27. Bitter memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks...

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Warning: Read at your own risk...

Contains some emotional  😭😭😭😭  scenes and 😊😊😊😊😊 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 scenes ..

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


Love is like a war... It's very easy to start but impossible to forget or give up...

Love is longing for half of ourselves which we lost because of foolishness and our mere stupidity...

Deep in my heart, I'm concealing many things which I'm longing to say to you... But I'm hell scared to confess you what I'm feeling now because I'm terribly frightened that you will slip away from me...


Aaliya reaches the college and keeps the food in Sid's place... She stares at the place longingly and a silent tear rolls from her eyes and kisses her lips with a bitter taste reminding of all the dark and unwanted memories which she want to badly delete from her life...

Aaliya feels an unknown pain, which is crumpling her into pieces and her whole self is trembling, as why her fate is so cruel and pushing her in a living hell... She couldn't understand what mistake she had done and why Sid couldn't understand her pure love all these days...

She is in an inner turmoil as why on earth, Sid changed his mind set all of a sudden and how come he started to behave the opposite and forces his love on her, which is unsaid all these days...

Aaliya couldn't figure out as why she senses that Sid has been loving her for a long time and has backed off and purposely hurted for some unsaid reasons.... She badly wants to know the hidden thing which is pricking her heart, all these days...

Tears are completely betraying Aaliya, as she remembers how vulnerable and helpless was Sid when sarlama slapped him hardly and said that he is no more her son..... Aaliya understands how much Sid would have felt bad at that time and her helpless state not to console him, when he need the most from her...

She sits in Sid's place and leans on the table and feels that she in leaning on her love sid and finds solace in his arms to wipe away the pains that's pricking her heart to the core... She understands from the foot steps that all the students are coming to the class....

Aaliya quickly gets up from the place and looks at the place longingly... She takes a deep breath and wipes her tears...  She plasters a fake smile in her face and moved to her place and her eyes are completely fixed on the door which is carving to see the glimpse of her love...

But to Aaliya's dismay, the college bell rings and the classes too started as the lecturer gets inside the class... He started the lectures as soon as he entered but Aaliya is not in a mood to listen anything he teaches... After a good long half an hour, the lecturer finally completes the class....

He took the attendance register and calls out the names of the students... When the name of sid is called, Aaliya is completely startled to hear a meek voice from the door.... Her eyes welled up to see Sid standing outside the classroom in a very fragile state....

The lecturer glares at sid angrily and asked him to get inside... Sid whispers something to him and he too nods his head and is talking something to him in a mere whisper... After sometime, sid takes his seat but Aaliya senses that something is wrong with Sid...

Though Aaliya wish to talk to Sid, they have back to back classes which didn't allowed her to move from her place... Aaliya takes a deep breath as it's time for the break.... She waits for sometime till the class gets vacated... 

Aaliya glares at Sid angrily while he hungs his head down... He is not in a mood to talk anything and his body condition is not in a mood to hear any awful or hurted words from Aaliya... He leans on his seat in a pained state but his eyes widened in surprise as he spots the traces of kajal and lipstick mark in his place....

Aaliya gets up from her place and walks towards Sid angrily... She takes the lunch box from the desk and opens the box and forcefully thrust the food inside Sid's mouth... His eyes welled up uncontrollably and Aaliya without thinking anything wipes his tears but frozes in shock as she didn't expected this at all...


Pragya is hell furious as she is not in a mood to hear Abhi saying that he has lost in thought as he is in search of her... Her blood boils and she hits him hardly not able to convey him that how much she got scared thinking that he is going to commit suicide...

The way Pragya hold his cheeks and the unsaid pain in her eyes, the priceless tears which are flowing without her knowledge clearly explains that Pragya is madly in love with Abhi and she can't imagine a life without him...

But the worthless ego and an unwanted fear in Pragya is not in a mood to accept her love on Abhi... Though she understands all these days that Abhi is not a gold digger or money minded person who trapped her in marriage... 

But she puts a big lock in her heart as she thought loving again is a sin.... Her mind is screaming that she has loved Rocky only all her life and she shouldn't fall in love again betraying him... She is not aware that she has not loved Rocky in her life ever but she has imagined that his fake care and show off as love..

Pragya is not in a state to understand that she is a biggest fool who is hurting a poor soul who loves her immensely and is showering her with all love and care which she carved for all these years...

 Abhi is the only person Pragya loved and she allowed only him to touch her passionately and intimately and she finds an unknown peace and solace only in his arms and opens up everything to him without her knowledge too....

