17. I'm not blessed to see you like this always...

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Thanks for the support and love...

Now to shot. 17:

Pragya is giggling like a kid and munching the sugar coated golden fried balls ( gulab jamun) with her juicy lips and spilling the syrup like a baby..

She twists her lips and tries hard to lick the syrup in her face.... But she gets irked as she couldn't touch that with her lips and its out of her reach ...

Abhi not able to control more, bursts out into laughter seeing his wife pragya's cute antics... Pragya raises her brows and gestures him as what with a frown layering in her face...

Abhi pulls her cheeks lovingly and licks the syrup that came up in his hand when he touches her cheeks... Pragya pouts as abhi has licked the syrup without giving it to her....

Abhi : 😂😂😂😂... I had it not giving it to you... Sorry baby I liked it so much... It was so yummy as it gives a sweet taste of you too...

Pragya gasps in shock and her cheeks turns red... She blushes too hard and a smile creeps in her face uncontrollably...

Abhi: Aww... You look so cute like a baby... How sweet and adorable you are looking... I love to see you like this always... Pragya baby you are the sweetest thing than this gulab jamun..

Pragya: Really... Am I looking like a baby... No... No.. Im a rockstar... Hot and sexy... Arrogant and very bad devil...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... No.. You are my cute , little rockstar only baby.. I love you sooo soo much... I want you to be like this always...

But Im not blessed enough  for that at all... You will forget everything in morning and will be back to your hatred mode towards me.... 😞😞😞

Pragya: I cant understand what you say... hmm.. Why are you sad all of a sudden??? Am I that much bad??? You don't like me na...

Abhi: I like you so much baby but you are thinking Iv spoiled your life as I came between you and rocky...

Pragya yells: No... No... Am I a fool to say that.. Yuck that good for nothing rocky... He is a very bad boy... Do you know how much he scolded me??? He tried to touch me abhi... Idiot how dare he..

I dont like that rocky.. He is saying Im not worth to be loved and even no one will kiss me too... If I don't have money, fame and looks, no men will look at me.. Is it so abhi??? Am I so bad??? You are loving me and kissing me na...

Abhi want to kill that Rocky for ill treating pragya and bad mouthing about her.. He finds a good opportunity to punish Rocky in a very horrible way..

Abhi cups pragya's face and said: Why are you thinking like that pragya??? I dont need or want any men to look at my pragya.. Im there to love you all my life na..

Pragya: You will be with me na abhi.. you wont leave me right... Will you love me now??? Please.. please...

Show me how much you love me.. I want to be loved by you abhi and I want to show that rocky I too can be loved... You will kiss me with love right... please...

The pleading pragya is really looking like a baby for abhi.. He pulls her closer and kisses her forehead... He slowly starts to trail kisses sensually making pragya to moan in pleasure...

Abhi shows pragya how much he is madly in love with her and he is not hurted with the way she treats him at any cost..

Abhi knows pretty well that pragya will forget everything and back to her arrogant, hatred mode in the morning when she comes out of her inebriated state...

But abhi doesn't want to miss the moment and want to cherish the happiness as he sees only the pragya who is loving him very madly and possessively...

After their sweet encounter, pragya hugs abhi and sleeps in his chest.. Abhi caress her head and kisses her forehead lovingly.. He holds pragya possessively in his embrace and drifted to sleep..


Next morning, pragya wakes up with a heavy headache.. She blinks her eyes as where she is and came to know that she is comfortably sleeping in her cozy bed, wearing her night gown and is covered properly in a duvet...

She couldn't understand how she end up in home from farm house... She sees the side table which has a tray with juice, breakfast , milk and tablet.. She took a note which is kept along with that..

" Good morning rockstarji... Sorry Iv to take you home as you were so drunk and is in a bad state when I found you in farm house..

I don't want aaliya and dadi to get worried for you, so I did like that as I don't want them to know you were missing all of a sudden ...

