Chap 12

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Chapter 12

"I..didn't mean was an accident!" Tiffany stuttered, a rush of guilt filled her as she tried to divert her eye contact with Yuri. While holding the pretty object to take a look at it, the shiny object slipped off her hand, creating the final product of the object falling down - and shattered to pieces like a unsolvable jigsaw puzzle.

Yuri just stood there speechless, her gaze fixed at the object that fell. It wasn't glass that fell, but it was entirely something else.

"I really didn't mean it! I was holding it to take a look and then suddenly my―"

"Thanks." Yuri interrupted. She kneeled down to pick up the shattered pieces of the ceramics Mickey Mouse sculpture and studied it.

"Thanks?" Tiffany asked, confused to why Yuri would thank her for breaking the object, when specially, it was made by Jessica herself as the signature of her name was carved underneath the object when she flipped it to the bottom to look at it (which is also how the object slipped off her hand).

"I wanted to smash it a long time ago ― but I didn't have the heart to do it." Yuri explained, her hands held the remnants of the painted sculpture.

"Isn't it made by Jessica?" Tiffany asked carefully, watching Yuri with the same careful eyes.

"Exactly why I wanted to smash it, yet also why I don't have the heart to do it at the same time. She made it for our 1st anniversary of being together, and having it here would just remind me more of her." She said calmly, throwing the pieces into the trashcan nearby.

"Oh.." Tiffany nodded, fiddling with her fingers.

"Thank you for―"

"You looked―"

They both said in unison at the same time, causing Yuri to chuckle, "You go first."

"No, you first" Tiffany retorted, not wanting to express her feelings right away.

"No, YOU go first!" Yuri countered.

"No, you GO―"

"Just go." Yuri said short.

Tiffany sighed, "Thank you for listening to my rant last night, and thank you for taking me here to stay for the night because I know you didn't know my home address. You saved me a hotel bill."

Yuri laughed, "No problem. I can't believe you passed out with just 2 drinks."

"Whatever, I haven't drank for a long time that's why. What were you going to say?"

"You looked guilty when you dropped the MIckey Mouse" Yuri responded, raising an eyebrow.

"What? is that surprising or something?" Tiffany asked back.

"Well, you didn't look guilty when you dropped my camera"

"I didn't know you well, how would I know that you treasured the camera that much? while for this one it was made by your ex-girlfr―"

"I understand." Yuri smiled, "It's been a while since I broke up with her, the past is the past, I need to get her off my mind."

"What I need to get off my mind is the fact that I'm getting engaged in 2 weeks. Technically, a week and 6 days." Tiffany stressed.

"There isn't anything you can do to break off the engagement?" Yuri asked, concerned and troubled over the fact that Tiffany would soon be engaged and married to the biggest douche bag in South Korea.

Tiffany sighed, "Nope, nada. I can't let my father's company bankrupt. I just can't imagine the face on my dad when he finds out that his company is bankrupting..I just can't let that happen, his disappointed face will be too much for me."

"So you're throwing away your happiness for his?" Yuri asked her abruptly.

Inside that shell of the cold, arrogant Tiffany was the caring, and thoughtful Tiffany that Yuri couldn't even imagine to ever think of, specially with her first impression of Tiffany. Maybe Sunny WAS right, on the outside the girl may be b!tchy and what not, but on the inside...she was vulnerable like all of us normal human beings. Her outside shell was just a mask to conceal her utmost true self - the self that Yuri actually liked and able to sympathize with.

"His happiness is my happiness." Tiffany said, realizing how corny the line was, but it was true. Her father is the one that took part in making her appear to this world, without him, she wouldn't be here and be who she is now. She owed him - at least that's what she thought.

"Guess there's nothing we can do then, except one thing."

"Except what?" Tiffany asked. The tone of her voice demanded an answer quick from Yuri.

"Have fun." Yuri stated in response, giving her a cheeky grin.

"Have fun?" Tiffany asked dumbfounded.

"Yup, have fun. There's a week and 6 days left before your engagement. You have to go have fun and do some extraordinary stuff before you're confined to the life as a fiancee to that douche bag fiance." Yuri explained and elaborated to the bemused Tiffany.

