25.Do things that make your soul to feel happy without letting ego in between.

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I'm extremely sorry for not updating this story...

I have completely forgotten to update this story thinking that I've updated recently as per my rotation..  Sorry for making you all to wait this much long....

No baks baks lets move to shot. 25:

Warning: Read at your very own risk... Strictly no bashing is allowed...

Step forward after pressing the
🌟 button ...


A bad attitude can ruin and block your real happiness... It keeps you away from the greatest blessings of your life and push you to the dark hell...

A simple apology could fix the broken love that shouldn't have broken in the first place... Don't let your ego to destroy your love...

What you do now will come back to you in the future for sure... Life has a funny way to make you feel, what you make others to go through...


The concert was going on in full swing... Abhi and Pragya performed really well for a medley performance, as requested by the audience... People are thrilled and looking at awe seeing them perform together in the stage....

Finally, the concert ended with a big bang earning huge applause and appreciation to the hot and sensational couples of the evening who sets the stage on fire with their sizzling chemistry and mind blowing performance....

After thanking every audience, Pragya dragged Abhi from there  without hearing Purab, who is running behind them, calling Pragya non stoppingly by saying that she has to meet the reporters and has to give interview to them....

Purab: Pragya.. pragya... Listen to me... We have to meet the press now... Please come with me... Abhi, you also need to join us... Its really very very important...

Before Abhi speaks anything, Pragya glares at Abhi, making him to shut his mouth tight, without uttering a word to purab... Abhi knows why Pragya is reacting like this and his face curved to a bright smile on knowing his restless wife and her impatience to go away from there  ...

Pragya shruggs off her shoulders and looks at Purab with a disinterested look.... She leans on to Abhi's shoulders and takes a deep breath by inhaling her husband's masculine scent to calm her down ... She is irked as purab is not letting them to go....

Pragya: Purab bhai... Just handle everything here... I'm hell tired...
I did everything as said by you all these days... I did it all perfectly... Now, I need some relaxation and please don't disturb me for at least a week...

I need to spend my time with my Abhi... Hope you understand and didn't interrupt our privacy... Haan... Inform in office too and if possible go and handle the office on your own... Abhi is not at available for a week and we won't be reachable, if you try too...

Okay bhai... It's getting late for us... We need to go on time... Sorry... Take care... Bye.... Answer the media people properly okay... Come Abhi, let's go...

Pragya talks like a thunderous storm and vanishes in thin air, by dragging Abhi together with her... Purab shooks his head in disbelief and his lips curved to a big smile on seeing Pragya's hurry to spend her private time with Abhi...

Purab prays to god to keep pragya and abhi happy together always... He wishes that pragya should completely forget Rocky and her so called revenge marriage and to live a happy life with abhi life long... But, he is not aware that fate is not going to be in their favour....


Ro dadi asked aaliya to go and look for abhi and pragya and ask them whether they are joining them or not... Aaliya too goes in search for them and is walking inside the isolated corridors of the backstage....

Aaliya's pov.:

what's going on here??? What happened to this idiot sid again?? Why he is sitting like a broken soul all through the concert???

Why he is not talking to anyone and just answering dadi and sarlama in monosyllables??? Huh... This idiot does everything only in extremes... Senseless fool....

All he knows is to show his stupid manly attitude and worthless ego... What he does always is to ignore everything and will look like he has lost everything in his life... I need to kill this idiot for doing all these....

Im completely mad on you sid and I wonder how have you become my abhi jiju's brother and my lovely sarlama's son.... Abhi jiju handles everything wisely and elegantly and you dumbo even doesn't know how to woo your lady love too...

Learn something from my jiju you idiot sid... My jiju is handling the rough and tough, stubborn, àttitude rockstar pragya with his smartness... But you dumbo can't handle me properly... Im not bad like pragya but you even don't know that too...

Idiot sid... Im hell angry on you for forcing your rights on me... But that's doesn't mean that I have forgotten you and not at all loving you... Only you rule me you stupid mehra... Can't you come and apologize to me wholeheartedly???

Just say a word sid that you did everything without your senses and regret for your actions... I will surely forgive you sid no matter what and you will see how this aaliya loves you more than anything in this world...

But you good for nothing showing your stupid manly ego to me... Remember mister, I won't forgive you till you really regret for your actions and give me the valid reasons... You are forcing me and I am worried that your actions shouldn't make me hate you at any cost....

Aaliya wipes her tears which is flowing in her eyes without her knowledge... Her throat hitched and she gets hell scared as she felt a pull on her wrist... Aaliya is shocked to see Sid standing there with  fire in his eyes...

