Chap 11

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Chapter 11

Yuri glanced over to the clock on the wall, it was 1AM already and Yoona hadn't call her to inform if Tiffany came home yet or not, and the fact that Yoona still hadn't called yet made her realize that Tiffany was still not home from that 'family dinner' with Siwon - which was the reason that was making her worried.

"Earth to Kwon Yul" Junsu waved his hands in front of Yuri as she stared at the clock in a daze.

"Yeah..what?" Yuri asked him, startled.

"There's a patron asking for a Apple martini...what's on your mind, you looked worried over something the whole night, are you okay?"

Yuri waved her hands at the customer, "Sorry! an Apple martini coming right up." she said as she began to make the cocktail.

"It's nothing, I don't even know why I should be worrying." Yuri replied to him.

Junsu crossed his arms and leaned against the wall, looking at Yuri in disbelief.

"What?" Yuri asked, noticing his gaze.

"C'mon, I know something is up, just tell me, get it off your chest or something."

"It's fine Junsu, I'm fine." She said, pushing him lightly aside to hand the drink over to the costumer sitting by the counter, "Sir, Your Apple martini."

Junsu sighed, giving up. "Okay then, whatever you say. Anyway, this is the last customer for the night, you can go home now if you want, I'm abouta clean the place up and leave soon. Take care, thanks for helping me out tonight when it's not your work day." He said, giving her a warm hug.

"No problem, call me anytime if you need help." Yuri smiled and gave him a pat on the back before he headed to the back door where the kitchen was. Yuri went underneath the counter's cabinet and picked up her camera's sling bag, walking up towards the entrance where a girl in sunglasses and a scarf wrapped around her neck covering half of her face, tried to get inside the bar.

"Oh, sorry maam, we're closed for the night." Yuri said politely, apologizing.

"Yuri!?" The girl said in a astonished tone, taking off her sunglasses to reveal her face.

"Tiffany!?" Yuri said in the same tone, staring at the girl, "Why are you here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same thing?" Tiffany countered.

"Uh, well, I work here?"


"I thought you were at the family dinner or whatever with Siwon?"

"I was, he just dropped me off. I told him to drop me off here."

"What happened?"

"Long story."

"We'll talk over drinks." Yuri said, leading Tiffany inside as the patron walked out of the door not noticing who Tiffany was, "Thank you, come back again!" Yuri shouted to the patron.

Tiffany took seated on the chair by the countertop and propped up her chin on the counter with her palms, exasperating over something when Junsu walked out of the kitchen and up to the counter, surprised to see a special non-frequent, one of a kind customer in front of him.

"WHOA, what's going on here? this is, THE Tiffany Hwang? in my bar?"

"Oh, great." Tiffany rolled her eyes and groaned.

"Don't worry, this is just my brother from anotha motha, Junsu." Yuri laughed.

"Wait, is this also THE Tiffany Hwang you told me how much you despise rig—" Junsu said before he was quickly interrupted by Yuri when she covered his mouth. Yuri gave out an embarrassed laughter, "He's kind of cuckoo, don't listen to him."

"Just kidding! haha!" Junsu nudged her.

"So what kind of drinks do you want?" Yuri ask Tiffany.

"Oh just give her a Screaming Orgasm."

Tiffany immediately shot a glare at Junsu, "What?"

"It's a type of cocktail, don't mind him." Yuri replied to her, giving Junsu a death glare before she spoke up, "Mr. Kim Junsu, isn't time for you to go home already?"

Junsu looked at the clock and laughed, "Oh looky here, it's getting late I should go home shouldn't I? you close up the bar and everything okay? drinks are on me!"

"Thanks. Got it. Now leave." Yuri said brusquely.

"Okay, okay, jeez." Junsu laughed and nudged Yuri, "See ya'll later, nice to meet you, THE Tiffany Hwang." He smiled before picking up his keys from behind the counter and left the bar swirling the keys around his finger. His senses was telling him that Tiffany was most definitely the reason why Yuri was worried, and the reason why Yuri wasn't anymore.


"So what drink do you want?" Yuri asked her again now that Junsu was out and away from annoying them both.

It doesn't matter, give me something strong."

"You're going to get drunk." Yuri advised her.

"Good, that's what I was hoping for."

"What really happened at the 'dinner'?" Yuri asked, bending down to reach for the bottle of champagne and two cups of glass.

"Let's see, Siwon threatened me, Siwon forced a kiss on me, and oh, I got engaged—with Siwon." Tiffany answered in a feign nonchalant way, taking a sip of the cup of grape champagne Yuri just finished pouring for her.

"WHAT!? what did he threatened you with?" Yuri asked, she was fuming with anger as evidence from her tone of voice.

"If I don't comply with Siwon's wishes, he won't help my dad's company from bankrupting." Tiffany said, taking another sip of the wine. "Apparently, he's in 'love' with me"

"So he forced you to marry him? just like that? and you're not fighting against it?!"

"What am I suppose to do? The engagement party is in 2 weeks, you don't understand the situation surrounding my dad's company." Tiffany said, taking in the remaining wine in a one shot before slamming it back down on the counter, "More."

