18. Mission to trap Rockstar...

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Thanks for all the support...

Just 12 more chapters to go....

Yup, its decided... This story will  have a maximum of 30 chapters....

Now to shot. 18 without bak baks:

Purab and the producers Mehul and Arhaan are completely in shock on hearing abhi's condition and they were completely confused to the core and couldn't understand what abhi is upto...

Purab: Abhi... I couldn't get you..  What's the need for all this???

Abhi: Its absolutely needed purab... Im doing it for the well being of pragya... I need all your support  in this.... I want to show to the world that a girl will not lose her charms after she gets married too...

Trust me, this plan will surely get succeeded and I will show what that rocky deserves for talking bad about my pragya... Im eagerly waiting to see his defeat... Expecting your support in this... If you're not okay, then leave me....

The producers Mehul and Arhaan agreed to abhi and they assures abhi that all will happen as abhi expected... They shooks hand with abhi and goes out happily after chit chatting with abhi and purab...

After sometime,

Purab: Abhi... Are you hiding anything from me???

Abhi: No.. No purab... Why are you asking like this??? What's the need for me to hide???

Purab: Just answer my simple question abhi... Did you and pragya are living like a husband and wife in true sense??? I hope you understand....

Abhi: Yes... Of course... Why you have such sort of doubt, purab??? I don't know how to explain you purab... We are husband and wife not only legally but physically too...

Purab: Really... Dont try to lie man... I know pretty well about pragya... She is a stubborn girl and Im damn sure she wont forget the bas***d Rocky soon and accept you as her husband...

Abhi: Swear on my maa and ro dadi, purab... I and pragya are not any strangers bonded in a marriage... We were living like a husband and wife in true sense only...

I don't know how to prove you purab... 😊😊😊😊😊.... We took our relationship in the very first day of our marriage... Huh... Purab... How will I prove you????

Purab: Oh my goodness... Its unbelievable man... Really..  you did it abhi... Im so happy now as my pragya starts to accept this marriage and accepted you too...

Abhi: I didn't do anything purab... All credits goes to your rockstar sister pragya only... She is an unbelievable and u predictable girl.... Just some corrections have to be done then and there to bring some sense in her...

Purab: 😂😂😂😂😂... I agree with you abhi... she is one thick headed girl and didn't mind anything before she acts... Now I understand why you say so... So this is a different kind of love hun... She is revenging you like this hun...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 yup... But I like this sweet yet peculiar revenge... Silly girl... 😂😂😂😂... But I like it so much...

From my side love is overflowing truly. . From your sister's side, a different  revenge love is overflowing... But remember, truth always triumps and there is no end to love too ..

Purab: You are amazing man... Keep up the spirit... Let's rock the promo shoot... Double check for that idiot rocky and our wild lioness pragya ..

Both purab and abhi hi-fied and discuss clearly about what is going to happen in the promo shoot... Abhi gets the script papers from the producers and go through it properly and smiles widely on seeing the theme of the ad...


Pragya was not aware of any happenings.... She is complete busy with the rehearsals and is hell tired as she is doing practice continuously...

But she is having her food in between as purab threatened her to have it but the real person behind the stunt is that, the caring husband Abhishek mehra....

Pragya is completely tired and exhausted and returned home at 11 in the night... She didn't have her dinner as she is not in mood to eat... She rings the bell of the house and is leaning on to the door as she has no stamina to stand too...

Abhi opens the door and is startled to see pragya in a pale and exhausted state... Pragya loses her grip and about to fall... Abhi holds her properly in his embrace and protected her in his strong arms...

Abhi: Are you okay pragya???

Pragya: yeah....

Abhi understands from pragya's voice in what condition she is... He scoops pragya in his arms and walks to his room and places her in bed....

Abhi hurries and brings food for pragya... Though she is hungry, she is not at all in a mood to eat...

Abhi: Pragya... You are completely drained out... Eat this and sleep.... Please...

