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It might have been awkward sitting at the kitchen table with Junhong and Jihoon if the humans weren't so hungry. Yoongi, Jimin, and Taehyung were chowing through the soup Jungkook had made for them, Junhong and Jihoon eating some as well, getting their first taste of Earth food. It was simple vegetable soup, quick and easy. Jungkook had wanted to cook some meat as well, but that would have taken longer, and he wanted the humans to eat as soon as possible.

While they ate, Jungkook quickly gulped down a bowl of vegetable broth to satisfy his own stomach before heading away to get clean. He'd been told quietly by Taehyung that the blood was bothering Yoongi. Even after four years on Earth, he still didn't fully understand human psychology and what went on in their brains. From what he had seen and read, he learned that humans didn't even fully understand their own brains either, so it was tricky territory. Blood and gore didn't bother him in the slightest, but it seemed to greatly upset Yoongi right now.

Despite not understanding the full extent of what Yoongi was feeling in this moment, Jungkook didn't want to upset him further. Besides, he was upset too. His friends had not come home with them. His best friend was still in Szarvoun. His captain was dead. For the first time since he was a child, Jungkook cried in sorrow and pain, masked by the sound of the shower.

Why couldn't they have gotten to Szarvoun quicker? If Minhyuk hadn't gained such a head start, they would have been able to save Namjoon and Yoongi in time. If they had stopped Namjoon from being held captive with Yoongi, maybe he'd still be alive. But what would that have done to Yoongi?

Jungkook's thoughts were a mess, full of regretful 'what if' scenarios. What was this feeling that made his chest hurt like it was being slowly sucked into a black hole? He knew sadness, but this was worse. He'd never felt this before. This horrible feeling tore apart his insides and tightened his throat with each sob. Jungkook wanted to run to Yoongi and cuddle to his chest. He wanted to be the big baby his human mate always allowed him to be. But he couldn't. His mate was in pain too. Jungkook couldn't just let his own pain overpower his duty to protect and coddle his mate. So he cried alone, trying to alleviate this feeling enough to be able to return to the others.

When he was able to compose himself and get out of the shower, Jungkook dried off before going to his and Yoongi's bedroom to get dressed. He even got out Yoongi's favorite pajamas, taking them to the bathroom for his mate to wear once he'd shower. What else could he do to help Yoongi be more comfortable? Maybe he should try to think about everything from Yoongi's perspective. What would Yoongi want? What was most important to Yoongi right now?

That reset Jungkook's mental plans. This wasn't what Yoongi wanted. He knew Yoongi wouldn't want to be pampered at this time. What Jungkook had observed about Yoongi in all the time they'd been together was that Yoongi never placed himself as a higher priority than anyone else. So no matter how much Jungkook wanted to take care of Yoongi, the best way to do that would be to take care of Taehyung and Jimin first. That was what Yoongi would want.

Of course, Jungkook loved Taehyung and Jimin dearly. They were important to him. It just felt odd to give someone else priority over his mate. He knew Yoongi was in a lot of discomfort, but so were their friends. The best thing Jungkook could do would be to help Yoongi take care of their friends.

Taking a couple slow breaths, Jungkook calmed himself a bit more before returning to the kitchen. It was so quiet in there. Jihoon and Junhong were softly speaking back and forth about the food, wondering if everything on Earth had so much flavor. Jimin and Taehyung were still eating, probably having seconds or even thirds. Yoongi was sitting in silence, empty bowl in front of him and one hand reached over, fingers gently sifting through Taehyung's hair.

Jungkook could only imagine what must be going through Yoongi's mind. How was he going to tell Taehyung about Namjoon?"Yoongi." He caught the sight of his mate flinching, most likely shaken from his thoughts; Jungkook's voice broke the near-silence of the room."If you're done eating, you can take a shower now. I put pajamas in the bathroom for you."

Retracting his hand from Taehyung's hair, Yoongi stood and grabbed his empty bowl."Okay, um...I won't take long." He placed his bowl into the sink but was stopped by Jungkook putting an arm out in front of him when he tried to leave the kitchen.

"Hey." Jungkook moved his hand up to push some hair back behind Yoongi's ear."Take as long as you need. Your needs are as important as everyone else's."

Yoongi shook his head in disagreement."That's not true." At least, he felt like it wasn't true."I have you, but they...We need to make sure they're okay." That said, Yoongi left the kitchen and headed to the bathroom to shower.

