Chapter 12: The Question

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(edited June 10th 2021)

I get together a nice outfit, I want to look good. I get a light green sweater with a white button down underneath it, and a white pleated skirt to go with it.


I grab my phone off the charger and walk out into the living room.

"Mom? can I go to this cafe with a friend?" I ask

"depends, is this 'friend' a boy?" she asks turning around and glaring at me.

"no, it's my friend Uraraka." I lie.

"ok then sure. be back before dark." she says going back to her TV.

I slink out the front door and begin walking to the location he sent me, it's not to far from my house. I soon arrive at the front door and already see him in there sitting in a window seat scrolling through his phone with one of his arms in a sling from Stain.

I enter the door of the cute cafe. he looks up from his phone when he hears the doorbell ring.

"Hey Maya, what's with the outfit?" He asks as I walk up to his table sitting down.

"oh this? I just threw this together" I say with an awkward laugh and he just stares at me.

"so, uh what did you want to ask me?" I break the silence.

"oh right, I couldn't stop thinking about what that guy said. the Hero Killer, it almost seemed like he knew you. what was that all about?" my face turns bright red.

"oh uhm... I think that he knew me because well. about 16 years ago my mother was attacked and paralyzed by him" I say.

"oh I guess that makes sense... but that doesn't explain the other thing he said. 'why pretend you're a hero now? you will always be a fraud Maya' " he repeats what the Hero Killer said.

"it's just strange, you always seem to have some weird connection to the villains." he sees me visibly get uncomfortable. I don't know what I was expecting him to say but it certainly wasn't this.

but I come up with the perfect excuse.

"what!? I can't believe you..." I start angrily.

"I thought you were different but, here you are treating me exactly how those bullies do. I can't believe you would take some maniac's words over mine. I'm so tired of people calling me a villain!" I burst out standing up and throwing my hands in there air.

"wait Maya-" he calls out to me reaching out a hand but I turn around and storm out of the cafe angrily.

I think my plan worked, tho it really hurts being so mean to him. I'm not actually mad at him, but I needed to get him to not think that about me anymore or it could blow my cover.

I glance behind me to make sure he isn't chasing after me and I see him in the window of the cafe looking guilty. I feel awful for treating him that way. my heart aches being so mean to him but it's what I had to do. I'll patch things up with him later.

I make my way back home and go back to my room to stare at my walls and think. as I'm deep in my thoughts I hear my phone vibrate. I open it up to see messages from  Deku.


Deku: Maya I'm so sorry I wasn't trying to call you a villain I would never want to make you feel the way those bullies do. It was a stupid question, I was stupid for asking it. please forgive me Maya, you're one of my closests friends. :<

(read 6:56 pm)


I leave his message on read even though I am not even mad, I will forgive him tomorrow at school.

is this manipulative? no... it's not, right?

the next day at school I walk in and see a blonde haired boy sitting in Bakugo's seat, who is this weirdo?

then I notice Kirishima and Sero laughing at him, wait that is Bakugo!

"shut up.. my hair's gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way!" Bakugou grumbles angrily and I snicker.

"WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT VILLAIN!" he yells his perfectly combed hair spiking back out again.

"hey!" I yell a little hurt.

all of my peers are abuzz talking about how their internships went, it's a little sad that I don't get to brag about the fight with Stain but it's for the best.

I notice Deku and Lida standing over Todoroki's desk, I figure I should probably forgive him now. I don't want to torture the poor boy.

"gah! hey Maya, I don't know if you got my message but I'm really so-" he starts but I cut him off.

"it's ok, I understand why you might have thought that, it just hurts ya know? everyone always calls me a villain I just didn't expect to hear that from you." I say glumly and Lida and Todoroki turn to Deku with a puzzled look on their faces.

"but still I shouldn't have walked out like that I was just upset." 

"it's fine really Maya" he says with a smile that makes my stomach churn.

suddenly everyone starts gathering around us four.

"I'm glad you guys made it out alive" Yaoyorozu says

"yeah, you guys are lucky that Endeavor saved you!" Sato adds

"so cool! just what I'd expect from the number two hero!" Hagakure exclaims.

"yeah that's right, he saved us" Todoroki mutters.

"did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer? everyone one was saying that he's somehow connected to the league of villains can you imagine how frightening it would have been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?" Ojiro asks.

"he's scary yeah, but did you see him in that weird video? it's all over the internet" Kaminari says, I lose interest in their conversation and continue talking with Deku.

"it's time to begin class!" Lida exclaims.

All Might bursts through the door with an "I am here!"

we change into our hero costumes and head down to ground Gamma.



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