24. Success never shuts the door, when you have an Excellent support....

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Never give up in your life until you try hard and chase your dream...  Don't back off from your passion, dream , ambition or whatever you wish for until you get succeeded...

Success did not knock at your door very easily...

A lot of patience, hardwork, effort, commitment and the spirit to never give up for anything will make you to get succeeded in your life.....

I don't know whether I've done all these or not....

But Im so happy that success has knocked at my door finally, for the effort I put forth 😊😊😊😊😊....

Wanna know what it is...

Very happy to inform you all that this story "Longing for my wife" has won the FIRST PRIZE in Best story in character potrayal in Abhigyan awards 2018...

Thanks to everyone who made this possible for me to gain the fruit of success...

Here is the winning certificate and winning sticker in my cover ...

Thanks to everyone for all your love and support...

I was hell scared to start this story initially, as it will show a girl in a way too rebellious way and torture her husband like hell...

At first, when I introduced the hero and villain with similar faces, some people were against this and some even bashed me mercilessly for the name itself.... I was completely hurted a lot by their rude words and I was not in a mood to continue this story anymore....

But to my surprise, many supported me and the people who scolded me earlier starts to support me too after I changed the name... This story picked up in slow pace but gained everyone's attention very quickly and the support today this story is receiving is incredible....

Words can't explain how I felt on seeing all your support to this story... Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart....

11 more chapters to go to draw curtains to this story completely....

A lot of shocking twists awaits...
A scary and unbelievable roller coaster ride of abhi and pragya are on the way....

So shall we proceed to chapter. 24:

A dark night is blooming and glittering with the brightness from the big, big lights set in the city's famous outdoor stadium where the most awaited concert of the country's one and only (lady) Rockstar, the lady behind a melancholic and classy voice, the Rockstar Pragya is going to take place ...

A thunderous roaring and cheering is heard all over the place and a huge crowd is eagerly waiting, looking forward and are way excited to see the concert.... All the eyes where glued upon the place as if they are waiting for their favourite food eagerly....

Everyone are seated according to the cost of the tickets they bought... The rockstar pragya's family - Ro dadi, aaliya, sarlama , sid and bulbul are seated in the front in the vvip section...

As purab is pragya's manager cum p.a., he is in the backstage looking for all the arrangements.... But the whole family is wondering where has  abhi gone in pragya's big day and he is nowhere to be found...

Everyone knows that how important is this concert is for pragya... It's not only a big concert but this concert is like a do or die situation for pragya as its happening after her marriage....

Pragya, though she is bold to face anything, she is quite nervous as people have a sick and stupid belief that marriage is a final end of a woman's career and a woman will get retired from her dream and passion, if she gets married...

Pragya is in a mission to prove this society's cruel lie to be false and worthless.... She want to break all the foolish beliefs of the people and to bang and rock the floor with all her might....

She badly wants to prove to the world that marriage is not an end of a woman and she can get succeeded in her dreams, if she has dedication, sincerity, hardwork and the passion to achieve her dreams, no matter what...

Not to forget, a married woman can break all the odds and walk forward when she has a supporting and understanding family.... A married woman can achieve all her dreams, if she has an encouraging husband who treats her success as that of him...


Sarla: Madhu ji (Ro dadi).... Where is abhi beta??? We have not seen him anywhere.... Is he is with pragya beta???

Ro dadi: Im not aware of it sarla.... Abhi beta went early in the morning saying that he has some important work in office... He didn't return back till we started too... Wait... Let me ask bulbul or aaliya whether purab has said anything to them or not...

To their dismay, none knows anything about abhi and even sid is fed up of trying abhi's number for a long time as its keep on repeating that its switched off.... The family wishes abhi to come soon as they all knows that abhi's presence will boost up pragya's energy...


The whole auditorium's lights gets dimmed and the stage alone started to glitter with full of light and a rocking music of the guitar hits the floor.... The crowd hooted , clapped and whistled as the show gonna begin now....

