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The soft call of his name broke Yoongi from his thoughts. Looking toward the doorway of the room he and Jungkook were occupying, he saw Jimin and Taehyung. Instantly, the ache returned to his chest. He was with his friends again, but the ones they loved were not with them. He quickly turned his gaze away, scared. No, he wasn't afraid of his friends. Nothing could ever make him fear them. What scared him was the thought of hurting them with what he knew. He knew Namjoon was dead and Hoseok was injured. He knew Hoseok and Seokjin were joining a war. He knew too much. Yoongi didn't want to know these things. Maybe he even wished for a moment that he had never met the incubi. But that wish felt selfish. He loved them so much. He just wanted the pain and grief to stop.

Jimin slightly squeezed Taehyung's hand that he was holding and tried to get their friend's attention again."Yoongi-hyung, are you feeling okay?" It was absolutely terrible to see all the filth and blood that covered Yoongi and Jungkook; dried to their suits, skin, and hair."Are you hurt?"

Yoongi didn't know what to say. Was he hurt? Physically? A little. Mentally? A lot. Emotionally? More than he ever thought was possible. He had previously thought that his past with Yukwon was the worst thing he would ever experience in his life. Now it paled in comparison to what he and the others just went through over the past few days. God, he was so tired, physically and mentally. He was so hungry after days of no food; he was sure his friends felt the same."I'm not...okay," Yoongi finally answered."But I'll pull through..."

"Hyung, did anyone hurt you?" Taehyung and Jimin stepped closer together, sitting on the floor near Yoongi."You don't look injured, but...They didn't do anything to you, did they?"

That was difficult for Yoongi to answer. He didn't even want to think about it. Still, he wanted to be honest with his friends. After all, the best way to get through this was by talking about it and processing everything that had happened."The captain of that ship...He hurt me..." he admitted."He put a..." He had to remember that it was called."a breath mixer on me..."

"A breath mixer..?" Jimin looked at Taehyung, hoping he could remember what that was."Didn't Seokjin mention those before when he gave us masks?"

Taehyung nodded; he remembered."He said they were very painful."

Yoongi could confirm that it was, indeed, painful."It felt like it put my organs in a blender. Namjoon told him not to do it, but...He threatened us. We had to obey." He lowered his gaze to stare down at the floor, shaking as he thought about what he had gone through."I never want to see that world again. It's a terrible place. It's dirty and humid and smells horrible. There was...so much screaming coming from one of the buildings."

"Did they take you to the emperor?" Jimin was really curious about that. How could he help Yoongi process things and attempt to feel better if he didn't know such things?

With a nod, Yoongi glanced at his sleeping boyfriend."I was taken to the emperor. He said...he said a hundred warriors were going to...r-ra--mate me...so they could know our language and invade Earth."

"What?!" Taehyung immediately felt bad for raising his voice in shock, seeing that it caused Yoongi and Jimin to both flinch."S-sorry. I just...They didn't...they didn't...right..?"

"No, I escaped." Yoongi knew he would never forget about the help he had received."A succubus and a prisoner helped me get out of there. The succubus was the emperor's mate, but she...I guess she fell in love with a prisoner. So they helped me escape and had a plan to stop the emperor."

"A plan to stop the emperor?" Jimin scooted a little closer to Yoongi and reached out to touch his hyung's hand."Did it work?" He recalled hearing the siren, remembering the way the two incubi on the ship with them had reacted to it.

Yoongi lifted his gaze to Jimin's face and sighed."It worked. The emperor is dead. They used me as bait to lure Jungkook. He killed the emperor."

"If the emperor is dead, what was with that siren?" Taehyung wondered."Junhong and Jihoon said that was the emperor's siren to call all incubi to the dome or whatever."

"I..." Yoongi shook his head, knowing what he would have to say next if he answered this question."I can't say anymore right now...I'm sorry."

Seeing how Yoongi became uneasy at that, Jimin rose to his feet."I'm going to find some buckets or something. Since we did that Guardians of the Galaxy crap on the way here, we'll probably do it on the way back."

"Guardians of the Galaxy?" It took Yoongi a moment to realize what Jimin meant."Oh, that." He really wasn't looking forward to star-jumping again.

Once Jimin left the room, Taehyung looked at Yoongi then Jungkook, feeling a cocktail of emotions. He was so relieved that Jungkook was okay and returning with them. At the same time, he was jealous that his own mates were not coming home as well. He was also worried. He didn't understand why no one was telling him why Hoseok and Namjoon weren't returning home. Taehyung had overheard Seokjin telling Jimin before they left that there was going to be a war; Seokjin was joining it. Were Hoseok and Namjoon involved in that too? If that was the case, there was a chance that he would never see them again. Anything could happen in war."Hyung, nothing's going to be the same after this, huh?"

Peering at Taehyung, Yoongi knew he was hurting deeply. They all were. But Taehyung was left with no answers for now."Tae..." He wanted to pull his friend into a hug, but he was unsure about doing that. How would Taehyung feel about being hugged by him while he was covered in blood? At least it was all dry."Things will go back to normal eventually. It'll take time, but we'll get back to that. I mean, somewhat. We'll get back home, be together, try to get back to our daily lives. I don't know how long it'll take or where Junhong and Jihoon will stay, but we'll figure it all out."

"I hope you're right." Not caring about the messy state of his hyung at the moment, Taehyung reached out and put his arms around Yoongi. Crying with Jimin earlier had helped him come back to his senses a little. Now he sought comfort from Yoongi, but he also wanted to comfort Yoongi himself. While he'd been sobbing with Jimin, he knew Yoongi hadn't been comforted yet."If you need to cry and let everything out, I'm here for you."

"I'm not gonna cry." Yoongi shakily slipped his arms around Taehyung and felt the burn in his eyes of oncoming tears."I'm not gonna...I'm...Damnit..." He couldn't convince himself to not cry. He needed to let this out, no matter how much he wanted to be strong. When the first sob was choked from his throat, Yoongi lightly smacked Taehyung's back as he hugged him."Fuck you, Tae..."

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