Pragya: No need... Just don't irritate me... I want to have some peaceful sleep... Move away before I turn wild...

Abhi: Sorry.... If you don't mind, can I feed you??? Don't think, Im doing as your husband... Think like Im a maid... Please.... Your body needs strength and you have to be fit to do the rehearsals properly tommorow na...

Pragya reluctantly agrees and leans on the head board... Abhi smiles brightly and he feeds pragya happily...

Pragya couldn't understand with the way abhi is behaving with her... Her heart is pleased with abhi's care but she keeps on chanting in her mind that she should not drown in his fake love and she should go ahead with her revenge....

After sometime, pragya lays down to sleep but her body is paining terribly... She controls herself not to moan in pain and embarrasse herself before abhi... But she fails to notice that abhi understands her pain rather than her...

Pragya gasps in shock as she feels abhi is massaging her body and she feels it as a soothing relief to her body pain... But her mind is auscillating with many confusions...

Pragya: What are you doing??? Take your hands off me... Im not in a mood for anything today....

Abhi: I too dont have any intention like that and remember Im your partner in bed ... I know my limits pretty well and I know Im there to serve your bodily pleasures... Never I will touch you intimately without your permission...

Now Im massaging you, as I know your body would be in terrible pain... If you take a warm shower, it will help... But you are too tired to do that...

So, I thought to massage you to get rid of your pain... You only said na  Im your slave... Didn't I have to do this for my boss??? A sort of service...

Pragya is dumb struck and doesn't know what to answer abhi... Whenever abhi says he is her slave, partner in bed, servant, pragya gets really irritated and her bloods boils why he is not saying he is her husband....

Pragya feels comfort with the way abhi is massaging her body... She feels all her pains are vanishing in thin air... Slowly she drifted to sleep snuggling very closer to abhi...

Abhi smiles and kisses her forehead...
He hugs her tightly and mentally preparing himself to face the promo shoot with the way he has planned... His lips curved to a smile as he starts to dream about the ad they are going to picturize....


Days rolls on..

One fine day,

Aaliya rushes to her class as she is quite late and slept off... She hurries her steps and runs fastly not to miss the class... She dashes with a person unknowingly...  she closes her eyes in a fear that she will fall down with the sudden attack as she loses her balance  ...

Aaliya gasps in shock as she felt the warmth of the same hands which she longs for,  holding her protectively in his embrace... Aaliya tries to get rid of that hold but its very tight and she couldn't come out of that so easily....

Aaliya sighs and closes her eyes to compose herself without losing her sanity.... She is highly affected with the closeness of the man she was madly in love with....

He is none other than her jiju's younger sibling, Siddharth mehra who broke her heart into pieces... She composes herself and smirks at looking at him...

Aaliya: Hello mister... Can you just leave me???? Im not your personal property to hold me like this... Shame on you to use a girl's weakness....

Don't you feel disgusted to touch a bitch like me... Move.... Move.... Before anyone talks ill about you... I dont want anyone joining your name with me... Yuck... Move off..

Sid: Aalu darling... I don't care about anything... All I want now is only you... When you fall on my arms all of a sudden, am I a fool to miss the chance...

Im not moving anywhere babe... You can shout for help, if you want... Let me see who will mess up with me...

Aaliya: Disgusting idiot... Leave me... Stop troubling me mister... Sure I will say, this to our family... I don't want you to face the wrath of abhi jiju n sarla ma... If you repeat this, I will surely say it...

Sid: Aww... Do it soon darling... Im waiting for that only... By the time, we complete our studies, I want you to be mine forever... Mark my words... You are only mine and you can't escape from me easily...

Aaliya: What the hell... You have gone nuts completely... Leave me... Sid Don't annoy me... Tell me what do you want...

Sid:  I need only you... Just give me a kiss and go to class now... Whenever I need, you have to give me or else Im not leaving you... We two will miss the classes like this daily and we will become the gossip of the whole college...