Yuri could feel nothing more but anger, but what could she do? she's not rich, she's not high class, what the hell can she do to help?, she slammed her hands on the counter.

"Let me drink with you." Yuri said bitterly, as it's the only thing she can do for Tiffany right now. She refilled Tiffany's glass with wine as she poured wine into her cup also.

Tiffany let out a medial drunken laughter and rose up her glass, "To Siwon falling down the stairs!"

"To Siwon falling down the stairs.." Yuri repeated after her and rose up her glass as well, clinking it with Tiffany's before Tiffany gulped it all down, and it wasn't long before Tiffany had became drunk and laid her head down on the counter, her face flushing red from the strong champagne.

"I don't want to be married to him...that bast*rd.." Tiffany muttered, silently sobbing and covering her face away from Yuri.

Yuri felt her heart ache at the sight, "I don't want you to get married to him either," she found herself whispering. "Aish, it only took 2 glasses of wine for her to be this drunk already?" Yuri muttered to herself as she took a look at Tiffany and shook her shoulders, unable to wake up the girl from her drunken state.

"Tiffany, let me take you home, wake up." Yuri said again, shaking her up a little but Tiffany just snored. She was dead drunk and dead asleep. Yuri walked up to her side and lifted her off the counter, trying to get Tiffany on her back with some difficulty before she scurried to take her belongings and turned the lights off, locking the main doors before she walked up to her car and opened the door, placing Tiffany inside.

"It is now, 2:45 AM." The electronic clock read out loud in the car. Yuri quickly pressed on the mute button to stop it from further announcing the times and took a look at Tiffany, her face looked peaceful sleeping despite the fact that she was in a drunken state.

Yuri sighed thinking about what Tiffany had told her earlier, "Engagement? in 2 weeks?" she repeated incredulously, she then shook her head, "Whatever, I shouldn't be worrying. It's her life, it has nothing to do with me, I only met her a few times, we're not even that acquainted."

She thought, but she shook her head, yet, again, "But that Siwon guy is a douche, how can I let Tiffany be with him?" She thought with a frown.

"Yeahhh, I should take her home.." Yuri said to herself. Just then she remembered she doesn't even know where Tiffany even lived, and judging by the time, Yoona and Sunny would probably be dead asleep as well to answer their cell phones. She took out her phone and immediately go on google to search for Tiffany's house location as a last resort - but of course it didn't revealed her address.

"So troublesome!" Yuri groaned, going over to her driver's seat, there was no place to go except to her own house, where Tiffany would have to stay for the night at.


"Aish, how can you be so heavy? does your body turn into stone when you're drunk and dead asleep or something?" Yuri muttered to herself struggling as she walked up the stairs leading to her room. She pushed the door open with her head and headed into the room, turning on the lights as she tossed Tiffany (who's still dead asleep) on the bed before she took off the girl's heels and tucked her in the comforter.

"Great job Yuri, it was a troublesome thing to bring her home but you did it. Gooood job." She smiled to herself looking at Tiffany's somewhat, cute sleeping face. "Yeah, it's getting late." She changed the subject in her mind transitioning to what she thought was a cute sleeping face, to the fact that it was 3:30AM and she'd have to wake up early to make breakfast and drive Seohyun to school.

Yuri turned the lights off as she walked out of the door and slowly closed it without a noise as she headed down the stairs, plopping down on the sofa and totally fell dead asleep in.


"Unnie~" Seohyun called, tapping on Yuri's shoulders.

"Huh..what?" Yuri asked sleepily before realizing what she had make breakfast and stuff for her dongsaeng, "Oh crap, are you going to be late to class?" Yuri asked frantically, getting up from the sofa as Seohyun looked at her oddly.

"It's okay, you can continue to sleep. Yoona is going to pick me up me up and we're going to have breakfast together. I just wanted to tell you that."

"Oh. okay then, have fun in class!" Yuri said wearily, plopping back down on the sofa to sleep again.

"By the way, Yoona notified me that Tiffany unnie still haven't came home yet last night." Seohyun said in a worried tone, "I wonder if she's okay."

Yuri looked up at her and smiled, "She's alright don't worry. In fact, she's in my room sleeping right now."

Seohyun gasped, "Why is she here?"

"She passed out drunk last night, just let her sleep, I'll take her home when she wakes up or something. I'll call Yoona later to get the address."

A loud honk was heard outside their house.

"Oh! that must be Yoona, I'll see you later! take care of Tiffany unnie~" Seohyun said lastly before she scrambled for her stuff.

"Have fun in class..." Yuri said and waved but Seohyun had already left the house.

Suddenly a loud bang - sounding like glass had dropped onto the floor came from Yuri's room, startling her as she quickly ran up to the room to see what was wrong.

There she saw Tiffany's guilty face as she tried to divert her eyes from Yuri.

"I..didn't mean was an accident!" She stuttered.

Yuri just stood there speechless, her gaze fixed at the object that fell.

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