Aaliya: what is your problem sid??? Why are you troubling me again and again??? Behave properly sid... Our whole family is here...

Sid: Let them see everything... I can't stay away from you aaliya... I want you and I can go to any extreme to get you...

Aaliya: Nice joke Mr. Mehra... Im Wondering are you the same sid who pushed me like a shit... I couldn't get you why on Earth you are running behind me now a days...

You are crossing all your limits sid... Im keeping quiet only for the sake of abhi jiju and sarlama... Why not you understand that how much they feel if they see you behaving badly with me...

You are forcing and hurting me very badly sid... 😢😢😢😢... You kissed me showing your stupid ego and you manhandled me to prove that you have all the rights on me... You are completely sick and insane...

You are not the one I loved... The sid I loved knows only to love everyone... But the sid standing before me is a monster who just lusts me and nothing else....

Sid is spitting venoms in his eyes and without realizing his mistake or asking apology to aaliya, he pulls aaliya closer and about to slam his lips with her to show his manly power... But sid is startled as he is being pulled away from aaliya all of a sudden...

A heavy slap echoes the whole place and sid's world revolves around as he didn't expected this at all... He stumbles in his steps and is about to fall down but Aaliya runs and hold him carefully not before he falls down...

Sarlama is standing there with full rage as if she will kill sid for stooping so low and misbehaving with aaliya... Ro dadi is also watching the scene from far but wish to see what's going to happen...

Sid: Maa...

Sarla: Stop calling me maa anymore from your dirty mouth... I'm ashamed of giving birth to you sid... God has made me mother of two lovely sons and gave me two wonderful daughters as a blessing...

But you spoiled everything... You misbehaved with my daughter aaliya... Are you not ashamed of yourself Sid??? How can you stoop low??? See now too she is the one holding you and worrying for you as she loves you a lot....

But what about you sid... You are ill treating and forcing her... You become so cheap because of your behaviour... Can't you see the pain in aaliya's eyes???

You made ill on my upbringing and made me a laughing stock in front of everyone ..  I disown you sid and you never come in front of my eyes.... You are not my son anymore.... Please forgive me Aaliya beta .. 😭😭😭😭😭

Sarla cries hard and sid is really feeling guilty of his actions... She stumbles a little and sid is about to run and hold sarla but he backs off on seeing sarla's anger... Ro dadi comes there and pats sarla and asked her not to cry....

Sarla: Madhu ji... Im really very sorry for his behaviour and I didn't know anything about this earlier....

Ro dadi: Sarla... Just calm down... Don't get panic.... Lets talk about this later ... This is a public place.... Why to publicize our family matter to everyone...

Don't worry sarla and don't feel sorry and all... I know everything and even abhi beta and pragya knows about this earlier... Abhi beta has seen everything on his own and came to talk with you and sid regarding this... But he couldn't talk to you as pragya came suddenly there...

He informed me and pragya everything... Pragya suggested me that why not we fix their marriage... But I told them not to do so as I want them to step in happily in their married life...
You relax and go to home... All will be fine soon...

Pragya wants to spend some alone time with abhi it seems... She called me and informed me that they are going for a short trip... So, let them come back and we will discuss this later .. Sid beta... Take sarla to home....

Sarla shouts angrily as sid nears her: Nooo... Don't come near me... Im not going to the home in which this monster is living... Aaliya beta doesn't want this shameless guy... She deserves the best...

Ro dadi: Sarla... Remember aaliya loves sid so much and she won't marry anyone other than sid... We are not going to force them for marriage... Let them settle their problems on their own...  We are going to fix this marriage only when we see them together happily...

Is that okay for you??? You don't want to go to your home na... Come to our home and be with us... Sid beta... You go to home and lets talk about this later... I hope you won't trouble aaliya anymore...

Sid hungs his head down and folds his hand asking for apology to everyone... He kneels down and cries hardly not able to control his emotions... Aaliya too cried on seeing sid's state and she wished to run and hug sid tightly and console him saying that she is with him...

But sarla holds aaliya's wrist tightly and drags her from there by giving a stern look followed by a calm and composed Ro dadi... All through the way, Aaliya is looking back on seeing sid's disheleved state which brokes her heart to the core....


Abhi parks the car in pragya's farm house and steps down... He opens the door for pragya  and extends his hand for pragya to get down... But pragya smirks and rises her two hands gesturing abhi to pick her up in his arms...

Abhi smiles and picks pragya like a delicate flower and steps inside the farm house... Their eyes are speaking all through the way and pragya's face is filling with varied emotions....

Abhi drops pragya in the couch in the living room and about to go out but pragya holds his wrist tightly...

