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It was difficult to get everyone situated after sharing such horrible news, but it was finally done. As Yoongi made one last walk through the house to make sure everyone was as comfortable as possible, he entered his bedroom with Jungkook tailing close behind. Yoongi let out a hefty sigh; he was somewhat relieved to not have to see anyone else for the rest of the night. He could attempt to sleep in his own bed after the tragedy that had befallen them over the past few days.

"Yoongi..." Jungkook wanted to say something, anything. He wanted to make things better, but he didn't know how. This wasn't something that could be fixed with kisses and cuddles. He couldn't give positive affirmations to whisk away his mate's worries. This was a cold, empty feeling that hung over them all like a weighted blanket. This blanket was so big that Jungkook couldn't find the end. If he could only find an edge, he could lift it up and free them all from its encumbrance.

"Not now, Jungkook." Yoongi knew he wouldn't be able to handle an embrace at this moment. He wouldn't be able to tolerate tender words of comfort."I'm sorry. I just want to sleep."

That wasn't what Jungkook wanted to hear at all. He didn't fully know what he wanted or needed, but this didn't feel right. As he thought about what everyone must be feeling, he wondered about his own feelings. Such thoughts caused him to act out a little; he grabbed his fragile mate's wrist, spinning him around."Yoongi, I'll hold you."

Startled and upset, Yoongi tried to pull his wrist from Jungkook's grasp but couldn't escape the firm grip."I don't need to be held," he protested.

"I do!"

Freezing in place, Yoongi could tell that Jungkook was just as surprised by those words as he was. However, as his gaze locked on to Jungkook's face, a wave of guilt and sorrow washed over him. Yoongi had been so occupied with Jimin's and Taehyung's feelings, his own feelings, and the events of late that he had not realized Jungkook's feelings."Oh, Jungkook..." He was so used to Jungkook being the strong one that he didn't realize that the incubus would obviously be just as upset as everyone else. Reaching his free hand up toward his lover's cheek, Yoongi didn't know how to react when it was gently pushed away."Baby, I'm sorry..."

Jungkook didn't understand. What caused him to say that? Did he need to be held? Did he require an embrace? What was he feeling? What would make it better? Nothing made sense to him regarding this situation."What even is this? This feeling..." Releasing Yoongi's wrist, the incubus stepped over to the bed and seated himself on the edge of it."Nothing makes sense."

With an aching heart, Yoongi closed the bedroom door then seated himself beside Jungkook."Can you describe the feeling to me?" He knew Jungkook must be experiencing grief, but he wanted to let Jungkook try to put it into words and express himself.

"I...I don't know..." For the first time in his life, Jungkook didn't know anything. Following orders in Szarvoun, he knew what was expected. Meeting Yoongi, he knew what he wanted. Living on Earth, he knew his personal goals. But now...Now what?"I think it hurts...It hurts in my head, in my chest, and...in my hands..."

"Your hands?" Pain in the head and chest were expected, but Yoongi didn't know why Jungkook's hands would hurt. Were his hands perhaps injured in some way from the fighting he'd done on Szarvoun?"Can I see?"

Turning just slightly in Yoongi's direction, Jungkook held his hands out to the human. He watched as Yoongi carefully grabbed his hands and inspected them, seeming to look for injuries."My hands ache and burn...like electricity. They want me to fight, hit things, kill."

Now Yoongi understood the pain."It's an urge. You feel anger, don't you? You want to let out your anger violently. Holding it in like this is causing your hands to ache with the urge."

"But what about my chest and head? What is wrong with them?" Jungkook had never felt this way before, and he only knew that it was caused by Namjoon's death. That was the only thing that made sense to him right now."My chest feels like...something is in there...It's killing me from the inside..." At those words, Jungkook's eyes grew wide."I've been infected by something! Something is in me!" He pulled his hands away from Yoongi and gripped at his own chest."I have to get it out!"

"No, no, Jungkook, nothing has infected you." Yoongi tried to keep a steady tone, hoping to help Jungkook be calm. Seeing his mate like this was worrisome, but they needed to get through it.

"But..!" Seeing that Yoongi was not concerned of an infection, Jungkook lowered his hands to his lap."Do you know what it is?"

Reaching out, Yoongi lightly pressed his hand to Jungkook's chest."It's your heart. You know the love it makes you feel for me? This is another kind of love. The sad, painful kind." Yoongi's throat ached, but he swallowed the feeling the best he could manage."When someone we love gets hurt or worse, that love we feel for them hurts our hearts. We love each other, but we also love our friends. It's not the same love, but it's still just as strong. You love Namjoon, right? He is...was...your friend for a long time."

Jungkook started to nod but changed motion to shake his head instead."He was more than a friend, I think." Tears welled up in his eyes and blurred his vision as he thought of the moment he'd learned the correct words to describe his feelings toward Namjoon a couple years ago."He was like...brother...or father..."

"I understand." Yoongi had grown to feel a brotherly connection to Namjoon over the few years they'd known each other."You've lost someone very important to you, and it hurts." Accepting his incubus mate's thoughts and feelings, Yoongi opened his arms to offer an embrace."Come here, sweetheart."

There was no further resistance on Jungkook's end. He moved closer to Yoongi, feeling those arms close around his frame. Burying his face against the side of the human's neck, he succumbed to the embrace he needed. He cried.

And cried. And cried.

His lover's mournful sobs and whines broke away more bits of Yoongi's stability, but he knew they all needed to take care of each other."What you feel, Jungkook...It's called grief."

Neither of them could tell the flow of time within this embrace of shared sorrow and comfort. Who led them to lie down? Who pulled up the blanket? Which of them fell asleep first? They would never know those answers.

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