She shows all her emotions and feelings only with Abhi and even her vulnerable state is known only to him... No one knows that the famous Rockstar Pragya is very fragile by heart...

The little girl who is scared and longed for love, who masked her feelings with her self confidence, the hidden loving soul behind the egoistic Rockstar is known only to Abhi... He sees her no less than a small baby who carves for mother's love..  

Pragya's adamant and stubborn nature holds her not to step forward and made her to back off from loving Abhi ... She clearly misunderstood that Abhi is caring her as they are partners in bed and he is her so called husband who has to answerable to the elders and is showing off as that of a caring husband to the outside world....

Pragya's mind and heart are standing in the opposite directions and is completely confusing  her to the core.... She just want to come out of this turmoil and turns her attention towards Abhi who is looking at her intently and deeply....

Abhi getures Pragya to come near him and they are sitting only inches apart... Their hot breaths are brushing each others lips and their eyes are talking an unsaid story between them....

Abhi: What happened Rockstar??? Is anything bothering you???? I'm fine and dont get worried please... We will leave tomorrow as you planned and I swear you can have a peaceful time there leaving all your stress...

Pragya: That's better you stupid moron... Dare to spoil my mood or pull up any unwanted stunts, I will kill you for sure....

Abhi bites his lips and controls his laughter....

Pragya barks in anger: whaattt....

Abhi: You look so beautiful Pragya when you get angry.... This bossy attitude, your angry tone, your arrogant smirk, the glaring doe shaped eyes, the flaring nose and these lips which are spitting the words and crushing the words into pieces are simply adding to the charm and beauty of Rockstar Pragya....

Pragya:  What the hell... 😬😬😬😬😬... You are completely insane Abhi... Are you mocking and taunting me saying that I'm a heartless devil???

Abhi: Arrey no... No... This is what I like the most in you Pragya... To tell the truth, your willpower and confidence has changed me completely.... What I've become today is all because of you...

Pragya: Really... You are not saying anything to divert me na...

Abhi: Not at all... Haven't you seen the changes in me??? Am I same like the Abhi whom you have first met??? Now this Abhi is at least matching a small bit to the Rockstar Pragya na...

Just then Pragya realizes that Abhi who was way too nerd, scary and fears to talk anything before anyone is talking to her with full of confidence... The boring, chashmish wala Abhi who is least interested to dress up has transformed himself into an elegant businessman who handles the Arora group of companies way too brillaintly...

The dressing, hair style, the way he speaks,  the way he handles the problems and how he interacts with  the employees are completely changed.... Even Pragya realizes how Abhi is confident when he did the ad shoot with her...

She can't even imagine how Abhi danced very confidently in the stage and how he addressed the audience without getting any fear... Shock is an understatement for Pragya as Abhi said that she is the reason behind everything....

A blushy smile creeps in Pragya's cheeks uncontrollably and she gasps in shock as Abhi gave a quick peck in her lips and muttered a thank you for everything she did to him... A big pool of happiness is overwhelming Pragya too much and she doesn't know how to react to it too...

She diverts her gaze from Abhi and realized that she needs to give food to Abhi as it's time for his medicine.... To Abhi's surprise, Pragya feeds him with full of love and takes care of him properly for the first time as that of his legally wedded wife....


Sarla and Ro dadi who are talking on some random topic are completely startled to see Aaliya bringing Sid to their home... Sid looks way too tired and Aaliya is holding Sid carefully by holding his waist who is partially leaning on to her shoulders....

Aaliya gestures no one to say anything by her pleading looks and she carefully takes Sid to the near by room in the ground floor... She calls the cook and gives some instructions to him....

She forcefully feeds Sid and gives him medicines... Ro dadi and sarlama are watching everything from outside but none said anything... There is an awkward silence prevails between Aaliya and Sid for a long time...

Aaliya helps Sid to lay down on bed and covers him with duvet... She without bothering about anything kisses his forehead and mutters
"Get well soon Sid" to him..

When Aaliya is about to leave from there, she jerks up as Sid didn't allowed her to move an inch too... The sudden assault by Sid makes Ro dadi and Sarla to gasp in shock while Aaliya is not in a state to bear all these anymore....


Three days passed in a blink....

Abhi and pragya are chillaxing themselves in the private beach in the resort of the island... Pragya is wearing a noodle strip short shirt and small skirt which hardly covers her knees... Abhi is in a sleeveless tee and shorts as Pragya choose that this is the best outfit for the beach...