Jungkook looked toward the table and didn't know what to do. Yoongi was the one who always took the lead in taking care of their friends. Whenever they were hurt or sick, Yoongi would always be there, often followed by Hoseok. With neither of them available to take the lead in this moment, Jungkook didn't know what to do. He didn't realize until just now how much he relied on the people around him. He always looked to Namjoon for guidance. Seokjin gave him advice and listened to his problems and thoughts. Hoseok was a responsible guardian, always happy to help. Yoongi did everything he could to provide for everyone, even at the expense of his own comfort at times. Taehyung and Jimin were always there to cheer everyone up and give support. Jungkook had been helped by each of them numerous times, but he didn't know how to help them when they needed it the most.

Time seemed like it couldn't remain consistent. Jungkook felt like he was frozen, timeless and caught in one second that wouldn't move on to the next. However, everything around him appeared to keep going. Time passed as he stayed put, lost and helpless. He'd never felt like this before, and he didn't know what to call it. It didn't even feel real to him as Yoongi came back and sent Taehyung to shower. Nor did it register in his brain when Jimin went to shower last. What was happening? Was time unbalanced? Or had Jungkook just lost himself in his upsetting thoughts for so long that he didn't realize time was still moving?


Finally snapped back to reality, Jungkook saw Yoongi standing in front of him."What..?"

"Are you okay? I said your name several times."

That concerned tone and worried expression Yoongi had made Jungkook feel guilty. He didn't want to take Yoongi's concern away from their friends, who needed it more."Yeah, I'm okay. I was just thinking. Do you need me?"

Yoongi sighed as he nodded."It's time. I...I could really use your support." He didn't think he could handle delivering this terrible news on his own.

Jungkook didn't know how to do this. How could he support Yoongi during such a thing? He'd never been in this kind of situation before, and he didn't want to screw it up and make everything worse. But Yoongi was counting on him."I'm here for you. I'll do anything you need."

"Thank you." Truly, Yoongi couldn't express how grateful he was to have Jungkook in his life. In the good times and especially the bad times, Jungkook was there to be his pillar of strength. Even if the incubus didn't know it, Yoongi relied on him to get through the tough moments. Just knowing Jungkook was there gave Yoongi enough strength to endure things he wouldn't be able to do on his own. All of his friends gave him the strength he needed.

When his hand was grabbed, Jungkook glanced around the kitchen and finally realized that only Jihoon and Junhong were sitting at the table now. No bowls were left out, all placed in the sink. When had Jimin and Taehyung gone to another room? When did their showers happen and for how long? Were Jihoon and Junhong going to wait in here for now? Jungkook did guess that Yoongi wanted this delivery to be uninterrupted and shared between close friends and, most importantly, Taehyung.

Yoongi stepped into the living room with Jungkook, his chest aching at the sight of Taehyung sitting with Jimin. Both of them were waiting in anticipation for what Yoongi needed to tell them. They clearly knew it wasn't good news. After all, if it had been good news, Yoongi would have told them already. Instead, he made sure they were fed, clean, and comfortable before spilling it.

Jungkook followed Yoongi to the unoccupied couch and sat down with him, his hand still being held. He didn't want to let go, and he could tell Yoongi didn't want to release the hold either. The feel of Yoongi's hand shaking drove into his mind how hard this was going to be for all of them.

"Jimin." Yoongi cleared his throat."T-Taehyung." He gulped. Having to be the one to deliver this news made Yoongi feel like the bad guy. He didn't do the deed, but he had to tell it. He felt like saying the words made him just as bad as Minhyuk, who did the horrible act. What if his friends hated him after this? What if they didn't want his help? What if they shut him out and never spoke to him again? He would understand.

"Hyung, please tell us." The waiting was killing Jimin, and he knew it was hard for Taehyung too, who was struggling to be patient."The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can get through it."

"It won't be that easy, Jimin." Holding back the threat of a sob in his throat, Yoongi inhaled deeply then let it out slowly, keeping himself from falling apart. He had to do this. He wouldn't wish this on anyone else. As much as he didn't want to be the one to bear the awful news, he wouldn't want to make anyone else do it.

Taehyung was feeling so shaky as he could see Yoongi's gaze linger on him. His gut sensed what was coming, a nightmare from which he could never awaken."Please, Hyung..."

