16. A lot is there in my heart, which no one can understand....

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Thanks for all the love and support...

No more bak baks...

Lets move to shot. 16:

Pragya really feels very bad that she left her sasural abruptly... Though she didn't like Abhi at all, she likes her mother in law Sarla, who is no less than a real mom to her, whom pragya is longing to have all these years ...

Pragya wants to be with Sarlama for some more time and she really carves to have some time with her and want to spend time with her brother in law sid too who is a naughty prankster and his fan worshipping always makes pragya to feel happy...

Pragya's love on sarlama cant be explained in words... She feels happy to be with her and she feels herself way too lucky to have such a good soul, who cares for her a lot...

Just days passed since abhi and pragya got married... But rather than abhi and pragya's mysterious cold war and peculiar relationship, sarlama and pragya bonded like a real mother n daughter and pragya finds peace and happy when she is with her....

Pragya sighs and rushes to meet the producer who is way too annoying and suddenly changed the plans of her concert and its been preponed all of a sudden...

She is highly irritated and annoyed as her plan to torture abhi in the name of honey moon goes in hay wire... She grits her teeth in anger and she cant accept the fact that her plan is backfiring...

Pragya barges into the production house and its clear from her face she is not happy at all about the fact with the unexpected things which flops her plan and she boils like a volcano...

But poor pragya doesn't aware of the fact that rocky is the one who is behind all this sudden happenings and this is just his dirty game play to trap pragya and fulfill his long term wish....


Rocky's pov.:

Wah... Wah... You are way too brilliant rocky... 😂😂😂😂... Its all in the game pragya... How long did you made me to suffer??? You are going to be a treat to me today...

What do you think of me pragya??? Am I seem to be a joker to you??? Do you know how cunning and clever this rocky is??? If not, how would I have made you to fall for me and have reached this greater height in a short time...

Im not used to be like this pragya... Im also a good hearted person and I have a lot of principles in my life... But what I got... Nothing... Always I had only rejection as I don't have money... My parents too ditched me and went with the way they want....

Then I changed myself... All I came to know is that I have charm n look which can make any woman to fall for me.. I want to become richer in a short time and I used you pragya as my trump card...

In reality pragya , I faked to love you but truly saying I fall for your good nature and loved you so much... You are the only girl who made my heart to melt...

But I don't want myself to be a laughing stock anymore and I don't to fell in the crap called marriage... I tried my level best to have you for my desires but you escaped from me easily...

Now I wont love you anymore pragya... You ditched me and married that good for nothing abhi na... I accept that he has the same face as mine but Rocky is the best always and that idiot abhi cant even near my shadow too...

I don't want to be a loser pragya... I know one day or the other, you will change your mind and you will ditch me for sure for your so called husband...

So, Im gonna fufill my desire and after that you will come to me daily as I know no one can reject this rocky's charms... Come soon babe... Your rocky is waiting for you... "


Abhi comes home after sid reaches home... Though abhi want to stay there on seeing sid's sad face, sid asks abhi to go to home saying that its just a mere headache and he wants abhi to be with aaliya to make her happy...

Abhi enters the home and saw
Ro dadi and aaliya having dinner.... Abhi too joined them... Aaliya fakes a smile and tries her level best not to make abhi sad...

Abhi: Hey aalu... Everything is okay na... You are fine right...

Aaliya: Obviously jiju... Im fine... Quite a hectic schedule iñ college... Too much assignments and project works...

Abhi: Hmm... Ya... I guessed it right... Sid too is very tired n dull today..

Aaliya: I told you na jiju... Leave that... By the way where is your worst half pragya... Did she ditched you n sent you out???

Abhi: Aalu... 😬😬😬😬😬... You naughty girl... If pragya hears you, she will kill you... She has went for an urgent meeting with the producers... So, I came home and she will come soon...

Abhi, aaliya and Ro dadi chit chat and had their dinner... Abhi doesn't know why he is feeling some strange negative vibes in his heart all of a sudden... He want to feel some fresh air, so he went and sit in the swing in the lawn....

Abhi's mobile starts to blink with the name purab flashing...

Purab: Abhi... Where is pragya??? Why her number is not reachable??? Are you still in your home???

Abhi: No purab... I came back an hour ago... Pragya has went to meet the producer... She has not yet returned and me too waiting for her...

Purab: Whaattt???? Still pragya
didn't come home...  I went to meet the producer and returned home... Pragya is not there... I came to know that pragya is very upset, so I wished to talk with her...

Abhi now understands that something is wrong and the matter is quite serious...

Abhi: Purab... just tell me where will pragya go when she is irritated or frustrated...

Purab: Where else... To the farm house only... Why are you asking abhi???

Abhi: Nothing... I think pragya has came and she seems to be tired... Will ask her to call you in morning??? Bye...

Abhi cuts the call and rushes to his room and picks up his car keys... without anyone's notice, he comes out and takes his car and rushes to the farm house with worry striken face and completely in fear that nothing wrong should have happened to pragya...

He reaches the farm house which is beautiful and elegant in the dark night too... The gate keeper opened the big gate and informed abhi that pragya madam asked no one to disturb her...

Abhi shuts  him off and drives inside the big farm house which seems to have no traces of any humans... He rushes inside and he is panicking and worried a lot with the erotic feeling he is getting because of the strange darkness...

The farm house is calm and no sort of movement is observed in the room... He searches for pragya everywhere and he didn't miss a single nook and corner too... He sighs and came to a conclusion that pragya is not there...

