2 - The Ball

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"Alright! Ready..." Inferno said. "Go!" He shouted, throwing the ball up into the air, causing it to vanish. Everyone started searching the room that we were currently in. I put my headphones on, and played my music. "Awww... I shoulda brought my music..." The Shinx sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Hm... Now where could the ball be...?" I mumbled, walking towards the exit of the auditorium. "Hey!" I heard someone call to me. "...?" I turned around to see the Garchomp. "Need something?" I asked, taking off my headphones. "Uh... Did you want to search together?" He said shyly. "Sorry, I'm gonna search alone." I apologized, walking out of the gym, thinking that it would be in the principal's office.

I prefer to be alone...

For, personal reasons...

I saw that the Mawile, Mienshao, Tyrunt, and Amaura walk outside. "Ten minutes remaining! If I were you, I'd have found the ball already! HA!" Light's obnoxious voice sounded throughout the school. "Tch..." I growled, searching through the drawers and desks. "So, did she want to search with you, Gus?" I heard the Shinx's voice. "No... She didn't want to, Jinx." The Garchomp sighed. "..." I looked down slightly. "NINE MINUTES REMAI-- STOP IT LIGHT!" Light's voice sounded again, except she was interrupted by Flare. "..." I searched the whole office, failing in my search. I decided to head outside. The Tyrunt was digging holes. "..." I stayed quiet. The Amaura stared at me oddly. 'Problem?' I thought, looking away and rolling my eyes. I checked in bushes, and in the yard, but had no luck. "Attention everyone! There's now five minutes remaining! Good luck!" Flare's voice sounded. "That's it!" The Mienshao girl cheered, as the four started running towards a hill. Out of nowhere I saw Gus and Jinx follow them. 'I guess I should follow them...' I thought, running at an insane speed towards the hill. I passed Jinx and Gus, only to slow down. 'Shit... I'm getting exhausted...' I thought, as I stopped running, and saw Jinx run past me. "You okay?" Gus asked. "I'm fine." I growled, as he shrugged and ran ahead.

Not now... Not now...

I can't afford to lose!

Two Years Ago...

I was walking through a village. "Miss?" I heard a faint, shaky voice. I looked down to see a little Skitty girl, and a Skitty boy, who were probably brother and sister. They were unnaturally skinny, and dirty. "Please...?" The boy asked holding out his hand. "Here." I smiled, holding out 3000 Poké, which was enough for a weeks worth of food. "Thank... You..." They mumbled, as I waved, and continued walking. "Hey!" I heard some people shouting. "If you gave these worthless slaves money, then you oughta give us some too." A man said. My eyes widened when he said worthless. "What did you call those children, you greedy asshole?" I turned around, a terrifying glare on my face. "I called them slaves, why? Got a problem?" He shouted. I saw a woman take the money from the children. "Hey!" I shouted, trying to run past the man, but he caught me. By the throat. "Tch..!" I growled, as i swung my foot at his face, causing him to let go of me. "Why..?" I mumbled. "Huh?" The man snapped. "WHY ARE YOU SO GREEDY?! THOSE CHILDREN ARE STARVING, WHILE YOU SEEM AS HEALTHY AS EVER?!" I shouted. "I'm not giving you bastards any money. I gave those children all I had." I growled. "No child wants to die of starvation..." I mumbled, as I created vines that trapped the man. "You will stay here, and starve. So you can learn how it feels..." I huffed, as I exited the village.

Present day...

I can't...

I need to become an adventurer...

I want to make tons of money, so that no one has to starve...

So no one will go through what I did...

"Sixty seconds left!" Flare shouted, as I noticed that they were walking towards the hill. "Just a little more..." I said, as I almost made it to the top, but I slipped, thanks to the grass being wet with dew. "And... The ball has been found!!!" I heard a cheery voice.



It's over...

"No..." I mumbled, trying not to cry, as I fell to my knees.

I need this job more than anyone else here!


"Hey." I heard a familiar voice. I looked up, to see... Light? "..." I looked down. She held out her hand. I grabbed it, and she pulled me up. I was still looking down, my hair shading my eyes. Me and Light walked to the top of the hill, to see Flare. "Hatake, everyone gets to attend." Light smiled. "Congratulations everyone! You are all now students at this academy!" Flare grinned.


Everyone except for me and Light headed back to the academy, walking inside. I was still standing atop the hill. "Hatake." Light said. "...I didn't find the ball..." I said faintly. "I don't deserve to be here..." I mumbled, turning around, and walking down the hill. "Hatake." Light said loudly. "..." I turned to look up at her, showing the tears falling down my face. "You remind me of myself a few years ago." She smiled. "How so?" I mumbled, as I wiped the tears off of my face. "When I first saw you standing alone in the auditorium, I sensed something amazing." She said. "I sensed that you weren't like any of the other students. You're here for a reason other than; 'wanting to be an explorer' cause it's cool.'." She said. I listened to her. "You're fighting for something. You have a dream that you're willing to chase. You have a solid reason for attending here." She said, walking towards me. "When I first joined a guild, I was like you. I preferred to be alone." She said. "Why did you decide to be an explorer?" I asked. "I wanted to prove that I was worth something." She said taking off her jacket, revealing tons of scars. My eyes widened. "I've been through a lot." She said, putting her jacket back on. "You know how I became an expert explorer?" She asked. "I made friends." She said. "Hell, I tried to take on a Salamence as soon as I joined a guild." She laughed. "My point is, you're not alone." She said, hugging me.


For once...

I feel...


"..." I hugged her back tightly, starting to cry. "Welcome to Explorer Academy, Hatake." Light said, smiling.



Omg the feels I'm crying XD

Anyways, I'm gonna continue writing this! :3

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