"I'm sorry." Yoongi couldn't keep it in any longer."I'm sure you both heard before we left that Hoseok and Seokjin stayed to fight in the war. But that's..." He had to swallow his own feelings for now."That's not the worst thing you need to know. Tae...Taehyung, I got separated from Namjoon at the dome. I...never saw him after that."

"What are you saying?" Somehow, Taehyung knew this was coming. His gut and mind kept telling him this was a possibility. Maybe he felt it. His heart knew something was wrong."You can't be saying that Namjoon..." He couldn't finish that sentence. He didn't want it to be true. If he said it, he couldn't pretend it wasn't real.

Yoongi squeezed Jungkook's hand for support, trying so hard to keep himself composed enough."Taehyung, I'm so sorry. I got the news from Hoseok. He's the one who found Namjoon. He...I'm sorry, but he's--"

"No!" Taehyung quickly pressed his hands over his ears."No, don't say it! He's not--He can't be--No!"

Jimin moved a hand up to lightly cover his own mouth in disbelief and shock."He's really..." Tears welled up in his eyes as he turned his gaze to Taehyung, who had tears falling down his cheeks, red-faced in an obvious mixture of emotions.

"I know it's not something you want to hear. None of us want this to be true." Yoongi was struggling so much to keep back his own tears. He couldn't cry, not now. He couldn't even think of making this about himself. No, his own feelings had to wait. He needed to take care of Taehyung and Jimin.

"Shut up!" Standing, Taehyung stormed to Yoongi and slapped him as hard as he could."Shut up! Stop it! You're lying! It's not real!" He tried to slap Yoongi again, but his wrist was grabbed by Jungkook."You're lying!"

Jimin rushed over and wrapped his arms around Taehyung from behind, burying his face against his best friend's back."Tae, please stop. Please~"

Yoongi could ignore the pain in his cheek. He knew Taehyung didn't mean it. Anger and denial were expected parts of grief."Jungkook, it's okay. Let him go." When Jungkook was hesitant, Yoongi gave him a small nod."It's alright. Please get a water bottle for Taehyung. One for Jimin too."

Jungkook didn't want to leave Yoongi's side, but he wanted to help. So he did as he was asked. Getting up from the couch, he headed into the kitchen to retrieve a couple bottles of water from the fridge. He didn't understand Taehyung's behavior. He had never seen someone act out that way to bad news. Was that normal? And why did he feel like Taehyung's outward show of emotions was similar to his own inner emotions? What was this feeling that he was trying to push down?

"Is everything okay?" Jihoon asked from his seat at the table.

"We heard some shouting. Is something wrong?" Junhong had grown concerned at the commotion, but they'd been asked to wait in here.

How was Jungkook supposed to answer? Nothing was okay. Everything was wrong. But he felt like that wasn't the right thing to say."Taehyung is upset over Namjoon's death."

Junhong lowered his gaze."The death of a mate is hard to endure." He understood that much.

Going back into the living room, Jungkook felt his heart break. The sight was gut-wrenching.

Taehyung was on his knees, hands gripping Yoongi's hips and face pressed to his stomach as Yoongi petted his head.

Jimin was sitting on the floor with his hands over his face, sobbing.

And Jungkook saw them, the tears that fell down Yoongi's cheeks as he failed to hold them back. Silent tears. Yoongi was refusing to let himself fail to comfort his friends. No sobs were allowed to escape him. No sniffles.

Kneeling down by Jimin, Jungkook gently touched his wrist with the side of a water bottle, letting him know it was there."Drink some water. It'll help." When the bottle was accepted, Jungkook rose and moved closer to Taehyung and Yoongi. Holding out the second bottle, he knew Taehyung wasn't going to grab it.

Yoongi looked up at Jungkook and mouthed 'thank you' as he accepted the water bottle. He held it in one hand as his other hand kept petting Taehyung's head. Taehyung was far too upset to take a drink right now.

What was Jungkook supposed to do now? Should he try to comfort Yoongi? No, Yoongi wouldn't want that right now. Should he comfort Jimin? Would Jimin like that? Would it be helpful? Jungkook felt so lost and confused. Still, he wanted to help. Each of these humans meant so much to him. Making up his mind, he lowered himself to the floor, sitting beside Jimin. Without saying a word, he guided the sobbing human into his arms and mimicked Yoongi's own actions, petting Jimin's head. After all his time on Earth, he still had more to learn about feelings and comfort. It was difficult, but he was doing his best.

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