5 - Utopia

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Light's POV:

"You WHAT?!" Flare shouted. "Hehehe!" I grinned, only to earn a pinch on my ear. "OI THEY'RE SENSITIVE!" I shouted, pointing to my yellow, spiked ears. "Why the hell would you tell the students to flee from the Toxicroak when you told him to look for em?!" Flare yelled. "Relax. They're gonna end up fighting him anyways..." I said, waving my hand. "You do realize that he's stronger than you and I, right?" Flare crossed his arms. "... I uh... I totally knew that... Haha...?" I said, making an excuse. "..." He narrowed his eyes and tapped his foot on the fresh green grass. "They can handle it--", "HOW THE HELL CAN YOU BE THIS DENSE?!" He interrupted. "I was speaking." I huffed. "As I was saying, they can--", "THEY COULD DIE!!!" He interrupted again. "UGH WHY DONTCHA SHUT UP FOR A MINUTE?!" I shouted. "Ahem... They can handle it. Think about it, every student here has potential. There's eight of them, and two of us. They'll hopefully work together and beat him easily. I told Hatake specifically that if things go too far, to run and find us." I said. "Why Hatake?" Flare asked. "She's fast. I'm not talking moderately fast, I'm talking so-fast-that-she'll-run-a-mile-in-two-seconds fast. Along with her amazing potential, she's also very loyal. Think about it for a second." I grinned. "..." He looked at me with a look of concern. "Wait, you don't mean...?!" He replied. "Her name is uncommon, her loyalty is impeccable, and how often do you see a 16 year old Sceptile?" I smirked. "But, there's no way... The clan got destroyed 16 years ago!" He said, clearly surprised. "Yeah, but there was a lone survivor." I said, narrowing my eyes. "She's that lone survivor. Hatake of Utopia." I smirked. 'Utopia. A once thriving clan of ninjas. Most of them were grass type Pokemon... They were wiped out by Ho-oh years ago, due to their Clan's Chief blackmailing the legendaries....' I thought. "Light. Last time I trusted you with something was when we were fighting the Goodra over in Oblivia Forest, and I asked you to keep watch on Zak and Inferno." He said. "Uh-huh... And?" I said. "You fell asleep." He said, glaring. "And remember that time when you and I were escorting that Espurr through Magnet Tunnel?" He asked. "Yeah." I said, nodding. "I was getting my ass kicked by a Metagross, and you were laughing your ass off because I got cloaked in mud." He huffed. "HA! I remember that now!! THAT WAS F***ING HILARIOUS!" I said, laughing. "You're missing my point completely." He growled. "..." I pouted. "Light, this isn't about kicking ass. It's about the safety of the students. And I don't like trusting you with this stuff, because you either slack off, or you don't give a shit. That's why I had you get Loki to monitor them. Plus, what if Hatake turns on us?!" He yelled. "Please? I promise you won't be disappointed! And she won't. She's taken a liking to me, and everyone else, so she won't. ." I said, giving him a thumbs up. "...." He sighed. "Fine. One screw up, and you're dead, Light." He said. "Aye, Captain!" I said, saluting.

Hatake's POV:

"Wow..." Takashi said, looking at all the trees and plant life that surrounded us. "This forest is oddly calm for being a Mystery Dungeon... Something seems off." I said, placing my hand onto a rather large tree, feeling it's coarse bark. "Just because it's calm doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong." Takashi said. "In this kind of scenario, careless ones are usually the first to fall. Be wary." I said, removing my hand from the tree. "This is a beginner level dungeon, is it not?" Takashi asked. "It may seem like it, but in actuality, it's the complete opposite. Light and the other teachers probably got rid of all the tough Pokemon, and all that's left are the low level ones." I said, putting my hands in my sweatshirt pocket. "Let's start searching for the crystal." I said, as he nodded.

Heya dudes!

News! I'm actually making this a manga with a hardcover sketchbook! I have a full page finished, and on the inside of the cover, I drew the actual cover for the manga, and guess what?

I have people's Wattpad usernames under mine for shout outs!!!!


Anyways, I'll see you all later! Bye bye!~

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