The host does the initial introductions and welcomes everyone presented there.... The producers Mehul and Armaan are standing nervously on the back stage and is praying that the concert should go well as they planned and become a huge hit....

A complete silence prevails all of a sudden, as the flash light focuses on the top of the stage as like an angel from the paradise, Rockstar pragya descends down with her guitar with a mission to make everyone mesmerized only on her..

The show begins and pragya starts to bang the floor making the whole place to go gaga over for her performance and the crowd is getting glued up in the magical spell of the melancholic voice....

But the woman behind all these happenings is wandering her eyes here and there, looking for the person who is like an intoxicated drug to her... Though she is enjoying and performing very well, a complete disappointment is clearly visible in her face as abhi is no where to be found...

The performance ends and pragya leaves the stage with the heavy clap to get ready for the next performance... Pragya is hell furious and getting frustrated as she needs abhi with her right now or she can't perform as expected....


Purab runs hurriedly and enters pragya's green room as she is not coming out for a long time... Purab is completely startled as pragya is sitting like a statue without hearing his calls too... Purab shooks her hard to bring her down to earth...

Purab: Pr... Pragya... What Happened to you all of a sudden??? You are fine right... Its getting late pragya... Anytime the comedy show will end and you have to perform the duet performance in the stage...

The back dancers, the music troop,  your male partner everyone is ready and is waiting for you... Only you have to come pragya... Shall we go???

Pragya:  Im not in a mood to do anything bhai... Cancel all this... I just want to go to home now....

Purab gasps in shock and shouts: what the hell is your problem pragya... Are you for real??? Don't you know how important is this concert to you... Your worked very hard for these many days to make this concert a big success...

But without performing, how can you back out just like that... Don't behave like a stupid pragya... Who will answer to your fans and how can we get further concerts, if you behave like this... Come on get up... Let's leave to the stage...

Pragya: please puru bhai... Don't force me... Im not in a mood for anything ... Im feeling suffocated... I just want to feel fresh air and go out...

Purab: Tell me what exactly is your problem pragya... I know something is bothering you...

Pragya yells: Cant you understand anything puru bhai... Im saying, I can't do anything, if I didn't see abhi right now...  I want to see him now... If he didn't turn up before me, I will get mad completely and things will turn ugly for sure...

Ask that idiot abhi to come now... Where the hell he has gone... What important work he is having rather than coming to my concert...

He is becoming like a bad drug for me bhai and I can't do anything, if he is not beside me.... Ask that stupid abhi to come soon or Im going in search of him...

Purab's lips curved to a bright smile and he stiffles his laughter as he understands very well that how much pragya is madly in love with abhi... She is ready to run away from her passion too, just to be with him...

Purab side hugs pragya and pats her back... He caress her head lovingly as a brother who understands his sister's problem...

Purab: stupid girl... For this you created this much scene... Abhi is here only and is talking with the producers... You go and finish the duet performance and I will ask him to come and see you before the final medley performance...

Be happy and do your best pragya... Abhi is near you and he won't go anywhere without attending your concert or leave you alone anywhere... Trust me and come to the stage....

Pragya reluctantly agreed and goes to the stage not in a mood to do anything... She spots the team of dancers waiting for her but the male partner is not seen anywhere... 

The performance starts with the most romantic song sung by the Rockstar Pragya which is playing in the background... Pragya too is singing along with it  and she is swaying her whole body according to the music...

Just then the crowd hooted and a dazzing handsome hunk in the rockstar outfit with the guitar in his hands, hits the stage with a bang... He leaves the guitar there by a signatire rockstar pose and comes near pragya and twirls her....

Pragya is not able to see the face as its being covered with a mask... But pragya gasps in shock as she feels the same touch in her body... The eyes hidden inside the mask gives her some sort of assurity and she completely goes into his control without her knowledge like an iron pulled by a magnet....


The crowd is completely awestruck by the performance... The dance, the chemistry, the romance, the understanding between them made the crowd to believe that they are made for each other...