Pragya: Where are you leaving me???

Abhi: No where... Just will get our food from the car and come in a minute...

Pragya: I don't need anything other than you right now...

Abhi: Pragya... You are really tired and exhausted... You need food right now or your health will get spoiled... Purab told me that you where too stubborn not to have anything during the concert time... Just freshen up and come... By the time, I will set everything...

Pragya stomps her feet in anger and moves to the room slamming the door with a big thud... Abhi smiles on seeing pragya's childish behavior and moves to get the food... He locks the door and set the table elegantly as if he is setting the table for a romantic candle light dinner....

He walks inside the room and his jaw dropped to see pragya wearing a loose noodle strip top and a high waist short skirt... Abhi takes a deep breath and calls pragya for dinner... But she is hell adamant not to move...

Abhi picks up pragya in his arms much to her protest and feeds her forcibly... But to his shock, pragys eats the food like a small kid... Abhi couldn't understand pragya's behaviour and he can't come to a conclusion that whether she is out from her revenge mode or not....

After dinner, abhi makes pragya to lay down on the bed and covers her with duvet and kisses her forehead... But pragya pulls him harshly and made him to fall on her....

Abhi: Pragya... You need complete rest now... 

Pragya: I know... just shut up... Lay down near me and hug me... I need to talk to you and nothing else...

Abhi: Okay...

Abhi lays near pragya and she came on top of abhi and hugs him tightly... She keeps her head on abhi's chest and didn't utter a word... Abhi is startled as he feels some wetness in his shirt....

Abhi looks up and sees pragya crying hugging him tightly... Abhi doesn't know why pragya is crying all of a sudden... When he caress her head and kisses her forehead, she bursts out into heavy cry and presses her whole body cocooning inside abhi as if a baby needs her mother's warmth when she is heart broken..

Abhi: what happened pragya??? Why are you crying like this???

Pragya; Why abhi??? Why did he do like this??? He too thought right that a girl becomes worthless after marriage.. What wrong did I do other than loving that idiot???

Tell me abhi.. why did he come in my life???? Did I ask him to come and make friendship with me??? Why did he made me feel that I can't live a life without him??? So, money only matters to him and not my feelings right..

I know that idiot would have talked very badly .. If not, you would have not stepped in this, which are out of your interest.. So, my love failed right... Its proved that there is no one to love this  Pragya...

Abhi's eyes too welled up on seeing pragya's outburst..  He understands that how much pragya would have loved Rocky very madly.. But abhi doesn't know how to explain pragya that rocky is not worth and deserve to be loved by her and he is there to shower her with all love...

Abhi: Shhhh.. stop crying pragya.. Relax and sleep now.. Lets talk about this later..

Pragya screams aloud: Nooooooo.. I can't bear this pain.. why its always me abhi???? Why being a big celebrity too my life is messed up like this???? Am I not worth to get the basic happiness which a normal human deserves...

Is it wrong that I'm born as a girl or is it wrong my parents died when we are infants??? Is it wrong that I worked on my passion and choose a field which is usually reserved to men..

Tell me... why everything happens wrong with me??? Why im pushed into a forced and loveless marriage?? Why am I crying like this helplessly in front of you whom I want to take revenge???? Why am I finding solace in your arms forgetting everything????

Abhi doesn't know how to explain pragya and how to distract her from thinking too much.. He knows very well that pragya needs him right now and he knows only he will be a best medicine for her broken soul.. He can really understand the pain which is pricking pragya's heart to the core...

Abhi slowly lifts pragya's chin and slowly trails kisses on her face and sucks her tears.. Pragya felt an unknown shiver with the way abhi kissed her as if he is healing her pain.. Slowly she starts to drown inside abhi forgetting everything and she doesn't said anything to abhi as the move is initiated by abhi and not by her....


Next morning, Abhi opens his eyes lazily and looks for pragya beside him.. He is startled not to see pragya near him.. He gets up with panicked heart and rushes to check the washroom and he is so shocked not to see pragya there..

Abhi rushes and checks pragya in the nook and corner of the farm house but pragya is no where to be found.. Even the watchman and security at the gate is not at all aware of where pragya has went..

Abhi doesn't know where to find pragya as her mobile, car and all her things are there in the farm house.. Abhi cries aloud and goes out in search of pragya praying that she shouldn't take any drastically decision leaving him alone...


So, what has happened???

Where is pragya???

Will abhi be able to find out pragya???

Will sid regret wholeheartedly for his behavior???

Will sarla and aaliya forgive sid????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a very long update of
3000+ words...

Sorry if there are any typing errors and grammatical mistakes....

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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