Aaliya: Huh... Why are you not allowing me to live in peace sid??? Why are you troubling me like this??? Leave me sid.... I don't want   to insult or curse the person whom I loved the most... move...

Sid: I love you so much  aalu... I want to regret for my actions... Please try to understand me... Im feeling like my heart is struggling without you... Please don't do this to me... Don't avoid me...

Aalu... Im really sorry... Love me like you do always.... Please I need you all my life... Im feeling lifeless without you aaliya... Come back to me as the same crazy aaliya who loved me madly...

Aaliya: wah... Wah... Mind blowing performance... What do you expect me to do??? To hug and kiss you and accept your love... . Hilarious... 😂😂😂😂😂.... Nice joke...

You have killed the aaliya who loved you madly and broken her heart into trillion pieces... This is just the heartless and lifeless aaliya... Just don't trouble me.. Move.

Sid: Then I have no choice left sweet heart... Im going to use the same weapon as of yours... All these years you were behind me and try to seduce me na... So, the game repeats my love...

Before aaliya registers what's sid talking, sid kisses her deeply in her lips... He twirls her and bites her earlobes making aaliya to lose all her sense...

He nuzzles her neck and bites her sensually marking her as his and pecks on forehead and moves to the class making aaliya to freeze in shock....


Rocky is in cloud nine and is getting ready for the promo shoot... He is way too happy as the producers mehul and arhaan agreed to pay him the money he expected...

Rocky is whistling happily and gets dressed up for the shoot... He perfumes himself with pragya's favourite perfume to seduce her completely... 

Rocky is smiling brightly as the ad is themed like he wished, followed by a video album too... Rocky is planning and in a mission to trap the arrogant rockstar pragya who keeps on escaping from his clutches...

Rocky wants to prove to abhi that his wife is a puppet to rocky... But little did he know that he is going to see a biggest shock of his life....


Pragya comes down dressed up happily as she is going to meet rocky after a long time and gonna shoot with him... She joins Ro dadi, aaliya and abhi for breakfast... Purab too joins them after sometime...

Purab: Shall we leave pragya??? You are ready right... We have to get there and rehearse before the shoot...

Pragya: Yes bhai... Im ready..  just give me five minutes okay... I want to talk with abhi and then we can leave...

Purab chuckles and looks at abhi teasingly... Abhi too winks without pragya's knowledge and goes behind her to the guest room...

Pragya pulls abhi closer and sensually touches him... She comes closer near abhi and kisses him as much as she can... They part apart for a long time...

Pragya: oohoo... That's good pragya... You can do it... Yeah... What are you looking at??? Why this sudden kiss hun????

Even though we were busy the whole night, I just want to set my mood now.. simple.... Wanna know why???? If you don't wish too, I will tell you... I just want to see your sad face with the news...

Today I have a promo shoot... Do you know who is going to act with me??? My rocky... The dresses were too short and romantic and many intimate moments are going to be shoot..

I just preparing and training myself the whole night with you... Now too I did that only... Thanks for helping me man... Today I will perfectly do it and I know pretty well my Rocky will be impressed with me today... Dont cry okay...

Go to office and do your work very sadly... So sad... poor you... I really feel pity for you man..m If you want, come to shoot and enjoy our hot, romantic moments... I will surely get the cd for you too...

Pragya kisses abhi again deeply and moves out looking at abhi's dull face... Abhi laughs hard after pragya goes out and a naughty smirk lingered on his face...

Purab saw the glow in pragya's face when she comes out from room... The swollen lips of pragya explains purab what would have happened and he prays to god to bring some sense in pragya....


So, what's going to happen next???

Will abhi's plans gets succeeded???

What is rocky gonna do in shoot???

What is the shocking twist going to happen in the promo shoot???

Will sid be able to convince aaliya and win her back???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2500+ words...

Sorry for errors and mistakes as I couldn't proof read...

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off...

Will be


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