28. Love is worth waiting and fighting for....

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When people say love is worth fighting for, I used to laugh hard... But when I look into your eyes, I understand it clearly that I'm ready face a big war to get you....

We always hurt, fight and argue with the persons whom we love the most, as it's a way of showing our love and care towards them....

Why to bother about the unwanted reasons that it won't work out at all... Rather just concentrate on the reason, it will work out...


Aaliya is completely startled to see Sid's devastated condition when he entered the class.... She is way too shocked to know that Sid is suffering from heavy fever.... Aaliya forcefully feeds the food, she brought from home and made him to have paracetamol tablet which is in Sid's packet....

Aaliya gave a deadly glare to Sid who tried to stop her... She took him to her home without bothering to hear anything from Sid... She is hell angry as Sid is doing the mistakes again and again without thinking about her feelings and hurting and tortiring both of them....

Aaliya came to know that Sid had been drenched completely in rain the whole night as he thought it's a good way to punish himself for the sins, he had committed... She is furious as Sid is torturing him like this, but not at all repenting or regretting for the mistakes, he had done earlier...

Ro dadi and Sarlama are completely shocked as they didn't expected that Aaliya will bring Sid to the home, all of a sudden... Aaliya made  quick arrangements for Sid's stay without minding the deadly glare of Sarlama...

Aaliya pleads through her eyes on looking at the elders, not to vent out angry on Sid as he is not in a condition to hear any harsh words from them... Ro dadi and Sarlama silently watched Aaliya feeding and taking care of Sid without bothering about what he did with her....

After giving medicines, Aaliya made Sid to lay down on the bed... She covers him with duvet and kisses his forehead... She mutters "Get well soon Sid" and about to move from there, but Sid holds her wrist tightly and pleads through teary eyes asking her not to move away from him....

Aaliya: You need complete rest Sid... Sleep now... Let's talk everything later...

Sid: Aa... Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭... Please... Can you be with me for some time??? I... I want to talk...

Aaliya: Sid... You are making it really hard for me... Leave me Sid... We will talk, but not now... Don't trouble me Sid.... Please...

Sid: 😭😭😭😭... I... I won't trouble you anymore Aaliya... But can you be with me for just five minutes... I... I... I just... just want to pour out, what's it in my heart...

Aaliya: Sid... Let's talk about this later.... You are really not doing good... Doctor had instructed that you need complete rest... Even I took leave from college too... So, don't bother about anything... We will talk after Abhi jiju comes here....

Stop crying like this... It will surely affect your health more... So, try to calm down and sleep... Let's jiju come... He will help you take a wise decision...

Sid: I won't be here Aaliya, when my bhai comes here... I can't face him, Aaliya... I can't tolerate to see any kind of hatred from my bhai... I will die that minute itself and...

Aaliya fumes in anger: Siddddd 😡😡😡😡😡.... Stop it... Keep quiet... You are doing everything wrong Sid.... Cut down your craps... Never say, you will die...

Sid shouts: Yes... I'm a wrong person... This Sid deserves only hatred from everyone and not any love... I'm the sole reason for my father's death... He lost his life to save me... 😭😭😭😭😭

But my maa and my bhai loved me dearly and cared for me so much... My bhai is no less than a father to me... He gives up all his wishes, desires and dreams to give a better future for me... 😭😭😭😭😭... He even didn't bothered about his small, small happiness too and prioritize my wishes ahead of him...

Tell me Aaliya... What can I do to repay for their love on me!!!! Isn't it wrong on my part to fall in love??? How can I become so irresponsible and enjoy my life Aaliya without minding the sacrifices done by my bhai???

I made up my mind to live my life only for making my bhai and maa happy and to make my bhai proud for his upbringing.... But... But..  😭😭😭😭😭.... I.. I failed Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭😭... This Sid failed in his duties as a son and a brother...

I'm so sorry...  😭😭😭😭😭... I couldn't control my heart, when I met you for the first time when you entered our college, when we were in the first year of our under graduation... The very first sight of you made my heart to get weaken and I lost completely to you, Aaliya...

I lost it Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭😭... All my self control have gone in thin air... All my vows and promises had gone and I forget in what condition, I'm in too... I forget my family, my commitments, my dreams and my stubborness broke completely before you Aaliya... I fall for you at that instance itself Aaliya....

This... This smile and this dimples in you took my breath away... I completely became insane at that time and for the first time ever in my life, I poorly performed in my exams... But, I came back to normal when I heard a convo between my maa and my Bhai worrying badly about my future....

That time, I decided Aaliya...  To give up my love for my family's sake and happiness... 😭😭😭😭...
I made my heart to become stone and rejected your love on me ,when you proposed me... I purposely ill treated you and avoided you a lot ..