But a sudden sound outside the garden caught abhi's attention and he rushes out in a hurry... Abhi's eyes popped out to see pragya is completely in an inebirated state and dancing near the pool like a mad...

Abhi: Pragya... What's this??? What are you doing here???? Im worried a lot for you...

Pragya stammers: Youuuu... Ha.. ha... Youuuuuu arrrrreeee whooooo... Yooouuuu abhiiii or roccckyyyyyy... I see ... One... Two... Three... many here.... Who are youuuuu???

Abhi: Pragya...    Im Abhi... Abhishek mehra... your husband... Come lets go to home... See its very dark here....

Pragya: dark... 😂😂😂... I looooovvve darkness... Pragya isssss a failure... She isssss a loser... No one likes me and you kill me nowwwww....

Abhi: Stop talking rubbish pragya... Lets go to home and we will sit and talk there...

Pragya starts to cry hard: 😭😭😭😭... Youuuu also don't like me na... you too will ditch me right... Rocky scolded me and slapped me hard as I didn't allow him to kiss me... Yuck... He is a badddd boyyyy...

Abhi grits his teeth and he turns furious that Rocky was also there and but he felt relieved that he didn't do anything wrong with pragya and she is safe and all alone now...

Pragya whines: That idiottttt is saying I don't know to kiss... Youuuu telll me abhiiii... I kissss you gooodddd na.... Why I will kissss that rockyyyy when I have youuuuu abhiiii...

Abhi lips curved to a smile automatically and he is so happy that pragya never allows anyone other than him to kiss her and what's in her heart is coming out without her knowledge...

Abhi: Ya... I know you pragya... You like me so much na... So, you like to kiss me and you are the best

Pragya giggles and dance happily and hugs abhi tightly... She keeps on blabbering something and abhi caress her head lovingly... They stand there for sometime feeling each other's warmth...

Abhi: Shall we go home rockstar????? You look so tired...

Pragya protests: noooo... I wont come... kissss me and tell me, Im the bessstttttt...

Abhi smiles and kisses her forehead... Pragya points towards her cheeks... Abhi kisses both the cheeks... Then she points to her lips, abhi gave a quick peck as he felt nauseated with the alcohol smell...

Pragya: Tell me now...

Abhi: Rockstar pragya Abhishek mehra is always the best in the world... She is the queen of my heart and I love you a lot...

Pragya: oohoo... I like it... Ask me...

Abhi: Tell me... what's in your heart???

Pragya: There's a lot in myyyyy heart... Im a baddd girl abhi... Go away from me... Im bad.. very badddd... Don't come near me.... You will become bad...

Abhi tries hard to console pragya who is crying like a baby falling to ground...  Abhi doesn't know what to do and he takes a deep breath and scoops her in his arms and places her on the car and drives to home...

It was not so easy for abhi to convince and console pragya who is whining like a baby... She keeps on shouting and jumping from her seat and asked him to leave her...

Abhi threatens her and takes her inside the house and warns her if she shouts, he will give her to the terrific ghost... Pragya gets scared and  keeps fingers on her mouth and runs to her room...

Abhi shuts the room door and sighs out of relief as no one in the house is aware of what happened....

Pragya: abhi... 😭😭😭😭...

Abhi: Now what happened dear??? Lay down and sleep... You are a good girl na...

Pragya: I want gulab jamun...

Abhi: Okay...  I will get it for you tomorrow...

Pragya: Noooo... I want nowww... 😭😭😭😭....

Abhi: Shhhh... No crying... Or ghost will come and take you... Keep quiet... Be a good girl and sleep...
I will get gulab jamuns for you...

Pragya smiles brightly and throws herself on abhi and kisses him soundly... Abhi caress her head and rushes to kitchen to prepare gulab jamun...


After sometime, abhi is admiring his wife pragya who is gobbling the sugar dipped yummy and fluffy golden balls, literally saying the gulab jamuns which abhi has made by his own hands for his wife with full of love...

Pragya keeps a gulab jamun in her mouth and asked abhi to have it from her... Abhi chuckles and takes a quick bite and pragya blushes too hard as their lips brushed a little...

Abhi pulls her cheeks and pragya giggles and keeps on filling her stomach as if she is hungry for years... Abhi finds pragya no less than a baby and prays to god to keep them happy like this together always...


In the other side, Rocky is completely frustrated and his irritation is highly visible in his face which is taking the shot to not get finalized more than taking 25 attempts... He excuses and barges to his caravan to calm him down...

He is completely annoyed as his plan flopped again because of the unexpected ad shoot and he has no choice left than to come soon... He is turning like a mad and he doesn't want pragya to lose her virginity to her husband...

Rocky takes a shot and gulped it in a go.... He consoles himself that pragya didn't feel to get kissed by him too and she is not at all comfortable with that...

So, he came to a conclusion that pragya is still a virgin...  Rocky smiles brightly and had a belief that he will be pragya's first always , not aware of the fact that pragya is not of use to him anymore....

In one side, Pragya and abhi are in their own world blissfully enjoying their love making and other side Rocky is planning his all tricks to have pragya in his arms.... An idea popped out in his mind making Rocky to cheer happily...

So, what's gonna happen next????

What is Rocky's idea to trap pragya???

What will rocky do if he knows he is a loser in front of abhi???

Will pragya truly falls for abhi or will she continues her tortures????

What is abhi going to do to get his love???

To know more stay tuned...

As usual, came up with a long update of 2330+ words....

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes as I didn't proof read...

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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