"And by your idea of fun and extraordinary stuff, you mean ―?" Tiffany asked, her voice trailed off as a question to the smirking Yuri.

"Are you scared of heights?" Yuri asked Tiffany first.


"My ideal of extraordinary fun includes..skydiving."

"WHAT?" Tiffany said, almost shouting.

'Was this girl crazy or something?' she thought about Yuri, who was grinning nonstop ear to ear.

"What? aren't you up to the challenge?" Yuri retorted, knowing that Tiffany would not lose so easily to her. But all Yuri wanted to do was just let Tiffany have fun for a day, let all her stresses be free and just enjoy a normal (or actually, not so normal) fun life for a day.

Tiffany scoffed, "Who told you I'm not? I'm totally, absolutely up for the challenge."

Yuri rose up an eyebrow, "We'll see about that, let's make an 'itinerary' for today shall we?"

Tiffany shook her shoulders, "Go ahead. I'm sooo looking forward to it." she said with sarcasm as Yuri took out a pen and a sheet of paper before starting to write out the so-called 'itinerary' or lists of things to do for today. From a distance, Tiffany was squinting her eyes trying to decipher what Yuri wrote on the paper, but all she caught was that 'skydiving' was included on the list. Tiffany's heart was beating fast thinking about 'skydiving', if they actually go through with it, it's the first time ever that she got to experience something like this. Both scary and exciting to her at the same time...leaning more towards the scary side.

"Done!" Yuri stood up with the piece of paper in hand. She grinned as she handed the paper to Tiffany and let Tiffany read it out loud.

"1. Eat breakfast made by Kwon Yuri, 2. Go karting at the race track, 3. Arrive at skydiving location, 4. Go play billiards - loser pays for dinner, 5. Dinner at a authentic Japanese styled restaurant, 6. Kwon Yuri drives Tiffany Hwang home..?" Tiffany finished reading, her head lifted up from the paper to Yuri.

"I predict this is going to take up the whole day today." Yuri smiled.

"Again? me spending a whole day with you again?" Tiffany scoffed (although she didn't really mind to be truthful).

"Well, if you don't spend it  with me, who else would you spend it with? especially with you and your non-existent social life." Yuri said, but quickly realizing the last words was a bit harsh.

"Who said I don't have a social life!?" Tiffany retorted.

"Sunny." Yuri replied short, causing Tiffany to grumble.

'That shorty is gonna get it from me'

"I just want you to have fun, that's all. Life of a celebrity is hard, you rarely get to go out and do some crazy stuff, ya know?"

"Yeah..I doubt any actresses would want to go 'skydive'"

"That makes you one special actress then huh?" Yuri winked.

"Sure, why not" Tiffany replied half-heartedly.

"Oh! so you admitted!?" Yuri shouted.

"Admitted what?" Tiffany asked confused.

"Admitted that I was right!" Yuri grinned.

"Wait, what? No I didn't!" Tiffany retorted back, bemused.

"Yes you did!"

"No I didn't!" Tiffany said, becoming more iritated.

"Yes you did, now let's go eat breakfast made by yours truly okay?" Yuri smiled as she quickly grabbed Tiffany's arm and headed down the stairs to the dinning room.

"No I didn't!"


"How's the French toast?" Yoona asked Seohyun, studying her closely as Seohyun ate.

"It's really good." Seohyun said delightedly. Yoona smiled.

Their classes won't start until an half an hour more, so they took a morning stroll around the campus before decided to sit on the bench by the sundial in the courtyard.

"I'm worried about Tiffany, she hadn't came home yet last night." Yoona said, worrying, "I wonder if she's still at that basturd Siwon's house."

Seohyun placed her hand on Yoona's shoulder, "Don't worry, she's at Yuri unnie's house." she assured.

Yoona looked at her confoundedly, "How and why is she there?"

"Yuri unnie just told me she passed out drunk, so she took her back home because she didn't know the address to your house, she didn't tell me how she met Tiffany unnie, though." Seohyun explained.

"Thank God for Yuri, I feel more at ease to know she's there with her."

Seohyun smiled, "Don't worry about it, Yuri unnie will take care of her."

Yoona laughed, "Seeing the tension between them two, I'm sure Yuri will take care of her good."