Whenever you neared me, it was very difficult for me to control my love... So, I made up my mind to make you to hate me... But... But..  😭😭😭😭😭... You never stopped chasing me... I know, I hurted you to the worst but your love is way too strong..

Now too inspite of all the things I've did, you are with me Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭😭... I'm so sorry... You can question me, why am I behaving wierd these days... Though I have put a big lock in my heart not to love you, but something in me changed on seeing your crying, when I bad mouthed about you Aaliya....

I can't tolerate to see, you are going away from me and I became completely mad when you started to distance yourself from me Aaliya... Rather than my love, my obsession and possessiveness on you blinded my senses completely and I started to man handle you to prove that you are only mine....

I came to understand the reality when my Maa slapped and disowned me... How much wrong, I did to you Aaliya.... I don't deserve to get you Aaliya... 😭😭😭😭😭... Sorry.... If you can, at least forgive this idiot...

Sid cries aloud hugging Aaliya's waist and hot tears rolled down Aaliya's eyes too... Sarla and Ro dadi's eyes too welled up on seeing them... Aaliya doesn't know how to console Sid who is crying like a baby... But the effect of medicines started it work and Sid drifted to a deep slumber....


Four days passed in a jiff.... Abhi and Pragya are enjoying their trip in a blissful and passionate manner.... Poor Purab is completely decked up with lot of works in the office and he took the help of his wife Bulbul to look after the office works....

As purab and bulbul are completely busy in office works, they too were not aware that Sid and Sarla are in Arora mansion... Ro dadi keeps in touch with purab but she didn't uttered anything that happened there... Even Abhi and Pragya are not aware of anything that happened there....


One fine evening....

After a lot of pleadings and beggings, Abhi went to attend a video call from an important client... As Purab too pestered a lot, Pragya has to give up on her stubbornness and allowed Abhi to do the video call...

Pragya went to the beach and laid down on the beach chair to relax herself.... But, she doesn't know why she is having such feelings inside her... However hard she tries , it's completely haunting her and is keep on bothering her a lot....

Pragya's pov.:

What am I doing now??? Why I'm feeling that these are the best days of my life???? Why Im having this much peace, comfort, safety and security when I'm with Abhi??? Did I started to fall for him????

Nooooo... Never and ever.... How will I fall in love with a man whom I wanted to take revenge??? I accept, I completely forgotten my revenge as he didn't do anything wrong to me... Rather, he saved me from the bloody a****e, who tried all his might to take advantage on me....

How stupid of me... Why did I fall for that idiot Rocky??? He used my weakness and made me a prey to fall in his trap... Isn't it Abhi is also doing the same with me??? Why he is showering me with this much love???? Are they thinking that this Pragya is so weak???

Huh... I'm completely confused now... Can I trust this Abhi???? Will he become my pillar of support or will he too be like an ordinary man who has a cheap mentality that girls are only for bodily needs and for doing house hold works and taking care of kids alone...

God... I don't know, what's going to happen in my life... I started to believe in Abhi thinking that he won't cheat or betray me... I am keeping my trust in him so much and please god don't do anything that spoil our togetherness...

I can't handle another heart break... Though I didn't love Abhi and accept him truly as my husband, I trust him a lot... I can't tolerate, if Abhi do anything that spoils my happiness... I will never and ever forgive Abhi, if any such things happens....

Pragya comes out of her trance as she spots Abhi kneeling down before her and wiping her teary face..... Pragya closes her eyes and the precious droplets falls in Abhi's hands....

Abhi: What happened Rockstar???? Why are you crying like this???

Pragya: Crying???? Who is crying??? Can't you see, how much the sun is shining??? It's just... Just that my eyes too started to sweat because of this sun rays....

Abhi: Really... Is your eyes sweating??? You don't know even to lie too Rockstar... Tell me what's bothering you now... Am I not keeping you happy these days???

Pragya: No... No,.. Its not like that Abhi... I'm just confused and I don't know, why am I crying too...

Abhi pulls Pragya closer and kisses her cheeks lovingly... Pragya too smiles and leans on to Abhi's shoulder... She felt some sort of calmness on hearing Abhi's heart beats and she couldn't understand why she is finding solace in Abhi's arms....

Abhi: Rockstar... Please don't mistake me okay... Is it about that Ro.... Roc...

Pragya fumes in anger and tries to come out from Abhi's hold but he is not in a mood to let his wife go away from him....

Pragya: Abhi 😡😡😡😡... I'm warning you for the final time...  Never utter that bas***d's name before me... I'm feeling creepy to hear his name too....