Abhi and Pragya are sitting under the a large umbrella which clearly hides their presence from anyone... Abhi is leaning to a back rest and he holds Pragya in his embrace as she has leaned completely in Abhi's muscled chest... Abhi hands are surrounded in Pragya's waist while she has closed her eyes enjoying the cool breeze in the embrace of her husband....

Abhi is adoring and feasting his eyes happily with the beautiful look of his wife who is looking like an etheral angel in his arms... He slowly leans on to Pragya's shoulders and gives a slow smooch in her neck and inhales her natural scent...

Pragya moans uncontrollably without her knowledge as Abhi's lips brushed her ears in a sensual way....

Abhi: So, you didn't said anything till now Pragya.... You didn't ask me about....

Pragya jerks up and turns towards Abhi angrily... She glares at Abhi and moves way too closely and dangerously near him which is ready to burn him with fire...

Pragya: Dare to open your mouth... 😤😤😤😤😤... I said already Abhi...  I don't want to hear anything about that swineless and heartless moron...

Don't irritate me Abhi... You promised me that you will make me happy and stress free till we are here... But now your started again with these unwanted nonsense talks... 😠😠😠😠

Take that lotion from the bag and give a nice massage to me okay.... I want to relax myself and my tiredness should be wiped away from me... Is that clear 😬😬😬😬??? So, You didn't forget na what I said....

Abhi: Ya... I didn't forget anything... But can I say you something, if you allow me...

Abhi suddenly closes his mouth as Pragya pushed him hardly and about to get up from his hold... He pleads through his eyes and gestures her to calm down and sit....

Abhi slowly moves pragya's flowing hairs and makes it into a small bun.... He keeps a small pillow in the beach mat and asked Pragya to lay down with his pleading looks... He took the lotion in his hands and started to massage her....

Though pragya said that to Abhi angrily and asked him to do that as a sort of giving punishment to him... But she lately understands that she has given a reward to Abhi and not any punishment...

Abhi who has completely gone crazy for Pragya in the honeymoon trip is way too adamant to please his Rockstar with all his might... He vows to fulfill all her desires and is way too stubborn to shower her with all his love...

Earlier it was Pragya who forced Abhi a lot to kiss her and make love with her whenever she wishes or desires... She misunderstood that it's a way of taking revenge from Abhi... But Abhi is smart enough and made up his mind to prove Pragya that it's purely love and not revenge....

Abhi knows that how much he has effect on his wife Pragya.... His simple touch will making her to melt completely in him... Now too Pragya is moaning uncontrollably with the way Abhi's hands are doing magic on her body with the sunscreen lotion...

Abhi: So, Pragya... Are you enjoying the massage given by me??? Now you will be relaxed and can have a nice sleep na...

Abhi winks at Pragya with a teasing smirk in his face... He knows very well that Pragya is completely aroused with his touches and he purposely said that to irk Pragya....

Pragya: Youuuu 😬😬😬😬😬... Abhiiii....

Abhi: Ya it's me only... Now accept it...  You have forgotten your revenge and ready to accept me as your friend... Haan... I know very well that we are partners in  bed but I want to give some other name to it... Why not we be friends???

Pragya shrinks her eyes: Friends???

Abhi: Kind of... Something like Friends with benefits... I will be happy if you accept me as your friend... If its yes, we can be partners in bed or simply friends with benefits....

Pragya : Hmmm... Not bad... Sounds good... So, the nerdy, chashmish Abhi is getting smart day by day ... I like it... Alright... So, friends with benefits...

Pragya forwards her hands while Abhi to happily accept it and compliments her with a soul taking kiss and not to forget to drown his wife in his love ....

One week Abhi and Pragya spend in the private island is the most happiest days of their life forgetting everything... They completely enjoys their time by their hot and passionate love making, sensual and intimate romance not knowing the fact this desire inside them is going to burn them completely into ashes....

They were way too happy not aware of the fact that they are going to face a big blow in their life as Pragya will be going to clearly misunderstand Abhi thinking that he is also an ordinary man who uses woman only for his desires and to prove that he is a man....


So, what's going to happen next???

What did sid do startling Aaliya???

Will Aaliya and Sid patch up soon???

Will Sarlama able to forgive Sid and will she hear what Sid hided all these days???

What is going to bring a big blow in Abhi and Pragya's life????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2950+ words....

Cast your votes without fail..

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Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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