I know you will be angry as I changed your dress... I did it as your partner in bed and not as your husband... Have your food and medicines if you wish and no compulsions...

Sorry Iv an urgent work in office and I don't want to annoy and irritate you in morning itself by spoiling your sleep... I wished to wait to get your permission to go to office but I have to go as its a serious issue...

Sorry again... If you can get ready soon as purab said you have to do rehearsals at 11.30 with your team... I know you are thinking as if Im ordering you right...

No... no.. Dont break any things in the room as its your hard earned money ... Show your anger on me if you want...

You are pleased to beat me or punish me after I come home... Im just passing the informations which I come across... may be like a pa or your employee or your loyal partner in bed..

That's all, I want to tell you...

Dont stress yourself...
Eat well...

Take care...

Have a nice day...

Keep smiling...

Rock the floor...

Your partner in bed

Abhishek Mehra..."

A smile creeps in pragya's face unknowingly with the way abhi guessed her and cared for her... But she doesnt want to fail in front of abhi at any cost and she wants to punish him  sure for spoiling her happy life...

Pragya rushes up and gets ready very fast as she has only half an hour left to reach her team...  She is always a perfectionist when it comes to work and she hates excuses...

She hurriedly goes out and drives her car fastly and reaches over there and joins her team....

Pragya starts up with the rehearsals and she is working way too hard as she doesn't want anyone to point out that she has lost all her charms and spirit as she got married...

She wants to show to the world that a girl can flourish in her career same as before after getting married too... She puts all her efforts to make the concert a big hit than the previous ones....


Abhi is really busy with lots of works in the office and he is doing it very sincerely without bothering about having food too...

Abhi frowns as he hears a knock at the door interrupting his work... Abhi is about to shout but he kept mum as its purab at the door...

Purab: Sorry abhi... Did I disturbed you???

Abhi: No... Not at all... Don't be so formal purab.. what happened you came all of a sudden to office???? You were with pragya in the rehearsals na.... Is Pragya is fine ??? Nothing wrong with her right...

Purab: Abhi... Just hold on man... Brethe at least.... Calm down.. relax... Allow me to speak
at least...

Abhi: Sorry purab...  Pragya was not well last night... She is stressed too much... I was worried for her... She is okay na purab...

Purab: Your wife is perfectly fine Mr.abhishek mehra ... She is after all my Little sister abhi and I will take care of her pretty well... Don't worry man...

Abhi sighs: Thank god!!!! I was really scared as you came up all of a sudden to office leaving praya... Huh... Now only Im relieved....

Purab: Too much love is injurious to health abhi... Iv not loved my wife bulbul too this much... Really pragya is very lucky to have you as her husband...

Abhi blushes uncontrollably...

Purab: See I forget to tell you na... I want you to meet some important persons... If you are okay , can I call them inside... If you are busy, its okay... Let me make them meet you some other time...

Abhi: what's this purab... Where are they??? Come lets go and meet...

Purab: Its okay abhi.... Let me go and call them... They are pragya's upcoming show's producer... They want to meet you...

Without hearing purab, abhi left his cabin and rushes towards the producers who are sitting in the reception.. Abhi shooks his hand with them....

Abhi: Im extremely sorry for making you two to wait here... Just now I came to know about you sirs... Please come inside and don't mistake me... Sorry again for any inconveniences caused...

The producers are looking at abhi with a shocked face and they didn't reacted too... Abhi don't know how to convince them and purab too joins them hurriedly...

Purab: Abhi.... This is Mr. Mehul chopra and this is Mr. Arhaan kapoor....

Mr. Mehul and arhaan this is...

Arhaan/ mehul: Don't give us a shock again purab saying that this is rockstar pragya's husband Abhishek mehra...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... That im only sir...

Arhaan: I cant believe my eyes...

Mehul: God is really very great...

Abhi: I couldn't get you sir... Can you please come with me to my cabin... I don't like any of my guests to be treated like this... please sir....