Abhi: Sorry... Sorry... Promise,.. I won't repeat it... At least tell me what makes you to worry this much...

Pragya: I... I don't know Abhi... Something is bothering me too much... I don't know, why I'm getting bad vibes all of a sudden... I'm very happy but I can't enjoy this wholeheartedly....

Abhi: Are you thinking that I will also do the same with you??? I promise Pragya... This Abhi can do anything for you and I will fulfill all your wishes with all my might... Even, I'm ready to move away from you too, if it gives happiness to you....

Pragya snuggles closer to Abhi and unknowingly her eyes tears up... Abhi finds her no less than a small baby who is getting fear for simple things too and he pats her head to comfort her...  But, Abhi is not at all aware that the promise he made is gonna ruin everything and will make Pragya's life to a living hell..


It's the last day of their trip.... Abhi got ready and comes out in a simple white shirt and jeans... His lips curved to a smile to see his wife Pragya, cursing the saree a lot as it's not at all listening to her words... He bursts out into laughter as she started to whine like a kid as the saree is slipping again and again....

Pragya fumes in anger and turns her face angrily....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂....  sorry Rockstar... I... I can't control my laughter on seeing you fighting with the saree... What Happened ???

Pragya: This saree too is troubling like you stupid...  What kind of saree is this... It's slipping too much... I can't wear this... But you idiot is hell adamant to see me in this and pleaded me a lot to wear this... You and your stupid wishes....

Abhi: You only promised me to spend this night in my style na Rockstar... Arrey... Don't kill me with your looks... Spare on your poor friend... Come here... Let me help you to get ready....

Its a sweet torture for Pragya as she felt goosebumps when Abhi slid the saree in her waist which made her senses to go haywire... Though they share physical relationship, Pragya doesn't understand why she is reacting this much to Abhi's touches....

Abhi worked up on her saree quickly and made her to wear it way too elegantly... He made Pragya to sit in the chair and quickly did a small bun.... He made Pragya to wear the simple jewellery which he got for her and applied kajal and lipstick alone to make her look stunning with her natural beauty....

Pragya's heart is beaming in happiness as she felt only a motherly love and care from Abhi at that time as he did everything like a mother doing to her kid... Her heart, body and soul is falling madly in love with Abhi but her dumb headed mind is not at all ready to accept it....

Abhi: Wow... My gorgeous Rockstar is ready finally.... Arrey why are you frowning like this??? What are you saying Pragya??? I couldn't get you....

Whattttt..  😨😨😨😨😨... Really... Is that you saying that??? I can't believe this at all...  Alright... I'm sorry baba... I won't tease you again... Thank you so much Pragya for allowing me to do this....

Abhi with a bright smile keeps a bindi in Pragya's forehead... He picks up the kumkum box and took a pinch of vermilion and fills her maang.... Pragya closes her eyes as she felt really blessed at that moment and her heart thumped hard with overwhelming happiness when Abhi kisses her forehead and took her in his embrace....


Pragya is smiling truly for the first time ever in her life and is having real happiness in her heart ... She adores her husband Abhi who made all her favourite  food with his own hands... She doesn't know why she is failing miserably with Abhi's love and care... 
Abhi's simple gesture, the way he cared for her, the way he fed her makes Pragya to think that she is a blessed soul to get such love and care which she carved and longed for all these years ... They enjoyed their moments happily not at all understanding the fact that a big twist is going to shook their lives very badly....


After the outburst of Sid, no one in the house intend to talk anything with him... The whole Arora mansion is way too calm and the inhabitants of the house are doing their daily chores like that of robots....

Aaliya takes cares of Sid very well... But she didn't talked anything with Sid and he too didn't utter a word too after that... Even Sid avoided eye contact with Aaliya too after the incident....


Sid is having his tea and Aaliya barges into the room with anger flaring her nose.... The screaming of Aaliya made Sarlama and Ro dadi also to come over there... They spots Sid is hunging his head down while Aaliya is giving a deadly glare to him....

Aaliya yells on top of her lungs and scolds Sid a lot for doing like this... Sid never uttered a word but hot tears rolled down from his cheeks... All were startled, as they spots Abhi and Pragya are standing there with ferocious looks....


So, what's going to happen next???

What did Sid do to face Aaliya's wrath???

How will Abhi and Pragya gonna react to the situation???

Will Sid be forgiven by Aaliya, Sarla and Abhi????

What is going to happen in Abhi and Pragya's life????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usuàl, came up with a long update of 3030+ words...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



A/N : A big shocking twist and roller coaster ride is ahead... Gear up for the unbelievable twisty ride....

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