"Huh, what do you mean?"

"Don't you see it?" Yoona asked.

Seohyun shook her head as to saying 'no'.

"They have a..hmm, whatchu call it?..a like-hate relationship?" Yoona explained.

Seohyun rose up her head in astonishment, "Really?"

"They argue a lot, and both are total opposites but you can tell they care for each other in a way, remember when Yuri unnie panicked when we found out that Tiffany gone?"

"Oh, right." Seohyun nodded. In the midst of their conversation, Hyomin spotted the two and hurriedly went over.

"Yoona!" She shouted while crossing the courtyard. "There you are, I was looking for you." she said, out of breath.

"Hi, nice to see you again." Seohyun said, giving her a small polite bow.

"You too." Hyomin said short.

"What is it?" Yoona asked her, her eyes glanced at Seohyun to signal Hyomin that she was in the middle of being busy with her, but Hyomin just pulled her aside so that Seohyun wouldn't be able to hear their conversation.

"Remember that girl Jonghyun introduced you to?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She's creating a ruckus after she knew you played her." Hyomin explained short.

"Played her? it was consensual sex - a one night stand, no strings attached, what is she talking about?" Yoona asked, baffled.

"Did you say the 3 words?"

"Of course not, do you think I'm that stupid?"

"Well, I don't care, you better come and solve quick this before that Seohyun of yours is gonna find out." Hyomin advised, taking a glimpse Seohyun who was just standing awkwardly fiddling with her fingers as she watched the two talk.

Yoona assured Hyomin with a nod and walked over to Seohyun, "I have to go do some errands with Hyomin..I'll see you during lunch break, try to save a seat for me!" she smiled, and Seohyun nodded, "Okay." she told Yoona, smiling also.

"I'll see you soon!" Yoona said lastly, waving her hands at Seohyun before Hyomin pulled her away quick.

"Hurry up player, we have no time. Save your flirtatious moves for later."


"How was breakfast? were you amazed by my awesome cooking skills?" Yuri asked, her hands firmly gripping the steering wheel as she looked at Tiffany who was seated next to her in the car.

Tiffany scoffed at Yuri's unbelievable cockiness, "It was just toast and fried eggs! Even I can make that!"

"Hey! it takes skills to fry the eggs to the desired result!" Yuri retorted.

Tiffany rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

Yuri laughed and nudged Tiffany with her elbow.

"Yah! do you like nudging people all the time like this?" Tiffany yelled, swatting Yuri's arm away from her.

"I don't do it to just everyone, only you." Yuri said cheekily, grinning, "So where are we going now? look at the itinerary."

"2. Go karting." Tiffany said out loud, reading the so-called itinerary Yuri had made for the day.

"Have you ever went go karting before?"

"No." Tiffany shook her head.

"Good, that means I'm 99 percent sure I'll beat you in a race." Yuri joked.

Tiffany raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that? if you per say, say that you're sure

that you're 99 percent sure that you'll beat me, how are you so sure that I'm not the 1 percent that will beat you?"

"Wanna make a bet?" Yuri put forward.

"What do you want to make a bet on?"

"Since I'm sure that you'll lose, you get to choose." Yuri teased.

"You'll see." Tiffany rubbed her chin, trying to think of some humiliating ways for the loser.

"Loser writes 'Dunce' across the forehead with a black Sharpie marker." She suggested.

Yuri guffawed, "Haha, seriously?"

"Am I not serious enough?"

"Okay, whatever. Fine, we'll go with that then. I will laugh if the paparazzis catches you with the 'Dunce' across your forehead, I can just imagine the headlines already!"

"Oh, and if you lose, not only that you have to write 'Dunce' across your forehead, but you'll also have to take a picture of you and post it up on your blog saying you lost to me, THE Tiffany Hwang in a go karting race."

"What, are you serious?"

"Am I not serious enough?" Tiffany repeated her phrase from earlier.

Yuri groaned.

"Fine, if you lose, I get to take the picture of YOU and post it up on my blog too, saying that YOU, THE Tiffany Hwang lost to me in a go karting race. Deal?" Yuri beamed and extended her right hand to Tiffany as her left hand handled the steering wheel.

Tiffany grinned and shook the hand.


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