Abhi gets them inside his cabin and makes them to sit over there comfortably... Abhi asked purab to be with them and he rushes out excusing himself for some time... He came back after 5 minutes with a tray of coffee n snacks...

The producers were really stunned and they are dumbstruck with the way abhi is treating them and they are overwhelmed with abhi's gestures...

Mehul: I have decided Arhaan...

Arhaan: Me too want the same... Purab we have decided... Its going to be Abhishek mehra for sure...

Purab: Wow... I told you na sir... Abhi you did it man...

Abhi: Sorry I couldn't understand anything... If you all don't mind, can anyone say what's going on???

Purab: Abhi... you know na pragya's concert is finalized all of a sudden and its in a very short time... Its a very big event and Mr. mehul and Mr. Arhaan is going to use it as a fund raiser for helping the disabled...

They want the news to reach widely and for that a promotional shoot is needed... Now they want you to shoot with pragya...

Abhi: Whaaattt.... 😨😨😨😨.... What are you saying purab???? I'm not an actor or a model to do ad shoots... How can you expect me to do this???

Sir... I'm extremely sorry and I dont know anything about this... You have come and met a wrong person sir... Pragya wont be pleased with your decision... Why not you choose a nice actor or some famous model for this???

Arhaan: Mr. Abhi to be frank we choose the famous super model Rocky to do this promo shoot with Rockstar pragya... But that money minded, disgusting Rocky talked a lot to us....

You know what ,  we only introduced that heartlss rocky to this field but that bloody bas***d is demanding for more money as he doesn't want to act with a married woman....

He is also mocking at us saying that pragya won't perform well and the event is going to be a failure and all... He says that we are wasting our money with a married girl...

Abhi 's anger roses and he just want to rip that rocky terribly into pieces.... But he composes himself and he want to prove that moron rocky that his pragya can blast the show hundred times ahead....

Abhi: That Rocky is not worth to stand near my wife pragya... Im so happy that he didn't accepted the invitation... But why not you choose some other person rather than me... How about some famous heroes???

Mehul: Mr. abhi don't mistake us...  Rocky and pragya has done many promo shoots and their chemistry is liked by many... So, only we thought to use them together again...

We don't know what to do when Rocky talked like that... We were talking to purab regarding this issue and he only informed us about you...

Arhaan: To be frank Mr. abhi, we didn't believed that you have a  similar face of that rocky as we could not turn up for you wedding too... Really we are way too shocked to see you...

Mehul: Please Mr. abhi... We are hoping to get your positive reply... You are way too best than that Rocky... That rocky has only looks but you have a golden heart and your pretty smile is enough to steal the show....

Purab: please abhi... Accept it... Say yes for the sake of pragya at least... Im sure you will do it far better than rocky... Pleasee.....

Abhi had no choice than to accept it as he don't want anything to spoil pragya's dream concert...

Abhi: Alright... Im okay with this... Its only for my pragya.... But I have a condition.... If you are okay with that, Im ready to do it...

Purab, mehul and arhaan gasps in shock hearing abhi's condition and they nodded their heads reluctantly and worried a lot as what is going to happen in the promo shoot....


In the other side, Rocky is day dreaming happily that pragya will come and beg him to do the promo shoot with her... He knows pretty well that the producers will accept it soon and come up with a lump sum pay for him....

He looks at pragya photo lustfully in which she wears a very short dress... He touches its sensually and groans inwardly and kisses it and had a stupid belief that its not going to take long to have pragya in his arms.....


So, what's going to happen next???

What is abhi's Condition to do the promo shoot???

What will rocky do when he knows the truth behind pragya and abhi???

What will happen if pragya came to know that abhi is only shooting with her???

What will be rocky's reaction when he came to know that abhi has replaced him in the promo shoot???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2550+ words....

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes....  I dont find time to  proof read....

Don't forget to vote by clicking the 🌟 button only once.... Silent readers dont forget....

If possible, pen down your valuable comments and reviews....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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