The whole crowd is mesmerized with the performance and the whole place is echoing with the heavy and thunderous claps and whistles.... The performance ends but the crowd is not in a mood to leave them before giving another performance...

Pragya doesn't know what to say... But to her surprise, her male partner kneeels down and asks for her hands to perform again.... Pragya too readily agrees to dance without bothering about anything.... They enjoyed the dance as if its a promise for their long term togetherness.....

The song ends with the typical abhigya posture of their eye lock.... Pragya can't take that anymore... She wants to assure her that it should be her abhi only... She pulls the mask and is completely stunned and didn't reacted for a moment... She even forgets to breath too...

The family didn't expected that it will end up like this.... They know that its not abhi as he doesn't know to dance.... Everyone are way too shocked to react to the happenings, as they know that its not their abhi in the stage with pragya but that super model Rocky instead..

Pragya feels a stinge of pain in her heart as she keeps on arguing with her how come she can be way too carefree and perform this much romantically and  intimately in the stage that too before a huge crowd with Rocky....

Pragya feels disgusted of herself as she doesn't have the guts to face her family and what will her family think about her... She doesnt know how to explain them her point and her helplessness and she is confused how to ask for their forgiveness...

Her eyes welled up automatically and all she want now is to run away from there without being cursed by anyone... But to her surprise and shock, she is being holded tightly and her moist eyes are being wiped away elegantly... That's it....

Pragya got back her lost breathe and hugs him tightly knowing very well that its not that Rocky with her in the stage but its none other than her husband Abhi only whom she has married for her so called revenge....

The whole crowd is completely shocked to see pragya crying like this and they never expected that the arrogant super model will console their rockstar pragya like this... The family couldn't figure out what's going on.....

Just then, purab along with the producers and the host comes to the stage with a heavy smile in their faces.... Purab takes the mike and started to speak....

Purab: So, all are confused right what's going on here... Here we are to broke all your shock and give you all a happy surprise...

Here is the man who had a sizzling and mind blowing chemistry with our rockstar in the music album... He is the man who become a hot throb of all the youth in a single night... He is the man who neglected all the offers just like that....

He is the man who is the pillar of strength and support for your Rockstar Pragya... He is the man who leaves all his happiness and living for the happiness of our Rockstar....

He is the man who finds happiness in the success of our Rockstar ahead of his own.... He is the man who rules our Rockstar and he is the gifted man to arrest our Rockstar in a beautiful bond...

Give it up for... The man of the evening.... The new sensation... The man ruling pragya... The one and only Abhishek Prem Mehra who is none other than the husband of our Rockstar Pragya....

The whole stage is echoing in thunderous clappings and its difficult for everyone even to believe that abhi has a similar face of that Rocky...

People cursed themselves for believing that its Rocky and they all becomes the fan of abhi instantly who is least bothered about the happenings but concentrating only in consoling his wife who is crying no less than a baby....

The whole family is rejoicing with happy tears to see abhi and pragya together in the stage and its hard for them to believe for a long time as they have never seen abhi like this and they never in their wild dreams too thought that abhi will do such thing for pragya...


Later that night,

Aaliya is walking towards the backstage to search for her sis Pragya and her jiju Abhi to go to home as its getting very late ... As dadi insisted, she walks towards pragya's green room...

All of a sudden, aaliya is being pulled by a strong muscular hand and she falls exactly on the muscular chest.... Aaliya couldn't see who it is as its quite dark but she understands from the masculine scent that its none other than sid...

Aaliya tries to get rid of her hold from sid... Sid is hell adamant not to leave her.... He slowly starts to reduce the distance   between them.... Aaliya is sweating too hard with the intense look of sid and closed proximity....


All of a sudden.....


So, what's going on???

Will sid be caught by any one???

What will be pragya's reaction after this???

Will pragya forgets Rocky and understands that she loves abhi only???

Will pragya get rid of her revenge and becomes a good wife of abhi???

Keep guessing and stay tuned..

Cast your votes & pen down your views without fail....

As usual a long update of 2750+ words..

Sorry for typing errors and mistakes, if any...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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