chapter 23

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\kenzie POV/
"That's none of your concern," Felix replied stubbornly. I stared at Felix for a while, "you look tired, you should stay here and sleep" I said nicely. I may not trust this guy but I feel bad for him, he has been through a lot and I want to make it up to him. Felix looked at me, as if he had just noticed his own drowsiness. "I'm not sure," he replied quietly. He glanced at Anti, who merely blinked and looked away. "I... I suppose I could. Just for a while. If that's alright, though." "Yeah its alright." I said smiling a bit, anti looked at me and then Felix, "sure, let me go tell dark" he said before getting off the bed and walked out of the room. I looked at Felix and smiled a bit. "I'm afraid they're going to haunt my dreams with death like they used to," Felix sighed. "But I haven't slept for three days straight, and I'm willing to at least try." He looked at me. "Thank you." I smiled more, "your welcome, if u want u can sleep here I don't mind" I said kindly. Felix slowly walked over and thanked me again. He looked nervous, and exhausted, of course. I smiled again, "your welcome again, I'm going in the kitchen, goodnight" I said to Felix. Felix said goodnight back before I walked out of the room. I see dark and anti talking in the living room and walked over to them. "Hey kenzie" they both said. I waved to them and then thought for a bit before saying, "please don't give felix bad dreams" I said tiredly. Dark smiled at me, "ok, we won't kid" he said ruffling my hair a bit. I yawned and layed my head on antis lap and soon fell asleep.

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