor Minseok refuses to fix." Hoseok couldn't even count how many times an incubus disposing of corpses became one himself by accidentally setting off the saws. The whole tunnel was a death trap, those saws everywhere used for cutting corpses to shreds. When the tunnel was in use properly, there was a button at the start of the tunnel that would turn on all the blades and the moving floor that would carry corpses and their severed parts along the tunnel to be completely minced up.

Words couldn't even describe how unsettling this was for Seokjin as he followed Hoseok into the dead tunnel. He made sure to step exactly where Hoseok would step, looking back to make sure Jungkook followed suit. He could see that Jungkook was trying to follow correctly, but it was difficult to remain focused on his steps while being intoxicated.

As they carefully stepped their way through the dead tunnel, Hoseok was beginning to get a bad feeling. Something felt wrong. He couldn't explain it, but there was this overwhelming sense of doom that blanketed over him all of a sudden."Do you feel that?" he whispered to Seokjin.

"Feel what?" Seokjin was confused. He didn't feel anything that seemed unordinary, aside from his fear and anxiety from this situation.

Hoseok shook his head and figured he must be the only one feeling this. If he was the only one feeling this sense of doom, what could it be? Only one possible explanation came to mind. His bond."No..." Wavering, Hoseok realized what he was feeling."No, this can't be right..."

"Hoseok, what's wrong?" Seokjin definitely noticed that Hoseok's steps became wobbly and weak. He didn't receive an answer, only seeing Hoseok put a hand over his own mouth to keep himself quiet.

Against any odds, they managed to get through the dead tunnel, but this was where Hoseok deviated from their original plan to stick together no matter what."The dungeon is to the right." he told Seokjin."If Yoongi is still alive, he should be in there. Take Jungkook to get him."

"What about you? Aren't you coming?" This worried Seokjin greatly. What was causing Hoseok to change their plans?

"I'm going a different way. There's something else I need to do." Knowing things were about to get much worse for them all, Hoseok turned away from Seokjin."Go. Now. That's an order."

Against his own judgement, Seokjin obeyed the acting captain."Be careful." Being strong, he gave Jungkook's hand a small tug."Let's go."

When his friends headed in the direction of the dungeon, Hoseok turned his head to peer back into the dead tunnel."If I didn't have Taehyung waiting for me, I..." He had a sickening pain in his chest as he experienced the darkest thought he'd ever had. Clenching his hands into fists, he knew who he needed to find. Minhyuk.

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