A Pirate story

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Hi readers! this is another story idea which of course I will be writing later but here's the prologue to it. It's better for me to write out the idea before I lose it. Enjoy!


A strong gust of wind splashed salty sea water into a young girl's face. She tossed her head back, giggling. The girl wore a simple tunic, leggings and tall boots and her golden brown hair hung loosely down her shoulders and rippled in the sea's breeze. Her older brother stood next to her, gazing into the open water. His golden brown hair was tied back in a tiny ponytail, he wore the same sailor's attire with his shirt unbuttoned at the collar. The biggest difference between the siblings, other than a few facial features, were the eyes. The boy's eyes were a ocean blue and the girl's a dark brown.

This was their life, sailing the great ocean with their beloved Pa, while Ma waited back on their island home for their return. Their Pa was a great man, a clever pirate and a loving father. Because of their heritage, they have seen more than a ten year old and an eleven year old. Pa taught them lessons every day on how to be a pirate; not only were they knowledgeable about sailing, they knew how to get themselves out of tight situations.

"I suggest you kids don't stand too close to the edge," a sailor told them, "you don't know what's in these waters."

Billy has been apart of their father's crew for as long as they have known. One of his legs were wooden, and he had told the children the back story of it more times then they could count. A hat always rested on top of his black hair. They looked to him as an uncle, full of stories to tell and always had his head caught up in legends and rumors.

"What do you mean Billy?" the boy asked, turning to the old friend, "I haven't seen anything."

"I know Johnny, but for your own safety, do as old Billy says," Pa order from the helm.

"But why? Are these waters cursed?" the girl asked, eager for an answer.

"Rumors tell of mermaids that live in these waters," Billy started.

"Mermaids!" the girl shrieked excitedly, "I want to see one!"

"A vain wish Willow, mermaids are dangerous creatures that lure men out of their boats to drown them. Though there are tales that a mermaid's kiss will prevent a sailor from drowning."

Both the children stuck their tongues out at the thought of kissing.

"Now that's enough Bill," Pa interrupted.

"Captain!" a sailor called from the crow's nest, "a ship is coming in fast, it's a pirate ship!"

"Johnny, Willow, below deck, now!" Pa commanded.

The children obeyed him immediately, terrified by the anger in his voice. Johnny closed the metal door behind them and they peered through the holes in the grating. There was a lot of shouting going on and several men came down to load the cannons. Billy came down and readied a row boat.

"Get in!" he ordered.

After helping Willow into the boat, Johnny was about to hop in but a hole was basted in the side of the ship, sending debris flying everywhere and allowing water to enter the belly of the ship.

"Pa!" he shouted.

"Johnny, get in!" Willow screamed.

He smiled at her then sprinted to the top of the deck, where a bloody war was raging. After dodging his way through the chaos, he saw Pa in tough combat with another pirate. Another shot from the enemy canon exploded the deck below Johnny into splinters. He plummeted into the salty water and came up, sputtering and coughing. A large piece of wood landed on his head and his vision went dark.

A curious mermaid was swimming by to see what the commotion was about when she noticed the boy, sinking underwater, unconscious. Most adult mermaids wouldn't have cared for the boy, but this mermaid wasn't an adult. She was only nine years old and she yearned to explore the land above the water. Without hesitation, she wrapped the boy in her bare arms, kissed him gently on his lips and swam as fast as she could to the nearest shore inhabited by man.

She heaved with all her might, dragging him onto the dry sand. She kept her long, blue tail, in the water to prevent it from drying up or transforming. Once he was clear from the tide, she smiled and stroked the boy's face, brushing his damp hair aside. She hummed sweet notes to him and kept watch for any signs of humans approaching.

Her wavy aqua blue hair had dried in from the sun before she heard voices in the distance. Taking one last look at the boy's handsome face, she dove into the water, feeling extremely good about herself. A new emotion had budded in the mermaid's heart, and it bloomed bigger and bigger throughout the years to come.

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